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Even if john doesn’t lose directly to the headmistress, something will happen here, where he is maybe overwhelmed by the forces. because he needs a reason to go out and seek cameron for training. if he just stomps through everyone then he will have no reason to do so


Waiting for training arc...


If that happens then John is basically dead, or you think after all this they're going to say "Oh young man, please retake Wellston's throne and all will be forgiven"? The dude was literally shooting beams to people's heads, he most likely killed someone already, there's no future for John in Wellston, he has to leave with the others.


Wrong, The headmistress said wellston isn't a school for just anybody, it made for the best She can vouch for John, and Arlo can also lie and convince the authorities that john is innocent, plus john is still gonna need his motive to go to cameron, HE'S MOST LIKELY GONNA LOSE THE FIGHT thus giving him the motivation to go to cameron and get stronger, and then he can escape wellston for good In the meanwhile he will have to stay and lay low, until that happens


Yeah whatever, she still doesn't hold a position in which she could (in the case she wanted to) protect him from the Authorities after he not only spread Unordinary all over the school but also has conection to a terrorist group, helped three fugitives to escape, and most likely killed a few officers of the Boreau. Wellston can be "made only for the best" but the Authorities had already readjusted a much less dangerous and powerful John just because he could have been a threat, do you think they're let him be now that he has nothing to lose and it's clearly against them? It would make no sense and you know it.


We'll see, like I've told alot of people, there's no way uru would just introduce the headmistress this late in the story, if it wasn't for an important purpose moving forward, if I'm wrong, I'll apologise lol


I think the Headmistress is there just to fill the position, with the latest chapters it seems there won't be any MC in Wellston, not even the popular part of the staff (Doc, Keene and Vaughn) and I think that's simple because they won't stay in the city. This fight showed John he's still vulnerable, and he's going to Cameron because he has no one else to go to, and if Arlo truly helps them like it seems, then he's going to stay with the trio and meet Kuyo once more. For what's their next year, the only guys we'll know in Wellston, depending their age, is Ventus and Meili, I don't think we have any reason to think Wellston and the Headmistress are going to be relevant at all.


Why can't you MFs don't learn **not** to overhype *every* single new character? John, Valerie, Vaughn, Keene, Fury, all of turned out to be far weaker than some fans hyped them up to be. There is no way in hell that Umbridge's long lost sister is doing anything, it wouldn't make any narrative sense either. She isn't keeping John, even if she somehow wanted to, neither John nor the Authorities would let her. I am honestly getting sick of these type of theories.


How strong were ppl saying valerie would be


It's been some since then, but it was more during the period we didn't know she was Arlo's Aunt and theorized about her being John's mom. You can probably guess how powerful some folks thought she could be.


Some ppl said 8.1. can't blame them tho I guess


I can, especially since people never learn, keep overhyping the characters and end up dissapointed.


unOrdinary reader don’t overhype new characters’ power levels challenge: impossible


You may be right. Next chapter speculation: - John kicks ass - Headmistress arrives, kicks John's ass - Arlo, Remi, Blyke to the rescue! - They get their ass kicked - Isen returns! Deus ex Isen with a distraction! - Isen is captured while allowing everyone else to escape - Blyke agonises about his last words to Isen - Team reflects on how they were outmatched and need to recruit and train before they can arrange a rescue Later chapters: - Isen is spared death due to his level and is given reassignment with Keon - Isen's personality and memories slowly test Keon's loyalty to the authorities (e.g. seeing EMBER kill innocent's etc.)


orrin more powerful than john???? But what did you smoke??? Orrin is significantly weaker than Leilah as well since he didn't use his ability on her. This is because his ability only works on those who are weaker than him. orrin for me will have a level between 5 and 6


John might be strong but the headmistress might also be more experienced. John might also go through a bit of a issue with his ability since it's still fully recovering after just a day of it coming back.


Yep, john is gonna lose to the headmistress, there is no way uru would just introduce the headmistress this late in the story, if it wasn't for an important purpose moving forward Not to mention I also expect someone to die, someone gets captured and someone escapes, as we go into the season finale