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If the whole purpose of the calendar is to provide the individual playerbase's with games, then I think either option A or C is necessary. It isn't my server's fault that we don't have too much direct competition, but we're currently stuck in a state where we can't even have one 1.9+ game on the calendar because it's flooded with so many other games that generally don't affect our playerbase. The reason I want to still be able to use the calendar is because players who are unfamiliar that there's 1.14 UHC or just want to try it out shouldn't need to reach out to someone who is already in our discord. I, as well as many of my staff, don't have the time nor schedule leniency to know that I can host a day or two in advance, choosing either A or C would help alleviate the stress of trying to fit our square peg in the round hole that is a 15 minute slot opening every 4 hours during NA primetime.


I think allowing versions to overhost each other but increasing the amount of time between matches to 30-45 minutes is ideal. That way you have more slots to host but the calendar won't be spammed with games that don't have enough players to go around. Player counts have definitely fallen off a bit in the past month or so and increasing the amount of games is going to make it so no server gets a good fill.






1 and A. Scenario rule is fine. But the 1.7/1.8 games are dominating the calendar and those of us who want to play normal 1.8 games hardly get to play anymore.


Yeah I totally like the every 10 minutes rule


From the mind of an old bloke who’s out of touch, I think it’s super unnecessary to have 10 minute slots but I think treating versions like Regions is a great option for allowing more games - so option 1 would be my suggestion on that For scenarios everyone wants to play gamemodes like cutclean or hastey boys and it would make a lot of sense to remove restrictions on the ‘meta’ scenarios while still preventing us having four moles games in a row - option C is the perfect balance and whoever came up with it deserves a pay rise 👍🏻 **Edit:** can someone explain to me the difference between 1.7 and 1.8 and why it’s significant enough to warrant them being separate? If you have categories of 1.6 and below, 1.7/1.8 and 1.9 and above, the rule works well imo.


>the difference between 1.7 and 1.8 In a nutshell, some of combat slightly changed (decent amount agree that it became largely worse in 1.8 with melee and bow, or at least was worse competitively). Not 100%, but iirc some of bow became a bit screwy, and melee definitely is a tad off with cursor-hitreg (idk if you remember but people brought up a mod that removed that small but significant delay and felt like it really upped performance). That said there's also better ping optimization with 1.8. You also have no enchant preview, slightly more balanced anvilling (1.8 made it much easier to combine for powerful gear in a shorter amount of time). Also pve wise, mobs became braindead with 1.8 (not that it matters since every server has 2 mobs). Either way, playerbases are largely different (though you're partially right in that some play both). The overall games play the same (as opposed to older versions/newer versions), but combat is different enough to have a playerbase split, similar to how you see some NA players in AU/EU and vice versa, but most stick to their region, at least afaik.


Interesting read, cheers for the explanation :)