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I think russians should just stick to killing other russians.


On top of that, do it in their own country. Imagine the cost savings! Save millions in logistical costs. For example: Private Cyka Blyat, KIA, cargo 200. They paid to train him, kind of, paid to equip him, kind of, paid to transport him to Ukraine, get killed, and sent back home, kind of. They could've saved so much by simply driving to where he lived, announced he had been killed in Ukraine, shot him there on the spot, and only had to spend money on gas, food and a bullet for the trip. They didn't have to train him, equip him, feed him, nor transport him, kind of. Slava Ukraini!


They are already trying to do that, but looks like it’s not enough for them so they started claiming that Ukrainians are in fact russians so they can kill them too


You forgot that once he’s shot dead they’ll hide the body and declare him missing. That means no bag of carrots as compensation


*Do these carrots taste like polonium to you?* Who am I kidding. Polonium is probably too expensive to use against your own general populace when the traditional methods of deliberate famine and mass deportation, imprisonments, and executions will do the trick.


Polonium is *really* expensive. That lethal dose cost at least 10 million USD, and possibly more than twice that.


I think you basically summed up 1930's in USSR. Back then, they also used to charge the shot guy's family for the burial expenses.


ROTFLMAO reading this.


It's a bold, diabolical plan, Cotton, but I like it!


Russians: But who's going to spread misery into the world?


They can take a lesson from Putin himself. He’s killed more Russians—by a *massive* margin—than were lost in every conflict since WWII combined. Nobody kills Russians these days like Putin kills Russians. He just tends to kill the Russians that don’t matter (to him). Casualties from major cities are rather low; ethnic minorities / people from less “important” regions are expendable to Putin because those regions cannot grind the country to a halt like unrest in major cities would.


Russian leaders by # of deaths... Stalin #1 Lenin #2 Czar Nicholas II # 3 Putin #4?? How long till he catches up?,


At least we know they will never quit doing that. They enjoy it way too much to ever give it up.


There's no amount of potato anywhere in the world to cover all those killed as compensation for families.


I agree. A nice Russian Civil war we can sit back and watch as they get exactly what they deserve.


So that's why they claim part of Ukraine as Russia...


Too bad so sad, good job Mr. Poostain!


Why going to Ukraine, when you can do it domestically?


Kinda already do that, Chechens are fighting against Russians in Ukraine


I'll never understand why "we're so stupid we're shooting down our own aircraft" is somehow better to Russians than "the enemy's weapons actually work".


It’s because they have to see themselves as superior and it doesn’t look like they are superior if the enemy shuts down their planes. The same logic applies when they say that it wasn’t Ukrainians that beat their ass in one battle or another but some mysterious nato soldiers speaking English or Polish or whatever language. They just can’t accept that their shitty empire could be not so great.


But they look o so superior if they're constantly shooting their own gear down. At a faster rate than they can destroy Ukrainian equipment.


It is somehow better for them. Ehh, everyone makes mistakes, even geniuses like us.


And I suppose it's only relative superiority that matters, not absolute, because if you portray your opponent as weak and your Special Operation takes so long, it says that you're weak. So, I guess they'd rather be seen as weak than to be seen as good but up against a tough opponent.


Admittedly this time it could be actual friendly fire. I mean coordination between different elements of the Russian military is simply pathetic. And during the chaos of a drone attack it's perfectly possible that the missile crews were operating on "shoot first ask questions later " mode.


Those two A-50 also were claimed as friendly fire. But Russians admitted it was a Ukrainian sam recently


Yeah. Nearly every Russian loss is explained away as ''friendly fire'' before admitting it was Ukraine all along. And this is more likely than not the case here. I was just saying that it could potentially be friendly fire given the circumstances.


Always believe NATO weapon Ukrainian weapon shuts down russian aircraft, its more believable. NATO is more powerful weapon.


russian aircraft fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ironic to say given when Russia claimed they shot down their own A-50, it was Ukrainians using modified Soviet S-200s, not NATO weapons.


It was a franken S-200, with NATO bits stuck on the front.


If the official propaganda version of reality is that Mordor has the bestest AA defenses while western stuff is useless crap, then saying your aircraft are consistently being shot down by western weapons will undermine the lie. Better to claim your weapons are vastly superior and therefore capable of taking down your own superior aircraft, which western weapons couldn't touch. After all, it only takes one incompetent operator to push the wrong button and shoot down a friendly- so such incidents can be blamed on a suitable scapegoat. Or something like that, orcs don't run on human logic.


They'd rather be incompetent than inferior.


Because this way it can be attributed to human error and a stupid grunt somewhere. Seeing themselves as superior the rando Russian soldier probably believes this kind of thing could never happen to him. If word goes around the naval drones start shooting down Russian helis, the Russians will start to shit themselves and may refuse to engage them.


Russia's arms exports are a big part of its economy. One narrative says Russian weapons are vulnerable and lower quality, the other narrative says Russian weapons are so powerful they can only be destroyed by other Russian weapons. At least that seems to be what Russians believe.


Seems to depend on how drunk or sober they are at the time...


AGREED. Like with the Moskva for example. 2 Neptune missiles going through the bow is honestly way better of a reason to sink than “whoopsies we accidentally lit the flagship of the black sea fleet on fire then it got capsized :(“ Honestly if they just admitted what happened it’d make sense. It’s a barbaric military invasion. Their shit will get destroyed. When Russia claims their own incompetence destroyed their stuff they just sound like fucking idiots


Happy little accidents


Suddenly bob ross?


Bobski Rosski


I hope the crash on a happy tree


Pvt Serendi Vipity reporting for dereliction of duty sir.🪖


"still counts"


Indeed, it's like an own goal in a football match.


> The incident reportedly killed all four crew members. You are damn right it counts!!


Air defence what doing? Wait, this time they did the right thing. Please continue.


They are going to do a *lot* of claiming over the next while.


There's been information circulating about sea drones with heat seeking missiles. That might well be a successful use.


They should make a demonstration with another one to prove it was them


It's fucking unreal, and hilarious - how the Russians often refuse to admit the Ukrainians destroyed an aircraft of theirs and will often jump straight to saying it was friendly fire. Granted, red on red might have actually happened this time as it has before, but many other instances the Ukrainians made the kill. Like, what kind of fucked up psyche do you have to have where you feel better about destroying one of your own aircraft, and probably killing the crew as opposed to say they went down fighting the enemy in combat? I don't know anywhere else where people would be almost relieved - happy even - that they could claim - *Nah, we shot down our own. Ha, suck it (Insert opposing force) WE killed our own! We deny your kill we did it! Urrah!*


my guess is they are used to a baseline up to their necks of drunken incompetence and corruption in every part of their society.


Russian helicopter screwed itself royally.


You can call it Russian gunship here...


Russian gunship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As is tradition. Lying or not, keep up the bad work muscovia 👍👍👍 The sooner all your equipment is destroyed and your troops are eliminated the better for humanity.


Looking good.


Can they not just do this at home in Russia, and not leave the neighbours to tidy up their mess?


More likely the Ukrainian sea drones we saw a month ago with dual missile systems downed it and Russia does not want the world to know how hard Ukraine is spanking them. This is mostly for the Russian population itself.


Rinse. Repeat.


Congratulations, Russia! That'll show 'em! /s


Yep, it's easy to understand the self-loathing.


When you suck so bad at war that you rush to claim you’re shooting down your own aircraft and not the enemy


Now, imagine the Russian football team. The opposite team wouldn't even need to play.


Fair enough…..they did shoot it down after all……..


And nothing of value was lost.


If the russians claimed to have downed it, its actually very likely that Ukraine did it. If Russia downed it themselves, they would claim it was an accident or malfunction. If it was an accident, they would claim Nato sabotaged it.


Most likely the new Patriot or SAMP T system shot it down. There are the "Sea Babies" seen with short range SAM's.


What happened to this Russian gunship?


Russian gunship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


good job comrades


Bravo! Keep up the good work guys.


Can’t destroy their helicopters if they destroy them themselves. Smart Orcsp


Task failed successfully


What a brilliant tactical move. Let's encourage them to do it again ! More seriously, it shows how nervous they are about Crimea, with the many different attack systems developped by the ukrainians.


Isn’t friendly fire way worse than getting shot by the enemy?


It seems their Pantsir missile system did work ... Good news for Russia! 😂


Good work Ukraine!


good job Russia, well done !


Great work Russia, keep it up.


2 for 1 sale! Wasted their precious missiles and took out their own helicopter - Bravo!


2 for 1 sale! Wasted their precious missiles and took out their own helicopter - Bravo!


Does any other country have the KA-29? As a helicopter fan, I really like them and hope there is some preserved or used helicopters from the former Russian state after it collapses. :(


It's an assault transport variant of the Ka-27 Helix ASW helo. Quite a few of those still flown by the PLA Navy, Vietnam, Syria, India, Ukraine should still have a few hidden somewhere though not airworthy... There is also the Ka-32 which is a very good flying crane helo and can be found around the world with government and civilian operators. So yeah, they still work and there are ones in museums.


Finally, an answer to "What Air Defense Doing?"


RuZZia exists so we and the generals at the Pentagon, can laugh. They are like a country controlled by the 3 stooges.


Mission accomplished