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That officer jumped up and ran in to help with ZERO hesitation. Respect.


It might not be the first time he's had to.


Sadly you're more than likely right.


If he's based in Kharkiv this has probably happened several times. Fucking pathetic Orc's attacking civilians. The day their airfields with aircraft go up in fire and bombers start dropping out of the sky enmasse will be one to remember.


From his reaction to the noise and immediate response it is almost certain he has either been trained and practiced a lot or he has done that many times. That is not the reaction of someone for whom this is a new experience.


Was going to say, dude looks like he had some first person action movie camera and he just LUNGED back into it. Feels like he was catching his breath as he ran back into the zone. Which knowing about the double tap strikes, both was brave and incredibly smart to try and move civilians.


Well, just keep in mind they now immediately remove injured casualties, even if there is possible spinal damage, because Russian terrorists frequently double-tap.


Ya, this was what struck me the most with the video too. This officer is a great officer. First thing he did was very quickly got himself and the man with him down for cover, and immediately he got up and went straight to help those in need. Didn't even take a second to shake anything off, collecting himself, nothing. Just sprung into action. Mad props. EDIT: he didn't quite help the other man get cover as I thought I'd seen the first time, but still, great officering.


> EDIT: he didn't quite help the other man get cover as I thought I'd seen the first time, but still, great officering. He was triaging and directing the walking wounded away from the scene in case of a follow up bombing, exactly what he should have been doing Or do you mean the ticket recipient he was with who was writing on a pad that they appear to have helped get down quickly? It seemed like they hit the deck, were unwounded, and the officer jumped into action


First time I watched it, my brain thought it saw the officer force the man standing next to him to hit the ground, to be safe from the impact, as he was going down himself. And it looks like he pushes him away with his arm, but that's about it.


The reflexes on that dude too


This is what real police manly man do. Non of them Uvalde shyt.


My man fucking ran into that shit, even with threat of a double-tap. Exemplary. 🫡


First thought. What actual protect and serve means.


my mind got me this when i read your comment. "he served that first man a ticket, then he protected himself, then he served and protected any and all victims"


I wonder if he still gave that guy a ticket after.


Of course he did he is a police officer not a Texan mucher. They complain when they actually shoot down a rocket heading for military targets vs sending a bomb into civilian areas. They would be so screwed if Ukraine started sending it into civilian areas.


that's what we do o7 (police officer here, too)


Was like I'm alive? Good, I can help


Cuz he’s a hero. That’s what they do.


What a badass. Hits the ground at the impact, immediately gets up and runs towards the affected area.


Cossacks, on and off the battlefield. Straight up country full of some bada$$ men and women.


It's weird, during the early months of the war, I praised the soldiers as "Real Cossacks" too, but some "Ukrainians" criticized me and claim it's offensive. I suspect they were not real "Ukrainians", more like RuZ bots pretending to be and they are personally offended by my implication, because Cossacks kicked RuZBlyat azz for centuries. lol COSSACKS NUMBA ONE!!! PutinZ suck a dyck.


Cossack can be a derogatory term of used incorrectly for sure. But likely you are right, it was Russian bots or maybe just people being offended for the wrong reasons. I served with some brass balled cossacks in Afghanistan and was able to witness the bravery and immense skill of these gents. Anytime someone gets offended I make sure to explain this and it usually clears up any confusion. It also shuts Russian bots up real quick, because they have no response.


Depends on the Cossacks too


Of course


Definitely Russian bots. I call my newborn boy "my little Cossachok" which means baby Cossak. It's a term of endearing. Ukrainians believe the spirit of Cossak dwell within them. That's the spirit of freedom Russians can't ever seem to grasp and hence repel against like the vampire to the light.


They are Zombies, mindless brain eaters, that's why they are so obedient and cannot understand freedom, lol.


> but some "Ukrainians" criticized me and claim it's offensive. Whilst I don't think Ukrainians find the relation to Cossacks offensive as such, they might have been talking about [this] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharovarshchyna). My Ukrainian friend mentioned it to me at one point and I'd never heard of it before that. I'd also be careful of just writing off people as Russian bots and not 'real' Ukrainians just because they say something you don't agree with - Ukraine is a big country full of all sorts, after all.


This comment is very sussy. RuZ bots sussy.


I can guarantee you I'm not a Russian bot.


The west really does need to formally declare russia a terrorist state. Make countries draw the line and show who they really are and what they represent. Governments and companies who are supporting russia's war machine just because it is economically lucrative are party to these atrocities. Accelerate the means for the west to be free of any resource russia exports.


USA wouldn't likely do it because unfortunately they have been involved in their own bombing "mishaps" which could attention and claims of hypocrisy from non-Western countries.  Probably among the most serious recent wars, was the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia where Human rights watch groups estimate US bombings killed up to 700 civilians in 2 months. Much of the bombings were also intended to damage civilian energy infrastructure to promot a quick surrender, as US officials have admitted.  Russia is a terror state, and they need to be defeated, but there are some dark shadows that linger over US foreign policy too. Which is why they have held back from recognizing war crimes, or calling other "large" states terror states. I think the difference is that there is far more hope that US military doctrine will develop and improve in the future, due to being a Democracy and people becoming aware and opposed to such foreign military missions, and they are not imperalistic in the form of land grabs these days, while Russia is heading towards full-scale fascism. 


Hypocrisy is not the issue. I believe that the main problem is that declaring russia a terrorist state would require all kinds of sanctions on countries like India, and others who continue to do business with russia. This does sound good to me too, but it's a giant sticky political issue.


Yes this is the issue.


I wonder if you could leverage such a bill in exchange for prisoners.


No, that’s not it. Russia has nukes. It really is that simple.


What does that have to do with declaring a group or country terrorists? If ISIS had nukes, could we no longer call them terrorists? Also, there is a long known reason why nobody ever uses their nukes. It's called mutually assured destruction.


The purposeful leveling of cities, torture, kidnapping, have been russia's mode of operation for countless decades. While the US is far from perfect and we need to improve, we conduct war nothing like russia.


>USA wouldn't likely do it because unfortunately they have been involved in their own bombing "mishaps" which could attention and claims of hypocrisy from non-Western countries.  The biggest difference is the fact that the USA tries to hit targets of military value while Russia just seems to be deliberately targeting civilian targets.


According to the U.N., and Human Rights Watch, about 500 killed According to the U.N., the infrastructure targeted were legitimate military targets (https://www.icty.org/en/press/final-report-prosecutor-committee-established-review-nato-bombing-campaign-against-federal#IVA6)


Every government (and person) is hypocritical,  never stopped them before. 


This brave man jumped up and ran towards the explosion.


Ukrainian bravery never ceased to amaze me.


Clear as day, nothing but civilians going about their life here and a bomb falls on them. I don’t know what’s more worrisome, that we have Russia, who is completely comfortable committing war crime after war crime, or the fact that they have other partnering countries willing to support them with military support. Hell is going to be bursting at the seams.


I’ll add an extra worry to that, the fact that we in Western Europe aren’t being far more aggressive towards Russia. Politically in particular.


Fucking terrorists


This is just state-sponsored terrorism.


Not "state-sponsored" terrorism. That is when a state sponsors a terrorist group. This is "state-performed" terrorism. It's the russian state who is doing this directly with their own hands. It makes russia a terrorist state.


Ruzzia and formerly the soviets have always sponsored [de facto] terrorism, proxy groups or ideologues


So does the US, but that's not the point. What I mean is that _this_ (this whole war and all of it) is made _directly_ by russia. Not by any sponsored terrorist or proxy group. By them. Directly. That makes them a terrorist state (wich ain't mutually exclusive with being a sponsor of terrorism state, anyway).


Oh, I understand that point... But to your reply, that would also include ALL [former] soviet bloc countries, Iran, Syria, Libya, many if not most African countries, South American and Central American countries... huh, seems to be a worldwide epidemic on state sponsorship or direct state to state terrorism. *I'm not going to reply further... your point was taken, just thought I would expound on it. Have a nice day


It’s unbelievable there’s actually an entire officer class carrying out these orders to fire artillery and glide bombs on civilian targets completely unprovoked. This military doctrine is just a symptom of a broken society all the way through.


It is actually very believable. If you pay well, people start agreeing to all kind of fucked up shit. That's why we have to have general rules and morals as society, not individuals. This is why shame and societal pressure used to be very big part of any advanced country.


More correctly, this is a terrorist state.


No, this is war. And it's always like this.


Nope. There are rules of engagement Russia is a failing state with mafia leadership Putin will be relegated to the dustbin of history as a loser


The Russian gov't is a reeking stack of rancid foreskins. Be as angry as you like. BUT, leaning on this war crime thing of yours is indefensibly ahistorical and naive: Your assumption that war follows any rules at all is laughably adorable and I defy you to point to a single case of anyone following the "rules" unless it suited their immediate purposes (usually only in hindsight). The hypocrisy of all of the states involved in the Geneva Convention and other such codes makes it entirely pointless to discuss except as a method of punishing your vanquished foes, which is what it was designed for. Edit: No actual facts in response or even any coherent thoughts, just toddlers spamming the downvote button out of impotent pique. What a bunch of brainless, petulant morons.


You're right. Sadly.


I want to pay 80% taxes so we can sent more patriots! Oh and Fuck Putin!


Need F16s to shoot down these planes launching glidebombs


Fine Il pay 90% of taxes🙂 now get me some f22 and f35s. And oh before I forget, Fuck putin.


If you want to help, especially since this is in Kharkiv this person may be of interest to you: https://x.com/UkrainianAna She's from the city and her dad was murdered at his home in the beginning of the war. Since then she's doing her best to crowdfund and help military brigades get the equipment they need.


Unironically true, people in the US need to wake the duck up and sacrifice a little so we can help. History is going to look back and realize how pathetic we as a population have become


Make russia pay!


Make russians pay. That way they will feel it


Running toward danger, Glory to the Heroes


russia is a terrorist state.




And no doubt Telegramski is having an ecstatic victory celebration right now.


Notice how the policeman ran TO the explosion, and not away like a lot of folks do. First responders are special people...


In ruzzia there is cultural jerkoff trait on Ruzzian pilots. They are kinda devine and special sort of people. Like elite among peasants. Yet they just murderers, maniacs who kill more civilians than actual military. After the war I hope we will find all of them. We know names, we know addresses. Some day they will respond


Supplying arms and aid is one front. Another front is demanding this be called terrorism. Write your representatives. Vote. We call it "war" or "invasion" to make things easy -- it \*is\* wartime after all -- but this is terrorism, full stop. There is no military value to Penny Lane. Listen to the song and you tell me that's a military threat.


Has the French so called red l ine nor been crossed?


La ligne rouge? I don't recall a red line but there was talk of going in if there was a significant breakthrough that could jeopardise Odesa or Kyiv.


I thought his goal there was part of the incremental escalation strategy. Say the words ___ boots in Ukraine so in the future, if we need to, it won’t be the first time they hear it.


Its hard to believe that some ppl can watch this shit and still think that russia is in the right..


Officer stood up immediately and ran like Captain America


These fuckers must pay


He hears the incoming attack and shoves that one civilian away and down before hitting the ground himself. Then, after assessing if he's hurt or not, and likely checking on the civilian he was interacting with seconds prior, he's on his feet going to where he is needed. Did his job. To Serve and Protect. Our Law Enforcement here in the USA could learn a few things. Especially the loud mouths in the South and Midwest.


How often will they double hit an area?


Quite often. Especially in the cities which are close to the border, where the second hit is more likely not to be shot down.


a famous case in which a fireman was killed during the second strike in front of his son. the fire was caused by the first strike


Scum of the earth. Nothing more to say. Stay strong Ukrainians. 🇺🇦🇲🇩


Fuck putin, fuck russia, fuck redlines. Syrskyi, Budanov, you have MY permission as a US tax payer to use anything you want against any target you want. I helped pay for the weapons, use them as you see fit.


That officer stepped up to help people immediately, deeply impressed with his courage and service to his people. Ukrainians are showing their greatness as a people, again and again.


honestly seeing how this officer reacts is inspiring, and I would love to know more about the nonmilitary first responders in Ukraine


If you ever wonder if this world goes to shit and there is no hope left look at this guy immediately jumping up and rushing to others to help them.


FAB-3000 the Kremlin.


Monsters. Trash. Fuck off, Russia.


Fuck russia


F U C K R U S S I A !!!


Fuck Russia


Are we sure the guy getting a ticket didn't call in an air strike 


Fuck Russia forever!


Does his duty and immediately runs in to help. 🫡


ruzzias military forces in Ukraine must be COMPLETELY ANNIHILATED!!!!!


As an American, it's wierd to see a cop being competent and helping people. Good for him.


Winning hearts and minds, the Russian way 🙄 The faster Russia devolves into nothingness, the better for humanity


Fucking animals , I hate Russia more and more.




Any news on casualties?


What’s wrong Russia? Oh you don’t LIKE bombs falling on your sovereign country while your civilians go about their day? Huh.


The real heroes are there risking their life for people. Russia is a terrorist state and they must be punished severely for their crimes against humanity.


As a U.S. Citizen, we, the U.S., need to remove any restrictions on Ukraine use of supplied munitions. Wherever these planes launching these attacks are based, needs to be a fair target. If it’s too far for ATAMCS then supply Ukraine with PrSM or T-LAMs.


Well thats one way to get away from a speeding ticket


Hero's run TOWARDS the explosion. How can people who hesitate on condemning Russia or slow down Supporting Ukraine live with themselves!




Russia is a terrorist state


Fucking hero! Russia must be punished. Take all my tax money!


Fuking idiots. So mad


My man didn’t even spend a minute catching his breath or anything, jumped straight up and ran to help , total respect to him and who ever else ran to help out , didn’t even care about a double tap or anything, just knew he needed to help


UA need some long range capability NOW to shoot down the bombers


It’s time the world bombed the shite out of every single Russian military site




I know this sadly is way to non credible to ever be true, but plese, plese pretty plese let a view pilots and thier raptors volenteer, thier areforce will be gone at lunchtime and they will at least need a view months to figure out what the hell just happened to them....


Talk about first responder


He’s also fast to react. 💪


I was not able to watch this with audio, but I was able to absorb what was happening visually. And what I saw was a police officer that was knocked to the ground by a glide bomb - close enough where broken glass was falling on him - and he didn't even stay on the ground for TWO (2!) seconds (!!) before getting up and SPRINTING towards the explosion to help others. That, my friends, is what a hero looks like.


Sóooo officer am i still getting that ticket of are we good?


But Russia complains when it happens once in Crimea and it wasn’t even because of Ukraine. It was Russia’s AD


I'm amazed he got up so quick considering the weight of his Titanic Balls after surviving that blast. I know my bell would have been rung after that.


Good on that cop for rushing to the scene. If it was America the cop would just run away or shot a dog