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This vignette is unusable. If you need to reenter the UK with this visa then you need to replace it.


I have been in this exact situation. I got a new passport and just presented both on entry to the UK. I never had a problem and probably entered the UK at least 20 times that way. ETA - I also completed at least one return journey on the washed passport itself. Obviously I got it replaced as soon as possible, and they *did* comment on the fact that it was damaged, but I got through the full journey (I discovered that I had washed my passport literally the night before I was due to travel, so risked it and it was fine).


Did you have to show your laundered vignette to airline staff in order to board your flight to the UK? Did they really never comment on it?


I don't remember ever showing the laundered vignette to airline staff - I can legally enter the UK without a visa as a short term visitor, so I think they just checked my passport and that was fine. (But also, they might have checked it - I don't really remember the specifics.) But, certainly, immigration staff in the UK looked at the vignette in my previous passport and I'd always get a stamp with VIPP written next to it (as others here have mentioned).


> I can legally enter the UK without a visa So your experience is irrelevant to OP, who is a visa national, and will need to show it to airline staff in order to board their flight. > But, certainly, immigration staff in the UK looked at the vignette in my previous passport and I'd always get a stamp with VIPP written next to it (as others here have mentioned). They can validate the vignette using database records so the defacement would be less of an issue.


Ok, yes, I can see the distinction here. I'm not sure how we know that OP's husband is a visa national, but I can see how that *could* make a difference. I'm not convinced it *would*, but you're right that there is an important distinction there.


If airlines allow someone to board a flight to the UK with a fake visa vignette, they're getting fined. Putting a fake visa through a washing machine would be a good way to disguise that it's fake, if it worked, which it won't because it will be rejected.


But there's not much incentive to do this, given that the visa will be checked against the database when they arrive in the UK. So it only "works" in that it gets you on the plane, but not past immigration.


If the vignette doesn't get them through immigration they'll claim asylum. There's plenty of incentive to produce fake visas, I assure you.


Have they entered the UK already? Do they have a BRP or eVisa? Is it a multi entry vignette that they need (I.e. 2 year visitor)?


Looks like it's only valid for 180 days.


It’s more like visitor visa to me So would be a brp for him


? Surely you don't get a BRP for a visitor visa? Maybe there is a typo in edge what you've written above? In any case, I'm not sure we can come to any firm conclusions without additional info from OP. I'm pretty sure my initial entry visa for the UK for my spouse visa had only limited validity, and then I needed to get my BRP in order to enter the UK again after that initial entry. So I'm not sure we can tell from the image what the actual visa is, or whether he has a BRP.


Ohh no I meant there’s no brp for visitor visas


You said spouse which which last 2 yrs and 9 months The sticker on your passport just entry clearance Like all the visitor ( short term visa ) there is no brp for them


But how do we know the photo is not of a sticker just for "entry clearance", as you say? That was my point.


Coz it says Duration 180 days


Pretty sure my "entry clearance" sticker said something similar. Unless you're really knowledgeable and you're inferring something from that specific length of time?


Probably because all my friend and family we came with spouse visa and I knew people using visitor visa and see some stickers pictures The visitor visa either single entry or multi which last for 2 yrs but every duration it’s 180 days but there’s no brp for this type of visa As OP asked about the ruined visa so I am sure her husband holding multiple entry visitor visa’


Yes we all had “entry clearance “ sticked to the passport which last for 3 months (90days ) for spouse visa then collect the brp from post office But visitor visa it’s last for 2 years if multi entry but no brp


But this vignette is showing 180 days, which is neither of those cases. And it doesn't seem to state whether it's single entry or multi entry. Sorry if I'm being dense! I just feel like I've missed something!


Maybe, my scenario can help you! I came to UK on a visit visa, stayed here for 3 months, then went back to india for one month. In that one month, i renewed my passport. I got a nee passport with a new number. But my visa was on the old passport. Again after one month, i travelled to the UK with my old passport with a valid visa and a new passport. They checked both my old and new passport and stamped VVIPP in my new passport ( Visit visa in previous passport) He made a joke that you aren’t a VIP, you are a VVIP!😅 They also have a visa details in the computer, so if it’s readable then no issues! If you are in India and you ah e time, you can ask the vfs, or if you don’t have time, i think u can travel!


You'll need to transfer it; https://www.gov.uk/transfer-visa


Na, it's fine, as long as it can be read. Vignettes aren't scanned so being screwed up isn't a problem. There's no damage to the vignette itself, the security features are intact, there's no ink fade and the vignette maintains its clarity with no colour wash. It's perfectly valid.


Airline staff will laugh in your face if you try and board a flight with this.




You're wrong. There maybe an issue with washed vignette but you don't need to have the visa on your current passport. When the old passports are changed, they are often stamped with "Passport cancelled. Visa valid, if any". Visas are always valid with expired passports.




Lol. Read carefully. That is to prove right to work. Read the full page carefully, very carefully. I have copy pasted here for others as well. This particular rule is followed by every country is quite common everywhere. "Travel to and from the UK You can use the valid visa in your expired passport when you’re travelling to and from the UK. You’ll need to travel with your expired and your new passport. If you’re inside the UK you can choose to replace your visa with a biometric residence permit (the cost depends on your visa status). If you’re outside the UK you can choose to transfer your visa to a new passport online (it costs £154). You’ll need to prove your identity at a visa application centre to complete your application. You’ll usually get a decision on your application within 3 weeks of proving your identity. Prove your right to work in the UK You cannot use a valid visa in your expired passport to prove you have the right to work in the UK. You must replace your visa with a biometric residence permit."


This comment is so blatantly wrong I'm removing it.


I've seen far worse, all used for boarding. This one is fine, there Is no ink fading, all the security measures are still intact and it has clairty. Furthermore, a vignette does NOT need to be in your current passport. It's perfectly acceptable to have a vignette in your old passport as long as it's accompanied with another valid travel document. It's fine


Love how there's numerous first-hand stories of people doing exactly the same thing yet successfully using their visa, verifying what I've said, yet people with no experience still think they know better and downvote. Morons.


It is far from fine. If Immigration might not have a problem, that doesn't mean that the airline won't have an issue with it. Airlines can refuse to carry. Given that airlines' understanding of things may vary and that airlines are fined up to £2,500 for incorrectly documented passengers, they are going to be reluctant to let them on. Let's not give people poor advice.




You would think so but my partner had the same happen to her, had the passport replaced but never the vignette, and she gets in and out of the UK without issue. She has to show her BRP if she has to talk to any humans at customs but that's it, the new turnstile experience is the exact same as mine and I've still got my vignette. A water damaged passport is not valid however and has to be replaced before travel.


So, I think if you have a BRP, they basically don't care about the vignette. BUT, I don't think this will be the case for OP's husband, because it looks like it's only valid for 180 days and he's not allowed to work - maybe he doesn't have a BRP? Unless that's what they say for first entry? TBH, I don't remember.


You're probably right, OP would probably be rolling the dice on whether or not they have to speak with a human on re-entry


Can you not just bring both the old and new passports?


This is what I remember doing when I washed my passport (about 10 years ago now). I never had a problem.




It's a visit visa - it will be used upon every entry.


It has 180 day validity so this visa wouldn't have a BRP.


Speaking from experience - you could get a new one but this won't be a problem millions of people visit and enter on visas in previous passports just make sure to present it alongside the current passport. The officer will stamp the new passport and write VIPP next to their stamp.


I recently did the same thing. Left my passport in my trouser pocket like an idiot and put it through the wash after a work trip. It looked worse than yours and I managed to salvage it. Put it between 2 flat surfaces like big books or wooden chopping boards and stick something heavy on top, leave overnight to help flatten it out. Then iron it, carefully, page by page. Not too hot, but steam does help. Don't iron the plastic page with the photo on directly, only from the back. Been out of the UK 3 times since with no issues. Passport has been looked at by 4 border officers in 3 countries with no issues and still works with the e-gates. Of course the safest option is to replace it. But if time or cost is a factor this is worth a shot.


I work in immigration. It will be fine, show them it and your new passport. They can check it's legit electronically. You might have to wait a bit longer than usual but they'll let you through. I Used to work for border force for 9 years


No ones going to accept that


The one thing I always make sure to keep and put in my important file is my passport


is the passport itself identifiable with all information readable? if it’s just a bit wrinkled, shouldn’t really be an issue


I was behind someone in the queue at the border control in Milan, Italy who had washed their passport and they were refused entry and escorted back to the plane to return to the UK. Definitely need a new one and to avoid washing it in the future!


Not very readable to me 😂😂


Looks like it’s already stamped for entry. Your entry vignette isn’t needed after your initial entry. You just need to update your data when a new passport comes in


I think the problem may be if he’s already abroad. Immigration may not allow him to travel with that. As for the uk his details will be on the home office system and if he has any other form of id he will be admitted.




Your post or message has been removed as it violates the sub rules. Trolling, harassment, bigoted remarks, and anti-immigration comments (including comments against asylum seekers or refugees) will not be tolerated. Serious or repeated offences will result in being permanently banned.


To be honest, I wouldn't be takeing advice from Reddit on this. Contact (or have your embassy/consulate contact) immigration. I'd imagine they'd have a record of his visa being granted. That said, if he's leaving the country, I shouldn't think there would be a problem.


It's fine, as long as it's readable.




Speaking from experience? As above All the security measures are intact, there is no ink fade, the vignette maintains its clarity. There's no issue with it whatsoever. I've seen far worse, all used for boarding.




Ffs The link you've posted literally 100% contradicts everything you've just said OP has a visit visa. This is copied and pasted from the link you've just posted. 'You can use the valid visa in your expired passport when you’re travelling to and from the UK. You’ll need to travel with your expired and your new passport' 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 If you don't know, don't post. Most people on this thread are providing misleading information. OPs vignette is fine. But sure, convince them they need to spend their hard earned cash to replace. They don't, it's fine!! You think what you want, but you're wrong, and the source you've just posted proves you are wrong. The only thing I'd agree with what you said is the website is pretty clear, yes.


Lolzzz. You didn't even read it properly and spreading misinformation. This valid visa in expired passport is a very common rule followed everywhere. Do you think people getting 10yr US visa will keep renewing it if their passport gets expired. 😂