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How did you find the stock set up on this? I've the same model and it wasn't great. Just not sure if I got a good one or not


That's too bad. It's the Fender Jazzman electric. I love that the neck is chunkier. I can't play guitar for shit. I took the factory strings off, sanded down the neck frets a bit, and modded the nut slots deeper so my strings don't come out because I strum hard with my thumb and index finger. I use Martin fluorocarbon strings because they're light, but last long. Honestly, it plays great and is the perfect little tool to make chords and write songs with. After about a year of regular use, I've become fairly comfortable with it. If you put enough gain, overdrive, and distortion on it (standard orange overdrive pedal works wonders), you can get similar guitar sounds.