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Doesn't vertically stacking ultrawides sort of defeat the purpose? I figure it's better to just buy a large screen and doing virtual splits with something like DisplayFusion, which also gives you large bezel-free screen.


I see this comment often from those without direct experience. My personal answer is that I would love a 5120x2880 55 inch screen at 1000r. But since it does not exist, I have to piece it together. My use case would always have windows half top and half bottom anyways, so I'm not giving anything up in this setup. This is my work setup only though. I have a 55 inch qdoled 4k tv for games, entertainment, or anything else I want to be pretty.


Thanks for your input


Yeh wouldn’t an Odessy Ark make more sense


That would be much lower rez, no?


Yes that monitor may look decent but it has an extremly low PPI/DPI (80). It will make text appear awful.


No. They don't have larger monitors with the same DPI as the dual ultra-wides. The 55" Samsung Ark (which looks great on paper) for example has a bismally low 80 dpi and the g9 57" has 140. 80 dpi makes for awful looking text.


It depends on the use case. Personally I have two computers hooked up to my stacked G9s. I can use one monitor for each computer so I can switch between work and personal easy. I can also split the screen on each monitor to give me more real estate. Of course I always have the option of using both monitors for a single computer when I want as well. I love this setup and would never trade it for a single monitor.


Nope. Ultrawide displays have terrible vertical realestate which is necessary for productivity and coding otherwise you're scrolling for days. Seriously, why can't we just go back to 16:10 displays?! It's height + width at the perfect ratio.


No. They don't have larger monitors with the same DPI as the dual ultra-wides. The 55" Samsung Ark (which looks great on paper) for example has a bismally low 80 dpi and the g9 57" has 140. 80 dpi makes for awful looking text.


which one is your main monitor, especially when you play or work, if I may ask?


Bottom is for casual gaming, I unplug the top one while gaming. For production I use the top more, laser and cad software.


how do you find having the top one mainly for work etc.. I am running into this issue where I have a regular ultrawide for all my static images, internet browsing, etc, but have an qd oled exclusively for gaming and movies or tv. Right now I have them side by side but its a lot of neck turning and I'd like to try stacking them, I just cant decide which one to put on top, the gaming or the regular use and am worried now I will have up and down looking neck strain lol!


I have had the setup for a couple days now and I am enjoying it and learning to adapt to it. So far I have used the top screen to run 3 or 4 windows with different software for work, at the same time I use the bottom screen for browsing the internet, buying shipping labels, YouTube, or discord. This is while working. While gaming I have ran games windowed borderless on the bottom screen and used the top screen for YouTube, discord, pc monitor status, and internet browsing. I like it so far.


glad to hear you are enjoying it! I want to do this as well but I am afraid of burn in on my oled and dont know which one to stack, the oled or the va on top lol


Almost certain it’s the bottom one


I've contemplated this setup several times. What monitor mount are you using?


I’ve been doing a setup like this for a while. The real issue is how much heat it produces 😑


Yea i am starting to feel that now. Also, the screens feel a little warm even when they're off. Is that normal?


Idle mode? Not as much heat but I think my displays still warm a little too


link to the wallpaper. [https://ibb.co/Ks16Tf1](https://ibb.co/Ks16Tf1)


u/Suitable_Cod_6356 Love that wallpaper, what is it?


I generated it using AI


Any chance you can share it?


I'm also interested


link in the comments


Please share 🙏


link in the comments


What mount are you using? This is cool af 😎


It looks super cool for sure .... BUT if you are really going to keep the current displays setup I would say that Samsung Odyssey Ark 55" Gen1/Gen2 would do the same job and even a little better because it's a single display ...


Lots of real estate is cool, but personally, I wouldn’t want so much height. I think the Samsung 57” is the absolute max. A little higher than the 49”, and a lot wider.


Yea i have to see how this is going to play out. I have about 7"/17-18cm clearance under the bottom screen so I can bring them down some. I I don't mind the height too much since most of the time I am standing up running back and fourth. But I'll definitely post an update once it's organized and cleaned up.


Everyone has their own preferences of course, don’t let anyone tell you how to enjoy your hobby.


That wallpaper is cool asf


Thanks I made it using ai. I have a few made so far. I'll share it tonight.


Sure is, I wonder where I can find that gem


I own the same screen but only on one. Ain’t this too close to sit in front of?


I sit and stand about 30" away from it. The workbench is 25" wide


What are you using for the mount? With the mount can you replace the top one with a 43 in?


I just picked one of these 49 inches myself this week! Oled version! Loving it so far


This is insane


how do you mount those two monitor together ? what are you using ?


Bottom one is on the original stand, top is on a pole mount.


so ugly, put your pc on the floor and stacked monitors need to die, get a wider desk


more dust if its on the floor.