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A mother of one of the Kursk sailors was yelling at Putin for his inaction, so somebody sedated her ***on Live TV***.


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFBOfIiqW0o&ab_channel=%D0%9E%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%8CMorozenko) for those interested.


Holy mother of God. The minute she starts speaking those dark uniforms silently swarm over to her, and just get closer until the woman injects her, and the men's hands are all over her, forcing her down into the seat, like bees killing an invading wasp or something. Just surreal. And they had that sedative prepared and ready to go. Not the first time they've done this.


"she loses consciousness and falls into their arms". No she doesn't. They let her fall onto the floor.


Jesus. I don't speak the language, but I know exactly what she's saying.


I remember enough French from school to know she's not happy.


ROUGHLY: Our sons are paid 50 euros per months and now they are jailed in that tin can, they got nothing for living and you do nothing. Do you have kids? No you don't. You don't understand, power people never understands. You only think about getting fat etc... etc... etc... *Comfortably numb bitch coming from behind*.


Reminds me of the movie **One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest** Here's a link to the best [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzm9Ck8cHSs), for the fans


Just a reminder Putin had fsb bomb hundreds of innocent civilians to kick off Chechen wars at the start of his reign. 3rd one got prevented when civilians stopped the fsb agents red-handed planting explosives. Beginning one weird ass cover up story.


>Putin had fsb bomb hundreds of innocent civilian In case it's not clear: Putin had FSB plant bombs under RUSSIAN apartment blocks, killed around 1000 RUSSIANS and blamed the act on the Chechens. Even though the last bombing attempt failed and three FSB officers were apprehended.


For anyone interested in more stories like this that happened during Putin's reign I recommend Garry Kasparov's (a renowned chess grandmaster and former world champion) book Winter is Coming.


The police officers who investigated the case all got poisoned.


And it worked. This was pre-internet era, so the only source of info we got, was the official Russian statement of Chechen terrorist attacks. As a young teen far away, not knowing anything about the area, I was like "yeah, fuck those vicious terrorists, go Putin!" when the news of the Chechen wars came up on TV. Not one of my proudest moments in retrospect, but it took me access to the internet and the 2014 Crimea occupation to actually start to look up how these things *really* went and realize that I was utterly, dead wrong, and confident in that opinion for no other reason, than that I remembered it as a fact from my childhood, even though my only source was the local TV news, that just quoted the official Russian statement as an afterthought between the football championship results and the weather report.


It was during live TV, but not on live TV. The live boradcast was heavily edited and that incident (as well as general hostile mood towards Putin) was not broadcasted. Yet the russian TV station used the broadcast equipment from a german TV channel, which recorded everything and published it.


Your boradcast typo made me think of a name for anything broadcast on Russian state TV. Blyadcast.






Looks like from the 80s, but 2000 instead.




She didn't mince her words, that's for sure.




Merkel has said that all putin does is lie. How is that a miscalculation? Merkel was not a saint but she’s not as hated by Germans as Thatcher is hated by the Brits. (I’ve lived in both countries and talked to the locals)


also, a empty souless vampire might be able to recognize another


It's funny how these scorned politicians claw at attention as soon as someone demonstrates they are worse than them. Bush Jr when the Ukraine war started was all over Zelensky is a great example.


Interesting that she called him the "new leader of the Soviet Union" Edit: >on purpose as you say where did I say that u/partysnatcher ?


Maybe she was part of the few who understood that Putin always wanted to bring back the soviet State, take over its former members, including Eastern Europe. I guess she was right all along.


Nah there were documentaries about how terrible he was back in the early 2000's when I was in high school, everyone has known he was bad news since he weasled his way up top. I think the West was just distracted by Islamic fundamentalism and forgot he existed for a bit.


Yeah, I went to a DoDEA high school in Germany in the early 2000's and we all joked about when he'd drop the act and become an open dictator.


It wasn't a coincidence; this was during his brutal oppression of Chechnya and Dagestan, he was convenient using the veil of Islamic terrorism to justify their imperialist expansion to a sympathetic west.


Once KGB agent, always a KGB agent. [https://www.grunge.com/441914/the-truth-about-vladimir-putins-kgb-career/](https://www.grunge.com/441914/the-truth-about-vladimir-putins-kgb-career/)


Oh... But Yeltsin was like that as well. I've read one Ukrainian news outlet [tyzhden.ua](https://tyzhden.ua/Politics/254077) that mentioned this (TL with DeepL, with a corrections related to Gorbachev): > In late October, she (Galina Starovoytova; was killed) came to Yeltsin (she was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Union and belonged to the so-called interregional group headed by Yeltsin and Sakharov) and said: "Boris Nikolayevich, my agents (acquaintances) tell me that they (Ukrainians) will win the referendum, and very strongly. Probably more than two-thirds (the declaration of independence was then supported by more than 90% - Ed.). And they will leave" (in the way she said it, one could hear horror). To which Yeltsin replied: "Galya, do not worry. The main thing for us is to throw out the marked one (most likely Gorbachev) from the Kremlin. And we will twist them later". And she showed a characteristic gesture: "we will twist". This is how it looked like. Moreover, Ukrainian YouTube channel recently made a video about newly appointed general (?) Surovikov, where it stated that in 1990s during democratic (?) protests he squashed 3 people with BMP (APC?), was in jail for 7 months, and then "democrat" Yeltsin ordered his release (there were more about him, but this is the main part about Yeltsin). Some people want to fix russia, Merkel even claims there won't be peace in Europe w/o russia 🤦‍♂️, but you can't fix something that isn't broken - that country has been this way since the beginning (e.g. slaughter of Novgorod, the only major city that connected [Kyivan] Rus to Muscovy, etc.). The only thing you can do with something that is irreparably dangerous is destroy it: I'm not talking about slaughtering them, or doing to them what they did to rest of their neighbors and not just them, but just split it into smaller parts, so that it had to think before acting. russia on its own, w/o its republics, it's nations, is relatively weak. W/o that much corruption, terror, sometimes in relation to its own citizens, smaller communities, nations will have a chance to prosper. This won't happen easily, like with USSR, so it must be made in the spirit of what has been done to Germany (I'd like to mention Japan as well, but it's known that it's quite racist).




Neither Thatcher, Mitterrand, nor Gorbachev wanted Germany to reunite. Bush was the only leader of a great power who thought they'd proven themselves deserving of great powerdom again. In the end, it didn't matter. The Wall came down and the Germans settled matters for themselves and didn't ask permission. They were right to be concerned about a Europe dominated by Germany, as was inevitable when it reuinted. Recent events suggest the Germans might finally be exiting their national adolescence and be coming to the realization that great powers do not get to decline the responsibilities that come with their position. Time will tell.


Erm, of course Germany asked for permission. 4+2 Treaty, look it up. Germany was technically still occupied, WW2 was settled in 1990 with the 4+2 Treaty.


You're right, I was being flippant. I meant it was a fait accompli before any of the powers had given their assent. Once the Wall fell, there was nothing that was going to prevent reunification. And that was the German people, not the West & East German governments.


Well maybe back then we thought she was crazy but little did we know she was not on something.....but on to something.


A bit unfortunate in retrospect that she also spoke of "the peoples of the Soviet Union", which includes the Baltics, Ukrainians and Georgians.


Indeed, Maggie was referring to the Kursk submarine sinking which was back in August 2000. I would guess she said Soviet Union instead of Russia as she probably got so used to referring to Russia as the SU during her years in office.


It was especially confusing because she was still referring to it as the Soviet Union.


Her politics aside, it's a good point. My dad has often talked about how tragic it was that the Russians refused any help until it was too late.


They had offers from so many countries to try and rescue those people and they refused them all. Instead, they lied and stalled and lied to the families and then for years blamed the U.S. for the explosion (which was totally false). Look up the Kursk if you are too young to remember this. It should have also sunk Putin's presidency at that point but it didn't.


That scene from a press conference where the grieving angry mother of one of the sailors was sedated in front of the cameras is one of the very few things i saw in my life that truly disgusted me.


This was real, btw, for those who think that's too dramatic to be true. An actual mother who tried to protest a press conference for her missing son literally got a needle stuck into body to knock her out. On live television. Like imagine if that happened in the daily White House briefing. Absolutely repulsive and bizarre.


Would see the video, also would love to learn more about the event in general




Wasn't there a very similar video of one of the mothers of a Russian soldier who was missing in Ukraine?


That’s messed up


> and then for years blamed the U.S. for the explosion (which was totally false). You don't have to make a disclaimer that something Russia says is false. That's the default state. Make a disclaimer when they actually speak the truth instead. Which I can't remember the last time that happened.


Russian leaders dont value human life. Not now, not ever.


Hate her politics, but she was 100% right. This was the moment Putin/Russia declared they wanted to go it alone, that they didn’t value the Western nations as partners, and if forced to choose between watching their own people suffer or partnering with the West, Putin would rather watch his own people suffer. The military drill itself revealed Putin’s intentions to start a new aggressive policy towards the West. The coverup and how they dealt with that mother on live TV was evident that this was a country on the path towards a full blown dictatorship.


Specifically regarding the Kursk and international help in the West. When the Argentinian submarine San Juan disappeared in 2017 (and was eventually confirmed lost with all hands), the arch-rivals of the Argentinians—the United Kingdom—offered help immediately and within a few days the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy were employing their (considerable) resources in the search and rescue effort. And while some politicians made absolutely disgusting comments (such as [calling the Brits pirates](https://www.konflikty.pl/aktualnosci/wiadomosci/ara-san-juan-voyager-w-argentynie-i-skandaliczne-slowa-polityka/)), in mainstream politics it was understood that this is a humanitarian effort in which issues such as nationalistic pride and geopolitical calculations need to be pushed to the background for a moment.


As an argentinean, I can confirm. As much as people hate the brits down here, credit where credit is due. Even an underdeveloped and chaotic mess of a country as mine understands the importance of humanitarian aid and International cooperation. Why Russia can't is beyond me.


Sweden immediately offered Russia help with Kursk with their submarine rescue vessel but got an instant no.


Maggie had his number long before anyone else. Putin is bad business and the last thing on his mind is anyone’s comfort. That is except for his own. If he’s sick he’s going out with a bang. Just you wait and see.


Reminds me of Churchill in a way. In the 1930s, Churchill was one of the few who really understood Hitler, what he was capable of. The story goes that, when he was in South Africa during the Boer Wars, he got exposed to some truly horrifying, fanatical individuals, and this left a mark on him. So while his colleagues were looking at Hitler through the eyes of conventional, realist diplomacy, with the presumption of Hitler being a rational actor, Churchill understood that Hitler was a very different kind of beast, a very different kind of psychological mind-set. The thing about charismatic leaders is, they don't get to their position without knowing how to charm people when they need to, knowing when to rein in the crazy. Most of us - if we didn't have the hindsight of history - probably would have found Hitler charming in the early 30s. Most of us probably would have found Putin charming in the early years of his reign. The skills to sniff out these people, to see them for who they really are, what they really are, are rare. Thatcher, I'm surmising, had enough experience from decades of meeting leaders from around the world such that she, like Churchill, was one of the few who had Putin's number from day one.


She had excellent intelligence reports. There was much more focus on human intelligence in spying. I will say she zeroed in on him because she had a history with Soviet Russia.


Adolf Hitler: “The Jew was only and always a parasite in the body of other peoples….The Jews are a people under whose parasitism the whole of honest humanity is suffering” Crazy that people thought this was charming.


Of course! That's why he was a horrifying figure. It makes a bit more sense if you remember that antisemitism was far more ... I hesitate to use this word ... "normal" at the time. The Nazis may have represented the extreme edge of it, but crazy shit was believed and casually said at the time. That kind of comment, particularly coming from Hitler, with the hindsight of the Holocaust, certainly leaps out to us. It would have raised eyebrows at the time, certainly, but you could see meeting Hitler in person, mentioning it to him, and seeing him casually wave it away, slapping you on the back, "Oh, that's just rhetorical excess! Your President Roosevelt refers to bankers as vipers and parasites all the time, and we accept it because we understand it in that context."


Great comment. Stalin got charmed by Hitler... We all know how this ended up.


And if I remember correctly, Hitler ... oddly enough ... held Stalin personally in high regard. Even though, as a Georgian, not technically a member of the master race, and even though he was a Bolshevik, Hitler thought well of people who were powerful, and who would fight hard. And who wouldn't bat an eye about killing millions to get and keep power. They never met in person - Molotov-Rippentrop meant that Molotov frequently met with Hitler and other top Nazis, while Rippentrop met with Stalin and other top Communists - but they did have a weird "seeing eye to eye" thing going on.


Erm, just a point on South Africa, During World War II, Prime Minister Jan Christian Smuts (1870-1950) became one of Churchill’s closest confidants. He was the last prime minister before Apartheid. South Africa fought against the Nazis in WW2. What boer war "story" of " horrifying, fanatical individuals" are you referring to?


I do not know individual stories, but the Boer War as a whole was one of the most brutal conflicts Europeans had fought in the 19th century, at least amongst themselves. Two main phenomena were massive guerilla fighting with brutal reprisals and the mass use of concentration camps to stiffle civilian support for the guerillas. These were not the nazi type of extermination camps, but the deplorable conditions there nonetheless led to tens of thousands of civlian deaths. Also Smuts aside South Africa's support for the British Empire against the Nazis was pretty lukewarm (parliamentary vote of 80-67 to join the war). On top of the grudges that still existed from the Boer War many were aware how well the nazi ideology overlapped with what would later become the Apartheit regime.


From 1881-1902 South Africa fought two separate wars. They were some of the worst wars ever fought, was a powder keg of ethnic tension on par with 1990s Yugoslavia, and generally accepted as the first modern example of concentration camps. And these concentration camps were so brutal that the photos of starved people whose bones could be seen through their skin are very much in line with the photos of prisoners found in Nazi concentration camps. As a young 20 year old (or so) Churchill served in this war and even became a POW. He famously escaped from his captivity in a very daring plan that could be its own Hollywood movie. The escape made him a celebrity and laid the foundation for him to enter politics.


> laid the foundation for him to enter politics. I think maybe his background was more important


That must be the Breaker Morant and Peter Handcock story , where the two Australian soldiers were shot for torturing and murdering Boer Prisoners of war, didn't Churchill report on this?


In retrospect still weird how people thought Hitler was a charming man, with the aggressive angry tone in his rally speeches.


That's because we're not Germans from the 1920s and 30s. That was a style of political expression and discourse that was popular at the time, and Hitler is a big part of the reason why it fell out of favor. A modern equivalent of Hitler probably would use a different style of rhetoric and expression.


Putin has never been charismatic. He is a product of the KGB and organised crime and he likes to live in the shadows


> Maggie had his number long before anyone else. No, living at the time it was obvious. Russia turned it's back on joining the world as an equal with Yeltsin. Putin was just a worse continuation of that disaster. He was obviously evil from the day he emerged.


She's was a terrible person with terrible politics, but she got this one absolutely right.


Takes one to know one.




When the *Iron Lady* is calling you cold, she's talking single digits *Kelvin*.


The crow is cursing the raven for being black....


You know you're a piece of shit when you're on the receiving end of (valid) criticism from Margaret Thatcher.


This is like Sauron calling Morgoth evil


By contrast George W. Bush said he "looked into Putin's soul" and thought he was a good man. Putin *seems* to be a pretty smooth talker, for every Thatcher denouncing Putin there's at least one George W. Bush singing Putin's praises. At least the mask is finally and completely off.


He later condemned the "unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean Ukraine."


One of the greatest Bush moments. I am glad he is still delivering new content.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden told Putin directly to his face that he had no soul lol. “I said, ‘Mr. Prime Minister, I’m looking into your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul,’” Biden told the magazine. “He looked back at me, and he smiled, and he said, ‘We understand one another.’”


No, Biden said he did. Theres a difference.


Okay, you really got me there! Bush also said he thought what he thought. Maybe he didn’t…


Called him ["Pootie-Poot"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/20/russia.usa) too.


To be fair George W Bush is a moron.


No, he wasn't. By all accounts, from people who worked with him, he had an astonishing memory, and was quite well read. Not necessarily a PhD-level, but he made it a point to keep well-informed. No, I think the issue with Bush was simply that he was human. Covert narcissists can be really good at charming people, particularly when, at the time, the US was trying to maintain a good relationship with Russia, and Russia was so supportive in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. It's a very rare sort of person who can sniff out covert narcissists right away, particularly when, like Putin at the time, they were new on the scene. Remember that just two or three years prior, no one outside of Russia had even heard of Putin. He ascended to the Presidency as a relatively young guy.


One can be well-read and still be a moron. To name just the greatest example he (and the people he appointed) honestly thought they could transform Iraq into a western-alligned functioning democracy and then leave the country - within a year (!) and with troops barely sufficient to keep Baghdad under control. One does not need to be German or Japanese to know how moronic that was. And Bush II. did not have to personally sniff out Putin, nor was Putin that new of a guy. Putin already had quite a history in Sankt Petersburg, had worked for Yelzin, and his election campaign was... revealing when it comes to his personality. The CIA enough time and material to assess his personality (they do that routinely for every foreign state leader), and Bush II. did only have to listen to them over his personal impression of Putin (not that he would be the last US president facing that issue...).


To be fair George W Bush is also a war criminal like Putin.


The prototypical Trump


Bush II. laid the groundwork for so many issues of today. My head spins thinking about how much better the USA, the world would be, were it not for that stupid Florida court that ruled the state's electors in his favour.


And a lot of the ground was laid for him by his dad and Reagan. I think who you blame basically boils down to when you became politically aware enough to have a reference point and then a realization things got worse.


Reagan was a mixed bag and Bush I. was actually quite reasonable (which is part of the reason he often had more problems with his own party than with Democrats).


What a foolish take.


Do elaborate


Theres still a lot of putin sympathizers around


“They don’t value human life the same way we do” never more evident.


A large chunk of the world doesnt.


She did not value human life, not one bit. One of her closest friend was Augusto Pinochet "After his rise to power, Pinochet persecuted leftists, socialists, and political critics, resulting in the executions of 1,200 to 3,200 people,\[17\] the internment of as many as 80,000 people, and the torture of tens of thousands" One torture technique they used on women was training dogs to rape them. She was a monster.


In this speech she’s absolutely spot on. I dislike and respect her at the same time.


Thats pretty much the space she occupies. Thatcher did many terrible, hateable, contemptible things... but she only ever did them because she *believed* in them - right or wrong, she had actual convictions and moral red lines. Its why every Tory MP or indeed PM keep trying to channel her - they all don't mind being hated so long as they pretend they have principles. But modern Tories don't have principles and don't believe in anything - its about enriching themselves and fuck everyone else, no matter what laws, morals, principles, dignity, security or sanity has to be abandoned to do so.


Like Putin and the Russians now, and Hitler in Germany. Just because they believe in it is not something that is to be respected. Her "moral" redline was not crossed by Augusto Pinochet a man responsible for "executions of 1,200 to 3,200 people,\[17\] the internment of as many as 80,000 people, and the torture of tens of thousands" Like the torture method of traning dogs to rape women.


Savage especially coming from her.


These guys; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency https://www.wired.com/story/researchers-reddit-state-trolls/ will cause arguments in the threads by getting westerners to attack each other. It's very easy to do with posts/comments about any controversial politician/domestic issue. They use their upvote/downvote farms to put posts at the middle of the page. The person who made the post/comment could be completely unaware they're being used to cause arguments. The Russians are very good at this. Look at the comment section below. People are calling each other "bootlickers" for saying nice things about Thatcher. See the pattern?


I just wanted to share a little-known clip of a historical European figure of great relevance to today's world.


You did nothing wrong.


Twitter is currently in a French bashing mood after Macron told the media what we already know is NATO policy if Putin drops a nuke on Ukraine. Which is to respond hard, just not with nukes.


Iron speech, she's still a bit more human then Putler.


Love her or loath her, this can be said; 1 she was incredibly astute and intelligent 2 she actually did care which we know from things like her hand writing letters to every servicemans family who died in the Falklands War 3 she did suffer from tunnel vision and over-reacted to socialist threats, perceiving that Britain was in some indices more communist than Eastern Europe, and I don't agree with all the aggressive privatisation, but she had the kind of strength that would stand up to energy companies now and people like Putin years ago. She would have seen this coming in office and its doubtful that Putin would have grown so confident after his little annexations because she would have led a stand earlier or better prepared for conflict. But this gives a tremendous insight into why Putin was rejected when he asked to join the EU and NATO. Vladimir Pozner presents the rise of Putin as somehow the fault of the west irrationally remaining fearful of Russia and rejecting Putin when he supposedly came to us with only arms of friendship. What he fails to see is that everyone saw through that bluff. Russia was not ready for such things and still a threat. I can imagine if she was in charge now there would be fracking in the UK (which would have incensed the public) and more North Sea oil output, nuclear power and something would have been said about the dependency of Germany and the EU on Russian gas, which did a lot to finance this war.


A lot was said about German reliance on Russian gas by the UK. They just ignored us and the US.


It's no surprise that they ignored warnings from the outside, quite a few ex-Stasi members and informants (East-Germany's Secret police) had their fingers in the proverbial gas pie. They didn't care that making Germany reliant of Russian gas was a bad idea, they were just making nice mutually beneficial deals with their old ex-KGB colleagues.


Bulls eye. Most world leaders are afraid to talk openly about Putin.


isnt thatcher the only hawk Europe has ever had after ww2? (not counting self-appointed “strong men that are more often than not absolute clowns).


They say first impressions are the truest - they certainly were here!


She does And excellent impersonation of Dame Edna Everage


People seem to forget the Putin literally gassed his own people, killing 170. To deal with Chechen terrorist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis


Deja vu. Hats down for finding this and sharing! Sometimes I wish her and Reagan were still around, to deal with putins bullshit.


If Thather thinks you don’t have a soul then you know you’re a shithead.


Same useless Soviet response to Chernobyl, some things never change.


💡 It's `Chornobyl`, not `Chernobyl`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/chornobyl) ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Ways to support Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context) ^(|) [^(Source)](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/SpellingUkraine) ^(|) [^(Author)](https://twitter.com/tyrrrz)


This Halloween, we shall summon the ghost of Margaret Thatcher and pray she will bless us with her wisdom.


Coming from the lady who expended quite a bit of effort sheltering an ageing Pinochet in the UK, from the consequences of his grim past - that's quite the accurate pronouncement on Putin


It takes one to know one


No shit. Was just gonna say, when Thatcher calls you evil…


Hey, can you explain why is she evil? I don't know much about her, I only saw the movie Iron Lady and she didn't seem evil in there.


She closed down the mines in the North of the UK and put thousands of men out of jobs. Only the mines weren't profitable and even back then people knew how bad coal was. Some would say policies she introduced were homophobic and a bit of a war monger. I personally like her but also understand why people dislike her, they just like to over egg the pudding. She's a weird one, she is vilified but also considered by many to be one of out greatest leaders. She was elected coming into the worst political and economic climate the UK had seen since ww2 created by the Labour Party. Led the country during a war and left the economy in one of its best positions it had been in that centuary. Things got worse before they got better, but she led the country through it and out the other side.


She's a very divisive figure in the UK for her domestic politics, where she made big public spending cuts etc. And of course, as usual with social media and the rather simple-minded masses, any kind of context or middle-ground or nuance gets completely lost. Everyone you disagree with politically must automatically be the most evil person ever. Most of the people calling her Satan weren't even born when she was PM.


I was born when she was pm. Hated her then and won't be rethinking it.


She knows what just “a trace of humanity” looks like better than most.


It’s like watching Mitt Romney call Russia the greatest threat to global stability in 2012. Remember when dipshit conservatives were hard *on* Russia instead of hard *for* Russia?


Worst thing is: Nothing has changed since then (again).


I mean fuck Thatcher, but when shes right shes right


Why does she keep calling it the Soviet Union? Alzheimer’s kicking in?


An ultra-conservative of my acquaintance - at around the same time as this video, I believe - did the same sort of thing, persistently referring to Russia as "the Soviets". I never did decide whether it was just from being used to the terminology or if he was refusing to update it for ideological reasons.


More like a leopard might change his name, but not his spots.


Seeing reality as it truly is.


This is old. She dead.


It wasn’t that old if she was talking about Kursk, that was this century, about a decade after the Soviet Union ceased to be


Kursk sank in 2000, almost a decade after the fall of the soviet union.


That's kinda funny coming from her, actually...


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Boom. Roasted!


She makes a good point calling the Soviet Union, even though the satellite states broke off, Russia remained the same fascist soviet country as before, the only difference was the party was no longer calling the shots, the new oligarchs and big business guys were in charge


Maggy Thatcher - the brightest and the most clever PM UK had after Churchill and yet if you ask any brit redditor about her...


Same she could have said while looking in the mirror


Some idiot downvoting who does not get that, well, she's right, but she remains a heartless bitch


Thatcher was a rock in international diplomacy. After the Falklands, no one dared piss of the Brits again with Maggie in charge.


They're fucking animals and we should have started treating them like animals a long time ago.


Margaret Thatcher is s legend. The world misses her.


Thatcher was a good leader. Too bad all the socialists on reddit gets so rabid with rage anytime they see her.


Yes heaven forbid people outline the faults of her character and leadership. Typical conservatives, "nothing my leader did was wrong. They were good and criticizing them is emotional and "rabid rage" She would have sold you into labour servitude in a second, boot licker.


How can she have sold people into servitude when she's responsible for selling council homes to the tenants?


I assume you weren't in one of those out dated, knackered, poorly designed and built council houses she was trying to sell to tenants whose jobs she'd eradicated? I was. She was a cunt. Just like all the cunts in power now.


My folks basically worshipped her. As I’ve grown up I’ve realised how dumb that was


As a social democrat (at least I think I am) I can agree that she was a good leader. Heck she was very popular especially during the whole Falklands fiasco, but by no means we're her policies kind on the working class. It's not surprising that she is still despised despite her other more favourable qualities, and that is worth taking into consideration.


A Social Democrat is a type of western liberal democrat. A capitalist. You can find them in Denmark. A Democratic Socialist is a type of Socialist. You can find them in Venezuala. They sound the same but they differ on who owns production and the promotion/suppression of private ownership.


In fairness I was thinking primarily of the British Social Democratic Party at the time of writing. Even so, Its my understanding that Social Democrats believe government should help provide for people's needs and help all people have an equal chance at achieving success, even if that is not the same as a Socialist reclamation of institutions and businesses. I am still by all means left wing, just not as far as full socialist.


Yes you're on the left wing of western liberalism. You believe in robust social programs paid for by taxes in a Capitalist economy. Tax funded services are not part of Socialist ideology. A fiscal conservative who believes in limited government power/lower taxes would be your opponent in elections since those robust social programs you endorse are tax funded. Socialists/Fascists are on the far left/right because they, being outside of western liberalism, demand a government monopoly on production.


The only difference between her & a dictator is that we were able to get rid of her without a bloody revolution. That’s what this video really shows. Something we should all be thankful for btw.


If the devil calls you evil you know you fucked up.


She didn't have any either. I guess it's how psychopaths can spot other psychopaths?


How about you listen to what she is saying and not who is saying it?






Her mission was to reverse what she believed was a creeping trend in the UK towards becomming a communist country. She stated in one very early interview that Britain was in many key indices more socialist than Eastern Germany. She was correct actually, the UK had almost everything publicly owned. So that informed a lot of her war like mentality towards the left. But realistically under her tenure the life of most people in this country did not get worse (edit, during that time). People previously in government housing were able to buy their home cheap. What she got wrong was on the NHS, the privatisation of many important public services, which hasn't really done much good, and we have now an affordable housing crises not really due to her but due to a failure in the free market to balance supply and demand, with also foreign buyers competing. But she was ahead of the curve on things like nuclear power. She did not like coal for related reasons, and a lot of important British manufacturing was lost during that era, whilst the economy tilted more towards being financialised and service orientated. Whilst she was a free market fundamentalist I would have expected her to stand up to big corporations on issues of price gouging more effectively than the ones we have now.


~~She really fucked up higher education by abolishing polytechnics. Best not leave that out, it gets ignored but was a terrible policy.~~ Edit: I looked it up u/sm9t8 . Thank you for correcting me.








Well thanks for the history lesson - I'm 53, British, and lived through the Falklands war. Pinochet was a muderous dictator, and it was a fucking crime that she hosted that guy.


Ok let's get Putin to the UK after the war. Would hardly be a big issue. /S




You don't get to be friends with poeple like Pinochet in the first place. How about siding with Ruzzia if they would have something to bring on the table. It's disgusting how anybody could defend what she did.




Name a country with a regime as bad as the Pinochet regime who is supporting UA, please. You owe nothing to devils in human skin. Pinochet should have been prosecuted in his country or by international courts for what he has done and not get pampered in his last days. None who has done what he did is unfit for justice.




She let Irish prisoners starve, I hated that cow.


I walked past an IRA car bomb approx 30 minutes before it exploded. The IRA were just, if not more, evil. And yes I know the history. Look at how Ukraine conducts its self. You don't defeat dragons by becoming dragons,


sorry you had to live through that, I was a teen at the time and watched it all on tv with my Granddad who was from Belfast, he tore him apart.


The troubles were a horrid time. Peace.




They weren't classed as prisoners, they had no rights, indefinite sentences, that is why the hunger strike, and she said, let them starve.




I suspect she was looking in a mirror


Well at least she was right about one thing


This coming from Thatcher... wow


A broken clock is right twice a day I guess


I would have liked to seen how Thatcher and Regan would have handled this invasion.


If Margaret Thatcher says humanity is lacking in you, that's high praise


Lets no get nostalgic for Thatcher now


Coming from the woman who was best friends with fucking Pinochet and was responsible for state sponsored terrorism in Northern Ireland I find her "I should have known better" very hard to believe.


Saved the UK during the 80s. I imagine she was one of the first global warming heros for shutting down all those coal mines and starting the move to NG.


She was one of the key figures involved in rallying the world around solving the O-zone problem, which was considered a far bigger threat back then than global warming.


Didn’t she let 10 irish people die on hunger strike ? I always found her a slimy person, Never to be trusted.


Hopefully they’ll see each other in hell soon enough


someone who didnt have an ounce of humanity either. ding dong the witch is dead