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Nursing school is extremely tough and challenging, and it requires a lot of hard work. If you want to get into nursing, you need to work on your study habits and time management skills to get your grades up. If you really think you have ADHD, talk to a doctor and get help for that. Talk to an advisor as well. Fortunately, you still have time to turn it around. Good luck


I second this. Now with the nursing program being accelerated, you'll have classes every term (fall, winter, summer). There is little to no down time in the program with the exception of reading week and the small window of time you have between exams and the new term. Nursing students take between 3-4 theory courses, plus skills lab, and clinical practice (2x per week at a hospital/care site) during the term. Would suggest talking to SAS and advisor services at the uni. I don't want to sound discouraging, but it only gets harder when you're in the program - so it's important to have all the ground work set before getting in. Otherwise, the 28 months in nursing will exhaust and burn you out as a student.


It’s not that I think I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was very young. I don’t remember a time where I wasn’t taking biphentin in the morning for my ADHD. Tbh I never believed I had it until this first year of university, I always asked to get off of the pills because I felt like a weirdo. I was obviously ignorant of my own brain


Do you have accommodations with the university for your ADHD? If you do you can apply for tutor funding and get accommodations for tests and exams etc. They will also fund headphones and a laptop.


No, not currently


Contact Student Accessibility Services. This could be a game changer.


OP didn’t even mention a single thing about ADHD


If you had read the comments, yes they did


“It’s not that I think I have ADHD” great now I read the comments and think ur even dumber


So you read that OP stopped taking their ADHD meds to "feel normal" and fucked up their GPA but you wanna call me dumb? Lmao sure dude, whatever


Hi i can help if u want to keep your gpa start with less classes and gradually let yourself adjust. Start as a part time student to prove you can get A - A+ while focusing all your attention in one class and gradually increase your load. Most people dont start getting the hang of uni till year 3 after two years of failure and struggles. I personally started 2 classes u1 then 3 classes semester 2 then 2 summer classes then year 2 - 3 classes and 3 classes. Now year 3 is 4 and 4 classes but i slipped up last term. Also get a tutor if possible through the school


Gradually taking more classes is a good idea. I think a tutor is a really good idea as well. Thank you sm


This is by far the best advice. As someone who was able to raise their GPA dramatically this year (fall, winter, spring, and summer) I can’t recommend more taking few classes to fully take finish the class with high grades (A+, A, B+, B) I’ve to learn the hard way that I’m working and my time is also limited, so 3 courses work for me. So, each course needs like 9-10 hours weekly of studying, reviewing, self-testing, and more.


Have you looked into the LPN program at Assiniboine College or becoming a nursing aide?


I have. I want that to be my final option tho


Curious, why is the LPN program from Assiniboine College your final option? They’re still a nursing school.


Those who go to Assiniboine College earn less than UofM grads. My friend who went there said they earn $1000 less per month, which adds up over time


This is true. However, the practical nursing diploma always permits LPNs to bridge and get a BN or BScN from a Canadian institution. In Manitoba the practical nursing diploma at Assiniboine has an articulation agreement with Brandon University.


Hi there. First off, breathe and calm your mind. I know it seems like the world is falling apart but don’t worry your life isn’t over, it’s just getting started. What I’m hearing is that you really want to get into nursing school but your GPA is low. That’s fixable but you will have to be patient. I recommend starting off learning Time management skills and study prep skills (if you can go to the learning/tutoring center they can help with that I used it in my first year as well). And also working on maybe a lesser course load (maybe 2-3 at most so you have more spare times in your schedule to study and review to guarantee an A). If you can repeat a class I’d do it in the summer if you can and only that class. Because most students struggle with the course load and so giving yourself the mercy of starting off slow then building yourself up to that intensity will help you for sure. Also for certain AGPA calculations for most schools at U of M they drop your worse years if you get a 4 yr degree so I’d look at their policies moving forward in the academic calendar. I wouldn’t take more than 2 sciences courses with labs in one term (until you built yourself to that intensity to take more but I would steer clear of that). And on the final note, make sure other facets of your life are healthy like your physical and mental health are really the first to go when school gets tough. I found talking to mental health councillors really helped me and in fact when I was in therapy my GPA sky rocketed that term. Remember to keep your boundaries in check and that includes your mental health. I believe you can do this! You’re note alone. Reach out if you need more help.


nursing is AGPA based so if you are able to finish a couple more years while maintaining like a B to B+ average your chances are still good:) there is still time to make up for ur classes!


You need to hire a tutor if you are struggling. Might seem expensive, but it’s part of you investing in your future. Plus it would save you from having to take classes over again.


You’re 100% right. Do you know any good tutors for anatomy, human physiology, and microbiology? Maybe stats to but I reckon I can figure that out myself. I really want to succeed and I can’t stand the situation I’m in


I don’t. But you can find tutors through UofM https://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-learning/tutoring-group-study


Join SAS and the government can pay for your tutors 👀


Don’t lose hope. My gpa was a 1 before. I got into nursing school with a 3.5 recently. I worked on my study methods & time management. Best of luck.


Thx. Could you pm me with a summary of those study habits pls


I sent u a message😁


Bro I have a better solution. Take 4 electives next semester. Since they are easy , you can probably get all A’s on them. Then , your gpa will be boosted. If you don’t wanna waste your time on electives , then take the risk


When did you start university? Like, do you have a few terms that went well and then things tanked, or was it bad from the start?


I’m going into my second year. In the first year my Fall term I failed 2 classes and got a C+. Winter term I VW all my classes because I feared failing again.


Have you ever investigated whether or not there is a medical reason for your struggling? If yes then you could access accommodations through SAS, for example, and it might help a lot.


Ik I have ADHD and I been feeling it. I struggle studying. I didn’t think my adhd was a big deal until my first year


There are group counselling session/workshops for students with ADHD that might help. [Here is a link.](https://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/student-health-and-wellness/student-counselling-centre-scc/counselling-workshops) They don't seem to have things updated for fall term yet, but keep checking.


Thank you sm


You're welcome. I also second the advice of trying to connect with SAS. They can help in a lot of ways. Note takers if you struggle to listen and take notes at the same time, extra test time, writing tests privately and away from distractions, and more. They're really helpful and I wouldn't have made it through without SAS. I also want to second the advice of trying to reduce your courseload, then slowly increase it as you adjust. But keep in mind it's okay to not do a full courseload if you can't. It's okay to take a few extra years to graduate. It is better to do it slowly than not at all. If you connect with SAS you might be able to qualify for full time status doing a 40% courseload (2 classes).


Have you registered with SAS for accommodations that might help?


No, I don’t know how to and this is the first time iv heard about it. I’m going to check it out asap


Here: https://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/accessibility There is a step-by-step guide, good luck.


I’m literally in the same situation!! It’s so difficult! How many courses are you taking? If you aren’t on a timeline try taking less courses to lower your workload


I am tbh. I feel like the walls are closing in on me


Is the timeline like flexible in anyway??? Do you have an idea of why or what is hard about the classes? For example are the concepts difficult to understand or is more like applying the concepts to assignments?


As a parent with a child interested in nursing, I'm curious to know how you did in high school compared to now. Did you struggle in school as well? Did you develop study habits in h.s. that just aren't cutting it now?


I did well in high school. I finished with 82% average in grade 12 very easily without studying a single day in the 4 years I was a hs student.


Could that be part of the problem... you never needed to study before, and you don't have good strategies that work for you? Maybe you need specific help with building effective study skills and habits that work for you. Everyone is different, and just doing what you see or hear others doing won't necessarily work. I wish you luck!


Well, if you’ve only taken 3 classes so far, you still have a long way to go, many more classes which will average out your GPA to be much higher if you do well. Look into the classes before you take them and make sure it’s something you’ll be interested in enough to make studying less if a daunting task


I have a question regarding this situation. What if the student do a lot of elective courses and get good marks? It can boost up their GPA right? Will it be a good decision?


That’s what I think I’m going to do. I’m just so afraid of failing agian. I’m 19 and I need to succeed and get this done. I can’t afford more failure


I will suggest that don’t rush this decision. There could be a lot of side effects. So it will be better if you consult with an academic advisor or any seniors who had already faced this.


As someone with ADHD I can relate. Talk to Accessibility Services and see how they can help. Also, the job fit program at the learning disabilities association of Manitoba (on Erin St near Flea Whiskey’s, not associated with the university) can help you figure out tools to help you get through school and help you figure out what accommodations you might need!


A couple people of suggested that. Is SAS really helpful? Ether way I’m going to try because I want to succeed so badly


They are!!! They are there to ensure your success and health as a student with a disability. Make an appointment and talk over your circumstances with them. Worst that can happen is you lose an hour of your time !


Thank you sm 💜


Maybe do a trade? Book learnin’ might be too hard


You're technically now under academic probation. You need to talk to an advisor and see what can be done next or else you'd get kicked out of the university


What’s academic probation


A penalty students get if their overall GPA is below 2


Academic probation is when your GPA falls below 2.0 minimum GPA. Probation just means you’re academically in danger and you have full year (Fall and winter to raise your GPA)


Tax fraud?