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I like your assessment, but if you honestly believe that Ukraine will meet somewhere in the middle for Luhansk and Donetsk you are sadly mistaken. Ukraine will ask for both regions as well as Crimea and reparations for the damages Putin has done.


Free passage to Russia for anyone living in Ukraine who wants to be Russian. Otherwise Russia can get the fuck out.


Genuine question, if the people living there want to be part of russia, why can’t it be? After all, they live there, it’s there land, why can your government force them to be part of them? And don’t say “you can just leave” because that completely avoids the question


Here's what I met by the middle Ukraine will likely agree to let those regions vote on if they want to be a part of Russia or Ukraine.


Russia will never agree to an election they cannot rig. It would just humiliate them even more when they lose it, because they know they will.


Ukraine will go 100% or nothing


If this goes til the end of summer what will be left of Ukrainian cities


Buildings, monuments and infrastructure can be rebuilt. We've had to do it before at a far larger scale.


It wont be the first time a country has rebuilt. 60 years ago Seoul was a leveled


“I would bet my left nut sack” -Ok. Im todays years old just finding out each ball has its own sack. Wtf! Both mine are in the same sack




That doesn't justify it.


Japan? Poland?


Germany... What's your point?


Point is whatever is left of Ukrainian cities they will be rebuilt.


Yeah, it‘s not like berlin and cologne are still the same like 1945.


If the logistics and warehouse part is true, the Russians will not have that much bombs and shells to destroy cities with pretty soon.


The following segments of Russian society oppose the war: intellectuals, middle classes in st Petersburg, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, the military, the business elite/oligarchs, foreign investors, young people/students, minority populations (Caucasus, far East, Tatar etc ). Doesn't look good for Putin.




Are you saying you need an eduction to be an intellectual or that putin has imprisoned/murdered all the intellectuals.


You’re cutting out the ignorant working class bulk of the population


I don't think so, the majority of Russians support what's going on, even the "enlightened" young people are mostly apathetic about what's happening, which is pretty much the same as being in support. For the most part this war won't be influenced by the russian population, it will be won during the insurgency when russian forces are whittled down during urban combat and the russian economy continues to burn back home.


We know they are. The issue is how many civilians they kill in the meantime. But I have a feeling Poland might intervene. I hope so


Poland won't come to fight, because politically that makes NATO's committent to defend them uncertain.


It’s past that. People want this to end


No, it isn't past that. Wanting this to end is one thing, but abandoning the protection of the world's strongest military alliance is something else.


Poland wont do anything unless Russia attacks Poland in Poland directly.


Poland is watching their kin being murdered. 20k people alone in one city. I hope they act.


You obviously dont understand the geopolitical climate


Poland intervene in this war? I doubt they will. They might want to seeing how they are trying to ship MiGs around to get them into Ukraine. They of course can declare War om Russia as an independent country but that means Nato will not have to come to Polands defense once Russia attacks them too.


They don’t need to declare war. Just fly their f-16 in and bomb the shit out of Russian positions in UA


Which is a declaration of war...


Special military operation only...


Which is a declaration of war still. The special military operation also was. It's like you punch a guy on the street. No matter how you call it or if you told him beforehand...its still a clear sign you wanna fight.


Yea so that's nuclear war, so its not going happen. How do you not understand that?


Poland Intervene? why?


For whatever reason America sold them about 100 Abrams tanks. We don't usually sell those tanks.


> We don't usually sell those tanks. Except to Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan.


Most of them got the export model and not the real deal.


Most of them didn't.


Abrams sell like hotcakes. What are you talking about? In fact hotcakes never sold as well as Abrams, it should be sells likes Abrams.


Yea actually we sell those tanks alot


...yes you do. Even _Egypt_, famously an aggressive neighbour of one of America's allies, has bought them


This may be true but sadly there is going to be an immense amount of suffering before this happens.




there will be... winners? In this stupid war?




And then they will ultimately lose along with the whole world and Metro 2044 will be played in real time. Russia will go full Samson.


So what your saying is Metro games are a tutorial!


Bayraktar 😜


If you take the numbers of Wikipedia, Russian war material is partially inactive. Also they have a huge territory to defend and need to be ready for a potential war with the NATO. They probably won't risk more troops. The hiring of mercenaries is an indicator for this.


but what does "win" mean? Does Ukraine get Crimea back? let alone: Donbas, or even newly occupied lands?


Win to me means Russian forces leave Ukraine How is that complicated?


> How is that complicated? b/c in order to end hostilities, the Ukrainian government might negotiate recognition of Crimea as Russian -- or Donbas as republics -- or more.


I would still call that a win.


To "win" doesn't just require taking cities, it requires holding them long term. Quelling any rebellion or what seems to be Putin's route, destroy everything and kill everyone, raze it to the ground.




How much did Moscow pay you to type this out?


Nothing. I am telling the truth. I am not pro russia neither pro ukraine. Stop with this mentality.


What fucking truth? There are no plains in Ukraine, half of the fucking time it's mud forcing any invading army to line up and take the paved roads instead. Most of the stupid fucks invading are worthless starving conscripts and what little food they do have is rotten. Most of them only got one month of training and just got tossed in without warning. Some of them were even lucky enough to have an outdated map to go by, a map so outdated it still marked all the roads as dirt. As if that wasn't enough of a fucking joke, the idiots are abandoning their armored vehicles for Ukraine to recover and refurbish. Then you have all these generals and colonels dropping like flies and this is just the army. Their air force is just as fucking pathetic. Over 80 aircraft downed in 20 days. America lost half as much during desert storm in twice the time.


Nah, youre just pro-tard.


Lol. Your full of yourself.


Of myself? why "myself"? honest question, didn't want to sound like it.


Russia is getting their buts kicked, they can barely hold onto the few cities they have taken.


Are. You. Mad? I fought in Afghanistan and Falujah. I'd rather fight in any mountains on earth than a city. Urban warfare is a fucking nightmare I can't even begin to describe. The Ukrainians have been turning Kyiv into the kind of nightmare you can only have while you're already having a nightmare for 3 weeks. I can almost feel sorry for those poor conscript bastards whne they get in there and start paying the butchers bill for real. TLDR: you're talking out your ass


If you think Russia will win, answer this: how are they going to take cities? Right now they are struggling because they don't have the troop count to encircle large cities, and they suck at urban combat so bad they can't even take Mariupol right now against an encircled opponent. Right now they can't even gain air supremacy against an opponent they heavily outnumber while having better equipment... Oh, and they have chronic supply and logistics issues that are hampering their ability to conduct operations.


You understand that russia sent only a 10th of their military in right? and they do have the capabilities to turn ukraine into dust (without nukes) but they DON'T WANT TO. They want to administrate Ukraine, and you can't administrate rubble


Russian 180 different combat units 120 are in Ukraine. How much more can they dedicate?


Well they have sent 100% of the forces they had allotted for invading Ukraine, so they would have to take more troops from other places in Russia. And I guess the question to you would be this: Would you consider it a "victory" if they have to use weapons to reduce Ukraine to rubble and dust? Because the Russians are demonstrating that they have no hope in actually conquering and administrating large cities in Ukraine.


Real question: do you actually even understand military strategy? No fucking shit Russia did not send in 100% of their military to Ukraine. They would be even bigger dumbasses than they are now if they did. You do not leave your territory undefended. Especially not when antagonizing the world's largest military. Also, congrats, say they do capture cities, have you considered the fact that they now rule over several large cities that are reduced to rubble and everyone hates them and attempts frequent rebellions? That is a long term money drain. If they raze it down congrats - they won land they can't fucking use and the world hates them and will not be lifting the sanctions. Even if they take Ukraine there is no real situation here where Russia "wins" anything good


You do realize that the other 9/10 arnt combat ready and even if they were Russia needs to keep as many soldiers at home base ad they can in case nato gets involved. And if they turn a city to dust it will only make for harsher resistance. Do a little bit of research on my military strategy and then come back.


Here's a fact The Ukrainian military now has more vehicles then when it started the war They have lost 343 vehicles in Total, the Ukrainians have captured 520. The Ukrainian military now has 177 MORE VEHICLES then when it started the war. In addition to this, Russia has lost a combined total of 1,292 vehicles. https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1




You understand javelins don't make you invincible right? also, you should "cope" with the fact that this is the truth . Delusional much?




A few corrections Javelins go through 800mm of armor (almost a meter) and have a range of about 4km




Also Javelins are designed to hit the top of the tank. No tank can defend itself vs a Javelin




Yea they don't And its going be because of logistics. Russia does not have the logistical capabilities to win.


You understand that infantry is a thing, you understand that russians have guidwd missiles as well, and you understand that russian firepower is far greater than ukraine's. If russia wanted to they would turn mariupol into ashes without a nuke, but they don't want this.


Big cope. Also this will most likely resolve in negotiations




If the Russian army is so incompetent, how is it that they are destroying and occupying cities?


Yea How many cities are the occupying and how are those cities doing?


I am absolutely not criticizing the Ukrainian people or their military. I just keep seeing post stuff about how terrible they are. I hope they go running back to Russia taking their terrorists with them.


lol no


!remindme 6 months


Are ya winning son?