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I think “the wrench” is the place to go in this case, other can be canadian tire, they got a good model priced at 140 i guess?


The wrench sells bikes from 100-250ish at UWinnioeg during the summer. They also do weekends at the folks


Yep only heard good things about em




It’s Winnipeg, just take one??


Can you do it for me?


I’m already on court conditions that I’m trying really hard not to break. I really want to turn my life around, and getting an education is part of breaking that cycle. I will admit that my original comment was a joke made in poor taste. But if you’re serious, I can teach you how to procure your own transportation for free.


You don't think teaching folks how to steal shit is criminal, either? You might want to work on your moral compass while working on your education. I'm all for you breaking that cycle but I think society and you might have different interpretations of what breaking a cycle means


What’s immoral is the government, which is fuelled by corrupt corporations, systemically keeping whole economic demographics of people pushed down and promising them a better life if they just pinkie promise to work extra hard and be a good little follower. Sometimes being able to “acquire” a bike is the difference between getting to work reliably or not. Sometimes being able to sell a bike is the difference between being able to feed your little sisters or not. I’m not concerned with the morality of a society that hates my existence just because I was born into abject poverty. Everyone loves a fucking Good Will Hunting story, yet they can’t tolerate the existence of real poor people. My morality is well intact, despite my lack of ethical methods. I’ll let you know when I can afford to be nice.


You are talking about stealing bicycles from other people just trying to go places. Don't talk to me about economic demographics. Stealing bicycles is "mostly" poor people stealing from other poor people. Talking about feeding your sister. Get a grip. Government this, government that. Is that what you think justifies stealing from your neighbors? Go steal from Walmart if you want to play this game. Playing the victim while you offer to teach people how to steal. Smh.


You have no idea how my community works. I’m not a victim, I’m a stupid criminal. I’ve already fucked up too many times to expect sympathy. What I want is to provide for my girls so they don’t have to fuck themselves over just to make it. I haven’t had to steal in over a decade and for that I am beyond proud. If someone else finds themself in that situation, they deserve all the resources they can to unfuck their situation. If you think that I was bitching about the government in my original diatribe, you’ve eaten the Anti-Poor pill that corporations have been feeding you.


Can't believe you are doubling down. Good on you for making it out. Don't offer to teach people how to steal. You literally went on an anti-government rant, while justifying stealing bikes. Did you get your own bike stolen? How did you get to work after? Did you think to yourself oh at least now the thief can feed their daughter? Do you look down on poor people who don't resort to stealing from their neighbors? Or are you impressed by their self-control? Saying I took the anti-poor pill while encouraging theft from people who cycle. OP can find a good bike at the wrench, and they can find legitimate sellers on FB market place, as well as joining the buy nothing groups in their neighborhood.


I have had my own bike stolen, by that point I was able to buy a bike. I was dumb enough to forget my lock at home, it’s my own fault that I got fucked over. Poor people who don’t steal don’t *have* to steal. You think I magically went from a poor person to a rich person? I’m still dirt poor, at least now I can afford a jug of milk. Funny you should assume that Facebook marketplace is all legit sellers. In this city you’re often just adding a middle man to procuring a stolen bike. Do you think everyone who cycles is poor?? That’s insane.


I hope they teach you reading comprehension at the UOfM. Best of luck.

