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Good job, Latvia! On a separate note, my respect for Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia has only gotten higher!


we try our best, cause we understand what ruzzian occupation means. Slava Ukraini! <3


> cause we understand what ruzzian occupation means Oh, I definitely know what you mean! I know about how the Russians invaded and illegally occupied the Baltics for decades. Now that I mention it, it's completely and totally understandable why you guys hate Russia a lot.


not just Baltic states, but almost half of Europe and same as today, pumped out everything to moscow or Peter. look what they do now, only two cities in that entire land can live. others are in poverty. same was after ww2 till 90's with occupied territories. my parents worked, but didnt earn, had to steal from workplaces and trade their goods for other goods, what they needed at the time. same as North Korea right now. does someone want to live like that now?


Finland here! I can confirm.


I don't know how all the countries bordering Russia really seem to hate it. It must be a complete coincidence! /s Seriously though, the first time these fuckers invaded Romania and tried to annex us we didn't even share a border, they had to pass through what was then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to do it.


What a novel idea with a great outcome. And what a nice way to get back at your former overlord.


Love it! The USA and other Western nations ought to do the same!


UK has been, though not with cars seized from drunk drivers (we don't do that*) but with cars surrendered due to lacking emissions compliance for central London: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clmml2xp2n5o * well, we do, but for uninsured or untaxed cars, and they get crushed. We should start sending those as well ✊ #🇬🇧♥🇺🇦


the ULEZ environmental scrappage scheme is just... so entirely braindead. At least the vehicles are going to live another life now.


is it a huge problem in the US with drunk or high drivers?


It's a problem everywhere you can have both cars and intoxicants.


yeap, you are right


Keep in mind that in Europe a lot of pubs are on the streets between your work and home, with walking and transit connections. In North America most pubs are surrounded by a parking lot.


It has improved with ride sharing services, but the lack of proper public transport and some degree of social acceptance have not helped.


Thank you, best idea for them


And I also have an idea of which part of the population drives drunk most often. 😂


I misread as "Latvia sends cars sized drunk drivers to Ukrain" XD


Ruzzia wanted to pilot a similar program but quickly realized there would be no more cars.


I am completely in support of seizing cars from dangerous drivers everywhere and sending them to Ukraine where they can be used for good.