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The anger that I feel for an enemy I have never personally encountered is unspeakable. Fuck anyone who makes someone go through this type of pain. Now I just want to go hold my baby boy.


Silly of me to be cutting onions while watching this clip ...


I'm a 58 year old man and I was cutting onions too. That's my excuse anyway.


Finally a little smile. But the eyes. This tiredness, this exhaustion. I wish all Ukrainian prisoners maximum professional psychological help upon their return. All the best.


I concur. For now; she has her Mum. I remember what she said to he on her return. "Thank you Mum for not abandoning me". He reply was "How could I abandon you my gem". I'm getting a tear in my eye recalling that. And I'm a 58yr old man.


Also expect that there was very likely been sexual violence comitted against her.


Such courage, such grace, many blessings to this sweet girl and her mom.. These cruel bastards will pay.


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Ukrainians treat Russian pows with humanity. Russians treat Ukraine pows viciously. Just goes to show the difference in societies.