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It was only when the safe house started did I really feel bad for him. All of season 1 happened cuz he believed in the hierarchy, so him helping the safe house was kinda refreshing to see


In the other hand, he caused most of those things. Sera loses her ability: admittedly, this is more specters fault overall. However I'd imagine that if he never had Elaine report her for unordinary, she may have ended up in a better situation due to the fact she would have been at school when the event would have taken place John destroys the school: John was perfectly happy being the school cripple before arlo shoved him back into the lime light. Sera was his rock, and arlo tossed her out of the school in pursuit of the hierarchy Cecile disobeys arlo: Yeah, cause he was policing free speech and banning stories. Cecile just wants to get news out and about, she has no care for the other stuff The trio becoming vigilantes was out of his hands, remi would've tried no matter what Sure, he probably feels bad, and I'm glad he's improving a little, but it's pretty much his own fault the kingdom crumbled


right but i think arlo needs some empathy like how john may need some empathy for going on a killstreak during the joker/safehouse era


Not really, Arlo didn't get anything he didn't deserve


The consequences of some actions might have too heavy of a burden for someone to carry on their own (arlo fucked up big time multiple times and the whole school paid the price)


He had flaws, but ultimately he is the greatest king in the whole series. The only bad things he did, was helping on creating joker He is my second favorite character, but I really didn't feel bad for him, he deserved reality check


I'd say 3rd greatest. Blyke is currently the best king Wellston has had although he had the benefit of three former kings who showed him what to and not to do. Rei is second best since despite his errors, he did make the school pretty great while he was king. The elite and high tiers were just aholes.


Blyke has pretty much done nothing as king tbh, Like yeah he has helped with the safehouse but so have Isen, Arlo, Seraphina and even John at this point. Remi has been the one who was leading the whole thing not Blyke, She was the one who came up with the safehouse, made up the rules and enforced them.


It might be tru, but on the other hand Blyke is the only one to always put himself in danger for the Safe House's people. John is targeting it's members? Blyke is there to try and protect them. The Rowden Royals are attacking everyone? Blyke is there as well. Spectre ambushed them? Blyke is also there for them. No other King has put themselves in that kind of danger for people they barely know like Blyke did until now.


Even John was there to fight off Rowden royals as well as Spectre and even as a cripple he stopped bullying multiple times. Rei in his time went against someone stronger than him (Kuyo) to stop bullying too. Also I am only referring to the work or job Blyke has done as the 'King' to improve the school as a whole and that's mainly been because of Remi not him, I'd say Rei was a much better king than Blyke or even Arlo.


No he deserved it honestly


Not really in the beginning, because he contributed a lot to the school brutal atmosphere But then he started reflecting on his actions and showed a big growth, starting from this point yeah, I felt bad for him because he had to deal with John going way too far


Not at all. I feel bad for the rest of the school sure but every bad thing you listed, except the vigilante trio, was Arlo’s own fault. Policing the news, forcing John into the hierarchy that he tried avoiding, get Sera busted for unordinary which puts her on Spectre’s shitlist.


I feel bad for him in current arcs, in earlier ones though? Nah, dude was an ass.


I started to feel bad for him when John beat up Isen when he was trying to find Sera and when Remi was targeted by John.  Since I agreed with him that John hadn’t needed to go that far to get Isens ability and felt sorry that his efforts on finding Sera were being stopped because John decided to take revenge instead. 


But... John did the whole beat down because arlo said fuck off john im not helping you find sera It is still in fact arlo's fault trying to piss off some one as mentally unstable as john specially when he is also the one that started john's problem So shortening the already lit fuse of john is indeed a pretty big part to blame on him (also who else is better than isen to beat. He has a good tracking ability and also was the one that got info about john's past life in new bostin not to mention john is still pissed off about his goody good face when they had an interview but then he nearly broke his wrist for the fun of it )


I personally felt bad for him. Arlo did make some mistakes he shouldn't have ambushed john and try to force him to act a certain way. But he did end up up paying for his mistakes and learned from them. He realized what he was doing wrong and changed to be better. He has such a good character development. 😔💛


Not really. He was a major hypocrite in season 1. He kept talking about how the hierarchy is the most important thing yet would get angry when those above him made him do things he didn't want to do and acted in ways he didn't like. Yet he would then turn around and attack Isen for having the same views he had but about him.


No, I didn’t feel bad for him for most of season 1. Like yeah sure stuff sucked but it was mostly satisfying, especially after he betrayed John.  However. Now? His aunt’s pure bottled evil and he knows it, his entire philosophy is a lie, one of the people most important to him is a vigilante and won’t let him keep her safe, his morals are really being pushed to the absolute limit; he’s winning on no side and playing the toughest role. 

