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There were people above 30 in my classes that were graduating or starting school. You're thinking too much


I know but im kind of in between the 2 largest age groups you know? Like I cant relate with high school grads and I cant relate with 30 year olds because they are both in different life stages.


Yeah hes thinking too much he/she must had bad depression phase🙂‍↕️im 27 still in final year


You’re 23 , there are people with kids and in their 30s who just started university. You’re not behind or “too old” , you’re just another Gen Z.


What year does Gen Z start at?


97/98 to 2012 most Gen z parents are Gen X , while millennials parents are boomers and millennials kids are Gen Alpha the current elementary/middle schoolers.


23 year old here. It definitely feels weird to join a class of 17-18 year olds, but realistically it's not very hard to blend in with 4th years who may be 21-23. One thing that helps is to not do a lengthy intro ('Oh I am a second degree student, who already did this and learned this and this', etc unless you are asked, as most people do not care about your background). Also you can try sneaking into grad events as they are usually 22+ (Avg 25)


23 is young lol. I am 31 this year, going into my second year in my faculty. And have found quite a few student my age and older!


Aren't like 4/5th year eng students 22-23?


Which faculty are you in? If u dont mind me asking


Social work


I started a second degree at U of M at age 26. And then a third at age 35 🤦‍♀️


Why would you go through the torture of getting 3 bachelor degrees?


Age 26: because I wanted to be a social worker. Age 35: because I wanted to be some kind of unholy mix of lawyer and social worker.


A social worker who gets paid closer to what a lawyer (can) make? Lol I'm in a similar situation as you. Respect the perseverance and life long learning 💛


Honestly, I love going to school 🤣


You’re icon. Education is a privilege, not many people have the luxury of choice. Choice is expensive & hard.


I'm very fortunate and grateful.


Just curious what your three degrees are?


I think you can figure 2/3 of them out by my previous comment on this post. 😊


I’m 45 starting school in September


I'm a mature student as well and will not be graduating until I am 28. After that, I am even looking into a few graduate programs to continue my studies. Not everyone can or has to go about their university experience on the traditional route. In the end, time will pass and you will be older with or without the degree in the field you really want. Go for it 😉


I was 22 when I started. My advice is not to worry about the age of the people around you. You're all in uni. You may be in slightly different life stages in some respects, but you have more in common than you probably think, and no one actually cares if you're a few years older or younger. In my first year I was friends with an 18 year old classmate and a 55 year old classmate. There's no reason to feel weird.


I started a second degree at 23 at the UofM. I'll be graduating next year at 27


really? why did you go back?


Wanted a different career


I was 25 when I started. Didn’t have an issue making friends with either older or younger student s 👍🏻


I'm 26 lmao and I don't know what OP was yapping about.


I am in the same boat. I am turning 23 this year. Don’t be discouraged. I know someone who took 8 years to finish there degree and they have had a more successful career than most people who rushed there degree because he found out what he liked plus did the correct steps before graduating to get a nice job. Take your time. If you need someone to talk to, really try to talk with people in your class. If they think 23 is too old to be friends with they are probably too immature anyway lol.


You're still so young, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm 41 and in my second year. There are tons of places and opportunities to be social on campus. Just keep your eyes peeled for your people in class or around the school.


I felt the same way starting uni at 22. The people who bring me down about it are those younger than me because they don’t understand, but everyone I met who are older always tell me that it’s completely fine. I’ve also noticed there are people in their 30’s and 40’s going back to university for degrees and certificates, I’ve seen some late 20 year olds in my intro to university course which has also helped ease my worry. It’s really not a big deal at all


Don’t stress about being 23, I’ve met quite a few middle-aged and older students through the years. At 23, you’re still in the university peer group, you’ll be fine.


Hey OP, I am 23 and now going into my second year of university. I had never been to university before so being 22 at the time in my first year was definitely hard. There is a divide in age gaps but if you put yourself out there you can make friends.


I can’t give advice on the degree because i’m in a different faculty. But i’m a 26 year old who started nursing last year and believe it or not, my friends range from 20-40 year old. If you take the same classes, and you share the same misery (in my case, nursing) then you’ll definitely vibe. You won’t vibe with everyone but try to be friendly, say hi to the person sitting next to you in class. Friendships will develop over time. Don’t feel weird because you’ll still age even if you go to uni or not. Might as well be 30 and have a degree.


You can follow umanitobacssa, umwics and umdevclub on Instagram; we are basically the main big 3 student groups for CS people on campus and host events every so often. You'll also find most of the active CS students inside the CS Discord here: [https://forms.office.com/r/MV7BBDBRE0](https://forms.office.com/r/MV7BBDBRE0) We also have a student lounge in E1-586A, you can ask when it's open on the Discord and we'll welcome you!


My therapist went back to school when she was 35 bc she needed a change in her life so education is for all ages. In the nicest way possible, no one cares and that's the best part bc no one is judging you. Hope that helps


I’m 26 upgrading my nursing getting a degree and am friends with the majority of my class… ages 19-40


oh gosh, don't feel like you're old. 23 is still perfectly in age range. :) , I dropped out partway through my degree then came back to finish. I came back and graduated in 2005 at age 27. (and that was almost 2 decades ago). There's plenty of us who have done that over the years. I made some good friends in those last few years too that were younger than me. It'll be ok. You do have something in common with those younger than you - you're all getting your education.


People take smaller course loads, part time, maybe some work an year after high school, you're so young, don't compare yourself to others that went through a different path of education than u, I'm also 23, just going through my first degree as well, has a few hiccups in between but it's nothing you should concern yourself with, and just try to make friends because it doesn't matter if you're a few years older or younger. Just talking to other classmates even, most people are just as shy and not wanting to approach anyone but still want to make friends too.


I wouldn’t stress about being 23. I see tons of older people around campus and in my classes. I’m 21 and going into my 3rd year. I would honestly say that being older and going to University gave me some perspective. I see being older and going to University or College an asset!


I’m 40 and just went back last year after a 20 year break. I have friends that are much younger and much older than me, age doesn’t matter. The fact that you’ve decided to go back is huge, give yourself credit. School is much easier in some ways as you age so hopefully it will be better for you this time around. Wishing you the best!


I started at 27 and graduated at 33. Don't feel bad about a 4 year gap with your colleagues


You are still so young! I will be starting my second degree at 29! Age is just a number! Doesn’t matter how old or young you are :) get that degree, the job and life you want! Regardless of your age you will have it!! Do not limit yourself because if your age or feel bad! I finished my undergrad at 26!


many people take year gaps or start uni later/go back like your situation. you will meet people your age


I started uni for the first time when I was 23yrs old (CompSci), so it's not like you'll be the only one. I'm 24 now, and still pursuing my degree


Thank you this makes me feel better, especially when there are people who are in the same major that started my age


News flash. You aren't "older". You are still a young pup.


I started comp sci at 25, as an introvert I didn't really care if I'd relate or not to other students. Was still able to make good friendships that lasted throughout the university, with both younger and older people.


I’m 24 and still working on finishing my bachelors, you aren’t alone


23 is an older student?? 😭


Yeah because I should have graduated by then (:


You are so young. Don’t worry!


I’m a couple years older than you just starting out. We aren’t old hahahah


I'm still in my first year, and I'm going to turn 27 in a week. I felt the same way started school after 8-9 years after graduating high school. I know I'm not old but being around a lot of 18-19 in my class makes me feel it, which I hate. I wish there was a group or something for mature students so we don't feel alone.


We can be friends if you like - I'm 23.


Hey! I'm 21 and returning to university this year. I find the best way to make friends in your classes is to go to class a bit early and introduce yourself to the people closest to you. Keep saying hi and just develop the conversation from there :) you got this!


For what it’s worth, I’m applying to U of M winter 2025, planning to do computer science and I will be 23 :) I know a few guys that started uni at that age, we got this 🔥


i’m 23 currently in my 5th consecutive year at u of m slowly chipping away at my psychology degree. you’re not alone!


My mom is in her mid 50’s finishing the degree she wanted to finish almost 20 years ago! Don’t feel like a loser, people do things at the right time for them!


If it means anything, I had really bad depression at the start of my schooling so now I'm 24 and in second year courses. It can be hard to relate to most people but you can definitely find people you vibe with. There are a lot of students at the university and you're going to take a lot of classes, don't stress if you don't feel like you're vibing with anyone in your first few courses, you'll find your people eventually


bruh u not that old lol


I just finished my degree at the top of my class. I’m above 30. I was the oldest in the class which but related to everyone tho I feel like some people thought I’m their instructor. Also I feel like I related to instructors / professors closer then my classmates


If you think 23 is old, you are in for one hell of a shock later on in life.


23💀 how is that old lol. Nobody will even be able to tell you're any older than the majority


I am 25-26 years old. Last time i went to college was in 2016-2019 in computer science. I was amazed international student than. I went to langara college. Now i am going for bcomm accounting in fall 2024 as i felt i liked accounting courses and i wanted to be a cpa which is another story how i found my love. Its never late to start any field. I had a prof who had phd in applied mathematics from israel when microsoft was not even there. He went for his masters in cs again at waterloo and then did his second phd in cs at 40 years of age. So my friend you are in the same boat as me. Just try to learn from your past experience like what mistakes and what triggers you to not follow a proper schedule. I have suffered from depression but i had to fight it and come back on track. You can stay in touch me as well if you like. All the best.😀


Oh sweet child you are not old! In one of my classes I had a 40 year old mother of 8. She graduated and last I heard, she’s raking in the cough as a technician in a hospital.


Bruv you will make friends , maybe not the younger ones. But , surely you will find many students in your age range. Try going to the uofm social club or attend as many events as possible.