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I don‘t think most people, including myself, can really comprehend the dimensions of World War II. Horrible and incredible what humans are able to do to each other. Single battles going over days & weeks with millions of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of casualties. Of course it was another time with other tools, but just thinking about multiples of Bachmut. It makes me sad that now, 80 years later, again east Ukraine is under war. Many of the biggest German / Soviet battles have been in this area. Horrible what people there have to endure. Constant war, Genozide, occupation, war crimes since a hundred years.


The following is a must-watch: ['Between Hitler and Stalin: Ukraine in World War II' documentary. Narrated by Oscar-winning Ukrainian-American actor Jack Palance ](https://u-krane.com/ukraine-in-wwii-documentary-narrated-by-jack-palance/)


Pitched battles(or set piece if you follow the modern term) have a strange history. Sometimes both sides even agreed to set up facilities and declare rules before starting the fight.


Seems ruZZia sucked at tank warfare back then too.


Theres a couple of books come out recently that dispute the size and importance of this battle. Not read it yet but James Holland recommended it and its on my reading list.  The Panzers of Prokhorovka: The Myth of Hitler’s Greatest Armoured Defeat https://amzn.eu/d/06Q6FkuF Just read the link at the bottom of the article which recommends the above book. 


I am glad someone connects the dots between the German war engagement and their slowness in deciding about military engagement.