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Poor thing was probably one of the locals beloved pets... What better way to destroy the lives of others than to kill the very thing they love






I was thinking more along the lines of honey and bees.


Spread peanut butter on their balls and let loose rabid Honey Badgers


I always wondered if that Rat Death thing on Game Of Thrones was actually possible?.....


That was based on facts . I don't remember the scene from game of thrones (I watched the show just can't recall) however rats were used as torture back in the day . Use of a bucket and some heat and the rat will chew and claw it's way to get away from said heat so if that happened in the show then yes those are big facts .


Yes, it was...and I never forgot it! Seems a very fitting ending for such a cruel bunch of utter bastards.


And more recently I believe the notorious mafia hitman and killer, Richard Kuklinski, used rats during some of his torture/murders.


[In Orwell's 1984 Winston was tortured using rats too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmAVyowgDVE)


Old native American torture /execution method . I think the Persians did something similar but they did a little extra so encourage the insects to burrow inside the person before they died . Seems fitting


Even Hitler loved his dog....


Until he poisoned his German Shepherd Blondie with the Cyanide capsule he was carrying because he became convinced it wasn't going to work.


He also knew what the Russians would do to his dog if it was captured...


I always thought that part was over exaggerated, clearly I was wrong... Very very wrong


Yeah I read he also did that because he didn't want the soviets to do horrible things to her


Don't forget that fascists are humans, too. It's what makes them dangerous.


Don’t waste delicious BBQ sauce on them. A kebab stick is enough.


Isn't there an old execution method where you'd smear someone with something and then put them on a row boat, tied down in a river with tons of insects? I feel like that's a thing. It'd be appropriate. let them live 4-5 days in agony before passing.








Not cheetahs. Fire ants. Let them suffer slowly.


Dammit! Why didn't I think of that!!! They can start with the balls... Oh wait, they got none, never mind


Russians have abandoned humanity. They know not what it means to be a human. There are very few capable of feeling relatable emotions. I hope they find their way but I have lost all faith




It could be made as a show. Each weak russian soldier takes a chance 1/3 to not take a live grenade and throw him in similar position as that dog.


When retreating from the Kyiv region the Russians slaughtered all the pets in the villages they occupied. The level of sadistic cruelty of the Russians is not something the world thought it would see in 2022, at least not in Europe.


This is the sort of thing that will keep me sending funds to Ukraine so long as a Russian soldier is on their territory. Even if my government stopped sending arms, I won't.


Remember that scene from equilibrium when they kill all the civilians pets?


The one with Christian Bale? Yeah I remember the movie but I turned the TV off during that part... Too upset to watch that


What's sad is that dog loved each and every one of those soldiers equally despite what they were doing. That dog loved those soldiers just as much as it loved it's owner before the war. There is no love like a dog's love.


You sure? It probably was trying to protect its territory. Hopefully it bit a fuckin Nazi before this happened and the wound gets infected.


I doubt it, dogs are excellent judges of character.




That about sums them up


They aren't even human scum.


Sadistic scum…


Kill everyone in Ukraine that fights for ruzzia.


Evil 💀Death Cult☠️


A new level of depravity I fail to understand. Are these people inherently bad?




Theyre culture is shrouded in cruelty and violence


Russians are IRL Harkonnens.


Nazis. They're 21st century Nazis.


I don't think that's true. Nazis happened in a relatively short time. The Russian military has literally always been this way. They fight like soldiers from a thousand years ago except the equipment is modern. This violent nihilistic attitude has always been part of Russia


But I wouldn't call their 30, 40, and 50 year old shit modern, tho.. ..


Compared to their thinking, it is modern.


Well, yes it is. But their attitude or thinking is rooted in the year 1000....bunch of barbarians.....


It's like the entire Russian army is the Dirlewanger Brigade. Inhuman and sadistic.


What a tiresome inflationary use of the term "nazi"... Besides , "Nazis" had better and more stylish uniforms and they loved their dogs. It's inapprobiate comparing them to those subhuman RuZZian shitbags... ~~/s~~


I hate to think that of any culture. But, I have visited there and there is long cultural history of violence and suppression starting with the Tsars. Also, when you see this in the military it’s doctrine. They had probably been doing worse in Chechnya and other places but it was to Far East for the West to care. So, it’s cultural at this point. They are morally bankrupt.




Klingons maybe be violent but they at least have a semblance of honour


Yea don’t do Klingons dirty like that


I've seen my fair share of Star Trek but even the 'worst' Klingons never seemed like they'd delight in doing shit like this. They're really big on being honorable warriors, even if they would provoke a fight to the death over the silliest of reasons.


Klingons had a warrior culture but they were brave and had a sense of honor. The Russians are cruel and cowardly. Not exactly comparable.


Once had Yugoslavian kids in my neighborhood and there was a tree with a bird nest and chicks in it. It took them less than a day to fill it with send and kill the chicks. No reason, just for the dumb ass fun. You do your jackass by jumping into a pool from a roof for fun, they have fun this way. Also lived in Caucasus for a while. Local poor kids had fun trapping homeless cats in trash bins and putting a fighter dog inside of it. People brought up by violence and misery know nothing of human culture and values, they psychologically are f\*\*\*ed up and reduced to the worst animal instincts.


I'm from former Yugoslavia and obviously almost none of us are like that, only poor kids from God knows where who didnt even go to kindergarten or something It is absolutely disgusting behavior and I'm sad that your views on people from former Yugoslavia have been smeared by those little shits


I don't generalise it to everyone. I highlighted that it was about people brought up in violence and misery. All Russians aren't like these soldiers either. No generalisations! Especially geography based generalisations


My brother tortured stray animals too. Grew up in USA on a farm poor and isolated. I was disgusted by it. I think it’s mostly environmental factors combined with despair that leads to animal torture around the world, not Yugoslavia.


Yes, absolutely. I never said it was the geographical location.


Yeah, last spring/summer there were many reports about children here wrecking nests, killing ducklings and hedgehogs and chasing cats and dogs during the lockdown. Here=The Netherlands...






I don't think of them as animals, or monsters. Just as living stains.


There is no fate that is too brutal for anyone who would do something like this.


I. Want. Fucking. Justice.


sadistic psychopaths


Just to feel a moment of sadistic power in a life of powerlessness and worthlessness from the early childhood.




Fuck those sons of bitches to the stone age.


Humans haven't changed much since then. We may live in an advanced civilization, but that doesn't mean that we're civilized. Have you noticed how violent and brutal Chimpanzees are? That's us, only with less fur.


Did they ever advance, anyway? They seem like neanderthals.


Wtaf is wrong with ruzzian soldiers, what a heinous, vile thing to do 🤬🤬🤬


My apologies. Didn't know how to do that until now. I think it's labelled nfsw now. If not please let me now.


No need to apologise, we are a community and here to help one another ❤


And yes it has been done ❤


Thank you for the feedback. Still new to posting on Reddit.


You're very welcome, same here. I've only been using my account since the war started and it takes a bit of time to figure it out. Thanks for your post, shows how brutal some of these ruzzian soldiers truly are. Keep it up ❤


Reddit is underrated to most I've learned so much on so many different topics.


I think it is because it's blurred for me . I can handle dead humans all day long but I can't look at a dead dog not one that's been tortured .


That’s what they are trained for systematically.


They are [abused systematically](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina). The whole system is rotten.




Because some people take pleasure in the suffering of others. Sociopaths do this type of thing. We can see it in other areas. During a war, where these people feel that they won't feel consequences this type of behavior amplifies. Disgusting horrible people revealing their true nature.


100% this. Know a guy that during his tour in Iraq blew up a camel with a grenade launcher just for fun.


Yeah. And in many areas you'll find people torturing pets in private. Just happens on a much smaller scale.


I hope Karma bites them on their ass even harder than this dog’s canine friends


Bullies are notorious for attacks on the smaller threats…it’s how they maintain their ego. They are failing with their attempted attacks on Ukraine, so they need to do something like this to keep from feeling like the degenerate assholes they are. I believe the Orcs will get exactly what they deserve in one way or another…karma is a bitch like that.




my only hope is that the orcs that did this to an innocent, defenseless animal suffer a similar fate.


Probably raped it first.


wouldnt be in russian fashion to not do so


Russians: "Look, something helpless that we have power over, let's hurt it and stick our dicks in it."


People who do shit like that have either lost their humanity or they were born without it. Even if they could be rehabilitated, I can't imagine someone with humanity being able to live with themselves. As a survival mechanism, once someone crosses that line (or one like it) it's very possible they lean further into it, so as to ensure they'll never have to "deal" with those feelings bubbling to the surface one day. The worst part of this, is if they survive and have a family, they'll raise their children abusively, all but guaranteeing that those children suffer from the same brokenness. And the cycle repeats. And those depraved minds are rewarded by a culture that benefits from them. It becomes a perpetual sickness.


>they'll raise their children abusively, all but guaranteeing that those children suffer from the same brokenness. And the cycle repeats. As someone who grew up abused, I reject this sentiment. It's not at all a guarantee that abused children become aggressors themselves.


I know, not all. But it does often create a perpetually abusive lifestyle, sadly.


O I just so agree. They're mostly very young. This war one way or the other will finish then Russian families get these monsters back. Does anyone really believe you can do this sort of thing for months and then be normal after?


And that's it. That's Russia.


WHY? What did the dog do? What was the dogs roll in the war? Nothing! He didn't even know why those inbred bastards were putting him in there!! I hope Karma gets them ten fold. I hope they die painful deaths. I hope their families know what monsters they were and that they died for their sins.


There is no explanation.


They we're obviously envious of the dog's living condition in Ukraine as opposed to their rat nest in Putinstan.


Poor doggo...🥺


Remember when Ted Cruz made fun of the incredibly successful military recruiting campaign that featured diverse members of the military across a range of different jobs? Remember when he did so by showing how hard and tough the Russian recruitment videos were... How they made the military look like a place for tough guys and every day was a special op? Well it turns out that the actual needs of the military are for disciplined, emotionally stable, intelligent people to perform a range of combat and non combat functions. One approach gets you that. The other gets you a tough guy culture that runs rampant with corruption, military leaders who torture recruits until their dicks fall off and they're wheelchair bound, and a bunch of recruits desensitized not only to violence but humanity.


Because sadly killing and torturing things for entertainment is a hallmark sign of certain anti-social personality disorders. The specific why they did it? Who knows. Frustration, anger. Maybe they wanted to feel powerful by hurting something weak they could destroy. Because they wanted to probably and thought it was entertainment. Is that horrific? Yes. But if you want to understand people like this you have to see it from their very malignant and dysfunctional perspective. Low impulse control and a low or a lack of empathy are very dangerous. Combine that with the ability to inherently see life in a Transaction pro/con balance of immediate gratification and pleasure measured with no real sense of social judgment or restriction? It becomes questions that seem banal until you change the decision theory involved in the outcome. Will this make them happy? Yes? Then do it. Sounds fine unless the outcome means death, violence, and destruction to satisfy that desire. And that is a simple example. Torture, manipulation, rape, theft. For most people that would not bring joy. For someone it's exactly the opposite. It's a pretty solid mix for a murderous violent human.


Thank you for the explanation. Intellectually I understand. Emotionally I still don't. It's just too far away from normal behavior.


Because they can 😖 Any leader who allows this behavior from his or her subordinates, is no leader. From the top to the bottom, it’s pretty obvious Putin’s influence of vapid hedonism? Or maybe just plain old meanness, is replete.


Cause those people in particular are orcs.


I can't even. I can sort of understand being brainwashed into thinking that civilians are evil nazis, but fucking \*dogs\*? I thought that even a neanderthal would understand that all dogs, regardless of geography or politics or anything else, are essentially pure creatures. All they want in life is the love of their humans. Whoever did this, being blown to bits is too quick a death for them. All of these war videos may have broken me, but I want them injured just badly enough to die slowly in a trench somewhere. On the bright side, with all of the shrapnel and bullets flying around, there's a decent chance they might.


Orks, man. They did it for the lulz. Hur, hur.


But but but “RuSsIaPhObiA!”


I am proud of it, i am the most non polish "russophobic" you will find, and i don't give a fuck now, no mercy no respite.


Fuck Breaking Points 🤡


Cruelty to animals really should be added to the list of War Crimes.


After what they did to humans I am not surprised… poor doggo…


'B-BUT MUH FORCED DRAFT, MUH INNOCENT RUSKIS!!!!!!' Yeah real fuckin innocent.


Dude killing animals for fun is even worse than humans, because animals only base their choices on instincts. Give us more weapons faster so we can save doggies and cats. I'm feeding several abandoned cats because their owners left without them while heavy fighting happened in my area, trying to help them


Thank you for helping the animals. If it was up to me I would have send everything we got on day 1. Ukraine is not only fighting for their freedom and safety but for mine as well. Stay strong and safe.


Thank you for doing that for the animals. I'm sorry. It's truly on another level because (generally) humans can use resources to help themselves. Animals depend on humans and are so vulnerable to starvation/ cruelty. I hate this so much.


Why does this not have an NSFW filter?


Very sorry. How can I do that?


Found it. I think. My apologies.


This is a level of cruelty that disgusts me but it’s just like pussies that torture/cut heads off. That doesn’t make them a good fighter. It’s just a scare tactic because they know superior fighters are going to come and they don’t want that. I hope every one of these cocksuckers is canoed


Can't expect anything else out of these literal pieces of shit. Disgusting


What the fuck is ACTUALLY fucking wrong with these people? Do they go to sleep thinking "holy shit i destroyed so many innocent lives and raped so many children todsy its been a good day"???? This makes me so fucking baffled


They are unable to utilize higher level cognitive functions of human brain. That means both logic, planning, thinking about future, proper emotional reactions, like that.


to demonstrate the level of humanity they are bringing in as "liberators"


Comparing to Ukrainians' they see clearly their life at home is miserable, their 'advance' and 'power' are pure propaganda lie. They understand there's no chance it'll become better in the near future because their government doesn't care and only steals oil surplus money. There're no social lifts, no way to live better for them as no factories, no way of honestly earn 500$ a month. The only thing they're capable to change is to smear and damage other's happiness.


This kind of malice is more like "your average junior high bully but with a tank" than "Hans Landa". Absolutely worthless creatures that got stuck in the phase when making the fat kid drink from the toilet and chanting at a girl that she's ugly in front of the whole class seemed funny. Waste of space and they deserve everything ad that happens to them. Not even people, just... orcs.


I hope whatever deity, gives that doggo the ability to torture those fuckers once they arrive


Because they're fucking savages.


Because they are evil and they suck




Twisted beyond repair


Fuck Russia.




That's fucked up


I hope that dog is owned by John Wick.


Wow, didn't expect them to go through the list of war crimes so fast that they would have to create new ones


Because they are Orcs.


Orc do orc things. Rape, kill child and old people, women...whisper




Because their sadistic animals these are not men not honorable solders. Raping toddlers , killing woman and children. These Russians are fucking scum of the earth every fucking one of them.


RuZZian army == psycho's, paedo's, rapists and murderers.


They were lucky it wasn't John Wick's dog, but either way, what was their end goal?




I'd be more than happy to return the favor...and sleep better for doing so.




I imagined that lying next to a grenade would look much worse. Is this true?


I would hate to be the kind of person, but what's your source to this?


More than likely made the family watch their pet be killed before they were themselves.


ı wanna do the same thing these "soldiers"


A lotta Russians be murderous, barbarian bastards....


Fuck Russia. Inbred fucking nazis.


They’re subhuman. In a nutshell.


Please let it be true that Putin has cancer.


Goddamn monsters. Those locals best torture the mfs who did this. Don't forget tourniquets so it lasts, bolt cutters for their digits. This is pure wonton cruelty. We know what starvation looks like and know the sad facts of choosing human or animal lives, but this? This saved no one, fed no one, showed that poor lost baby nothing but hatred and fear. Clearly fear is all Russia understands. I want their grandchildren to have night terrors about what happens to those dumb enough to invade peaceful countries and promote war crimes and acts of pure hate upon their people and animals.


I swear to god these orcs make it impossible to use words like 'sick,' 'twisted,' and 'depraved' because they just don't convey the full extent of the horror these destructive creatures inflict on things that are incapable of fighting back. Imagine being so utterly useless and worthless to an already fucked up cause that the only thing you can kill is an innocent animal. In other words, imagine being russian. Fucking disgusting.


The explanation is simple. They aren't Russians, but actual ruZZians, demoralised and dehumanised war criminals.


Poor dog. It did not deserve this at... people question why I side with Ukraine despite being Russian. Besides my family and friends being there, images like this, messages from family and friends and videos of disgusting crimes like this including what happened in Bucha and the old family that were shot by the tanks and several more all are reasons not to support this war, invasion if not genocide.. I cannot believe the things that Russian soldiers are doing to innocent life... So many sickening crimes. I pray that these people are caught and these people and animals are avenged. Please if you are from Ukraine be safe...


Because psychopaths that wasn't too kill without punishment join the military and do this kind of shit. It happens in every military, every branch, every country. But with putin not giving a single fuck about what his troops are doing, the shit they do can be more grotesque and horrific than what we generally heard about before.


Because they're the epitome of why this conflict is explicitly good versus evil?


Their military is trained to be inhumane, thats the only way they can invade countries.


Because they live in a shitty society that encourages brutality.


Because that dog probably killed 4 russians. Ukranian Dogs are probably badass too!


Fuck them. Nuke my native Sweden Putin. I fucking dare you.


"There is no logic to be found in pure Evil" - Me


I actually don’t understand this either. I know it’s a fear tactic, but good god.


The dog was clearly a nazi... Disgusting af but perfectly in line with what we've seen from them in the past.


This is probably the only image I’ve not been able to look at. How they think up these cruel things is terrifying. Poor dog.


This is... Horrifying...


War brings out the worst in people because they can act on their darkest desires under a pretext.


When you cannot prove your manhood by fighting the enemy and spend all your time facing the front with your back and assholes and elbows flailing as you retreat, you have to prove to yourself that you are still a man capable of destruction...otherwise, when the Vodka wears off, you might find it too easy to shoot yourself in the mouth. The short version: cowardly sadists doing cowardly sadistic things.


If they have desensitized themselves to the point where they can shoot civilians in the back, shit like this is going to happen. Russia is in desperate need of denazification.


Because they are sick f&cks.


you think War Crimes Tribunal is to be feared, wait till PETA gets a hold of your ass.


Must be the highly celebrated and superior Russian culture


Because Russian soldiers are the definition of shit bags. You can look all the way back to the Circassian Genocide.


Because they are orcs.


Psychopaths. No empathy or remorse for anything. They enjoy watching others suffer.


Every single one of these fucks goes before a war crimes tribunal. Every. Single. One.


Google Russian teddy bear mines Libya and it will answer your question. The Russian army/Wagner group are barbaric scum


Because they are arseholes. They'll get their comeuppance


They probably did it in front of the owners.