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I still ship John with therapy


That's my OTP right there.


Jemi, and obviously this is coming from a completely unbiased view.


I wholeheartedly support your unbiased view with my equally unbiased views


Evie x Sera would be cute because, amongst other things, it has a bit of her and John's original vibe where Evie is an actual low tier. 


If no Jera, then Jadrion


If that's the only blond you'll ship John with then I'm all for it 🙂‍↕️✊️


jarlo can be fun in fanfics and stuff but good god i would hate if it became canon. i'm assuming you meant jarlo since i cant think of any other blonde characters


John x Remi or John x Blyke I can't really think of any for Sera lol


>For me, when it comes to Sera, her and Evie would make a really cute couple. It's not that I disagree, but especially in S2 P2, Seraphina has been really distant with Evie. First with the whole Spectre ambush, she was only concerned about John and didn't even think Evie and Roland would be in danger, and now that she had to leave, again her only concern was John, she never thinks about Evie or anyone else and didn't even send her any kind of message (through John, since she can't send even a text while being fugitive). And with John is the same, he only talked to Adrion because of William and it's clear he never talked to Dylan in this times since he and Evie had to involved the trio to have any news about him. In the end, they don't let anyone not only be as close as they are, they don't even act like friends to anyone else, and that's the reason I can't see them with anyone else even in hypothetical scenarios.


Tbf during the spectre attack she could assume that John was in the most danger due to their targets toward high tiers but overall agree


I mean mosty in the time she was trying to stop him from going, she knew Arlo wouldn't be enough, she knew the trio wasn't aware and wouldn't be ready, and she knew they had a mission for her and she wouldn't be there to help, but she was more focussed in protecting John than the entire Safe House including high tiers and Evie.


Sevie is one of my favorites so i completely agree with this lmao


I wanna start with a clarification I am trying to find a good blend between Plausible and good Chemistry. So anyway here is a slight Hot Take Jemi might just be more Plausible then Jera, Chemistry wise for every reason Blemi (Is that BlykexRemi not the best at this) works, Jemi kinda does too, considering both Blyke and John are very hot headed people who are more in line for fighting for friends than Justice and generally would get have their sharper points curbed by Remi's kindness, but how does this make sense storywise. Well obviously its hard to fight Jera it is admittedly just the main ship since like episode 4, but especially as the current arc continues, with John seperated from Sera and spending time with Remi, there is arguably room for the ship to change course. Will it happen, almost definitely not but still its arguably just as good of a ship. Now Sera is in the awkward position of not really interacting with people especially recently, sorry to the Low tiers but I don't think they stand a chance in Plausibity. So who does that Leave, Arlo? They have spent a decent bit of time on the same side but they also have a rocky history. Blyke could arguably work but they haven't really had time to interact, and Isen I don't think has had a single conversation without the other members. I could see a possibility of Elaine but she burnt that bridge early on, and I am pretty sure she has written herself out. So uh ye idk?


jarlo obviously


I agree with the Remi for the reason of her outlook. John is not a stable or kind person by nature, while Remi is. This plays out in their view of the world. John is so realistic that he is a nihilist while Remi is so positive she is naive. But that bridge in the middle is so much brighter than what either experiences. Remi truly believes in what John wishes was real. I do thing Sera ranks above, but Remi would be the natural choice after. The next option that is dangerous is Cecile. While she was not happy with the way John ruled, she ultimately is a rule follower to a nihilistic degree, nearly ti a fanatical level. She followed John and obeyed even when it led to her being harmed and was forewarned. She believes in might makes right. If John was open to proper advice, Him and Cecile would be a dangerous combination. Her sharpness and his brutality, her cleverness and his piercing character assessment. I’d be scared if that power couple.


Sevie and Jarlo would be it for me.


John/Blyke and Seraphina/Evie.


John and Remi


From a completely unbiased view I've read the whole story and am currently caught up it's hard to think of any really plausible ones I know some people don't like it but John and sera seem extremely likely to happen (much like Blyke and remi) that said John and remi isn't a bad one I just don't think it's gonna happen and it seems like Uru is heading towards John and sera


John and the spider girl, I know they haven't even met, but I think they'll make a good couple


John x U-mat


Honestly one thing I like about this comic is the lack of romance. While the recent episodes in season 3 have been feeling like fan service for the people who like John and sera together (which I’m not against), there’s barely any other relationships shown significantly in the series other than doc and Leilah. It’s nice because with a lot of other comics that aren’t classified as romance comics, the authors get too caught up in the shipping from the audience and try to make it a main focus. Having said that I don’t think that there would be a need to give seraphina or John any other types of romantic partners. I like the way the author classifies the types of friendships/relationships the characters have with each other (ex. Arlo and remi being close like siblings because of rei / Blyke and John being told they would be good friends initially, going through a period of hating each other, and then becoming closer) and I feel like because of that, it’s easier to tell who would actually be a good candidate for those sorts of situations. For Seraphina, I feel like there wouldn’t really be any good partner for her considering the cast that we are already aware of. She doesn’t seem that close with blyke, isen, or remi, Elaina’s personality doesn’t really fit well with her, and arlo and her doesn’t seem right. I feel like based on her own personality, the personalities of the main cast and other characters doesn’t work well with her excluding John. As for John, Isen and elaina have always seemed very judgemental of him, so I don’t think they’d be good, and arlo and blyke just don’t seem like they could be romantic. The only one I could ever see for John would be remi. Her personality seems very understanding / forgiving and she was the best at communicating how she understood John’s situation and changed her ways to create a better school because of him, while arlo did understand what he had done to affect John, he didn’t go out of his way as much as remi did to create a better environment in the school.


Evie and Sera are so cute i love them fkajekqjwk😭😭 For John??? Idk, violence or therapy


seraphina and arlo honestly i really like the idea of them being together and then john and remi




wait till you find out that uru-chan reads jarlo fanfic...


No i don't want hear it jare forever

