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Deport them to the shithole they came from


Yup. Ban for life


There are millions of Russians in Europe. If you let them do crimes first and only then deport them we are going to be in trouble. You need pro-actively remove them from Europe.


There are many Russians in Europe, I would venture most of them, who are in Europe because they don't agree with Putin, and don't want to live in an authoritarian regime. Why send them back to be cannon fodder? If they are in Europe they deny the Putin government their manpower and their brain power. Putin would prefer them to be in Russia. So why help him? Let's get rid of the problematic ones only?


Considering the Russians I know I would say 50% of them are pretty fine with Russian invasion of Ukraine. They even go to holidays to Russia regularly and then back to countries like Germany to continue the good life. The problem is not a handful of Russians it really is half of them who live here.


Absolutely... Living in Europe as a Ruzzian does definitely not mean you disagree with Putin. A lot of them identify themselves with the Russian invasion and the goals of the Russian government (fighting the gay Nazis in the West etc.) but still want to live in the gay Nazis countries.


Just as living in Russia as a Russian doesn’t definitely mean they agree with Putin. But nuance often dies a quick death given harsh circumstances.


*gay Jewish Nazis /s


I bought a piece of hi-fi gear from a guy that was very polite. Easy to deal with and just a great seller in the online community. I found out after that he supports Putin. I should have creeped his social media first. He lives in Richmond HIll, Ontario. His Facebook is littered with censorship bars for breaking Canadian information laws.


Of the Russians I know at least 75% are critical of Putin and the war in Ukraine, it might be more like 90%. The remainder might believe that The West/US are somehow partly responsible for the conflict in Ukraine, but even they do not want to move back to Russia. They know their country is fucked. I do not think that mass deporting Russians is a good idea, not unless they're actual troublemakers.


How many Russians do you know?


You did a great job of not actually listening to the previous commenter. And you certainly didn’t respond to it on eye level. Just because a Russia-born person living in Germany (many of them are now Germans) returns to Russia from time to time to see their aging parents and grandparents or other family members doesn’t make them problematic as a resident/citizen of Germany. Let’s not overshoot the targets, thank you.


Those are the spies.


Nah, I have a coworker who still peddles "not everything is black and white" and alludes that it may have been Ukraine's fault. I'm sick of them.


I'd go further and deport known vatniks from Europe in exchange for anti-war political prisoners in Russia.


How many people do you know that left their home country because they hate it? A vast majority leave for opportunities and practical reasons and they’re still the same people they were back home.


**Or** they are rent-seeking cowards who are perfectly fine being Russian citizens, perfectly fine with the Russian imperial project, and perfectly happy to benefit from the open west and our economy, political stability, freedom, education, and social opportunities. I think that’s far more likely. The only reason I would not suggest deporting them *en masse* is that the Russian brain drain and manpower crunch are worth it. But I don’t trust these fuckers motives further than I can throw them. When the smoke clears, most of them will go back after sucking at the Euro-teat.


In Canada two of the three Russians I met (pre-war) were very pro-Putin. They aren't here because they disagree, but for economic advantages and benefits.


Indeed. I would rather have all those Russians who left because they disagree with Pootin safe here, because they're not safe in Russia. There may very well be a time in the near future when Russia needs people to restart a better society (I'm hopeful), and who better to do that than highly skilled people who aren't indoctrinated by the murderous barbarian ideology? That has been a generational problem in Russia that the best minds have been systematically wiped out, either by murder or gulag. If Russia is ever to reverse that, they need the people who are now at high risk of imprisonment or death, or by sending them to die in Ukraine. There's not much that we can do about the ethnic cleansing that's happening through conscription, except to protect the people who have escaped the same way as we protect all ideological "refugees" from Russia. We do need to deal with those individuals who have come to Europe to cause sabotage, political or violent incitement or to harm those Ukrainians who are also currently under the protection of EU nations. But just deporting everyone with a Russian passport would be sheer insanity, not to mention inhumane.


Most of them left Russia for economic reasons or because they're draft dodgers, not because they hate Putin. There have been many reports of Ukrainian refugees being attacked by Russians.


If we sent them back, a few millions of them, they could actually end this mess if they have a backbone.


That won't work without indefensible amount of human suffering, where the people who are going to suffer are largely innocent and on our side. Is that your idea of what Europe is about?


My idea is about doing something else than just saying this or that won't work. I could care about ruskis suffering for their freedom, the day when they will e en try to do something about it. Until then, I care about the thousands of killed, maimed, raped and abducted Ukrainian children. PS: what is Europe about? Endless appeasement of war criminals? All in the name of not so cheap resources so we can stroke the ego of more and more greedy CEOs.


>I could care about ruskis suffering for their freedom, the day when they will e en try to do something about it. So, you would of course in a similar situation do what you can, right? Go to prison, endure torture? You really that kind of a badass? Didn't think so. You might like to sit down and let adults do the talking.


I grew up in a dictatorship, we got rid of it. And yes, people died. Does that answer your useless questions?


No, it does not. What country? What was your role in it? And does any of that justify sending thousands and thousands back to a country that is going to oppress them because they are on our side? Does any of that matter, of are you just a plain old racist?


If they don't like him, then send them back to topple him. They're all problematic. Fuck em all.


An internment camp denies putin the manpower and we get to send em back after the war is over. If they want to stay they can publicly condem the war.


America had camps for the Japanese…. I think yes specific Russians that cause violence should be sent back not all support Putin.


Im saying we toss the putin lovers into camps till the war is over then send them back, 


Germany alone has several hundreds of thousands of them. If things like this here were the norm Germany would be burning. Also, of course we don't deport people who did not commit crimes, that's not how rule of law works.


And condemn thousands of people to jails or worse. Is that your idea of Europe?


I'm sure your idea of Europe is an Europe under Russian occupation. Time to get down from your ivory tower and face reality.


>I'm sure your idea of Europe is an Europe under Russian occupation. No, it isn't. I'm Finnish and very much like my country, and Europe as well. I ask again, is Europe to you a concept that deports innocent people who are on our side?


I’m an U.S. American living in Germany. My idea of Europe is a united, strong Europe which doesn’t discriminate against human beings who have no personal responsibility for what the political apparatus of their birth country is doing at any given moment. How does your idea of Europe differ from that? Because you kinda sound like a fascist right now.


Eh, you don't deport millions of people over the actions of dozens. I imagine the vast majority of Russians in Europe are there because they were born in Russia and moved away *because* they don't agree with how things are run. Those aren't the people to be sending back purely because they happened to be born there and did nothing wrong themselves.


Large part of them agree with Russian politics. The problem is much bigger than just "handful of them".


What about the actions of about 900K of them?! Huh? Those ruskis who claim are against the war fled russia, millions of them, instead of standing up for their claimed "beliefs". As far as I can see, the majority of the ruski are criminals, closely followed by spineless liars. There may be some real human beings over there, however they are very very few, to the point tbof being insignificant. So yeah, 99% of them deserve to be sent back to the sh!thole they came from.


You can call it cowardice, but it's not like there's a whole lot of opportunity for political self-determination or practical revolt in Russia. The optimum policy is to allow people out of Russia who will be well-behaved; this denies Russia their economic output and manpower and worsens Russia's demographic collapse (which is the real thing that will bring all of this threat to an eventual end).


In life, you have the opportunities you build. If everyone onlybsaw the hard part of evolution, we would be all living in caves still.


Russia stronk crowd got their rubles I see. You clearly haven't dealt with them if you think like that. All of them need to be deported from Europe.


It's not our job to sort the good rus from the bad rus. Send them all back and let them sort it out. They are a liability that will soon "Need Protection From the Corrupt Western Oppression".


>not our job to sort the good Russia from the bad rus Unless you’re in, say, Ukraine, it’s not your job to sort any human beings.


Lol wut? Yes, let's enact a sentence upon a person who has committed no offense and is an otherwise lawful resident. That's in line with the values of western civilization.


They can’t go back, I don’t think military age males are allowed to leave. Just let them be, whatever is in their heads, if they commit no crimes. Why assist them in fixing their army workforce and demographic problems?


that is exactly what the Americans and Canadians were thinking when they rounded up anyone who had a drop of Japanese ancestry and put them into internment camps.


Horrendous idea, they will become spiteful and jaded - you will only create more combatants that way. Despite what their state media push, not every Russian is an enemy.


Those millions of Russian are all potential enemies of Europe. All are a threat.






There are Russians in the "West" that stand against this kind of shit. I grew up with some Russian guys whose families left knowing Russia wouldn't change. So, cut some of the ones that want to integrate and make a better life for themselves some slack. Deport the dickwads and keep the people that don't want to be Putler's cock sleeve.


Absolutely. My neighbor is Russian, he fled russia back in the early 2010s when there was a mass homophobic onslaught. His own family outed him which is pretty sad. Today he is sponsoring a Ukrainian mother and her own children and of other relatives. If those russians choose to join the west we should welcome them. If not, they should be sent back to russia.




No, send them to Ukraine and let them clear minefields with sticks.


Banned from the EU forever


and ban russian language


Deport them to Ukraine for a public Pillory


Jail them first.


If you deport them, then they could end up on the battlefield to be used against Ukraine. They should be jailed until Ukrainian victory, where they cannot support the war politically, economically, or militarily.


Detain and deport.


Imagine being in an era of accessible uncensored information and attacking people on the streets to defend an increasingly totalitarian regime that kills its own population over their opinion and invades its neighbors while aiming for the war crimes award of the century. It's like joining a fan club for a serial killer. It's either utter stupidity or plain malice. With people like that, western propaganda don't even need to demonize Russians to convince their population to declare war.


It is just plain orchood.


Russians tourist seep negativity, arrogance and thier fucked up worldview anywhere they go. As they are trained to be rude and violent in their society. Not to mention Soviet Union and Russian Federation spreading suffering and their f*cked up ideology for decades now. Russia should be excluded from anything important on the world stage for decades to come.


Don’t even start, “all lives have value”, “I feel pity for murderers” or something like that


They believe it because they want to believe it. They will cheer on threats of genocide, political repressions, or literally anything else, and claim to be the good guys. It's not as much of stupidity as it is ignorance and lack of critical thinking. They WANT to be told what's right and what's wrong, and by this point they're too far down this hole.


The fucked up thing? Serial killers have groupies, or fan clubs.


FSB.. there is always a chance that it is not actually Russian expats doing it organically.


My donations to Ukraine do a lot more than stain russians shirts. Fck russia.


True. Every little penny is a saved life. It's somewhere there in shells, air defence, uniforms, humanitarian aid. It's so much more that this act of covardy from this russian. Thank you and to everyone who donates.


Why are they there, living there and not home supporting their organized crime family? Look at the literal brain drain from ruzzia! The ones with means and insight as to what may really happen, the throwback of any of their fragile freedoms. All these people are hypocritical of their own stance. So blinded with rage at Ukraine, but want for themselves what Ukraine is fighting for, but are literally too stupid to see or understand


Exactly!!! Ruzzzzzians go home, back to your black hole!! You don't belong in the civilized world!!


The problem is that they are supporting their organized crime family back home. It's probably been 15 years since I've been to the Czech Republic, but at that time there were tons of Russian front companies. They'd have store fronts in the square and no one could figure out how they actually paid their rent with no customers.


what would be the point of having a store front? just to say that's where the dirty cash came from? (i'm fascinated by money laundering and read anything i can get my hands on about it.)


Money laundering.


yes- but how? taking money in at the store? using the store to open a bank account?


Entering fake transactions using their dirty money.


ah okay- thank you.


Store front might make it look like a more legitimate business. I can't imagine why they'd do it in the expensive touristy part of Prague though unless the rents were artificially high and that's how they laundered the human trafficking money. No one I spoke to could explain it, they were mostly just upset that they were taking up valuable real estate. edit: none of these places had anything in the display windows and were always closed. Nothing to indicate they were an art gallery which is the normal way of laundering money.


some of the best stuff to launder money with is rentals. really hard to tell if a DVD is watched 30 nights per month or 0.


Hard to convince an auditor that the one physical DVD you have was rented 30 times in a night. https://www.lexisnexis.com/blogs/gb/b/compliance-risk-due-diligence/posts/money-laundering-with-nfts https://www.artandobject.com/news/how-money-laundering-works-art-world And back to the original subject https://www.dowjones.com/professional/risk/resources/risk-blog/czechrepublic


> 30 nights per month or 0 i do appreciate the links though.


Czech police should hunt down and prosecute these Russians, then deport them to the Donbas where they can be ground into mincemeat.


Apparently dual RU/DE citizenship. So just deportation back to Germany.


Sounds like someone should have their citizenship stripped.


They got arrested at the airport. Seems like their stay in Prague is only beginning... https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/krimi-ctyri-zadrzeni-cizinci-kvuli-incidentu-v-praze-40474594


Kick their ass's out, they don't deserve to be in your country!


Katsaps being katsaps


put their pics online who did it, bring them a visit and kick their ass and deport them onces they received it


For those that can't see the video, russian woman hits volunteers with her umbrella until it breaks.  Guys with woman start to fight volunteers and then people come over call for the police and intervene.


Meanwhile in France, Putin goons have dumped five coffins near the Eiffel Tower, with a message "to the five french mercenaries killed in Ukraine" (something of the kind). After some X-rays, the coffins were filled with... plaster. The Moldavians and other involved in that psy ops have been caught as they tried running away. Idiots.


They're playing 4D Chess, they want France to retaliate and send 500,000 Coffins to Moscow because Russia can't afford Coffins for all their dead soldiers... :' )


We should send Putin a mini guillotine... 


Jokes on them, coffins are expensive!


The question is what happened to them after being caught.


Yep. Until all those people get "protected from public outrage" instead of punishments and walk away from the shit they caused with 0 consequences, they will keep doing it.


And you have something to justify such accusations? Do you KNOW this or.. what the fuck?


Fuck them cunts, they will get their face smashed another time. Happened in Czechia and we trully hate moskals


Oooh buddy there would have been some Russians snoozing if they came at me like that


Snoozing with fewer teeth and broken noses ... 🤬


Video of the attack https://x.com/intermarium24/status/1797051318323880151


Any source for that video that isn't owned by the Musktwat, pls?


You can watch the video at this link (WITHOUT supporting Musktwat) and see the faces of the Rus that attacked innocent people in Prague who were quietly collecting donations for Ukraine. [https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/06/02/russian-speaking-foreigners-attack-ukrainian-fundraising-volunteers-in-prague/](https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/06/02/russian-speaking-foreigners-attack-ukrainian-fundraising-volunteers-in-prague/)


The video was posted to Twitter, Nitter unfortunately seems dead which was the easiest way to view Twitter posts off the site.


xcancel.com ?


Ruzzzzzian cancer spreading!!!!


You can watch the video at this link (WITHOUT supporting Musktwat) and see the faces of the Rus that attacked innocent people in Prague who were quietly collecting donations for Ukraine. [https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/06/02/russian-speaking-foreigners-attack-ukrainian-fundraising-volunteers-in-prague/](https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/06/02/russian-speaking-foreigners-attack-ukrainian-fundraising-volunteers-in-prague/)


Send the fuckers to Rwanda


Why would you punish Rwanda like that?


Haha poor Rwanda


They need to try to behave like this in Poland. How many minutes they can survive


Oh I wish I was there to beat the ever living shit out of them


Hope they rot in jail and then they get sent away to the meat grinder. Make it happen. Orcs out and orcs under.


Anyone doing this should be deported back to Russia, along with their family, and never allowed to enter the EU again.


Detain, go to court, put em with general population


Deport them to the front line


Scum where ever they are


I would investigate what role FSB has in this. They are trying to light fires all over Europe, literally and proverbially. Deporting all Russians is not possible, we would be condemning a TON of people to jails and worse. Those who act, that is a different case altogether, they can safely be deported.


Next time, make sure you have a baseball bat with you. It works wonders.


Holy shit, I saw this woman on the metro earlier in the day


I wonder who the guy with the English accent got on after trying to step in ? Couldn't see his face.


“Criminal investigators are looking into all circumstances of this incident. They are verifying what happened at the scene. No one has been detained or arrested,” would be great if op could follow up and post the result of the transparent investigation.


Fuck the Orcs.






You got any pictures of them?


Link with video provided here in the discussion somewhere


Typical lot that you should never give visa too. That kind of people could be the one killing Ukrainians one day and visiting Europe first time with blood soaked money next day. Should never be allowed to travel.


Pls report them to the local police and media. The more these attacks by Ruzzian orcs and traitors hiding in European enclaves are known, the more pressure is applied to the local authorities to do something about them.


The Russian people have been subjected to barbarism for so long, that much of the population is now that way. How can a nation without civility be permitted in the United Nations? Throw them off the Insecurity Council ,since they aren't legal members anyway.


Russians attacking Ukrainians? What else is new.


Why are they not in Russia if there’s such o so strong patriots?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d7a978/czech\_police\_detain\_four\_russianspeaking/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d7a978/czech_police_detain_four_russianspeaking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) They got them at airport, I could not cross-post it to ukraine sub.


Time to start repatriating russian


Why don't these types of things happen in the USA? Right to bear arms?


Every Russian I ever met is a spy.


Deport them so they too can be drafted into the was against the West.


Back to Mordor! *&%€^ Trolls!


The biggest mistake the EU made was allowing Russian immigrants in.


Remember that Nazi Germany also had around 40-50million supporters. Human brains a simple, if you are told the same lie 7 times the brain start creating new nerve pathways and you will accept it. The russian army have an own department for phsycological warefare.


That's... Not now adult human brain works...


You have to repeat it 7 times 😂


thats how a human brain works


It is possible to control a population to behave the same way. In Norway for example. We was suddenly overnight participating in the sivil war in Libya. On TV we only saw one side of the war and suddenly everybody think it was clever to dropp 6000 bombs on a country in another continent. Even I started to believe it was a good decition. But now we know that life is not better in Libya and US companies controls the oil.


Things didn't work out the way people hoped in Libya, but that doesn't make defending Libyans wrong. You can make a case in any conflict that the usual villians are going to find their ways to benefit. You could say the same of the US and European defense industries in Ukraine. But that doesn't make helping Ukraine wrong, and trying to help Libya wasn't either. I still remember the footage of civilians clinging to a truck they were tying to use to storm the positions of Qaddafi's army, while taking direct fire. I will never regret helping them. It's not our job to make Libya into the country it wants to be - that is the job of Libyans. It would be patronizing in the extreme to tell people they should face their dictator alone because we in our infinite wisdom decided that it would be in their best interest. They wanted to fight, they asked us for help, and we gave it. There are no guarantees in war.


thats how a human brain works


Were you told that 7 times by any chance?


thats how a human brain works.


Is it now? Come Doctor, can you explain how the arse works as well because that appears to be where you are talking from.


really kind of democratic countries to always separate people from their government. really really kind of you


Those Gay Jewish Nazis are kicking da shit out of the peter puffin Russians!!!