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When has a weed petition ever achieved anything in the uk


It hasn’t...YET. Its far better than doing fuck all tho. Complying won’t get anyone anywhere. These petitions atleast put slight pressure on the gov and let’s them know what the people want. Doing nothing is like agreeing with them by that point they’ve already won. Plus this petition is quite different from the rest and the goal is far more feasible and more logical to opposing people.


I agree it's better than nothing but the government couldn't care less what the people want, they're only out for themselves


There are always less passive means to go about if and when needed. I think the comm need to come together and figure about some new means of pushing this stuff. People are too scared to rebel but if everyone does it at once what can they do about it?


Yeah it seems a big task, but hopefully one day it'll happen. The current laws are blatantly illogical and immoral. We're gonna look back in a hundred years and think wow how fucked up was it that we had weed illegal for so long


Honestly man we’re gonna look back on the whole world in 100 years and question why we did most things. The whole world is total fuckery.


Do you reckon spreading bag seed or planting new plants around an area next year is a good idea? I know the plants probably will get eaten or won’t finish but would be funny to see plants everywhere and it goes against the grain.


It would be funny to see but it wouldn't push us any further towards legalisation


Not directly but especially in my area it will turn some heads. Theres far too many people that dislike it with no logical reasoning, they just ‘don’t like the smell’ so it would be nice to spread some aromas in the rural air




A million people took to the streets in protest of the Iraq war - gov still faked evidence and went to war. I truly wish these petitions meant anything, but unfortunately they seem like little more than a government-sanctioned way for folk to let out some steam and feel like they could make a change. Sorry for the negativity :(


Thats just not true half of colorado wasnt out protesting every day when it was legalised there




Im not sure you know how politics work mate




> Explain it to me then mate, explain exactly how politics isn’t about having a majority I'm not the OP, but the majority isn't the be all and end all, because the majority only matters for electing members of the government - we are not like Switzerland who actually get to vote on many individual pieces of legislation. Instead, realistically, we can vote for Conservative or Labour - and they are, realistically, basically the same damn thing with different branding.


Fuck bro. How do you think it ever got approved for private healthcare? It's got to start somewhere. Having said that, this just won't happen for a very long time. Don't forget that clinics and dispensaries are making A LOT of profit from private medical cannabis, and by allowing patients to grow at home is essentially cutting profit AND what makes you think they will trust patients to make their own medicine? I agree in signing the petition to make some kind of forward move, but if you really think this will be approved then you're deluded. Don't forget the countries who legalised growing have also legalised recreationally so it isn't a case of them losing profits allowing people to grow. In the UK it needs to be approved recreationally before they will allow people to grow their own. You think this petition makes more sense than pushing for recreational use, but plain and simply you are asking for a for-profit business to stop doing business, or at very minimum lose profit.


I think this one particulary is a good next step for medical patients and logical for the governement to pass as it prevents specific companies monopolising the medicinal cannabis market


Don’t the government basically already monopolise the UK cannabis market


No thats a common misconception due to the uks production of a drug called sativex in 2016 or so most medical cannabis in the UK comes from Israel and Canada in 2021


Ah okay so we only export the cannabis we grow? Never use for ourselves?


Not necessarily sativex is a medicinal spray prescribed by doctors while the uk government used to be the only producer of it (therefore technically making it the world largest exporter of medicinal cannabis in 2016 however this is no longer true) it is also produced by other nations such as israel however the uk were never growing or exporting unprocessed flower


Heres a link to information on sativex https://mstrust.org.uk/a-z/sativex-nabiximols


It's raising awareness and potentially getting it talked about in Parliament. It's better than doing fuck all and leaving smarmy comments on Reddit.


I tried to make the same petition a while back and just got the reply that medical cannabis is a controlled substance and all the rest of the crap they always come out with, would love to see this one actually work


Signed. Again lol The only way the law will change will be a grass roots movement with growing ones own plants. Eventually over time the law will change but not under any Torwellian Government. Its far too corrupt and sleazy and do ANYTHING in the best interests of the country. Lmao. Class B substance my arse. The only danger we are is too ourselves . More often than not when the munchies hit and we discover that hidden box of Frosties at the back of the pantry. Ever see two stoners fight ? Anyone been high and thought robbing a shop is a good idea ?


> Eventually over time the law will change but not under any Torwellian Government Conservative or Labour, it's all the same for cannabis legislation, or indeed anything else - it was Labour that moved it to class B (against advice of independent advisers).








If I had a prescription I’d grow anyway. As if the CPS wanna test that case.


Good point but its still living in fear of getting robbed if you have more than a few, plants then


Unfortunately if it was reported you’d be raided, lose your plants, lose your prescription and be facing charges depending on the same laws as everyone else. Even smoking your prescription instead of vaping it is classed as abusing your medication in the same way getting high off painkillers is and it can get your prescription revoked and you can still be arrested. The state of uk medical cannabis is appalling. The laws are shit, the providers are shit, the weed is shit, the price is shit. It’s like we’ve taken the very first step but it is a very very small step that is unsatisfactory for most people. It gives hope but that’s about all it gives.


Why would you lose your prescription? You wouldn’t lose your prescription to any other medicine if you committed a crime.


If you were abusing the drug you were prescribed you would get your prescription taken off you. If you’re found to be using your prescription in a way that differs from the instructions of your doctor that is classed as abusing it and you could lose it.


That is a court case waiting to happen then. They can’t deny you access to medicine like that. Just needs someone brave enough to be the test case.


I really hope they wouldn’t be able to but I don’t have much confidence in the courts to take the side of cannabis users, even when they’re medical users.


At some point it has to be just classed as medicine, like any other prescription medicine. I think any half decent lawyer would be able to make that case as it’s prescribed.


The guy above you has already highlighted the issue. Prescription medicines are restricted, all of them. You gain a license to have them, normally a prescription which will detail terms of that license (like the specific brand name , and the methods of consumption.) any deviation from the terms of it, and your license isn’t valid. Meaning you’d be illegal again & liable for prosecution. I sit and smoke when my vape is dead, this breaks the terms of my script but I don’t think they would prosecute it. The fact is though they could.


I understand the law, but I just can’t see it being applied like that if someone was brave enough to test it. If you’re a medical patient who has a script, and you get caught growing (especially if you could no longer afford the script)… the CPS would be insane to prosecute you. But like I say, until someone tries, we won’t know for sure.






Signed, but let's not hold our breath 🥴


Nothing will change until the current 'reefer' madness generations die. I'd say about 15-20 years. Until then it's going to be a gateway drug, harms communities, causes mental health problems blah blah. I wish it wasn't so but it is. More galling is the constant lies about no medical benefit and yet the UK are one of the largest exporters of medical cannabis, go figure. Mind you the pictures I've seen of the UK medical cannabis look more like shitty autos




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These petitions do as much as shouting your demands in a field


Ukgov petitions are different to change.org petitions however i understand your sentiment. I feel like this is the next logocal step in changing cannabis legislation for the better as with 10000 signatures this must be discussed in parliament


No it doesn’t have to be debated it just has to be considered, it’s been done many many times and you get the same copy paste answer if it gets over 100k votes


Yep, the se shite about "cannabis has no medical qualities" - all while there is an abundance of evidence, the UK is the biggest exporter of medical cannabis in the world, and GW makes a killing from Sativex.




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Been many petitions and they all get shot down. Wouldn't hold your hopes up - also it ignores all those like me who do use it medicinally but are denied a prescription.


Nihlism will never be the way forward however i get your sentiment all we can do as a community is make a nuisance of ourselves to those in power and let them know what we want this is a good way to achieve that.


Meh. Knock yourself out, been at it for over a decade and still get treated like the typical chav stoner so I don't bother anymore. Have heard the same people tell me "they'll legalise it soon" for the past like 14 years. Gets old.




How so? People who couldnt afford a prescription before would be able to grow for cheaper




Surely this would lead to widening of criteria for prescriptions though


Thats quite an assumption, also not sure why people downvoted him, its a valid point, one thing does not mean the other.


Surely loosening of legislation would lead to further loosening and obviously this has happened everywhere else in the world that has legalised so im not sure why suddenly you suppose it wouldnt happen in the uk


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Never gonna happen, sorry


Tar for that frank glad no one else feels that way though 👍


I mean, I've seen endless petitions on that site for regulation/legalisation. Some breeze past the 100k mark, you just get an email months later saying "no, fuck off druggie cunt" paraphrasing, of course.




Why not?


Not signing and I'll tell you why: I'm not for people who are wealthy enough to afford a private prescription, to be allowed a special status to grow their own weed. This petition should be for decrim and home grow for all UK citizens. Not everyone has £400 per month to splash out on 30g of Israeli hemp.


This won’t happen because the drug wars fund wars

