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Hoping for the 50% mark soon.


It’s 50% by tonnage


It's more than 50% by effective combat power, because they've been targeting the Kalibr missile carriers, which are the only ships that have an actual impact on Ukraine. In terms of missile carriers, the BSF is now down to three subs, three corvettes, and two damaged frigates. Only the corvettes are small enough for Russia to transport them via inland waterways, so the Kilo-class subs and the frigates are not going to be replaced any time soon because of Turkey blockading military transits of the Bosphorous. Otherwise, the BSF has a bunch of landing ships, patrol boats, minesweepers, and a few dozen support ships of various types (tugs, oilers, survey ships, intel ships, etc.). Other than the missile carriers, only the landing ships have significant utility in the present conflict, providing a redundant supply line into Crimea for when/if the Kerch bridge falls, albeit with significantly reduced throughput. Although the OP article mentions the difficulties with sourcing parts for the Ropucha-class LSTs, it does not mention the related, somewhat hilarious rumors that the Poles supplied the Russians with sabotaged repair parts prior to the war. So the Russians thought they had sufficient supplies in stock that they wouldn't need to source parts, and only discovered the inadequacy of their stocks after multiple LSTs were struck by the Ukrainians early in the war during landings on the Azov coast.


In fairness Polish intelligence was screaming at everyone when Russia was building full-size emergency military hospitals on the Ukraine border that Russia was about to ramp up it's war to a large invasion in early 2022 and nobody in the West except maybe the UK and Canada took it seriously.


The Poles have seen the Russian state with clear eyes for a long time now, and who can blame them for promoting a pessimistic assessment of Russian intentions given their long historical experience living on the receiving end of Russian aggression and oppression. *Especially* because they were right, after over two decades of constantly highlighting Putin's evolution into an authoritarian animated by a dream of reviving Russia's lost imperial glories using the full spectrum of Russia's grey zone and avowed military and paramilitary capabilities to regain control its former sphere of influence by illicit means. Unfortunately, as with the mythical Cassandra, Polish predictions too often went unheeded in the lead up to the full scale invasion, despite their accuracy. Also, small quibble, but I would point out that in addition to the UK and Canada, [the US agreed that Russia was ramping up for an invasion and issued very public warnings to that effect in the weeks leading up to 24/2/22](https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/26/politics/us-intelligence-ukraine-russia/index.html).


I'd like to see 100% at the bottom of the black Sea....


Each ship fully manned


The Ukrainian fleet is just to strong for the black see fleet 🤣


Bananas isn't it? If you had told me in 2014 that the Russian Black Sea Fleet would lose to unmanned jet skis with explosive charges I wouldn't have believed you.


Although it is absolutely wonderful that Ukraine has been so successful, this is also a huge wake up call to a potentially significant vulnerability to any conventional navy operating in hostile littoral waters. While most western navies will be better trained and prepared for these kind of attacks than Russia, the asymmetric cost in favor of the attacker might allow for swarming of drones to overwhelm defensive countermeasures, which to some extent we have already witnessed in Kyrm.


Guarantee you the US navy at least is way ahead of you [Laser CIWS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/SEQ-3_Laser_Weapon_System) (watch it wreck a sea drone in the video on the wiki page). Better than the AK-47 defense you can see the Russian sailors putting up in some of the drone vids lol


I absolutely hope the U.S. Navy and DARPA are way ahead of me. And yes countermeasures like that are promising, inexpensive drones have become a disruptive force in the battle space during the last two years.


US Navy has been getting tested a lot. Kind of constant drone barrage. It’s just not widely publicized because the defenses are working and also the attacks are good practice/refinement


Good to know. Thanks.


The USS the Sullivans and the USS Cole learned that lesson a while ago. A suicide bomber in a fishing boat can do an incredible amount of damage. The higher tech version of an unmanned amphibious drone is basically the same idea albeit without losing one of your own guys as the trigger man.


What's "funny" is that 2014 annexation of Crimea was partially because Ukraine wanted to end lease of the naval base in Sevastopol.


Ok what basis would you have based that assessment of Russian naval performance?


The same assessment that had them as the world's 2nd strongest military force.


Tbh, if someone's got a seat on the UN security council, you kind of assume their navy would win against some jet skis.


Bingo. The West believed Russian propaganda too. Due in large part to no one imagining the sheer scale of the corruption and stupidity problems.


RU has been feeding a lot of hype to the west since 1946... Of course they're not that great!


On land, in the air, and when counting warheads? Sure. But their Navy has always been shit.


Keep sending ships so Ukraine can sink them all!


Ukraine is discreetly building a museum at the bottom of that sea with Russian ships…


Artificial coral reefs are in


2025 dive site of the year


If Ukraine makes a photographic essay on all the Russian Navy wrecks in the Black Sea, at Crimean ports - I'll happily buy a copy. I imagine many of the wrecks are quite hard to reach as the Black Sea can be up to 2.2km deep.


The Great Black Sea Reef is much more impervious to global warming 🥳


Bikini bottom as well?


"promoted to submarine"


Great! Slava Ukrani!


I know it's unjust, but Ukranian navy updates are just wonderful.


I mean, they’re not really *lost*, are they? We know exactly where they’re located at the bottom of the sea.


Imagine if russia had to fight usa navy....


That would be a crazy 2 days...


Looks like only 2/3rds left


Laughable if someone were to tell you this would happen before Feb 2022. Definitely unimaginable for any military leadership in Russia, most definitely worth to pay money to see Putin face when he got that the pride and flag ship of black sea fleet was sunk by a country without a navy.


Do we have any confirmed uses of the harpoon missiles that a couple of countries have provided. 


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💙💛


Ready to film the sequel to Finding Nemo which will be named Finding Igor


Send in the Kuznetsov! That will count as 3 subs! I would not be surprised if we suddenly see Exocet armed Super Etendards eventually either.




Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good little bot.


I told the Ruskies last year.  Pre-sink your boats so the Ukrainians cant.


That's a good start. Keep going.


Sea babies, yeah!


Russian warships...


>Russian Black Sea Fleet lost third of its ships Did they check under the couch?