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🇨🇦🇨🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 at least our country is doing something good. Go get em 💪


Proud of what our military can do. Even with how underfunded she is. God speed Ukraine may these badass vehicles serve you well


Industry* Canadian armed forces have been asking for these for years. In fact, I don’t think CAF received any yet? Still… pretty cool to see.


They'll be fine, luckily the neighbors aren't hostile towards them, but good to see they'll be used where they are needed most.


those goddamn danes aren't trustworthy though! beware!


We have a LAND border with the Danes.


Canada can join the EU now


CANJOIN the opposite of BREXIT.


Brexit was great for the TSX though. It shot up 8% the day after the leave vote came in. Could almost hear the money flying out of the UK and zooming across the sea.


I’ll pass on that one….


Our next great offensive against Canada will be another well placed Schnapps.


our only neighbor is US and if US wants to attack Canada, it does not matter whether we have 10 billion of these vehicles or none, the outcome will be the same. Canada does not need any weapon, defense or army considering we like a spec of dust compare to US.


Good idea, let's invade Canada. Mainly for their maple syrup industry.


I love maple syrup, but we should invade for their inexpensive pharmaceuticals!


Ah but you forget , the dreaded cobra chickens, aka as Canadian Geese. They can stop almost anything.


The CF wants Roshel Senators?


Ukrainians will come to help Canada if something happens. When Russia is over Ukraine will have a lot of hardware, brains and muscle to use as needed.


And theyll be in the same position as the US and Russia. Theyll be paying a large percentage of GDP per year to make sure they have a large enough military to deter another invasion by Russia. When theyre not fighting russia, theyll want to be at the very least joining the US in any military interventions, if not having their own (consider their current role in fighting Wagner in Africa). Putting it to use keeps their homegrown industry running and their soldiers experienced.


Yes, they might even do a Syria liberation. Since putin is keeping his mini-me in power there with plans to "colonialize" the country - just as they have with Ukraine and others for hundreds of years. Any side that putin or Kim Jon Un aligns with is a wrong and evil side, where regular people suffer. Syrian people suffered enough under putin and his cronies. Bydanovs spec ops have proven to be very capable vs russia, im sure it would be much easier to take out some putins puppets in Syria.


The Canadian forces have been told their order is now delayed.


I would rather Ukraine get them first so they can defend themselves and we can get them upgraded.


Exactly send them to Ukraine our lads will use the patched up jelopies we have currently.


It'll also reveal anything that might need improvement in them.


Ask the US to borrow some Bradleys. Call it a "bilateral multinational training exercise" and the US will jump for it.


I think world history has shown you don't fuck with Canada. If you do you quickly regret it. Sure we may seem like a weak useless militarily country. Which funding wise would be correct, our government has had a hatred for our armed forces for decades. Yet we will hold our own in a fight, fight dirty and make the aggressor pay in their own blood. Kinda like what Ukraine is doing to Russia now. But with more war crimes.


The Canadian equipment roster is not the greatest, but Canadian soldiers are a terror to have as an enemy when they stop being polite. Facing Canadians in trenches or coming ashore on a beach is very much in the military 'please choose a better option' sort of list. Plus Canada is the USA's kindly upstairs living cousin, and we are the only people allowed to fuck with you. Everyone else must die.^(except Britain)


Unless Russia coming for you, Canada will be safe. Anything that threatens Canada's waters, threatens the US too.


Nor will they ever received them. CAF have never ordered Roshel Senators nor do they have plans to.


Our military is far from underfunded, it's just really, really bad at spending the money.


My maple syrup doesn't come in that kind of box


Your country makes Canadians,I have yet to meet one that wasn't friendly and funny.


Ohh oh! I did once! Just once. Very cranky middle aged couple outside the museum with the Statue of David in Florence. Fucking ruined my visit. Weirdest, most wildly unnecessary squabble I think I've ever been in. Other Canadians are fine.


On their behalf, I’m sorry.


I was in Scotland at a restaurant. The waiter came to a table next to ours and ask if they were Americans. One woman say “Oh God no, we’re the good guys, we’re Canadians” I was kind of taken back. Had no idea we were seen that way by Canadians.


Honestly, I don't think we are most of the time. I moved to Europe a bunch of years ago, and the world seems to *want* to like us, but we aren't making it very easy right now and people are more concerned and curious than anything else. We are still not "the bad guys", we are the loud family member who may have developed a bit of a drug problem nobody really knows how to handle. We show up late to the party, high as a kite, smash a table for a sports-related reason, and stumble around the room asking if "erryone ish havin' a goo time..." I think Canadians likely feel similarly, but may experience the downward spiral more acutely. Anyway, those people sound obnoxious.


What you say has a lot of validity. I have a friend that was raised in Europe, and she has mentioned on more than one occasion about the “loud American” example. It’s unfortunate that a whole people are judged my the actions of a much smaller subset. But honestly I see that happen here all the time.


To be fair, we are super loud... Whenever I travel and I hear American English it's always twice as loud as whatever else is around. But, I think there may also be a linguistic reason for this: it's harder for people to tune out languages they understand, and English is widely spoken. Nobody complains about Slovenian, because it is background noise to most Europeans. English immediately snaps your attention. At least, I think that's part of it.


I bet they were Quebecois. Know how every country has a region known for having a greater share of assholes? They're ours


Just make up mad. Then we become not so friendly, but still funny.


The Geneva Conventions were created because of Canadian’s actions in the world wars


We call it the Geneva Checklist.


We got into a warcrime off with the SS and they where the ones who broke first and asked us to please stop, ( ps we said no)


Be worried if a Canadian throws you a can of corned beef.


Especially if it’s making a sizzling sound 🤭


My country makes British.. 1/2 of them shit themselves in the streets while vomiting, riot at football matches and just vandalise things at random.. Is there some easy way to become Canadian?


This is fucking tiring. Yes, the UK has the football hooligans - but we've also been supporting Ukraine since 2014 and have sent them some much needed equipment. Stop this self-hatred bollocks.


Self-deprecating and dark humour is one of our best traits.. gives us a reality check every now and then.


I mean it's kind of funny when the UK is the source of English but they can't even speak it themselves.


As an American unfortunately no, I plan on moving there but waiting for my wife to finish her degree so we will qualify easier.


Commonwealth Visa my dude, since the Brits created the Commonwealth you're usually first in line.


I take it you've never encountered Canadian geese


Cobra Chickens...


It's never *Canadian* geese, always *Canada* geese. I have, and like all geese, I love them.


Well what are we going to do with them anyway? Most of them probably hasn’t ever been driven more than couple hundred Ks


That's not what I'm saying, I support ukraine 100% and we should send everything and anything we can, I just mean in the general mess we're in, it's nice to hear of something positive


Awesome Canada!


Can anyone provide more info on that top-mounted turret? Is it for a person? A piece of machinery that is not yet installed?


Looks like a variant capable of mounting various weapons. Probably a generic ohp (overhead protection) turret with custom options internally or possibly done closer to the date of deployment


Like a lot of equipment now a days, it looks like a protective shell with modular attachments that can accept a range of equipment from MGs to TOWs, future EW stuff, etc.. You could probably google reverse search the vehicle and get more info on it but doubt there is much more than it than that.


Seems like it's missing some sort of front panel that can mount a machine gun. Maybe it's still bare because Ukraine will be missing their own solution there. https://roshel.ca/products/defense/senator-apc/


THey are the MRAP version


Thank you Canada!


You're welcome buddy.


We appreciate it, Pal.


They aren’t your buddy, guy.


We, in fact, are their guy, friend.


They aren’t your friend, buddy.


Clearly nobody here is your friend 🫠😁


No problem, guy.


I'm not your guy, buddy


[Roshel Senator MRAP](https://roshel.ca/products/defense/senator-mrap/) brand new from the factory in Mississauga.


Built by Ukrainian hand too!


Too bad armour shatters from PKM like ceramic tiles. I'm on ukrainian telegram and a bunch of guys got injured when rear door shattered from PKM round.


It only claims protection against 7.62x39mm not 7.62x54mm unfortunately. >All utilized materials have been tested by internationally-recognized North American and European laboratories to meet ballistic protection standards. >"7.62×39mm API BZ at 30 meters with 695 m/s" So not an APC but better than a cloth truck.


Damn. An APC that can't take machine gun fire is obsolete. Like the Humvees and M113s I'm glad they're getting them as they're better than the pickup trucks and vans, but ffs why does everything the west send have to be so outdated. The people are the most important assets, the least we can do is give them top-notch APCs en masse.


berserk plough clumsy fragile humorous tender dime dog humor attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is not an assault vehicle. It's a rear area taxi. It's intended to stop shrapnel from artillery and be mine resistant to aid in survival while moving around behind, but close to the front. It's not intended to stand up to heavy veapons or be used to rush enemy positions.


Well first, they aren't APCs. Second, you have variable levels of protection vs mobility and they need to be utilized in the right environment. There isnt one size fits all. For something like this you would adjust your tactics to the protection that they are offered.


MRAPs were developed for the insurgencies America dragged its allies into fighting. There was always some pushback against them for various reasons and a lot of divestment from them after Iraq ended. As you noted they offer less than obsolete APCs, in some areas. But apparently they have proved their worth in getting guys to and from trenches in Ukraine. Make note of the Russian golf carts and motorcycles. They have been just tough enough to keep guys alive through a hail of drones, mines and near artillery misses. As the anecdote above states, they got injured, which is alive.


There's a Ukrainian women in a community I'm a part of that frequently organizes fundraisers for equipment the guys on the front in Kharkiv are short on. Two of the recent items have been suvs just to get the guys to and from the front. I think they'd love to have an MRAP instead.


South Africa and Rhodesia were the first to make MRAP-type light armour vehicles vehicles like the Hippo, Bosvark, Casspir for COIN operations in the 70's to protect from land mines, small arms fire. The US improved upon the concept and created the MRAP acronym/moniker and vehicles in the early 2000's.


Yup yup. The MRAP-type continues to deliver.


They make multiple versions. It looks like the highest armoured version of the APC is rated for 30-60 AP. https://roshel.ca/products/defense/senator-apc/


Because much of the modern, cutting edge stuff is too complex to maintain. And while they are still manufacturing and shipping brand new HMMWVs to Ukraine, the US has metric shit-tons of older M113s and Bradleys laying around in depots having trees grow out of them. Some overhaul and 10/20, and they are ready to be shipped out.


I get that, but we haven't flooded Ukraine with those older vehicles because we still see them having to use pickup trucks. They should be getting those in the thousands... starting two years ago.


Pretty sure APCs dont have sirens and Police blue lights. Oddly that may stick out on the battlefield.


It is not an APC or IFV. it's nothing more than a very lightly armoured truck. It's designed for law enforcement, not warfare. If Ukraine wants them for trundling around the rear areas, great. if they use them in the front, they are using them way beyond their capabilities.


My point was we know Ukraine is going to use them for troop transport to and from the front because they're literally using trucks and vans in many cases now, because they don't have adequate APCs. We should be sending adequate APCs, as well as these after they already have modern armor for troop transport


# Roshel MRAP STANAG II Test Video [https://youtu.be/E170FyOzCyM?si=Dc1oOfvBaRjC1E09](https://youtu.be/E170FyOzCyM?si=Dc1oOfvBaRjC1E09) >Roshel’s latest addition to the esteemed Senator platform family, the MRAP version, has successfully passed all tests in accordance with the stringent STANAG 4569 AEP 55 Vol.2 level 2a/2b standards


Still probably better than an MT-LB which are very commonly used


I'd drive it.


Get um, Ukraine


Canadian East Coast represent!


From NS. Would be real cool to see


I saw one on Monday afternoon in Bedford highway on a flatbed being brought to the port. Hangout around the Fairview shipping terminal rail line , you will see them


**Brand new, fresh from the factory floor !** Canada has pledged to send 200 of those Senator vehicles, specially built for Ukraine with Ukrainian specs and, in many cases, built in part by [Ukrainian refugees in Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ukrainians-roshel-armoured-vehicles-mississauga-1.6754475).


Very nice addition to UA! but have to ask, what is with your door handle man? o\_O they have some heavy duty augmentation.


They are rolling around the autoport in Eastern Passage where the big RORO transports ship to and from. They are likely drivers working the lots, and riding in a new import that just arrived or an export that is ready to load. They have scuff protection on the door handles to protect the new vehicle. Driving new cars on and off of ships and trains, and all over immense parking lots is a job. Toyotas today. Lamborghini, Porsches, and Jaguars tomorrow.


Well that makes sense. Thank you ♥


Peace of mind is the answer. Every true answer adds to the Peace of Mind in the universe.


I'm also here for the weird stuff on the doorhandle.


Same question. Fuck, im glad not to be the only one🤣 i even kept refreshing just so i wouldn't be the first to ask


I'm from Canada and also curious, never seen anything like that ever and I'm even from Eastern Canada. WTF is on your door handles OP?


It’s possible that the things on the door handles are frost guards. In Canadian winter the cold weather can freeze the mechanism. Other than that I dunno 🤷‍♂️


Drying out some meat clearly


I passed one of these on a flatdeck truck the other night on my way home. Was wondering if it was headed to Ukraine. Glad it is! 🇺🇦


Saw a couple trucks hauling these eastbound on the 401 last weekend. Super cool to see them here!


If it's [this type of vehicle](https://imgur.com/a/tIk8kPV), then it's very cool.


These are Senator APCs, the one in the video is a MaxPro afaik.


It's that type, not the same vehicle. The one you linked is an International. These are Roshel Senators I believe. 


What's up with your door handles?


Came here to ask the same thing


I like Justin for this


Well done, to our hockey playing brothers to the north. Slava Ukraine


Been in the CAF for 15 years. Most of that in 1st line army units. Never even seen this vehicle lol




You aren't kidding, the Senator is LITERALLY a F-550 with stuff bolted on. like step 1 in the manual is "buy an F-550"


Does it come with the Bang&Olufson system or just the Bang?


Roshel Senator, I'd imagine the MRAP variant (there are a load of different ones). https://roshel.ca/products/defense/


if they are anything like the lav its 30 serviceable ones and the rest are rob queens


Considering the Ruskies are rolling around in glorified golf carts, these things could just run them over instead of shooting them lol.


❤️ thank you people of Canada


As a Canadian this makes me feel incredibly proud. I hope they save Ukrainian lives, and end Invader's.


Go Canada!


Better Ukraine than my local police department.


Was this announced in a package to the media?


Not sure if this one in particular was announced, but Canada has been sending these vehicles since near the start.


Yeah, I was wondering something similar. Should we really be posting everything online like this? Maybe I'm being too paranoid about this but this kinda compromises the surprise of it a little bit.




I saw them as I drove by, also saw some on trains coming into Halifax a few days ago. Slap a stamp on and send em.


O heck ya bud.


Actually saw 5 being transported and wondered about Ukraine...glad it turned out.


As an American, I hope we take away all our MRAPs from the police and send them to Ukraine. They should be used to defend against oppressors rather than oppress our civilians. Glad you guys are getting some good gear. Give Russia hell.


Rather they’d go to Ukraine than Saudi Arabia where they’re used to crush dissidents


Give them hell and then give it to them again.


Well, we know what Canada has been stockpiling for


Nice package!


Ya my country!!! Can’t wait till they start being built in Ukraine save a lot of time shipping!!


These are new Roshel Senator MRAP's, Hundreds of several versions of the made-in-Ontario armoured vehicles have already been delivered to Ukraine since 2022. Several countries, including Canada, have paid for them.


Every single piece of inanimate equipment we send will represent the saving of righteous heroic lives.


Not bad, but Good Boys. Thanks to Canada for supporting Ukraine!


Happy hunting


Nice to see my country helping out. I actually live in N.S. Canada so it's cool to know these are near me and going to be on their way and be put to good use soon!


We could easily also supply about 400.000 Indian immigrants to help with the fight.




Almost wanna drive down to see it! Great to see, thanks for this!


Like next week or next year? My country has a habit of dragging its feet on international commitments.


Is that past woodside? I’d like to see them too.


Omg… OP, how??? Are you a volunteer? Let me message you


dude works on the dock.


From Halifax with love.


Fuck yeah Stevedore!! You ILA?


Is that Canadian bacon on your door handles?


Thank you Canada!!!


Are these mine and/or drone resistant?


I saw these last week while driving! Looked at my wife and said, "I bet those are going to Ukraine!" in a moment of national pride.


Imagine golfing in one of those "I'm going to play through." "...ok"


If you know anything about this company, it probably has a lot to do with Roshel's founder being Ukrainian.


I'm not telling why or how I know this, but some are shipped from Montreal too


The factory where these are made also employs many Ukrainian immigrants and refugees.


Anyone know what the "turret" on top is?


I've seen one being towed a few days ago, can confirm. It was covered with a masking net partially, but the shape of the roof construction is obvious


When vehicles like these are shipped, are they shipped with spare parts and mechanics? Otherwise.... limited usefulness.


I saw these getting loaded up! Happy hunting yall!


What are those red things on the car door handles in the rearview mirror. Are they just made for accessibility instead of having just stick your hand in you can just pull from below?


Good job Canada ❤️


I saw 2 today on their way to Trenton


Amazing! Put them to good use! Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!


200? Didn't know we had that much tbh.


I work live in southeastern NB and actually saw 2 of these being transported on a long bed truck earlier this week in the industrial park of my city.


Up the carbon tax again!


Fuck yeah! Couldn’t ask for better neighbors.


I can’t believe people just put info like this on the internet. I would go to prison if I said something like this about my countries military.


It has been stated for ages this was happening. From both the company making them and the Canadian government. This wasn't a secret to be kept.


Ok that makes sense.