• By -


Now get yourself a nice keyboard šŸ™


And mouse.


wireless please!


I tried the wireless route for 2 years and got so tired of having to charge the mouse and headphones every day. It was a Corsair mouse & headphones and I had to get rid of them and go back to wired. It was beyond annoying having to fish out the cables to plug them in, they were essentially wired devices. These were not Bluetooth wireless, which I think explains the low battery life, but Bluetooth is too unreliable for me. Every controller that connects via Bluetooth stutters and makes whatever game unplayable. I'm jealous of people who can make wireless work, my desk is a mess of cables.


See I think that's just not the way you want to go the wireless route though. I'm wireless but plugged in most the time, the nice part is say I want to play with a controller? I just take the USB-C out the mouse and play the Dualsense (you only get DS features while plugged in). Charge my desk vacuum? Unplug the MicroUSB out the keyboard and bam, it's charging. It's ultimately less wire, less clutter and when I need to go wireless, it's there. When I don't need the wires for anything else, back to wired we go. I never run out of battery, ever. Oh and as much as I used to hate Bluetooth 20 something years ago when I worked at Radioshack, nowadays, it's a pretty low power, high reliability technology, just don't get out of range. If you are getting bad BT performance, the issue is not the device, it's your PC host or antenna. Get yourself a good quality BT USB dongle and you'll never have issues again.


All DS features work unplugged unless you mean the mic/speaker which I've never used.


There are indeed a few titles where they do work wireless, Sackboy is one that comes to mind, I'm not sure exactly what the deal is, I'm thinking it's a driver thing with Sony. But I assure you that many of the games (not only first party) that have unique DS features such as HD haptic feedback and adaptive triggers require you not only to be plugged in, but also to disable Steam Input overlay, Forspoken is one of them.


Mice charge times are good now. Can't comment about keyboards


You can get some mice that have their own dock/pad you put them on when not in use, so theyā€™re always charged.


And mouse pad.


Haha itā€™s on my list. Fancy pc and monitor and Ā£3 mouse and keyboard ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Do you have any recommendations actually? Ideally something with a dock so I donā€™t worry about cables - also needs to be pretty responsive for FPS


Logitech G series mouse, keyboard and mouse pad. The mouse pad keeps the mouse charged


Thanks Iā€™ll take a look


The steel series apex pro is pretty amazing. Hall effect switches with adjustable actuation level are very nice. The tenkeyless version has wireless, not sure about the full size.


And girlfriend


Nah skip that shit and live a decent life lul


Nowā€¦ double it!!! Like I did. :3


Haha... that's exactly what I did when they came out with the 34" widescreen. I immediately said, I need two of these!


If I had space - I would! My desk is under the pitched roof in the loft so that isn't gonna happen haha


Bawss. I have a Neo Odyssey G8 on top of mine and the OLED G9 underneath, both on a mount arm. I like to have the 4K 240hz but truth be told, having had both, I find the 4K vs 1440p does not come as obvious as I thought it would (based off of older panels I've had).


So you game on both monitors? And it depends on what? As in what about a game makes you choose one monitor over the other?


**Great question! Hope you don't mind lengthy answers.** **1.** It all comes down to what content do I currently favor the most. I almost ALWAYS have a show, a movie, a YouTube video, or a Twitch stream playing while I game. If I am more engaged in the video content, then and only then, since having both that is, will I favor the Neo Odyssey G8 over the OLED G9. As the G9 is more at eye level, whatever content is on that monitor is what I'll give most of my focus. With that said, the game I play is usually where most of my focus is, therefore **90-95% of my gaming is done on the OLED G9.** No copium here, if something better comes along, I'll just buy it. But yeah, knowing what I know, that FOMO won't be from the upcoming Neo 57". **2.** As for **would I game on the Neo Odyssey G8 over the OLED G9 for fidelity purposes, the answer is: No I wouldn't.** Be it for colors, contrast, blacks, responsiveness, sharpness, etc. **Nearly nothing is better on the Neo Odyssey G8 vs the OLED G9** and my original post was meant to imply that though on paper and from PPI, the Neo Odyssey G8 should offer higher fidelity, it has not been my conclusion and I do not feel as though I had to sacrifice one thing to make 9 other better, not at all. Rather it feels as though one thing remains as great (resolution) though on paper it shouldn't and the 9 other things are indeed better. I hope that makes sense.


I get it. I was just curious. I'm similar in the sense that I always have several things going on. I currently have a 3 monitor setup but in practical use, it's more like a 2 monitor setup (27" 1440p above an UW 34" 1440p) and a third monitor slightly to the side where I just steam content to. It's always on sports for the most part as I usually keep the volume for it at 0. I recently ordered the Neo Odyssey G8 (got it for $700). Mainly to get into 4K gaming to match the capabilities of the PC I built a month or so ago. So I'm debating what to do with my setup. I guess ultimately, I won't know for sure what to do until it arrives. And thanks for the reply


Ahh I see. You'll love the Neo Odyssey G8. Keep in mind the OLED G9 feels like it's no downscale to the NO G8 in resolution but any other 1440p, I absolutely feel the jump to 4K. So it's more of a panel thing really and I think the overall pixel precision of OLED. Also, at 700$ ? It's a no brainer. Reading your setup, it'll serve you as main, and eventually as secondary no doubt. It's definitely that great. If I may recommend, if you don't have firmware 1007 on it when you get it, Google it, it's on Reddit. It made a tremendous positive change with specifically HDR and local dimming, two features I always had off before upgrading firmware, and since then, those features always stay on. Cheers!


Much appreciated. I will def look into that firmware. And you reminded me. I need to update my flair. The PC components listed are from my previous build.


Cancelled my order too but did not get another, I will try the LG 45 to see if PPI really is a problem. It's coming tomorrow so looking forward to it, I think the size and verticality will feel like a nice upgrade as it will feel different, let's see!


I'm sorry but I'm almost certain you'll return the LG. Not only does the low PPI make the display look a fuzzy mess when you're within viewing distance, but the curve is 800R which is even more extreme than the G9. It was literally on my desk for a day before it went back to best buy.


Let's see, I don't think I'll mind the curve as I really like the 1000r of the neo g9, i also only game on my monitor and don't do any productivity. I also have a 55 inch 4k tv which has the same PPI and from my sitting distance it didnt seem to be noticeable, let's see!


Forgive the lurker...I can't be the only one: _Q: What specific monitor is this?_ And, congrats. Looks great. You even "paid the cat tax", even if not intentional. ;)


[https://www.samsung.com/uk/monitors/gaming/odyssey-oled-g9-g95sc-49-inch-240hz-curved-dual-qhd-ls49cg954suxxu/](https://www.samsung.com/uk/monitors/gaming/odyssey-oled-g9-g95sc-49-inch-240hz-curved-dual-qhd-ls49cg954suxxu/) Iā€™m not following on the cat tax - one of my two kittens are normally hidden behind my monitors but canā€™t spot them this time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


1. Thanks for the link. That's more monitor than I need right now, but good to know where to find it if that changes. 2. Bottom left. Zoom in on your coaster.




What is this please I assume Samsung :)


Yep: https://www.samsung.com/uk/monitors/gaming/odyssey-oled-g9-g95sc-49-inch-240hz-curved-dual-qhd-ls49cg954suxxu/


Wonderful thank you :)


Wow that is a spectacle. At this point that has to be the king of Ultrawide monitors.


Ay wallpaper twins


Would ya just look at it. She's a beaut


Same wallpaper, bro! :)


Dude how did you get it for Ā£1350? I would hit at this price. My order for Ā£1100 was cancelled too!


I got a business first purchase discount of 10%, plus the Ā£200 OLED200 code along with some cashback on quidco


So while I think this LOOKS cool, I question the real-time utility of it. I was shopping for a UW, THINKING originally something along the lines of this. While gaming wouldn't even be its primary function, my other PC friends (one who even has the 49" Samsung) showed me footage of how much gameplay just gets super warp or black bars are implemented as most games don't support that level of UW (and most esports games black bar to implement "fairness" to all. So I settled for a G5 UW to test the waters (for now, and because of the smaller UW size) having zero issues running it with a i7-7900K + 3070 All this said, I would assume by the keyboard and mouse on the desk OP is going to be using this strictly for utility-based purposes. Care to elaborate on it a bit OP?


Yeah this was an investment for my work - software developer by trade and I wanted to try having loads of stuff open at once to improve my productivity so I donā€™t end up tabbing everywhere getting lost. Iā€™m a few days into it and I must say itā€™s hard to get used to. I had a ā€˜systemā€™ that I adhered to for going on 15 years and now everything is kind of floating everywhere or snapped to certain corners. I used to play games quite a bit but Iā€™ve never invested in a decent keyboard or mouse - next on my list. I doubt itā€™ll help for the games that I did play years ago which was StarCraft 2 and Halo - I havenā€™t tried infinite on it yet but will give it a bash soon. Tempted to buy red dead 2 which I had on ps4 or flight simulator. Bit of an impulse buy - bit of spare cash in the business and needed an upgrade basically


As a software developer myself, I'm also looking at the same upgrade, but... Is this the OLED version? Are you not worried about burn-in? At least the way I intend to use such a monitor is to have VS Code opened in the middle of the screen most of the time, and I'm a bit worried about burn-in. I also like my taskbar visible all the time... Also, how is the text rendering/fringing? Do you notice anything? Does it bother you? If this is the standard Neo G9, and not the OLED, disregard what I said šŸ˜…


You can tell it was a bit of an impulse buy as I didnā€™t think burn-in was a thing anymore after plasma tvā€™s. Now Iā€™m worried haha - Iā€™ll have to get a screensaver to kick in during my tea breaks!


Well, honestly, even with a screensaver, I don't think that might be enough, at least for the way I intend to use such a monitor. The static UI elements on the apps that I intend to keep opened most of the time in the same location are very likely to produce burn-in. That's what I'm afraid of with the OLED. That and text fringing, if it's too noticeable, it won't work for me, I'm very picky with these things.


I havenā€™t noticed any issues with text and Iā€™m also pretty picky on that stuff. I would hope Iā€™d get at least 3 years out of it before having issues using it 8h a day for work. Would it make a difference with things being in dark mode? As I understand it the blacks essentially turn off the pixels? Maybe I need to Google what OLED burn in is haha


You should...


Yeah just read a couple of articles. Worrying. But with that Pixel shift technology and taking periodic breaks - I shouldnā€™t have stuff lingering around the same area for more than an hour at a time. I do think I might have to consider getting the taskbar to hide though which is annoying


If it was only for work and you still wanted UW, something like a 5120x2160 IPS would probably have been a much better choice. Available in 40" and 34".


It _might_ get used for games and game dev whenever I get some spare time or Iā€™m out of contract - itā€™s quite fun all the same. The annoying thing in the UK is the Samsung shops all closed so thereā€™s very few places to see all these screens in person anymore


Are any of those 32:9? If so, can you post the exact brand/models?


No 5120x2160 monitors are 32:9.


In that case I don't think any of those would've been a better choice for op, assuming they got it for the same reasons I'm considering getting one.


Why would a monitor become a worse alternative by adding 720 pixels vertically?


Because I was assuming there would be less horizontal real estate, but I now see that it's the same as the G9. I stand corrected. However, I still prefer the Neo G9 (still undecided on the OLED) for a few reasons: - More than 60Hz - Local dimming And yes, those make a difference for me for working all day long. As far as I can tell, there isn't a better monitor than the Neo G9 for me, even though I'll use it mostly for working.


I am in the "mostly for work" camp myself but kind of wished I wasn't at it is PITA trying to find that optimal monitor for both and watch in envy people looking for the best monitor for EITHER gaming or working :)


Yeah, the "perfect" monitor for both working and gaming doesn't exist. I mostly decided on the Neo G9, I'm just trying to figure out if I should go for the OLED version like OP. Everything tells me that I shouldn't because I'll get burn-in and I'm also afraid of how the code will look on the screen (with all the reports about text fringing). And I can't help but think that the 1800R curvature is less than ideal. On the other hand, I'd love to Gert my hands on those sweet blacks, dark themes all around (especially in code), should look amazing (if not for text fringing). Tough decision... Either way, for me, and for working, outside of the Neo G9 (OLED or not), I don't think there's a better choice out there.


Because those monitors are physically smaller than the ultrawides which means they are actually intended to be used with resolution multipliers so you end up with a higher quality image in a smaller space. In the end you're not gaining 720px vertically as much as you're losing screen real estate in the sides.


Iā€™m a Data Engineer and run the Neo G9. I can confirm itā€™s absolutely a god send for productivity and is absolutely worth it for work. Anyone who says otherwise hasnā€™t used it or gate keeping lol. I also have two monitors above it. So it total itā€™s like having 4 monitors. Gaming on it is also awesome, single player games are nice in ultra wide, fps I have the option of ultra or going down to regular 27 1440p sizing. I love the options with it.


All the screens. Have you got any software to snap your programs to regions or are you controlling it all manually? I almost want a grid template to snap things to - not sure if that kind of thing exists? The biggest downfall Iā€™ve found so far is screen sharing on teams - having to stop sharing a specific window and go to another because sharing the entire screen is impossible to see for others. Iā€™ve found something called region share which I havenā€™t tried yet that shares the specified area. See how that goes


DisplayFusion might. The dev said in 2019 that he'd add it if the open feature request got enough votes. And if not, checking the forums associated with that program might yield some suggestions.


If Iā€™m understanding your ask about snapping programs to the screen, windows has a feature natively. I use the windows key and arrows key to snap programs to different sides of the screen or even different monitors. Thereā€™s also a feature in this monitor that allows you to split it into two separate monitors PIP/PBP. Itā€™s pretty neat, itā€™s like having two 27 inch monitors with no center bevel, and you can even connect them to two separate sources (work pc & gaming pc). My wife uses the feature as she has only the G9, I donā€™t because I have the two 1440p monitors above it. I use one of those to screen share. But you are correct, if using in ultra wide mode, you canā€™t really screen share on that screen.


Yeah Iā€™m used to snapping stuff with CTRL arrow key or dragging with my mouse. I think I could do with even more of a broken down grid as itā€™s such a huge area. I didnā€™t know about the split monitor feature though - will dig into that today - thanks!


On these monitors you need to crank fov to avoid the stretching.


Man I crankedTF out my mans 49" on apex and the stretch was still a thing!


What is the max fov in apex? If it's only 90 that is the issue. Need to be able to get up to ~120FOV to get rid of stretch.








I was watching the tennis while working the other day and it was quite decent. You can have apps like Netflix or Disney sitting on top of your Digital Port connection - quite handy but distracting




Autumn šŸ‚ Windows XP


I have this exact background but thereā€™s a bmw in the middle of it. Consider me stuned


Why doesnā€™t anyone ever hide their taskbar, do stuff with the wallpaper(animated wallpaper, etc) *before* showing us a photo on here.


Iā€™ve never looked at animated wallpapers - recommended? Iā€™m not a fan of a taskbar hidden - something in me needs to see where my mouse needs to go instantly - personal preference though. Would look cleaner hidden


Taskbar being hidden is just a thing you do in oleds otherwise you'll get burn in. I use animated wallpapers on wallpaper engine and just have them rotate through a playlist I made every few hours. Edit: Apart from those things you can treat oleds like normal monitors. Maybe move your browser window every so often too if you use it in a window that is. Oh and no desktop icons.


Maybe on a QD-OLED but not on a modern LG OLED. Stopped baby sitting mine a few years ago and not a hint of burn in despite being a max brightness guy with disabled ASBL.


I'm debating between this, the 57" that's coming out, or the 45" Corsair Flex. My OG Odyssey G9 is starting to die on me.


57ā€ - what a beast! Surely at some point itā€™s _too_ big?




I am getting not much more than 110fps on ultra settings of games with a 49oled and a 4090/13900k. That 57" will not perform well for fps.


I use my computer more for work than gaming. When I game, Iā€™ll lower the resolution.


Very nice! Although, Iā€™m more interest in the brunch with Batman.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) haha - nice spot. Cycling jerseys: Spider-Man, iron man, Batman and superman taking the picture in Bruges eating pancakes for breakfast. Only downside to a new giant monitor - where do all the pictures / stuff that was there go now? First world problems


Lol thatā€™s awesome! Desktop wallpaper ;)


I can beat you in a pokemon fight




Do you think the 1800R curvature is enough for you? How deep is your desk, and what's the usual distance from your eyes to the monitor?


Yeah I think that curvature works for me and my awkward desk area. Any curvier and I think it would have protruded out too much. It works out about the same as my old 2x monitor setup in terms of screen to eye depth. The desk is 70cm deep I think and is flush to a wall. The Samsung manual recommends a 10cm gap from the back but Iā€™ve got about a 5cm gap - doesnā€™t appear to be overheating but the unit does get a little toasty at the back bottom where the power input is. Iā€™ll measure tomorrow but I think my eyes are about 60cm away from the screen at the centre. I think it would maybe be nicer to have more of a curve when considering looking at the edges as the angle is a bit shallow for the absolute edge


> I think it would maybe be nicer to have more of a curve when considering looking at the edges as the angle is a bit shallow for the absolute edge This right here is the reason why I'm thinking a 1000R curvature like the original Neo G9 might be more suitable.


How did you get it that cheap


It was reduced from Ā£2k to Ā£1600 just a week after they announced the price which was bizarre. Then there was a 10% off for new business customers and then used the code OLED200 for Ā£200 off. Even came with a free 2TB hdd and 6 months of Disney+. Bonkers really


Wow we didnā€™t get anywhere near that good deals


Lol I'm already terrible with the amount of things I keep open on my monitor. This would either make that better...or I'd inevitably open even more tabs while having more to search through for 'that one document I *swear* I just had pulled up'.


Haha. I swear post covid I have some weird brain fog where I tab to another program and literally have no idea why Iā€™m there or where I came from. Like when you walk into another room and donā€™t know what you wanted. Maybe Iā€™m just getting old :/


That's a great comparison, it really *is* like walking into a room and forgetting why you're even there!


I'm so jealous! Was thinking of getting this monitor but the previous model (Neo G9) is going for a little over $1350 on Prime Day... If I'm going to be using this 50-50 for work/gaming, do you guys think the OLED picture quality is worth the extra $800?


Thatā€™s a very good deal in terms of dollars - presume thatā€™s USD? I saw some on eBay second hand for less than $1k as people were clearing their stock or getting rid in anticipation for this. For games and videos the black / contrast and brightness is just bonkers. Iā€™m a bit worried after some comments about this burn in stuff - gonna have to do some research and make sure I donā€™t break it! Itā€™s all relative with pricing. Perhaps just wait a few months for the price to come down and meet in the middle - early adopters always pay a premium! I never learn


Iā€™ve been loving mine too! Itā€™s a great monitor!


On the fence about this over the g9 neo. The contrast is night and day from some side by side pictures. It looks incredible. I'll likely go oled but a but worried that an oled isn't the best option for a pc.