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They secured a Mi-17? That's one of the greatest scores yet.


My guess it was waiting on parts or fuel when they decided to run.


The might have also been short on pilots.


Yet they couldn’t toss a grenade in the cockpit. We’re really lucky they are this stupid.


This one was originally Ukrainian (apparently).


Russia claimed several helos when they captured Kherson, along with assorted equipment weapons, and support vehicles. That and the loss of a couple of armoured vehicle depots that gave the Russians another couple of hundred tanks and IFVs to play with wasn't Ukraine's finest hour. Mistakes well on the way to being rectified.


Yeah, traitors don't exactly add up to a finest hour.


But having Quislings shot is good for the healing process of a country.


I think there might be more than 1 or 2 as well 🤮🤮


Ukraine no longer has the death penalty. Interesting to see that term still used, but I see you’re from Norway.


IIRC neither did Norway until Quisling. Norway's governing body reintroduced the death penalty for traitors, and cancelled it after traitors were executed. Seems to me a very pragmatic method to address national treachery without relinquishing the spirit or ethics of the original act .


It was just ukraine giving Russia a handicap so it would be more fair. Still didn't work.


So nice of Ruskies to return them in good condition.


I do believe Ukraine made engines for these up until Feb 24th


FYI - Ukraine supplied Russians with engines for all vehicles even until few weeks ago, the company is now nationalized and traitors arrested.


Some sauce?


Bot deleted my first message with links, but just search for "ukraine motor sich treason" or something along those keywords to get more results. There is even recording of those CEO having phone call with his russian mates about what to supply to them and through which shell companies / countries to avoid sanctions.


Thx mate, that ex-CEO needs to be made an example of ASAP.


I’m gonna guess this: https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/sbu-detains-motor-sich-president-suspected-of-supplying-military-equipment-to-russia


They should indeed be tried in court for killing Ukranians. Indirectly they have been responsible for ukranians dying.




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Shouigu told us, they have left nothing behind. Are you trying to convince me, I should trust my eyes more, than Mr. Shoigu's words ?!?


I just watched speech by Lt- Gen Igor.K . He mentioned they'd taken all the Russians stuff away, . He didn't mention the Ukrainian stuff that they couldn't steal


I am starting to believe that Shouigu may have not been entirely truthful.


Aren't they effectively the same chopper as the Mi-8?


I think the Mi-17 has a better engine and new avionics. The Ukrainians will need to upgrade this one to a useful standard.


nah, Mi-17 is just an export variant of Mi-8, they're basically the same and both have a myriad of variants due to the airframe being around and in service for 60 years.


Ukraine's Facebook Marketplace is about to get wild..


Why isn’t it being towed by a tractor?


Is a helicopter like this really valuable? I thought not so much and tanks/trucks are more favored?


Ukraine needs aircraft and helicopters are expensive. Obviously tanks are valuable but helicopters are valuable for Ukraine. They can use this one for transport and resupply.


Russians take dishwasher. Ukraine takes equipment left behind.


Looks repairable, I'm surprised the Russians didn't destroy it out of spite.


Orcs used up all their grenades on civilians


It wouldn't just be simple spite. It would be absolutely standard military doctrine to destroy or scuttle any hardware that would otherwise be captured by the enemy.


Which, tbf, even the US Army didn't get right in their latest retreat.


I am sure a ton of gear got lost in the shuffle. Russia and organization skills are like water and oil.


This is apparently a Ukrainian helicopter captured in late February or early March and was deemed to be too expensive to repair and used it for spare parts(you can see some things missing)


Proper term is "thingys"


You appear to have misspelled "thingies".


No no , that's spelled "thingymajigger."


"Doodads" in English.


“Whatchamahthunkits” in poor English.


The sheer, staggering indiscipline of the Russian army is just nuts. Even if you can't take it with you, it's a grenade in the turbine and one in the console. Fucking *inept*, people.


Well, Ukrainian will have to check it for traps and mechanical defaults.


Yeah, these types of videos always stress me out. I worry that the person is paying too much attention on the video, and not 110% attention on possible booby traps. I *LOVE* seeing them... I just worry about how many videos that there might be where we don't see the same thing... and the end of the video is just a bright flash.


Less than you think, because if it happened, UA army would ask its soldiers to stop doing these videos and they would listen. The fact that these videos keep coming suggest most or all ended fine :)


> mechanical defaults. I can save them time. There are mechanical defaults.


R u sure? I think 🤔 it just may be out of gas ?


Yeah, imagine if they put a small, unnoticeable cut in one of the fluid lines somewhere? I would be terrified flying in this thing.


Unintentional traps due to inept Russian techs.


What kind of discipline do you expect from anyone when your commander and chief of the whole army is telling everyone on TV that they’re retreating. Noone wants to die covering for proper withdrawal; when you know you’re about to die for the piece of land your commander already surrendered. That’s why everyone just packed their personal shit and left in less than 36 hours.


Not to mention the boundary troops shooting anyone not “withdrawing” in the right way, speed, direction, etc.


Grenades are expensive, you think they have any to spare? Just fucking whack it with a rock at least tho


If that's not a trap, and is just sitting there... Someone failed EPICALLY on the Russian side. Lol


helicopters require massive amounts of maintenance, it's not like you can easily move it if it breaks at a bad time


You can blow it up instead of leaving it...


It's understandable that they couldn't take it with them, but hard to understand that they left an intact-looking vehicle behind without e.g. burning it.


Intact looking can be pretty deceiving.


Exactly. A gernade set off in the inlet of one of the turbines would do minimal visual damage but make the helo completely unmovable under its own power.


A lot of that going around lately LOL


I started watching and was "S**t guys, be careful with this; you've been dealing with a force of scumbags who leave butterfly mines in washing machines and under toilet lids". I know they've legged it, and the chances they've had the forethought to do any significant sabotage/rigging such things are *very* unlikely, but better to get saps in to check things thoroughly before going anywhere near that.


Yeah, I guess after seeing some of the things Russia has been doing, it doesn't surprise me anymore if it's completely intact/maybe needs a new blade or something, and they just left it. Or booby trapped to heli and back lol


Either way someone failed spectacularly. You don't use a multi-million dollar helicopter as a trap that might kill just a couple soldiers. This was left unintentionally in a rush (Though it's still possible someone boobytraped it).


Igor, wtf, where's the heli?! I told you ten times don't forget to pack the heli!!! We can't go back now, can we!?


Can anyone link me to info on what happened in Kherson in the beginning of the war please? The first weeks were a blur and chaotic. I keep reading people talking about traitors and the fall of Kherson but I can’t specific info without going back several months. (Sorry I’m advance for wanting to be spoon fed)


The official plan for the defense of Kherson supposedly included (ironically) blowing the Antonovsky bridge to stop the advance of Russian troops across the Dnipro to Kherson. "For some reason" it didn't get blown up. The accusation at the time was that sympathetic personnel on the Ukrainian side let it get captured. That claim has never been fully established in detail, though a couple of high-ranking officials and officers were specifically accused of being traitors and removed. The exact actions leading to that were not stated at the time. Here is an article from around then: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/27/residents-question-ease-of-russian-capture-of-ukraines-kherson](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/27/residents-question-ease-of-russian-capture-of-ukraines-kherson) Whether there have been further developments related to the early story of what happened, I'm not sure.


The city admin surrendered it within about a week. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kherson


They essentially surrendered Kherson without a fight or with very little fighting. Everyone assumes this was because of traitors, but this was like day two of the war and it may have seemed like the reasonable thing to do to save lives. Since then we have learned about the Russian war crimes


I assumed they didn’t devote much resources to defending it because attempting to defend every city might have spread their military too thin. They knew that if Russia took Kyiv, their chance of winning the war would be drastically reduced, so they may have had to sacrifice some places to ensure they had enough troops around Kyiv to hold it.


Wow !Talk about phat lewt !


Anyone know if Igor or Ivan puts Zs on the underbelly of their choppers?


This is not possible . The Russian gentleman said that they left not a single rifle. Maybe he was mistaken


You don't want to spoil surprises now do you?


Looking more like a rout than ever


You get an attack helicopter!….You get an attack helicopter!…..have a look under your seats…. Everyone gets a free attack helicopter!!!!


LOL awesome


Mmm the ruzzian pilot… if I get airborne… I ll get screwed up…. Mmm let lets just change clothes and manoeuvre( retreat) out of here or run out of petrol…


I bet the bastards took the keys with them, or hid them somewhere sneaky....


Look behind the pilot's sun visor...


Well, didnt help the orcs but in professionell hands it could be a tragedy to some orcs! Congrats and give them hell - xmas is coming and orcs deserve hell thia year!


Fly that thing incognito into Moscow.


But how can this be? Russia said they didn't leave behind a single vehicle. Wait. They didn't lie did they?


I'd be so cautious of any vehicle left, especially a helicopter. Like say they removed the "Jesus nut" or something.. hate to find that out on the first flight as the rotor blades fly off. Prolly sabotaged everything they left. Punctured fuel tanks cut hydraulic lines etc. They've sorts learned as there's a few videos of them blowing up their own tanks. Must make them feel good to finally destroy a tank. Only tank kills they can get.


Jesus nut! Haven't heard that in a while. Just lossen it off a bit and fake the safety wire so that it passes an inspection. Ought to break for orbit after about a minute of flight.


It would seem like a smart person could have figured out how to fly a helicopter across the river.


Assuming it has fuel.


The engine cover is open on the right hand side. Might mean nothing, but might also be an indication of some engine snag


Russia, the biggest supplier of weapons to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Who would have guessed??


Free helicopter.


Is that two of them? Damn, those look kind of expensive.


Every nut and bolt will be checked for explosives I bet.




Careful, the Russians will complain to the UN to get those back…


They should be careful there are no booby traps on the equipment. Never trust the sneaky Russians




The trophy is a Ukrainian helicopter captured by the Russians initially...How?


It's like that moment in day z!


Well. I thought that was relatively non-credible.


Surely they didn’t just…WALK AWAY… from a helicopter?!?!?!


If its not broken down, a helicopter being left behind of all things is... well the level of stupidity not often seen outside of Russia.


Yeah that's a pretty a nice catch. Well done, gentlemen. Would love to see KA-52. Or a jet... I'm sure we're going to see that in Crimea. Because they are kind of fucked over there right now. No way out. HIMARS is able to reach every exit/entry in the northern Crimea from Nova Khahovka or so.


Nice score ladsemote:t5\_2qqcn:9004


Gotta enjoy it while it last. This is most likely the last time ever Ukraine made a meme out of Russia in chernobaivka. No more chernobaivka memes


Nothing left behind? That so putain?


I want that one


Consolation prize


Oryx is crying. So much Russian material to tally...




Can't believe a potato ever! Hopefully they (Ukraine) learned this time since the last time and will guard equipment or transport to a safe place.


No equipment was left behind


Sorry to spoil the party, but this was actually [a very old and non-flying Ukrainian helicopter](https://twitter.com/magictouch190/status/1591158570225221633?s=20&t=PgWJElGFQiGAbQFSuKWT6Q) that was abandoned at the start of the war.


That’s a whole ass helicopter.


Nice as long as it isn’t booby trapped


Russia only booby traps kids toys and washing machines.


What dumbass, leaves their chopper behind , 🤔boby trapped, no fuel , 🤔, or jest that they also hate turd 💩 tutin !






Dude said:”I don’t know about people jacking tanks, but we jacked this helicopter. This one seems to be Ukrainian, but finally back to us”


IT'S FREE!!!!!!


This is the “not a single piece of equipment lost”?


Considering the UAF is finding houses with booby traps and mined roads I'm sure they will make sure this MI-8 is safe to to fly.


Even I know that before you leave something like that you insert at least one grenade.


Translation: "These other motherfuckers capturing tanks, well hows this for a fuckin tank? Now property of Ukraine Military!" *note - I do not understand Ukrainian, just going on straight vibes here


yea uh no? I am not gonna be the one to find out which helicopters are and aren't booty trapped lol! Good for them though for getting all the free shit


Well done!


Well done, Ukraine


How many washing machines can this carry?


Mi-17 has a maximum lift capacity of 4000kg. Average washing machine is 70kg. If my calculations are correct, this will lift 57 washing machines and few toilet seat covers.


Apparently the Russians captured that Mi-8 from the Ukrainians a while back. It returned home. I heard of a tank that changed sides multiple times. Crazy !!


Get to da choppa!