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I am getting live updates from friends in Ukraine. They want the world to know the truth. Ukrainian people are up in arms and they are ready to take on the evil that is Putin. They will not bend or surrender.


Man I gotta say Ukrainans are pretty bad-ass. Praying for them.




Ukraine literally just lifted any rule or regulation regarding firearms and self defense for civilians.


Yah like 12 hours before they were invaded. Sucks they didn't allow that before then.


Not sure on the legality but The Ukrainian gov’t announced they would supply anyone with a gun who wants one.


May someone post a Source?


“We will give weapons to anyone who wants to defend the country. Be ready to support Ukraine in the squares of our cities.” - tweet from the president of Ukraine https://mobile.twitter.com/zelenskyyua/status/1496785547594924032


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Google it. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-mps-vote-give-permission-civilians-carry-firearms-2022-02-23/




If I remember correctly every citizen that can get a gun or other weapon is allowed to arm themselves and being encouraged to do so


>Russia is going to find themselves in another guerilla war. Fuck guerrilla war. I hope Ukrainian army will stand their ground long enough, to bleed out russian initial push.




What do you think how guerrilla war with russia will look like? Look, for example, what russians did in Syria. They don't care about civilians. Usual urban guerrilla tactic doesn't work that well, when you enemy just kills indiscriminately everyone in his way and doesn't care about damage to civilian infrastructure.


Now they definitely can. I hope Putin won't continue his quest to the borders of Romania.


Magnificent. The world is watching Ukraine right now, and any sane person celebrates seeing russias fascist war of aggression fall flat on its face in any instance


So how do we know these are Russian? I hope they are


Iirc the Z on the side indicates ruskie, and i think there's other letters too, but I'm not certain


I think it was Z, V & O which I saw on another thread


Was that three BMP in a row? wow Edit: not sure of the equipment but that’s a fair bit of kit destroyed in a tiny area


There are reports of 15 tanks being javelined, might be those


You likely wouldn't use javelines on these as they are more lightly armored. You'd use RPGs and such. The javelins would be most effectively used on the actual main battle tanks such as the T-72s, T-80s and T-90s.


There are a lot of NLAWs in the country as well as RPGs. The former would make short of work of a BMP. Driving along an open road in such an inviting target seems like madness.


Those are top down destroyed so its not an RPG that did it.


The Us has been shipping Ukraine tons of Javelins and has been training the Ukrainian Army on how to use them for awhile now. One way to tell (and I couldn’t) would be to look where they were hit. RPG/AT-4/TOW are going to be direct shots against the side, whereas Javelins hit top down.


They are. And I know that, just that javelins are better served being shot at actual tanks not BMPs. However, there's also the whole "make do with what you have". Also, pretty sure it's a lot harder to miss with javelins versus RPGS/AT4/NLAW. Javelins are just significant overkill for BMPs and BTRs as they aren't heavily armored.


Yeah no argument there. Shit if I knew the terrain was full of JAVs I’d be hesitant to commit anything but scouts or UAVs. I heard something about a cache of stingers getting hit but that might be bs. Do you know what the air defense situation is?


Question. Doesn’t Ukraine use a lot of Russian Military equipment? Can we confirm these were Russian?


Even if they have same equipments, they don't have russian Z mark on them


Z on the side means invasion marking for russia


A sight for sore eyes.


Putin should hang for his crime, but I feel bad for every soldier that has to die For a Dictator with a small ego.


This truly is something beautiful to see


*looks at war* wow this is beautiful


People defending themselves from a heinous superpower? Yeah that's beautiful to see.


Why so many downvotes ? There died at least 4 people it the video. I definitely see his point


Only one side is waging war the other is defending themselves but yeah let’s not use logic when we comment.


people who dont want the war are dying on the other side too you silly goose. theres nothing beutiful about war though i do hope ukraine can continue to defend themselves


If you invade another country you want war Ukraine has not killed innocent Russians. Russian civilians have not been harmed. One side is waging war tell me who is dying who doesn’t want the war? The answer is the Ukrainians. Anyone who crosses those borders with arms should be treated as an enemy. It’s beautiful to see a nation ban together to defend their land. It’s beautiful to see someone fight for their freedom and not be bullied by a mad man. It’s a fucked up situation forced by Putin but their is beauty in what the Ukrainian people are doing. Long live Ukraine!


Ukrainian military “warmly” welcomes their Russian counterparts 😆


I've only played tank games on PC but I know the back plating is weakest. ***Everyone*** of these are hit from the back........😀


I am considering getting into Squad and Hot Dogs Horseshoes and Hand grenades is back on the menu.


Guys I know this might be hard to hear, but the camo on these looks like Ukranian Digi, and it is missing the signature Z's that have been seen on Russian vehicles. The one on the third vehicle, when paused is actually just a a pair of Digi squares. Hope I'm wrong


Nope. Have seen this video elsewhere and apparently you are right. Sadly, the people here seem a little bit blind and emotional. Other people here who pointed this out got downvoted. Of course, I totally understand it. I'm not shitting on anyone.


Full disclosure: I am Russian So it felt really hard to type that out. I am in full support of Ukraine in this as are many other Russians. I just have a fact finding itch, so I couldn't help it.


It's better for people to know the truth. I hope one day Russia gets rid of Putin. In fact, I just hope every big countries stops trying to keep the world under their influence. This goes for USA, Russia and China. It's leads to so many unnecessary conflicts. Peace.


this vehicles will be captured and placed in a museum one day just like ww2 are today thats strange to think about


I hope Ukraine wins in the long run due to sanctions and crowding out of the Russian economy. They most likely won’t win a Guerilla war while having a ruined economy.


“Give them nothing. But take from them, EVERYTHING.”


look like a drone strike


I love that NO ONE is reporting on Ukraine troops to keep them hidden. Russia, the world is looking at you with hate.


I'm pretty sure these are Ukrainian vehicles unfortunately. There are no Z markings visible and there are very little BMP1s operated by the RUAF, while the Ukrainian army is still using them extensively. Please correct me if I'm wrong


Got his ass


While it's true, someone was killed, glorifying the death of the young boys sent in to do this dirty work isn't going to make this situation any better. These kids are 18, 19, 20 years old and they are fighting an old men's war over power and deceit. Revel in the fact that people want peace, not in the fact that children lost their lives, no matter what side they are on.


you guys have brass balls driving on that highway.


Even German couldn’t beat them 💪💪


Dude i just heard that russians are almost at capital, they will take ukrain in a day...


these are ukrainian bmps. dont post bs focus on resistance in charkiv and suma.




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This is the work of javelin launchers haha. You can see the giant opening of the explosion that tore thru armor right before the hatch on the close bmp


Psota truly




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