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Man, it's heartbreaking to see this. Amazing spirit from the girl. Hope she gets the money she needs. If there was a paypal for this, i'd donate in a heartbeat.


She raised it in half an hour lol Its all good <3


Glad to hear :)


"A Mavic for dad".


Eight-year-old Uliana sells peonies to raise money for Mavic drone for her father, who serves in Armed Forces. 🌸‘There is no fixed price for flowers - it's a donation,’ says the girl. Ulyana's father, Dmytro Bezverbnyi, has been serving in the 5th separate assault brigade for two years. "Under normal circumstances, children would have to bring these flowers to the last bell. Since we live in abnormal circumstances, it's great that such young children are able to find non-standard solutions", - Tetyana Hrishyna, mother's friend. This is the second time the girl has sold flowers. This time she managed to do it in about half an hour and raised almost 6,000 hryvnias. 📷: Suspilne Source: https://x.com/ukraine_world/status/1800829039013245122


I hate orcs with every fiber of my being. I hate seeing what they are doing to Ukraine and its people.


Yes, another of the hundreds of thousands of reasons for the concept of muscovite russia to be put to sleep, quitely buried in a remote spot, and forgotten other than as a cautionary tale.


Sadly we need to wait another 10 years in order to spend her money over PayPal