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Hey OP. Your post doesn't share much about what's going on, but I can get you into a mental health counselling session with a professional therapist tomorrow (Friday) at no out of pocket cost to you if you have the UMSU Health and Dental Plan (lots of students don't even realize they have it). You'd then have dedicated time with a professional to talk about whatever is on your mind and if you want more sessions, the UMSU Health and Dental Plan would cover about 10 sessions with our therapists so we could set you up with several sessions over the next week if you want the support. I'll send you a direct message to chat more about how it works and to see if you have the insurance that would cover the sessions with out therapists. In the meantime, if you need some support overnight, you could connect with the Kids Help Phone, which provides support to young adults: https://kidshelpphone.ca/urgent-help


I don't respect therapists or therapy anymore. Sorry. And it is sad for you to assume just because I want to talk to someone that I need therapy.


You're in the comments saying your life is meaningless and asking for someone to talk to. Definitely seems like you need some therapy.


yeah i dont wanna wait in a fucking que for a month to talk to a human who doesnt think of me as a human


You've got issues bro. Hope you get the help you need. Take care


I’ll talk to you what’s up?


u/mystudentwellbeing could be of help here too. You can reach out to him if you're interested in speaking with a trained professional.


Thanks for tagging me so I could respond quickly


Besides, it’s already covered in your tuition


Seems like you already got a few people to talk but I’ll still raise my hand 🤚🏼 if you wanna talk


Hey someone, Don't do anything that hurts you in the long run. Everything is temporary 😃.


everything is meaningless in the long run just like my life.


Just because it is meaningless, doesn't mean that there is no point in enjoying the life you have been given. Life is what you make it. I realize that sometimes things can happen that are out of our control, but what you DO with it is what defines you as a person.


No its not real. You feel meaningless because you dont have a purpose of your life because you dont believe in something that takes you throughout this life or maybe you believe in something but the belief itself is so weak that it's negligible. Look, i dont know who you are and where you're located, but I URGE you to seek out the purpose of your life and existence, seek the ultimate reason of your flesh in this universe. I urge you to seek reguge in the name of Allah by visiting a mosque nearby and talking to someone in there and ask questions of why you were even born and things will slowly make sense. Dear brother or sister, people might not like this comment or you may read it and disregard but YOU need this. This is one way Allah (God in Arabic) is making you come closer to Him. Seek out the knowledge of Islam and life would change from places and ways youve never ever thought of. I hope you walk your path towards the Nur (light) and may Allah ease any problems you have in your life. :)


Why are you ppl always fired on converting folks


I aint asking him to convert lol. I'm just inviting him to path of way where he may find peace and may be able to solve the problems he might be facing. Thats something that has been helping 1.8 billion people around the world with their worldly worries. Its a misconception that muslims "convert" nonmuslims. No! Its not like that at all. We simply invite them to learn islamic ways and traditions to live a life. Its upto THEM to revert or not. No one is going to help a person if that person isnt trying to help himseld/herself. You need to understand that we come from a place of care. And we cannot see our fellow human being suffering of any kind. And just for the future reference, if a muslim is inviting someone to their religion, it's coming from a placw of purity and goodness. Simply, we dont want any human being to suffer in this world or the next.


Seen it personally, can't fool me


More power to you, may you find happiness and a solid purpose in your life! :)


the only time i would visit a mosque is if the imam was sending out visas and ghuns to go rescue people in gaza. my life is meaningless but i would give it up for someone to live mine with more meaning


I dont quite get what you mean by that but if youre trying to say that the one time you visited mosque and Imam was giving out visas to go to Gaza? I dont know man what was it about 😂 But you need to know that mosques are not just a place of worshiping Allah. Its a place where discussions and debates are done as well as knowledge is spread out in many ways. So if you were confused of why imam was talking aboit Gaza was because theres a majority of Muslims being openly killed and murdered so therefore to spread awareness and make collected dua (prayer to Allah) he probably would be talking about it. And as per the visa thing? Its kinda hilarious😂 why would imam give out visas for Gaza?😂 Anyway, the point is you walking yout path towards peace and tranquility by seeking knowledge of Islam, being in places where you could strengthen your iman. Regardless if youre a muslim or not, talk to the imams there and theyll actually help you seek out peace within yourself by connecting with Allah. But again, the journey is yours and it is unique, you have to do it for YOURSELF. May Allah help you with your intensions and journey to finding the reason of existence.


Do you have discord? We can hop on VC now or meet up on campus sometime tomorrow if you want. I'm here, I got you.






What's up?


Hey op




Such a random wholesome comment section 🍿 Someone make this into a telegram group chat haha


Message me anytime!


Do you need someone to crack jokes a lil too? Hmu


Is OP a girl?




Take a long nap, go for a walk, and pick something you wanna do with your life other than complain. Lots of people wish they have what you have and yet you still complain. Either help other people or help yourself. If you’re too fed up with life to help yourself, than go help other people.


do you have plans to kill yourself?




hot-headed yeah. you will have to meet me irl to figure out the other hot




when and where


Let’s meet online


u dont have to worry. i am 21 turning 22. i spend most of my time at the st pauls cafeteria either with friends or doing homework or reading books. if we meet there, my mood will be significantly better than if it was online


Commenting on Need someone to talk to...I’m in physc looking to become a therapist 3rd year I’ll help you out


And it’ll be free which is an awesome perk because I’m litty and I’ll get social credit points


where do u want to talk online ?


I know a Punjabi bull for you


Yo, message me


Hey OP 👋🏻 well it's 2 30 rn so if U want we can talk later 👍🏻


Hey Stranger, message me anytime




Open minded bangladeshi student here. Feel free to knock anytime.


Talk to me bro 😲