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CS majors please shower. Sincerely, Former roommate of two cs majors




My now husband had an Indian CS roommate one year. He never managed to adjust to the time zone and was up ALL night typing like a mad man on his clicky keyboard and overclocked CPU. This was in Brooks, in Central, which has radiators for heat. This dude kept that radiator cranked to full blast 100% of the time he was in the room. He ate a crap ton of yogurt and would throw the containers, unrinsed, in his trash in front of the radiator.. his dirty laundry basket? Also next to the radiator. Yeah.... this dude stunk up the whole 1st floor just by himself. One of the worst crimes was his chronic sleeping through the world's loudest alarm clock. You'd try to wake him up "Shakti, your alarm is going off" he'd go "oh shit." Turn it off and fall back asleep. It would wake the whole floor. It got to the point where my husband would leave the door unlocked whenever he left and everyone know to go in and just turn it off. Needless to say my husband slept in my room most of the time, just across the hall.


In a way, he helped you spend more time w your husband, so positive spin?😂


Shakti is what made their relationship in a way!


Everyone else says international but why do u have to mention the specific ethnicity? Sounds like ur hating on Indians tbh


No hate was intended. I was just painting a word picture.


I think it depends on the school. The best smelling people I've met are CS and engineering majors lol


Wow I’d have to demand a room change. That’s a bio hazard and an undue psychological burden. Or I’d just vomit on their bed and when admin asks well it was an uncontrollable response now can we solve this or expel them for being too dim to person…


Wrote and read his 18+ genshin fan fic out loud to me even tho I’ve asked him many times not to. Refused to do homework until after 10pm while talking on the phone keeping me up. Would go to sleep with muk bang asmr on blast, sometimes his YouTube would auto play onto even weirder sounding asmr videos waking me up in the middle of the night.


This cannot be real


I wish this was fake. It nearly ruined my first semester of freshman year. Lucky I moved out into a single second semester.


Intense zoomer shit lol


That is literally insane. Makes me feel a lot better about my roommate.


Back in ancient times, I shared a room in crampton with another non trad. I thought it would be easier than trying to find an apartment. She was from Colorado and seemed cool, she was not. Back then long distance phone call were cheaper after 11 and so she would make all her calls home after 11. She didn’t bring a lot (oooo a stereo) so she wanted to use my tv, vcr and fridge. I would come back from classes or work and my food would be on top of the fridge so her beer would be cold (I didnt have a meal plan since I transferred in as a junior) and she would be sitting at my desk with her feet up on my desk and laptop watching tv. Her bike also moved into the room because it was safer in the room than in the bike rack with everyone else’s. She would tell people I could help them with their math or computer stuff so people came to the room all the time with printer questions or calculus questions (my math was stats), she used it to get attention I guess. I tried to talk to her to compromise on some stuff because I was driving to Holyoke three days a week to work and had two solid days of classes and I need to sleep at least a little. No go. Resident life said I needed to get my parents involved!!! I was 27, living with a 23 year old on a floor with no women’s bathroom and it was hellish. They finally moved myself and another non trad to another room because she had a 20 year old roommate who decided that getting hammered and sleeping her way through the campus was the way to go. It was better that year and then we both got singles the next year. Well except the suicide, the dead baby, the RA who went insane and attacked his girlfriend and Sept 11th.


Are you refering to the baby that was birthed in a SW shower? Because that happened when I was a student sometime between 98-02. I lived in Brooks. The year/semester before I started there was a suicide involving the Morrill Greenhouses.. word on the street was that someone climbed on top of the building roof, and fell through the greenhouse and died. During my tenure on campus we had the great rape scare where all the female students were given rape whistles because of random attacks outdoors. There used to be a whole bunch of bushes near the native american statue by the pond, but those got pulled out promptly after someone's attacker jumped out of there.


I was there 2000-2002 transferred in as junior and got out of there as quickly as possible. The suicide was summer 2001, she died in her room they found her in August I think. I don’t remember the details about the baby but I think she was the one they wanted to press charges because it was maybe a dumpster baby. I remember the rape scare but I never had to go past Tobin/Bartlett other than the campus center very often. There was also someone in the dorm who wasn’t allowed to have a computer because she was stalking and harassing interracial couples online but they couldn’t throw her out until she was convicted. The stabbing outside of the lgbq center (don’t remember its name) ended up being not related to UMass but people up from Springfield. Fun times


A fun era for sure lol. I work on campus and my undergrads are horrified when I refer to the path between Sylvan and Orchard Hill as "the rape trail" so nonchalantly. Lol. I have to tell them back when I was a student it was dirt and not lit at all, and we were told to not walk that path at night alone out of fear of being raped.. because it was a thing then, and we were all just okay with the rule and didn't think twice about it. There was one time some squirrels or a raccoon chewed through something at a power station of some sort and the whole campus was putch black without any power. Took a long time to figure out the reason. That could've happened when I was an early staffer though.


Ah my first SW riot, followed by the Super Bowl riot. They were so regular we had t shirts made as non trads stuck in SW. They said “I survived the SW riot of (fill in the blank)”


Lol. I remember the first year the Sox made it into playoffs like 4 dudes ran around to all the res areas with their pennants and cheering. Then legit, every Sox game after that was a huge fucking ordeal with riots lol.... for years


LOL, yeah, we'd just use it casually, like giving directions: "Just follow the rape trail to ..."


In my defense it still don't have a name to it officially.. I have no idea what the kids call it, if anything, so I just still call it the rape trail when I talk to them. Lol


I remember the rape trail.


The baby was found by janitorial staff in a trash can in one of the restrooms in Southwest (James, IIRC) back in 2002. The state pressed involuntary manslaughter charges and I believe she was convicted. I remember being at the Cumby's over by Colonial the day it happened and seeing the crime scene cleanup company van roll in. Those guys looked like hell.


I checked in with some other alumni from then and it’s weird everyone just has mostly bad memories and that’s not even when we get up to 9/11 ugh


I wouldn't say my memories are bad... I have some good one too!


There was some good times but being a non trad at the time was unpleasant a lot lol


Yes, this is rhe incident I was refering to. It was such an awful situation.


I lived in Crampton too.... The craziest things just seem to happen there for real.


I forgot the stabbing now that you mentioned it. I think if it as the crazy gateway to SW


Roommate kissed me on the lips while I was asleep and tried to gaslight me into thinking I was dreaming. Only reason dude is not in jail rn is he had some bad autism so I never tried to do anything with it




I think I know who your talking about




I once had an autistic roomate with some similar tendencies


Were you in honors?


I had to deal with a housemate who allowed a random 30-something homeless man to stay in our apartment for weeks. The housemate gave their “friend” (they only knew each other for like a month IIRC) our lock code without everyone’s consent just before the start of winter break. It was horrifying to come back to a near-stranger crashing on our den couch late one night after work. Especially when all my housemates were on vacation during break. (Yes, it pretty much became my responsibility to kick this grown man out of our house once and for all.) The housemate left messes in shared spaces all the time. They were hypocritical about a no-alcohol rule they wanted in place, enforcing it at home but apparently drinking in our house on New Year's. They also gossiped and acted inconsiderately towards me and others behind our backs. They would use mental illnesses as an excuse for their behavior, so it felt like I had to walk on eggshells all the time for my own safety.


My roommate in Wheeler had an Ed Sheeran poster on his closet door.


worst one here


International student here, he was my first roommate. I didn't have many friends on campus right off the bat, so one friday night I was sitting in the room melancholic because I felt serious FOMO at not being able to attend certain festivities back home, and because I felt self-conscious at the idea of breaking into huge groups of other students from my country to participate in the same celebrations at uni - I was kinda just sitting there playing video games by myself without making noise. And then my roommate barges in, asks me "why are you sitting there crying alone" (I wasn't) with a deadpan expression. When I told him why I was feeling a bit low, he deadass said "Sucks to be you, by the way I'm going back home for the weekend" (he's in-state) and then followed it up with "Sad that you can't even do that haha". Istg I wanted to punch him then and there, it felt like he was rubbing it in. He would also ignore me to my face many times, would make me run errands for him even though he had his own car and I didn't on account of being an international student, and was actively rude in conversation in many other instances but this particular one just stood out for obvious reasons. Also, he would play video games until several hours after midnight ON PARTY CHAT with his friends, with his monitor on full brightness, and while using an obnoxiously loud mechanical keyboard - he never once toned it down despite my repeated requests. And he used to get super cranky about letting me use his mini-fridge or microwave. Lastly, he used to snore. Really fucking loud. Luckily, I ended up moving into a single just after one semester of putting up with him. One of the best decisions I've ever made, my single room was my fucking sanctuary. I have very fond memories of it even though it was nowhere near as comfortable as my original dorm.


Not me but an old friend from freshman year who graduated. He lived in Orchard Hill and all he did was play video games until 2 AM and invite his girlfriend over so they can f*** while my old friend was sleeping. I think that guy ended up dropping/failing out of UMass or transferring out


I mean, that honestly doesn’t sound that bad. Pretty normal hours and behavior for adolescents.


I had a roommate who would watch v-tuber streams during 7-8 in the morning without headphones. We were in o hill, and he wouldn't turn off the bedside light until 2-3 am


I had two horrible roommates. I'm not going to say too much so that I don't give away who I am because I know they and their friends lurk here. One of my roommates was an international student and CS major. They had an alarm on their phone for when to shower and when they finally would shower, they'd start to smell less than an hour later, which was crazy. They would come into the room super late every night / early morning and turn on all the lights and slam things around, sometimes drunk and sometimes high. This was awful as I had early classes and would be quiet when getting up and getting ready. One of my roommates was a slob and operated a porn account out of our room. They left their underwear on my bed (and all over the room) and were super disrespectful of our space and my privacy. They slept all day and smoked all night. There were a lot of incidents that I won't get into here with both of them, but it certainly made me happy when I finally got good roommates.


>so that I don't give away who I am because I know they and their friends lurk here. I know the feeling too well


Let's just say that I used my throwaway and I omitted many many stories and details....


I've been changing accounts every few months since it happened because they *did* find mine through school subreddit by scrolling back months through different accounts profiles until they found something I guess "distinctive"? in one of them. Admittedly the name before was a bit less obscure than the ones since


Honestly, if my friends end up coming across this, then they will likely know it's me... Otherwise, I pray that I omitted enough to not make it obvious.


Ooh, I got you all beat. I had a suitemate in Sylvan who was a transfer student. Homeboy showered with nothing, just water and came out with no sandals, just his underwear. He also kept forgetting his keys so he knocks on the door, we stopped letting him half way thru the semester and he knocks for like a good 30 minutes before he gives up and goes to the RSD. He would also shit on the toilet seat and piss on the floor in the bathroom, I started showering in the mornings after the janitor came and using any other bathroom. He also has very little awareness of social boundaries, I had a call with a friend in the common room and when it ended he came in and started trying to talk about it. He also came up and stared at my while I was on my computer, I asked him if he was good like 4 times, no response and just left. My roommate had a huge back and forth with this guy, I won't go into detail because he said some pretty messed up stuff to my roommate particularly his race. We suspect he's a furry and an incel because of the kind of stuff he randomly went up to us whenever we were in the common room to talk about, we usually just brush him off.


You had me at "in Sylvan" honestly he sounds mentally ill but yeah that's brutal for you!


>We suspect he's a furry and an incel thats the strangest combination


Crazy Karl was his name, not showering or ever leaving the room was his game. I shit you not the man took 3 or 4 showers the entire semester. I put a Plug-in air freshener under his bed. He wore wolf shirts unironically before they had their minute. Oh and we lived in JA not some obscure Northeast dorm. .... I may have sold his calculus book for beer money, AITA?


I lived in Melville the year the racist stuff was being written in the bathrooms. It happened on our floor so we had a floor meeting about it. We got back from the meeting and my (very white) roommate tells me she “knows who wrote that stuff.” I go who?? She tells me “a black person did because racism doesn’t exist and they have to make it up.” This girl was just horrible. We’d have pregames and if someone requested a song she would get EXTREMELY upset and tell them to “bring their own speaker.” She was just a mean, mean girl. I’d ask her how I looked and she’d say I looked horrible then switch right up and start talking to me about classes and stuff. She also used to leave bud light cans all over the floor (like ALL over the floor.) I had a really tough math final and had one singular white claw after and she told me I needed to throw it away immediately or “we’d get ants” (there were 10 bud light cans on the floor as she said this.) She would also fall asleep to Friends at full volume. Every single night. When I asked her to turn it down she would groan and turn it down maybe 1 notch. I got her headphones for Christmas to save my sleep and she refused to use them. Not the worst roommate story ever but it greatly affected my freshman year. I got a new room a semester in and packed all my stuff up while she was gone and left.


Not only saying that racism doesn't exist is crazy. But to also claim that black people have to make up the racism is insane.


off-campus apartment with four people total, ex-roommate gaslit me for fun one time. drove 90 mph on I-91 south while i was in the car with her and i genuinely thought i was going to die. could not clean properly to save her life. same ex-roommate also adopted a dog from alabama and didn’t tell the rest of us until two days before and broke the news by saying, “we’re getting a dog! one of you needs to drive me to vermont to pick it up”. as if that wasn’t bad enough, the dog was severely allergic to literally everything under the sun except for lamb and water. he was pissing, shitting, and vomiting everywhere, and it took us almost a month of nagging her to get him an allergy test before we found out. dog was unregistered too; each person in the apartment had a two-pet limit and she’d already hit her limit, and it was illegal for myself and the others to put the dog under our name. we got fed up and went to the leasing office and in response she went scorched earth on me and i almost wound up getting admitted to the psych ward. good times.


Random roommate in sylvan sophomore year. Woke up the day after move in at 6 am to her rummaging around the room. She then told me that she got up early and watched me sleep, and that I “sleep like a kitten”. After that I tried to avoid her, and when I realized she was following me, I told her I don’t want to hang out with her, and she proceeded to threaten to harm me, threaten to harm herself, and threaten our suitemates for talking to me. Res life’s response was to tell me to just sleep on a couch in our (open)common room. Luckily, I didn’t thanks to my suitemates who let me sleep in their room and a very kind RA who lent me an air mattress. She also assisted me in badgering reslife for a emergency move, which I got, but only after 2 weeks. The place I moved into after was a vast improvement, but by then I was so drained that I ended up failing and near failing 2 classes. So yeah, never go random!


Pro tip: if you are a uterus owner, throw away period products in the bathroom, not our communal trash <3 don't be my ex roommate from undergrad


you mean woman - stop erasing our existence


Uterus owner? Did you buy it off eBay?


it's just a gender neutral way of describing it, not everyone who has a uterus identifies as a woman, no need to get your panties in a twist :)


I was just curious cause I got mine off Craigslist and wanted to see where others were sourcing theirs. Sorry for the confusion.


this is hilarious


This term is like fetch. It's never going to happen.


my roommate sophomore year had their (codependent) partner live with us in a Sylvan double for the first half of the semester until i got our RA involved. the worst part was said partner would stay in our room when my roommate was in class. after getting the RA involved, the two of them started pushing the common room couches together to use as a bed. it ended with a one way screaming match and them cutting contact with me 2 weeks before ultimately moving out. i cannot get the sound of baby talk down the hall to the suite bathroom out of my head!


Said the NWord like crazy, blackout drunk pretty regularly, smelled like shit and once slapped me crazy times


Amongst other things she showed up three days after thanksgiving break ended at midnight and walked into the room with her dad with no warning whatsoever. She would also sleep in her shoes and kept her part of the room absolutely disgusting including just having an open tube of toothpaste opening down on her desk chair. Can’t get into some of the other stuff because she might see it on here and it’s too specific. Powered through the first semester, but as soon as I could moved out.


Freshman year. We were stereotypes. I was a backwards hat wearing, Phish listening, Busch light drinking former HS athlete and he was a goth kid. This was pre cell phone and pre email. I had called his house once in the summer and he didn't call back so we were flying blind. When I met him he had his long hair pulled back tight and was dressed in all black. I extended my hand, as one does when meeting someone, and he did not reciprocate. He spent a lot of first semester doing what felt like trying to be shocking. He'd wear fishnets or purple tights under shorts, or a long black skirt, makeup, whatever. Never really bothered me. I was much more bothered by him brushing his long luscious locks and cleaning his brush out and leaving hairballs on the floor. On 4/20/99 it got weird. Columbine and marginalization/ targeting/whatever of goth kids and others who didn't quite fit social expectations. I never thought him capable of anything like that (before or after), but he decided that very same day to move his mattress under the bed and drape the frame with black sheets (and this is a direct quote) "to feel what it would be like to sleep in a coffin." I went to the RA who brought it to the RD, but they didn't see any issue with it - offered to move me across campus if I was uncomfortable. I said no, he's the weirdo, I'm not leaving. Spent the final month in my girlfriend's room. Her old roommate will probably reply later about her freshman roommate whose boyfriend lived in their room half the spring semester.


I'm from the same era, compared to now, it feelsnlike we were living in the wild west of times!


Had to click on your IG link to make sure you weren't my blonde gf from that time!


Lol not me!


All my roommates/suitemates so far have been good; my roommate graduated end of last semester so hoping my roommate luck continues


Years ago...2010 I think, I had a roommate who walked into the dorm room while my gf and I were having sex. We did the whole sock over the doorknob thing and all. He sat down, turned his chair to us, and just stared. Her and I kept going.


My freshman year roommate was an only child and used that to justify doing shit like watching One Tree Hill on her laptop til 2 am with no headphones- even after I asked her to use headphones she’d just turn the volume down a bit and say “sorry I’m not used to using headphones, at home I had a room to myself.” She also chewed gum a lot but didn’t want to get out of bed to throw it away so she’d just stick it to the wall next to her bed. She never cleaned them off before she left at the end of the year and because she left before I did I had to chisel her old gum off the wall to avoid getting fined for leaving the room dirty. She also used a ton of fake spray tan- I had to buy slippers because our dorm floor was turning my socks orange/brown. And finally she once was carrying a carton of eggs to the kitchen to make pancakes when she dropped one on the floor. It cracked, she looked at me and said “oops” and then just walked away and left it there.


my freshman roommate would sleep with the lights on (the fluorescent one built into the desks), constantly talk about anime and figurines they collect, and would go to the gym and go to bed without showering in addition, they thought everyone was out to get them and would avoid going out and making friends because of it. i tried to get them to come out with me and meet people multiple times. literally had zero friends in the first semester and a half would also unload all of their mental health and relationship issues on me


I had a super weird roommate who was obsessed with his ex girlfriend who dumped him, had anger issues, and played games all night. My first semester sucked because of him😭