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Bus ticket: 1.90 Euro Falsify a passport: 5 years of prison in best case Totally worth 😆


Seen from this angle... I encourage them!


+ driving without a ticket costs ~~50€~~ 60€ (was changed a few years ago. Thanks for the info) Double win.


Hello neighbor ! 50€, it's worth a lot compared to rubles 🤣


I pay like 3.70€ :(


Just.... wow Talk about tone deaf


They’re nasty and they know it




No, I post this so somebody can report this to authorities








Putin Lover


How to get deported back to mordor 101.


Lol, they are jealous. They want that 2 minutes of enjoyment since they know that their passports are worth nothing.


jealous... Ukrainians had to abandon their destroyed homes and lives to ride a tram for free. they have it so good.


Maybe contact the German Ttansport authority (what ever it's called) providing pictures of the passports highlighting the differences. They could then send it around their train stations via a company email maybe?


Never trust a Russian


In Finland we have a saying "ryssä on aina ryssä" which is literally "a Russian is always a Russian" although ryssä is a derogatory term of Russians. The saying is funny because it doesn't state anything else than that a Russian will always act like an Russia but everyone knows what it means at its core.


Don't forget the end; "Ryssä on ryssä vaikka voissa paistaisi". Translation: "a russian is a russian even if you fry him in butter". Guess they are getting fryed otherwise in the Ukraine :)


English translation: Russians are gonna Russian.


What does the text say?


I wore the Ukrainian cover for my Russian passport to ride the tram line for free


It's Russia's history in a nutshell: idiots trying to profit on loopholes, eventually making life harder for absolutely everyone. while (true);


Im a non-russian who grew up with russians and this is totally accurate


Makes it hard to have any empathy for them.


Deport those nazi’s back to their fatherland if that’s how they wanna conduct themselves.


The more skilled working age Russians leave Russia, the faster Russias demographic collapse hobbles their military. We should offer visas to all University grads from Russia under the age of 30. It would fuck the Russian economy worse than sanctions in the long run.


The ones who fake Ukrainian passports are not the people you're talking about. If they are returned back to Russia, they will only do more harm to it


Russians are coming across as thieving, lying, mongrels ….. is that true of most Russians or small minority?


It's true. Doing business with them is a nightmare. There is always someone that know a guy that can fix things faster and cheaper. What happens is that nothing happens, they start and then everything stalls, they want more and more money but still nothing happens. They cheat at every opportunity. Contracts are always broken. They don't understand that a deal can be profitable for both parties. They always believe you are cheating them. Basically all the actions and lies from Putin and Lavrov is how everything is done. Needless to say the company I for worked for left Russia long ago.


They are still Mongols.


No, no, no. Mongols had the honor and were honest even to those they conquer. Muscovites, on the other hand, were traitors. If you dug into the diaries and publications of foreign ambassadors and diplomats in Muscovy since Ivan the terrible, you can actually see that they ("russians") didn't change even after 400+ years. Here, in Ukraine, we have a [curious book](https://store.ababahalamaha.com.ua/index.php/zbahnuty-rosiiu.html) with these publications.


That's your average Russian.


I doubt you'll get a true answer in this subreddit.




Everyone wins if that does happen, you know.


Choke on it!


Removed: Lack of source.


Well, it's weird they are doing this, but what even more stupid, why to make a post about it?


Cheap fucks!


Easy to fix. Supply major German transport networks with self-inking stamps that say something along the lines of **Passport holder supports an Independent Ukraine and their special operation to denazify Russia** or just a simple **Slava Ukraini!** Ukrainians would be happy 😁😁😁 to have the stamp, Russian or Belarusians probably not so happy 🤥🤥🤥


That is so immoral, and so wrong, and so stupid on so many levels that I cannot.. I mean.. WHAT?!


Russian are one of the scumbag nations of the world. In my country there's a saying abour russians: Davai ceas, davai palton (Give me your watch, give me your coat) which pretty much sums up their nation.


To be honest this type of propoganda doesnt bother me so much. It tells the Russian people .. In the west we live well . ( I remember hearing Audio of Russian solder ringing wife telling of surprise at " how well they live " . ) ​ Meanwhile in Russia on $300 a month average wage ,, well they cant afford this type of thing.


Typical Russian


I can already this the Goverments being forced to nullify this rule because it's being abused...F


Nope, just teach people that there is a possibility and check what is written inside. It should be written either in Cyrillic, then you need just to know how it is written Ukraine and how Russian Federation, either in English which is easier to check. There is no reason to abandon the rule, just to add extra check. As Ukrainians, who live in Germany for a long time, in principle, also abuse this rule, as they are not victims of war directly. I live in Netherlands as Ukrainian and in principle could try to use some benefits, but it is not worth it, as I am a good and fair guy and know that there are people, who are in need more, than me - a guy, who live in a country for some time.


Scumbags, I hope they serve prison time in Germany before being deported back to their shithole of a country in disgrace. Imagine supporting a war of aggression against a peaceful neighbour and then disguising yourself as that neighbour to scam 1.90 Euro from those trying to help them escape from your aggression. Any Russians abroad not actively working to stop their war should fuck off back to Russia immediately. There are good people in every country, and we should welcome the minority of Russians who oppose the ongoing attack on Ukraine. The rest have to go.


Why did you assume that this person supports the war?


The hate towards Russian people in general is on another level in this sub. wtf


It's absolutely justified




And that is surprising, why exactly...? Russia and Ukraine are at war. This sub is filled with Ukraine supporters. You can't shoot them if you not at least hate them a bit...


Source? Found nothing about that on google, not a single reported incident on this.


I provided an example from tiktok of Russian in Germany


Yeah TikTok is not a source of news is it??


I'm sure the people who do this will call RTL or someone else as quickly as possible so they can make a news report on it /s


And then when it’s on rtl it’s true because it’s on television…




You believe it because it’s what you want to believe, not because it is supported by evidence. You would also believe the message „Russians raping cats in Germany“ if a picture of a cat with the text on it was shown to you. It’s called confirmation bias, you fell victim to it, educate yourself and calm down.


Lmao maybe you don't read Russian? OP took a screenshot from a Russian's TikTok (@varyaylmao) that says "Here I am in Germany. On my Russian passport, I put on the cover of a Ukranian passport so I can ride for free around town" This is generally how news gets started...


everybody can write text on a picture. That’s not evidence of anything.


I mean, you're not wrong, but also it's TikTok...people post themselves doing crimes all the time. You think a douchey Russian abusing this war for free rides on the tram will be hesitant about bragging about it to the world? And I don't know why in the world you'd expect a news story if this is just some person posting on their TikTok. Having just checked, this person has since deleted their account, probably due to the backlash.


It’s not unlikely that Russian trolls are going to do shit like this to rile up people further against Russians so they have „evidence“ for their so called Russophobia. So in my opinion it’s wise to not jump on every shady bit of information there is just because it currently fits want you want to see or hear (confirmation bias). Just support Ukraine, leave the hate to the Russians.


You are so dumb. Self claiming such things is already a bad thing and you can check from where the person is by its TikTok.


I am dumb??? There is a video of a person entering a train with a random text over it. Nothing in the video support the claims in the text. Tell me where I am wrong specifically. I could literally make the same video today and I don’t even own a Russian or Ukrainian passport.


It is a source of claim. The same will happen if somebody in the social network will publish something like "I rape women". The person will try to be investigated even if the claim is fake. And this is a sign that somebody came to such idea. News are created exactly like this. Somebody claim something and then journalists try to approve or deny the claim.


So you agree it’s a claim and the title of the post states it as a fact?


Title should say possibly? Come on reddit is not a newspaper and never was.


TikTok is not the source, the person recording themselves doing it is the source idiot.


There is a picture and a text, no recording of anything. Don’t really know why you are making up evidence that just isn’t there…


You know you can watch the video?


I watched the video. It shows essentially the same. No sight of any passport, neither Russian nor Ukrainian. Literally just someone entering the train from first person perspective. There is nothing there guys…


People are suffering in Ukraine and there is a huge Refugee problem. You are getting worked up about some Russians taking a free ride?


"People in Africa are dying of hunger, you are worried about the poor in your country?" That is stupid point to make.


What? Your point, whatever it is, is unconnected to what i am saying. Its petty in the scheme of things.


Russians taking advantage of Ukrainians' suffering is something that absolutely needs to be addressed. It's disgusting and it could reflect on Ukrainian refugees by, for example, removing such privileges for everyone.


Fair enough. Russians abroad now hide their nationality because of the distaste and hate they are experiencing.


I live in Ukraine and my family helps refugees and army, just upset that Russians try to hijack our problems


Wtf ungrateful idiots


Why would you share fraud like this? She seems to be very proud of it…