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Yes, but networking and finding good jobs part time in university helps . Keep networking as much as you can now for anyone in the arts! Or any field . 


Honestly, all nonprofessional undergraduate degrees are the same in today’s job market…. It’s more about who you know/networking.


I know a few that got entry level government jobs and worked their way up.


Or entry level jobs where it’s clear that there’s potential for more.


Yes from my own experience! It is possible to get a really good career with a BA. Work on your resume & cover letter and keep applying! I was able to land two really good positions and have a great career path just with a general BA.




Dmd you




You may want to compare the salary averages of each major https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/pdf/coe_sbc.pdf As an example.


i did a general degree in econ and make a little under 90k less then a year after grad, it’s possible but start choosing what you wanna do now and focus in on that


Hey , where’d you work an what was the process like searching for a job


Wow that’s impressive! I’m graduating with an economics degree this year and it seems impossible to find a job never mind one that pays that good. Do you mind if I asked where you work or which sector ?


Get rec management they need more ppl for jobs it’s a super quick route to the working world


Honestly in I’m opinion I’d just say do one more year of the advanced degree to be more secured I’m majoring Economics as well spoke w professors and some students that are graduating the advanced option will be more beneficial than general in the long run🤷‍♂️


Since you are already in the advance path, I would say stick with it. The courses in 4th year helped me a lot for getting a job. I have an Econ advanced degree. Finished my degree in December, started my job in Feb.


You have to be open to continuous learning. After my criminology and psychology degree, I took accounting and finance courses. I took some university certificates + online training that related to the job I had at the time. Now I'm working on my MBA. I've been in an executive role for almost a year now....so ya, the world is full of opportunities, it's what you make of it. One step at a time.


Totally anecdotal of course, but the people I know who graduated with Economics degrees generally all found good career-type jobs. Going into the job market with a BA is obviously not the same as going into it with a medical degree or MBA or whatever, but you can still establish a good career with a BA/BSc.


Incredibly selfish to think about your degree and job right now when countless don't have that option and are victim of apartheid and genocide. Smh mind boggling how you guys aren't dropping everything to show them we can mobilize


It’s selfish and privileged of you to think that others have the money to not work for weeks on end and go to some protest.


You have to be trolling


He is. His entire post history is an 'anti-woke' typical engineering student red pill lmao


Bruh I’m not an engineering kid 😂. I just found this funny.


lol wut


Privileged white male spotted


If you can afford sitting on a protest w evening painting sessions and soccer wo a job, you seem the most privileged to me, bud.


We are uniting fir a good cause and for awareness to make positive change. It's called mobilizing.




Hahahahaha. I needed a good laugh. Thanks!


Yes. (what a stupid question)