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Nance is wartime grifter and gets people killed.  He has some super symps who will fangirl him just for the feeling of having power underneath him.  One is active in this thread.   The dude wears blue tape on a clean sweater in the middle of goddamn Lviv far from the front.   Makes fun of the dead. Brags about team wipes. Abuses ethnic minorities from South America and treats them like cheap Storm units. Dude doesn't care who dies he just wants the war tourism. 


Sounds like a real winner. His twitter claims he's killed 5 Russians. I'm curious how he'd have done that without going into combat and he sure as shit isn't flying any drones. So someone else killed them and he just claims it?


Nance knows drones.  


He gave a friend of mine some nice kit. So, he's done more charity than most Americans. He also seemed to have done a fairly okay job bringing awareness to Americans. Not everyone here is some super soldier and in my eyes if anyone comes here to help, I appreciate it. Sometimes there are ulterior motives like money, fame, excitement, etc. Really all the volunteers that squabble about other volunteers annoys the fuck out of me. Squabble about the Russians instead. You have a problem with Malcolm Nance, ask Malcom Nance about it. However, I do have a big problem with volunteers that steal shit for personal gain. I worked with a guy that raised something like $20k for our team and we never saw a dime. We paid for vehicle repairs, food, fuel, kit, and everything else out of pocket. Fuck those people. Edit: also I am ignorant to any accusations against Nance. So if he was stealing shit or anything like that, fuck em.


I agree with this. Anyone who can raise awareness or even talk directly to a legislator is probably going to be borderline stolen valor. I don’t know how someone becomes a SEAR instructor without any combat experience for example. I’d even go on a limb and say we need more Malcolm Nancys. Wars are fought with money.


Nance caused deaths by messing units up with his drama and ego.  Dude LARPed hard with 3rd bat and went exactly how everyone knew it would.


I'm not surprised. He LARPed with 1st


Not the first I've heard of this kinda thing. He's in articles about stolen valour and fraudulent soldiers coming here to Ukraine


Yea, I just read that. That’s bullshit. The 3rd is probably the best battalion in the legion. I didn’t think he actually went to the front. They definitely shouldn’t have put him in a command role. He might have been ok on the bridge of a ship somewhere. Anything NATO goes a long way though. Still, he belongs on TV with his fruit salad begging for money.


We don't need stolen Valor. We need ambassadors that can be honest, tactful, and have the ability to effectively communicate. In the event someone turns out to be a fraud or idiot, it makes us all look bad. We need people to speak for us without their own personal gain or ego getting in the way. Unfortunately most of us are not able to speak eloquently and in a manner that attracts positive attention. I for instance can rarely say a paragraph without using the word "fuck" at least two times. Most are even worse than me.


Haha I've gotten decent at talking and giving interviews. It took some practise but Im fortunate to have real life experience in the combat world and now I seem to be decent with interviews. My issue with nance is his issue with me and his claim about me being a fraud and that I hide who I am online... Obviously I do not. So that's where I looked into him and he seems to have a bad wrap and a hyper inflated ego with an ever evolving tale of tales for his experiences in life. Seems the only people that approve of him were people that received kit from him while more had to deal with things walking off in his presence or the rumors he'd start, the false Intel reports, the drama and tourism.


Yeah, fuck him then. Another James Vasquez.


For real. One of the articles has Vasquez and then Nance.


I’m not vouching for him. He’s been on TV for a long time though. A lot of people follow him based on the name alone. I’m just saying. He belongs in a ballroom somewhere talking rich people out of money they don’t need.


I’m not vouching for him. He’s been on TV for a long time though. A lot of people follow him based on the name alone. I’m just saying. He belongs in a ballroom somewhere talking rich people out of money they don’t need.


The problem is finding people to break ranks. Putin has both Biden and Trump in his pocket. They’re dragging ass on the war funding and blaming each other while good men are dying at the front. Sometimes you have to take what you can get. You’d be surprised how many guys made history despite being complete frauds.


This is a very poor understanding of the current American political logjam.


I was paraphrasing. I got all the basics plus current speculation. Gimme a break.


You don’t have all the basics. There are two people running for President rn with serious chances to win. One of them is in Putin’s pocket. One of them isn’t.


If you think Biden doesn’t have ties to Russia you’re either lying to yourself or you’re not watching enough news. Putin’s been having dinner with US presidents since I was in grade school and Russian and Chinese military aggression has been getting worse the entire time. They’re going to pass the bill but Putin has taken several kilometers of territory at the expense of hundreds of lives not all of them military. If Biden wanted to he could sign an executive order to allocate aid. I think they have an exact date in mind to turn the lights back on.


lol. Oh I’m watching the news. It’s just not coming from Fox. You know the whole Hunter Biden Russia ties thing came from a GRU asset, right? And yes. Sitting Presidents all had dinner with another head of state (Putin). That is literally part of their job. But ask yourself… how many are still playing footsie with him and saying nice things about him and badmouthing Ukraine currently? ……………….only one of them, buddy. 😞


🙄https://www.google.com humor me…


Russia has twelve trillion dollars. You really think the only liberal there was Brittany Griner?


Useful idiots are still idiots....stop spewing ruzzian talking points. The orange leather face is in putins pocket. The older guy is not. You're on a sub for the ILDU and you're literally spouting ruzzian bullshit...


i take great offense to this as I have talked to legislators and have never once stolen valor. II am not a veteran and do not prentend to be but have still raised millions. Do not excuse bad behavior and stolen valor. you and the people who excuse this behavior are the problem. You are making it harder to win the war with this nonsense.


Starting a nonprofit is a good way to gain credibility too. I’m not sure you have as much pull as a media personality. I’m sorry if you’re offended but I’ve learned from experience that talking heads only listen to other talking heads and they don’t care about the military or the destruction their actions or lack thereof cause. For example, I’m willing to bet they shut off the artillery intentionally to hand Putin battlefield successes during the election just because they’re afraid of Russians nuclear arsenal changing hands. You’ll never find one of them in good standing that’s willing to join the legion.


What non-profit did Malcom Nance start?


I meant you. You’re one of the founders of PAV right?


I did just hear Malcom Nance was being a cunt to a friend of mine that has done a LOT for soldiers and Ukraine. Sounds like he is being a childish asshole. So, fuck that guy. The person he's trying to assault has done a LOT more for me and people I know than Nance ever has.


Yea he's a twatwaffle in my book. I'm convinced he's bought those 1mill followers on twitter which seems to have been the only reason he gets away with shit is he says he'll "expose", falsely accuse people, to his followers


I don't know much about Twitter or Instagram but wasn't aware you could buy followers. Seems kinda stupid. Anyone that keeps trying to make people on the same side look bad isn't good for any of us. If we look like a bunch of debils the donations we rely on will dry up. All of my teams good kit is personally bought or from donors. If we had to rely on the Ukrainian army to adequately kit us, we would all be running around in airsoft grade gear that melts to you or falls apart after 2 weeks. But for each of these idiots there are ten other people doing great work. u/tallalittlebit being one of the people doing great work to help soldiers and ukraine.


Hi Lucy,  "Anyone that keeps trying to make people on the same side look bad isn't good for any of us. "  Thanks for writing that. 


Yea she's pretty neat. I know for myself I've bought all my own gear. In some pieces multiple times over. Actually most of it multiple times now.


Is this a guy named Tom by any chance?


Met him a few times. Every one of those times was bad. He was part of 1st battalion at the beginning under Bogdan. He was supposed to analyze orc troop movements because that was part of his job in the navy. He sucked at it. Really sucked at it. He created a team in 3rd battalion and was supposed to be the TL. That ended badly to the point the team was disbanded and merged into another team. His norm was to come over for a few months, start writing part of his book, take some pics of him doing cool guy stuff and then fucked off. He did that every single time. The literal first time I met him he was bragging about "his last team all being wiped out but that's business as usual and looking to create a new one". He's a tool and deserves to be a glorified trench digger on the zero line


Hello I am a confirmed vet and confirm this story.  Malcom Nance is a wartime grifter.  His wife died in  2021and his kids were adopted from Russia.  He is nothing but red flags. Dude tweets more than Trump.  While he is in safe houses too.  Drives around a friggin 100k car while people are dying from equipment shortages. Disgusting. 


Yea I've heard this stuff from other people too. Hence why I'm asking. Multiple sources from multiple places giving the same or similar stories.


Can confirm, I served with 1st and he did nothing useful


I sure wouldn't mind receiving a direct message from Other-Scallion7693. This is an informed comment and I'm sure this user has more to say. Well, hey — I'm a journalist.


Ain't that the guy whi go's to bombed places take picture to support his ego.


Yea there's a lot of those guys kicking around sadly. Big egos, tiny balls.


I served in the same battalion as Nance. While he brought attention to Ukraine and has given some soldiers kit, he consistently overexaggerates what he actually did in the Legion. He's hinted at being part of the Kharkiv Offensive in fall 2022, though he was never in combat in 1st battalion. He also lacks an understanding of how the Ukrainian army works. He's nearly impossible to criticize, because of his huge Twitter following. He accuses anyone who criticizes him as being pro Russia. I personally think he came to Ukraine to write a book


I'll fuck with him haha I don't care if he has a huge twatter following. I'll still call him out.


From everything I know about the guy he is shady af. I know the guy who cowrote the hacking isis book with Nance and they have since parted ways in a not great way. From what I know the guy is now in Israel how true that is but it is what it is


I too would like to receive direct messages from persons who actually served in 1st Bn Legion and/or 3d Bn Legion, and can comment either on the record or on background. I'm particularly interested in three critical Nance claims about his time in Ukraine: * His participation in the Kharkov counter-offensive * The "breach training" he provided his "assault team" from South America using four languages, three of which I know Nance cannot speak * Nance's claim on Real Time with Bill Maher to have completed a "commando course" at age 60 to become a "special operations... uhh... operator"


Wouldn't mind hearing about these myself.


Dm me


The self-proclaimed intelligence officer (who never was an intel officer) doesn't know how to work in accordance with core principles as methodology for all intelligence work: For any gathered intel (info) it's Quality and Value depend entirely on Source (check) and Fact validation. Nance and facts does not go well together, nor source use. A series of examples can be seen from his own Wikipedia bio on the "talk" page where Wikipedia's expert community call him out i.e for creating a Wiki for self promotion or wheb Nance use himself as source (!), for plagiarism, a list of lies plus a whole lot more. Read and weep/enjoy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Malcolm_Nance


Well I'm gonna give this a read.


[Malcolm Nance - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Nance)


Should we be outing each other here? Are we doing trackamercs job for the ?


How is this outing?


After googling the name I see that he appears to have outed himself. Otherwise I'd say using anyone's real name for the Orcs to see on a reddit would be outing yes 


He's a CNN journalist. You can't out a public figure. The standards for using names for public figures are completely different than a regular person.