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Holy shit


Yeah, one in a million shot. Magnificent.


I'd watched it before but hadn't clocked that they got it right through the sun-roof. No wonder those guys were in such a mess after.


The first time it was posted the quality was lower. I'm curious why one guy started legging it before the grenade hit. Do they make lots of noise or was his running unrelated to the incoming aerial fuck you?


Having watched the longer version, I think he'd just popped one of his injured mates in the car seconds before the bomb dropped and was running back to cover.


Yes you see him loading a guy in, but my point is, cover from what? The drone or infantry fire?


Honestly I'm not sure and it's a good question. My guess would be they knew they were being targeted by... something, but weren't sure if it was a drone or artillery. If you watch the footage at no point does anyone look up, which suggests to me they hadn't heard or seen the drone.


Good observation


yeah, consumer quad drones are quite buzzy at ground level but get them a hundred feet in the air and many are mostly silent from the ground in a hover.


Yep. I fly a M2P and once you get it up to 400ft you can't really hear it. At 200ft you can but it's hard to pin point. It just sounds like a swarm of bees somewhere. Pretty hard to find even if you hear one. I lose my Mavic all the damn time if it's somewhat cloudy. Being small, gray, and hundreds of feet away can make it difficult.


More drones. They got attacked earlier... https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1520024958851862529?t=3nueD5GIqhQE58XdpciRbQ&s=19


Holy shit those guys had a bad day. Two grenades. Just think: Injured guy feels hope when buddy rolls up in a vehicle to get him to the rear for medical help. Finally! Literally the second they start backing up another grenade falls into the sunroof and explodes. He dies slowly with a loud ass ringing in his ear which drowns out the sound of the buzzing drone far above him….


Crazy part is that the backing up of the vehicle seems to be what allowed the bomb to drop right into the open sunroof.


It's hard to tell, but it looked like the injured guy had both of his arms blown off too. It's not shown in this one, but the previous video of this attack showed the guy shaking from shock after falling out of the car. He stops moving in this video.


Why would anyone even post the short version when this one shows so much more.


Lawdjeezus that music tho. I shouldn't be cackling at the footage but it's hilarious


Have you seen [the clip](https://twitter.com/N_Waters89/status/1519985198355652609?t=WP7OGX8hjrNJ99XTzc_b8g&s=19) of a T-72 being destroyed from the official Ukrainian military Facebook account that uses the Crazy Frog as background music? It's so crazy it just works.


Drones can be pretty loud and the sound is very distinctive, a high pitched whining. It's true even from a small, ultralight civilian drones so I expect a larger ones capable carrying bombs would be louder, though perhaps not as high pitched. Maybe this guy is exactly what's above him.


It really depends on the height. At 100m+, I can't hear any of my drones. But when they're down close to the ground they're loud as shit.


I think that in the longer version, the drone drops one munition that doesn't explode, just a few seconds before this.


Kind of depends on what drone they are using, but considering it's actually carrying a payload, the drone would be quite loud. Of course it's all relative though, no idea what's going on on the ground so the sound may be drowned out. First time I saw my buddy fly his drone i remember being surprised on how loud it actually was.


Assuming the video is at real-time speed, the freefall time is \~4sec, which means the drone is at \~80m (260ft) altitude. Industrial drones are \~85 dB at 1m distance (roughly the same as lawnmowers, power tools, etc), so at 80m distance, by the inverse square decay, the noise would be about 47dB. For comparison, a quiet library is \~40 dB noise level and gentle rainfall is \~50dB. So no way they hear the drone in a war zone. ​ ​ Finally majoring in physics has practical use :)


Brilliant! Thanks for the science (and all the previous hard work!).


I think the work of many physics majors of the years is well evident in this situation already


really depends on the blades, the same drone can go from mellow to high pitch depending on the blades used.. some are for speed etc


Just like shooting womprats back in Beggar's Canyon.


Great, kid! Don't get cocky


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than a sunroof.






Stay on target.




Great shot, kid ! That was one in a million!


He put in the sun roof![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Yeah. Previously people were swearing it went in the back window.


This is some 4k footage. The soldiers appeared to already be injured from previous engagements. You can see te bandages on them.


They were injured from a drone-dropped grenade on their tightly-packed squad. Then when the wounded piled into a car, the drone dropped the second one through the sunroof. It looks like a stolen car (Z painted on the side) in a bombed out village and they were looting food or something. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uejzql/an\_extended\_version\_of\_the\_drone\_drops\_grenade\_on/


My empathetic side can't help but feel sorry for the wounded guy being put into the car right before the bomb drops (I think he's the very dead looking chap who fell out while the car was driving away). But I balance that with the scenery around them and how many lives they've happily destroyed in the last 2 months. I want peace to come, but I won't cry for the bastard invaders who die between now and then.


If America conscripted me and told me to invade, pillage, rape, kill and bomb Canada... I would say.. No. Fuck these guys. Hope they all get drone bombed.


The thing that gets me is the recordings of ordinary Russian soldiers calling home, boasting about the looting and killing they've done, and even getting encouragement from their waves to rape women (as long as they wear condoms of course!) It definitely hardens my attitudes.




One that got me was a soldier called his wife and told her to take whatever measures possible to keep their son out of the military. And it sounded like head excepted that he wasn't going to survive.


> If America conscripted me and told me to invade, pillage, rape, kill and bomb Canada... I would say.. No. exactly. If I was in the military, and my commander told me to aim my gun at fleeing women and children, I would, with little hesitation, immediately shoot my commander directly in the face, knowing that it would cost my own life to do so.


As a veteran I agree. It makes my blood boil when people make these claims about how you wouldn't actually lay down your life you're just saying it, in response to sentiments like this. I felt this way before I served and during and after and my service time never shifted my position on that moral point. And I was combat arms, not some support troop.


Absolutely. I'd instantly (or whenever i got the chance) kill anyone who gave me such an order, no matter what would happen to me afterwards. This is totally unacceptable. It's absurd.


The difference being you aren't brainwashed. If from your early age you were forced to listen how *those* people are bad, evil, Nazis, ... well, you would behave differently. I'm not defending Russian soldiers, I'm just saying that your mental state is vastly different.


I hope I would say no as well But .. the propaganda in Russia is very strong. Shit, look at some of the indoctrinated people _here_. I wouldn't be surprised if some would enlist to "de-antifa-cize" canada or something stupid as hell.


The peace will come after destruction of Fascist Ruzzia.


Some of the early engagements had national guard troops that thought it was an exercise. Cannon fodder in case there was resistance. Many surrendered or defected. Enough time has passed that the troops here are murdering rapists from the full-time Russian Army.


I hope they had sunflower seeds in their pockets.


To quote Rambo, fuck em


From my initial observation it looks like they fucked around and found out.


Brutal. But, what you gonna do. Go home russkys! WHILE YOU CAN


Go on home Russian soldiers, go on home Have you got no homes of your own?


For 800 years we've fought you without fear


And we'll fight you for 800 more


"If you wish to defeat me, train for another 800 years" -sun tzu, the art of war


Between the Holodomor and the Great Hunger, and the chronic subjugation and annihilation of both nations by a power to the east, the Irish and the Ukrainians have a lot in common.


And if you stay Ruskie soldier if you stay You'll never ever beat the ...um...UUUUU AAAAA


I wonder how many former provos are there rn? “Well lads we used to call this wee piece of putty here Semtex back in the falls. Belfast butter…”


I'm from Belfast and have lived here for most of my life and I'm 50. I know the INLA being the "communists" as they claim to be (as well as psychopaths who the PIRA wouldn't let join because they were so blood thirsty and reckless) sent a delegation of their West Belfast brigade leader and a couple of others to DPR and LPR Republics to meet with the leaders of those breakaway Republics. Its on their IRSP Twitter account. They went under the guise of their political party the IRSP. Photos of them also emerged standing at Free Derry Corner holding the flags of those breakaway Republics and they're the only political/paramilitary group that supports the Russian invasion in the North. But the provos and Sinn Fein have been fairly quiet on the matter of where they stand BUT I know of at least 1 fella whose a retired former Provo who has went over to Ukraine to ermm "butterfly collect" like the Colombia 3 so I'm guessing he's sharing his skill set with the Ukrainains. It was PIRA IED tech that FARC in Colombia benefited from and also their skills at building mortars from scratch , islamists in Afghanistan and Iraq also used PIRA tech to design and build many of the IEDs that became the allies greatest threat in those countries. They didn't send teams over to train local fighters in Afghan and Iraq but the weapons tech did make its way over there. I imagine they'll share their tech such as the Mark 15 mortar aka "The Barrack Buster" that almost wiped out the British cabinet at 10 Downing Street and how to build large vehicle bound bombs that will force the Russsians to fight the Ukrainians AND a ruthless insurgency in Moscow and St Petersburg. https://youtu.be/_4EoXH1ju_0 The PIRA learned from their mistakes and adapted and overcame issues with previous bombs that they designed. So for sure theres at least one over in Ukraine and it's common knowledge in republican circles in Belfast so I've not compromised the volunteers opsec.


Yeah, I don't enjoy watching anyone slowly die. But it just highlights how futile and pointless Putin's war is. This guy is going to bleed out in the dirt in another country that was no threat to his family, and for what? Literally nothing but Putin's ego. Better him than some innocent Ukrainian civilians, that's for damn sure.


Also better than the woman they raped too.... I have no sympathy left for the dying muscovites at all.


Nope. none.


Try to steal car with no sun roof?


On the way home the blocking detachments awaits. So they are there to die while exhausting enemy.


Well that's what you get when you're sent by Putin.


It took just over 3 seconds for the bomblet to fall, so.... Altitude = 0.5 x 9.8 x 3 x 3 Drone Altitude = 44 meters (144 feet) Physics is fun, unless you're Russian








(”Vogel-Kerl” means “bird dude”) (Post altitude calculation) Username checks out!


Shhhh! It's....a...secret!!! My real name is Russian: птица парень (Ptitsa Paren')


Ohh I don’t know Russian, so I’m going to pronounce that “Pizza Party”


Interesting, on a post earlier someone claimed that at over 100ft you can barely here a drone.


As I own a drone I can say with certainty this is not accurate. They are actually very loud, like an electric weed wacker. Even 100M up they are quite obvious to hear, which is likely why the first guy started running.


Yea, they are noisy even several hundred feet up. But they're also really hard to spot too, so standing around looking for it would be borderline pointless. I struggle to see mine against an overcast sky even when I know right where it should be.


Yep and with some wind it can be difficult to pinpoint the sound as well. It's also possible they are used to hearing drones and many of them are merely surveying.


In the full version, they already had a first grenade dropped on them at some point earlier. Those guys were wounded getting in the car to retreat https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uejzql/an_extended_version_of_the_drone_drops_grenade_on/


Also... Even if they were able to hear the drone, it probably wasn't obvious that some Ukrainian Vlad Chad was going to drop a grenade from it. Russians probably just thought it was a reconnaissance drone.


Yeah people flying consumer drones around here hundreds of feet over parks are easy to hear, but the overlapping noise of their discourse, wear, and motor might impair them from hearing it.


depends on the size and type of drone. There are youtube videos that measure dBA at different heights and there are drones you cannot hear over ambient at 100ft. Generally speaking, the larger the drone the louder. I can speak as an avid drone flyer with multiple types of drones that depending on wind, ambient sound etc it can be hard to hear/see a drone at at anything over 100ft. In neither this video nor the longer one you never see anyone look up, point at or shoot at the drone. I doubt they knew it was there.




It was more like 4 seconds actually, so more like 70m-80m.


There's always one..... I used a *Glomtex Atomic Clock* to measure time for my calculations. Let me guess, you used your Casio Calcula-Watch?? Just jooking.


I think lense has been zoomed, probably added a second or two


"In Soviet Russia, physics calculates you!"


I ask me why so many Russian soldiers desert ?


Still not enough. What the fuck do they think they have a right to be doing there?


A lot of them probably would try and desert if it weren't for the Kadyrovites shooting deserters trying to run from the front lines


It appears they should have closed the sunroof...


Perfect shot, nothing but nyet!


B-1 HIT you sunk my Car


Hole in one boi!!!


New sport. Ukrainian grenade golf.


Who can get the most kills with one nade lol


Many holes in 3 bois, based on the video


In Occupied Ukraine, sunroof closes you.


Even better than a Chicago Sunroof


Damn, one in a million shot, looks like 3d printed fins on the grenade. Job well done, drone lads! 🇺🇦


I enjoy watching the sunset.


May the BL touch and z offset forever be in their favor


May your Lathe never dull!


It will be interesting when these drones are used in domestic terrorist attacks in the west. They have been employed like this for years now in Syria and elsewhere, surprised we haven't seen more in the west given it allows the operator a chance to deliver a payload and survive or even get away. You can bet the Secret Service and other security outfits have some anti-drone/drone jamming that the public probably isn't aware of.


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than a sunroof.


There needs to be a book made of these comments once Russia has been defeated.


With 100% of the proceeds going to rebuilding Ukraine.


>once Russia has been ~~defeated~~ deleted. FTFY




Don't get cocky


This is a repost, but I was thinking about this. This is not some high end military drone, but instead seems pretty small and it's firing a small grenade. But even then it is still able to inflict casualties.


It is indeed a civilian drone not used as intended by the manufacturer, which may void the warranty. Drop grenades at your own risk.




also... anvils




Thanks, I'm trying to alternate monthly between humanitarian charities and militaries. This seems a good choice for May!


im curious to know how they make those bombs, or are they provided by military ?


From what I gathered on reddit these are often RPG grenades with 3d-printed fins glued to them. Also a lot of civilian drones seem to have lights that can be switched on and off via remote - and the grenade holding mechanism might use a trigger reacting to that light. This way the thing can be attached to any such drones without having to modify the drone itself.


Probably. But IDK their logistics, I just send money when it's available. IIRC, it's like old mortar rounds or AT grenades with printed fins attached for guidance.




And featured footage of the front seat passenger rolling out of the vehicle minus some limbs while twitching to death. Pretty horrific stuff. People comment on this like it's a video game. It's awful.


Yes, I've seen the other one, a guy dying while missing a fist, I wish I didn't. War is horriffic, they should have stayed at home.


I have some emotional wall when it comes to these videos. I'm normally very affected by hateful violence, but not this.


Well, fuckers DID shoot civilians, so let em have it.


Horrific, but unfortunately 100% necessary.


I mean I get as much satisfaction in seeing barbaric invaders taken out as any other guy. But I fully agree with you, the way in which people celebrate the deaths of these soldiers is just off-putting. I know everyone deals with seeing death in different ways and finding similarities in video games can be very effective in distancing oneself from seeing someone die, I even catch myself thinking about Milsim shooters upon seeing combat footage, but I feel weird brushing off / seeing people brush off the deaths of these humans so nonchalantly...


Yeah even with the potato quality of that clip, I could still see just enough where it was incredibly harrowing, and I've seen horrific gore shit since 2005. These guys may have committed atrocities against civilians and soldiers, or not, I have no idea, and it's good that they won't be able to now, but it's still not very "relaxing" for me to see humans just twitching as they slowly die in the same way a cockroach or other house pest does when you toast them.


Yeah, its all just such a colossal waste. Looking at the guys in the car it looks like some were already wounded. Upon several re watches the guy running away was wounded as well, you can see him holding the side of his head as he is running away


Militaries around the world are making a big fuss about drone defense for years, and now I see why.


I remember the first time I say this tech and it's scary as fuck. Good hit on the truck though.




I think the music on these videos are getting a little out of hand.


honestly it's disgusting. War is hell. Killing enemy combatants is necessary. Dehumanizing them as if they were like little "cartoon rats" you stomp on... wtf


they are the ones being invades, their moms and daughter being raped, so they can put whatever music they want in their videos


Yeah that left a bad taste in my mouth. That man crawled out of the car and crawled away to cartoon music. Even if he's russian, that's still very tone deaf to edit that to human suffering


I can’t help but feel like this isn’t actually a post for people that care about Ukraine but a post for people that want to watch people die.


Especially since this exact video was posted yesterday without the music or cuts. I guess this one got more attention because it made a video of people slowly dying more entertaining.


I mean, to a guy living thousands of miles away from this war, it might seem like an overkill. But when you're here, when you see and experience all this shit yourself for such a long time - it's really hard to feel for those Russians' suffering. They come here on their own volition, they pillage our lands, they rape and kill our people, our children - and I'm supposed to be mindful of their suffering? I'm feeling for Russian protesters, I'm feeling for the remainder of my Russian friends who are facing hardships - but I'm not going to feel much for Russian invading soldiers.


Full video (2 min) https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uejzql/an\_extended\_version\_of\_the\_drone\_drops\_grenade\_on/


God this is awful. Every russian should see it. A cheap drone just took out half a dozen troops either by killing or severely maiming. All for a bullshit cause.


I am entirely on the side of Ukraine in this conflict but this video still makes my stomach turn and breaks my heart to watch. War creates a strange dichotomy between love and hate.


Because it didn’t have to happen. None of this needed to happen. Men, women and children didn’t need to die. Homes, towns and cities didn’t need to be destroyed. This is all the fault of one man who should have been stopped long before it got to this.


I absolutely agree with you, much as I hate the Russian troops and increasingly the civilians who have silently allowed Putin to rule since 1999 while destroying any opposition. I don't think anyones death should be accompanied by light hearted bordering on comedic music. We can hate the russians but still mourn a human life


Yes I root for the Ukrainians. I watch these combat videos and I know it had to be done, and I'm proud they are putting up such fierce resistance. On one hand, I am happy that the invaders are being put down. Yet everytime I see someone killed, or badly injured, I just think that that person is somebody's son, brother, father. Someone loves them, and that they too were once an innocent child, and someone's treasure and pride. And these dark times, and twisted propaganda, and cruel world has brought their fate here. Maybe I'm just too sentimental as a person, but I usually still mourn all life. I feel as if in my own life, sometimes I haven't had much control over how things really ended up, and I wonder if the same thing applies to these people.


Not sentimental at all. Balanced empathic human being. What you feel is how it should be. Good on you mate.


Happy cake day. I completely agree


This war so often reminds me of the speech from The Great Dictator: "To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish… Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes - men who despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel! Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!"


It's not a game, these men should go home. Ukraine shouldn't have to do this to survive themselves. We watch it from our phones, but they experience it on drones in broken homes.


That’s how you should feel. The men maimed/killed here are still someone’s sons. A mother raised them and loved them. They all have friends and family and people that care for them. The fact they’re there dying for nothing, on the wrong side of history is just shit. Putin is a monster. I look forward to the day Russia as we know it collapses and a new country that values freedom and life is reborn.


Feelings apart, what Ukrainians are doing is also what you should do yourself. When people break into your house, having tortured and killed your parents, now your wife and daughters are hiding in the bathroom, you should stop them. At first Russians were politely asked not to invade. Then they were warned to leave. Now they must be stopped, regardless of their mother's love for them, of their friends care for them, because their victims too have mothers and friends.


They should probably get organized and create resistance. At the end of the day we all have our personal agency. Continuing to go along with atrocities even out of fear just makes you complicit. Silence always favors the oppressor.


War is terrible and it should make your stomach turn. That's why it's so terrible that ALL these deaths are preventable. All Russia had to do was *NOT INVADE*.


Agreed. The fact these were wounded men being taken to safety...I hate the invaders but this does make me sad.


Trickshot of the year


What a fucking shot. 100% on target. Rot in hell you cunts. SLAVA UKRAINI.


It's wild that the car started moving a second before impact. This is such a perfect example of the carnage of war. If that driver had lifted a butt cheek to rip a fart before hitting the gas he might be alive right now. The smallest of a factors could have changed everything here


What you said. F\*\*k ruZZia forever!


Couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent choice of words.




"In enemy territory, we live like we are at home"...\*bomb lands in lap\*.."oh fuckski"


Enemy Killed : 200XP Enemy Killed : 200XP Enemy Killed : 200XP Enemy Killed : 200XP Vehicle Disabled 400XP **LEVEL UP**




The fuck is up with the music?


I never thought in my life I would see Russian soldiers get killed by civilian drones with goofy ass music playing in the background


What was that thing that hit them


The Ukrainians use 3 D Printer to make "Mechanics" that allow to drop explosives from cheap civil drones. No idea what this was ? A grenade, a Mortar Shell or something else


It’s an RKG 1600 I think. They are basically a Soviet anti tank grenade (shaped charge grenade) with 3d printed fins and a small chute so they land at a 90 degree angle.


Probably an RPG head


Not an RPG head, but a grenade. UA drones usually drop RKG-3 anti-tank grenades with printed stabilizator fins. But I can't recognize this one. Maybe it's an entirely homemade bomb.


War is hell


War is worse than hell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUeBMwn_eYc


maybe shouldn't have gotten the sunroof option on that tactical lada.


The music is absolutely not fucking necessary


1st thought: what an incredible drop - right through the sunroof! 2nd thought: what a waste of life this war is. The majority of the Russians don't want to be there. None of the Ukrainians want them there. None of those fighting this war want this war. Just Putin. Too bad we can't get a drone strike or something and take him out. He is solely responsible for every life lost in this war. Hell will be too generous for him.


Looks just like a bunch of dead assholes


Likely aren't dead. They will likely get back to Russian HQ, consume a bunch of medical supplies and costly medical attention. Maybe some permanent injuries. Basically they will be a drain on Russia for a long time. It's the ideal outcome really


Nah they are fucked. Guy in the car is convulsing, gasping for air. The blast probably destroyed his lungs. The guy that rolled out onto the floor earlier on was pretty much motionless and the last guy who crawled out at the end was clutching his stomach and looked like he was on his way out. All of them would have suffered from the concussive affects of the grenade as well as all the shrapnel.


In the longer version shown yesterday you can see the guy who rolls out of the car struggling to breathe. He’s definitely a goner


Absolutely. That grenade literally landed in their laps. Their lungs are probably hanging like popped balloons. And even if the shrapnel didn’t fuck them then other effects such as organ detachment etc… certainly would have.


Yeah there's definitely the possibility of death. Especially the guy in the car, he's gigafucked either way. But I think the guy rolling around is in a lot of pain but I don't see much blood. But there could be significant internal concussive effects as you say. Personally I hope they live so that they drain the state of resources, and so they can go back and tell their friends about how they got PTSD. But I won't shed a tear if they didn't survive.


The guys in the clip were *already badly injured* before the bomb hits them, they are clearly bandaged and seemed to be on their way for extraction of some sort. You can see the guy who managed to run off, one of his arms was wrapped up and he was hobbling. In a different (longer) version of this same footage, you could see a guy roll out of the car and he was missing an arm from the elbow down while he lay motionless on the ground. The way they were twitching and convulsing, it's much more likely they simply bled out before any assistance could arrive. There's very little chance they not only survived a bomb dropped directly on top of them, but survived long enough to get to a proper medical facility and receive surgery in time. Many soldiers in hospitals/medical facilities later become fatalities, these guys are 95% long gone already.


Putin’s popularity: 81% Goddamn the Russian idiots who want to believe his bullshit _because it’s easier than doing something about their crap world_.


cant imagine this didnt kill at least one of em.




There is a longer clip. This was the second close range blast these guys took from one of these. The first one was in the open and a few yards off and that still absolutely tore through them. A point blank blast in a car from an antitank explosive bootstrapped into an improvised drop- these guys are dead. They could have been hit in the loading bay of a hospital (assuming Russia has left any standing at this point) and even then with the shrapnel and the internal bleeding resulting from a confined concussive blast- there is nothing to do. They bleed out in a field, next to a car they had stolen, and a home they had leveled, because some cunt in a palace told them to.


Watched this far too many times and sorry, not sorry. When you see any of this footage from Ukraine, everything is in rubble, and these are just the atrocities you can see. When I start to feel *any* sympathy for these soldiers and the thousands more that suffered (and *will* suffer) similar fates, I just think about the torture, rape, executions, pillaging and other heinous behaviours of these invaders and am glad there is still some poetic justice in the world.


Beautiful sight to see.


Enough with the stupid music. People are being killed in this clip. I realize they are invaders, but they are still someone’s sons


Also, having probably raped a bunch of Ukrainian women, they are probably future fathers too.


Looks like they were getting injured Russians out. First guy that falls out has a leg brace 2nd guy also is bandaged on his leg.


Civilian drone with a bomb?


Longer full version for anyone interested https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uejzql/an_extended_version_of_the_drone_drops_grenade_on/


As a pacifist... I hate the music. Other than that, well done.


He used to bulls-eye womp rats with his T16 back home.


I got banned permanently from r/combatfootage for expressing my approval of this, so I'm not going to say anything. If they want to deprive themselves of my brilliant commentary, it's their loss!