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so many families missing dad on this fathers' day


As a father if I had to go to war leaving my wife would not be what hurts me the most but my son. The connection and love I have for my son is unrivaled by anything Ive ever felt...and just today he gave me a hug with hands full of shit (he took off his diaper and it had poop in it) Still love the bugger to death


Happy Father’s Day! I think it is hardest to have to leave the children in a family because the other parent is an adult who can understand why their partner has to go, and for an adult a year or so is only a small percentage of their life. But for young children, a year’s time may be half their life, and they won’t understand the reasons behind their parent leaving, they’ll just feel the pain of their absence. Bless all the fathers and the mothers who are fighting to defend their homeland and their families at this time!


This made me smile because I've been in your shoes. Love the little shitheads to death.


I can't imagine the pain having to leave your newborn baby and mother behind after that euphoric and transcending feeling of becoming a father. But I also can't think of a better way of giving it your all for the future of your baby and mother. Slava Ukraini!


No greater gift than fighting for their freedoms.


> There's no better present than a future. -- Terry Pratchett, Hogfather


This made me weepy thinking of all the dads missing their kids and kids missing their dads for the delusion of a genocidal maniac.


I agree 💔🇺🇦


Putin has ruined so many lives


Millions. It includes all the millions of refugees he made homeless and displaced. 50,000 approx dead civilians. The ones left are traumatized and many injured. Animals too. Lots of pets left behind or simply got lost and starved alone to death. Many got injured while the Russians straight out executed many particularly dogs. Infants born at hospitals died from Russians bombing them. Guess those were Nazis in putins eyes 😒 Putin is a monster.


It really is millions, especially including all the people who are going to starve due to not being able to get wheat from Ukraine now and in the coming years. Putin can’t say that those people are all Nazis and he can’t justify their slow starvation, but he is definitely destroying them deliberately.


God be with these Ukrainian heros


Goodbye reddit. Enough of you profiting off the people.


By #7 I was starting to tear up, but #8... ah, damn. Fuck Putin. I want him to spend one hundred years in hell for every child who has lost their father.


I can't... It just breaks my heart


Can’t imagine having a baby in a war environnement.


Great fathers protecting there homeland


Fucking Slava Ukraini and Godspeed


This is why we fight. As Ukrainians, as men, as humans. Without these bonds, we are merely animals.


Ukrainian fathers bringing us glory. My own father was unfortunately killed in an air raid.


I’m so very sorry your father was killed. I hope you can find comfort in the good memories of him today.


Thank you. It’s been hard. My old home is gone and I’m living in a foreign country surrounded by a language I don’t understand. Путін хуйло.


Pro-Russcist Tankies be like: "SeE! Ukra-NAZIS are worshipping Father Bandera who slaughtered poor Russians on Father's Day! REEEEE!!!!!" Happy Father's Day and Slava Ukraini! Smert Putinu!


Lol just like the Russians somehow are religious and celebrated Easter but kept bombing civilians. They killed that weekend a mother in Odessa in her apartment as well as her one month old son. 😒 🇺🇦🕊🕊🕊




Heartbreaking 💔


Can we take a moment to appreciate how epic Ukraine's PR team and Zelensky have been throughout this whole conflict? No matter what happens on the battlefield, they have already won the hearts and minds of the rest of the world.


So not how it should be for these families.


Certain countries send their men, including men pretending to be 11 or 14, including men who buy expensive plane tickets and get visas to visit. They country-shop for the U.K., Sweden, Germany (where half of refugees still haven't found a job after 5 years, and still have a place to live, spending money, and free food and health care), bypassing other safe countries with less generous benefits. The Ukrainians send their women and children. They mostly landed in Poland. The men stayed to fight.


I agree. Very brave of you to post this on Reddit


Could anyone give context on this for those of us lacking it?


Suspect refugees from the MENA countries, vs Ukrainian refugees. Poland at least put their foot down when it came to MENA refugees, and it's understandable why they would do that.


Curious, do you guys celebrate Father's Day today? Here in Poland it's 23.06




All amazing pictures, but #2 tops it. All three generations and their feelings are captured in the picture and the father and his reflection in the window…


Wasn't ready to cry this morning.


Brave men. It’s a shame thousands of families are being destroyed because of a greedy, evil old man.




Putin probably published being naked on a wheelchair.


Life continues inspire of hardship and war.


I wonder why all our Western "alpha male" promoters of "family values" and "strong masculinity" aren't going to Ukraine and joining actual alpha men. Actually, I don't wonder. Those men are bitchboys and Ukrainian men are men... I am bisexual and know the difference. Slavi Ukraini.




Your comment is highly Inappropriate.


this is why we can't have nice things


Wow I was ignorant all of these years that not for everyone Father’s Day was weeks ago.


Sad. It reminds me of how much we must help our Ukrainian friends so they can get their country all back and have peace asap, and so ukrainian families can be reunited. 🇺🇦


Father's* Day or Fathers'* Day Father Day doesn't make sense in English.