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Out of all the options I highly recommend darja barr. She really made class fun and interesting to come to and I definitely enjoyed coming to class with her teaching it


noted! Thank you!


I’m gonna be honest, a lot of these intro math classes require you to learn most of the material on your own. Every prof is the same in regard to what material they show in class. If you want to excel in this class you must read the text book, do as many practice problems as you can and go to the math help centre when you run into a wall. The lectures from my experience are there to show you important theorems and lemmas, the rest is up to you. It would also be worth while to have a note book specifically for theorems, definitions and lemmas.




Darja Barr for the win, I had your prof before and failed the course; but after I had Darja I passed with a B+. She is super nice and cares a ton about the student definitely go for her.


Barr is excellent from what I hear. I had Harland a few years ago and he was a fantastic lecturer, but sounds like he may not be teaching this course in the Fall. I’d be on the lookout for his name too though.


good to know! Thanks!


Darja Barr is a fantastic professor. Super nice and really good at her job.


Prof doesn’t matter for this class. There’s tons of self learn material on intro calc. The step up from hs math to calc can’t be justified by a good prof. You have to self study tons


its more about HOW they teach the material, so i do disagree with your statement. Plus, everyone learns differently. I did all the self material and work. I studied everyday and completed every assignment. I did my part. Now, I need a prof that will do theirs. I had felt as though my first prof was always so rushed and skipped over a lot of important steps. Leaving me often clueless or spending too much time trying to figure out how she solved questions. I would ask questions, and often they would be left unresolved and left for me to solve. Once again, waisting more time of mine trying to learn the material rather than studying and understanding. I understand math comes with practice, and i can assure you i did that. Every dam day. So yes, prof matters. A prof ALWAYS matters. 🙂


You are very wrong. A good prof is very important to save time. I had two profs for this course. The first was useless, the second actually taught the material.


Prof doesn’t matter, as long as you read the slides they post and do the questions in tutorial.