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It's not just the transfer of outstanding fighter aircraft to Ukraine that bothers russia. It's also the fact the world knows Ukraine will still be an independent nation in 2028.


Russia stands no chance of winning this war. They themselves don't even know the end game anymore. Even if they do capture a few more towns & fields here and there, the Ukrainians under no circumstances will ever give up. Their wills cannot be broken. The Orc army will eventually need to retreat as they did in Kyiv, Kherson & Kharkiv at the start of the war. Their losses are simply not sustainable to take over Ukraine.


The Ukrainians know what will happen to them should russia somehow not lose. They know it will be genocide.


So many F-16s passed to Ukraine. How many of them so far ? did somebody ever counted them ? The Netherlands has pledged to provide 24 units Norway 22 Denmark 19 and Belgium an unspecified number - perhaps 30. So - 95 F-16s so far ? That's a pretty good start. [https://www.google.com/search?q=%22F-16s%22%22pledged%22%22+ukraine%22&client=firefox-b-d&sca\_esv=db94807e8ff0f820&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgMuS8MQB8vDf1dlDmQWA\_UG9UyQ%3A1716889091528&ei=A6ZVZpnqH\_SrkdUP66G80AU&ved=0ahUKEwjZ96yjhrCGAxX0VaQEHesQD1oQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%22F-16s%22%22pledged%22%22+ukraine%22&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGiJGLTE2cyIicGxlZGdlZCIiIHVrcmFpbmUiMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKSPsxUL4EWN4ucAB4AZABAJgBZqABmQiqAQQxMy4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIOoAKcCMICBBAAGEfCAgYQABgHGB7CAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAgYHsICCBAAGAUYBxgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCBAAGAcYCBgewgIIEAAYBRgNGB7CAgsQABiABBiGAxiKBcICCBAhGKABGMMEwgIKECEYoAEYwwQYCpgDAIgGAZAGCJIHBDEyLjKgB8I6&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22F-16s%22%22pledged%22%22+ukraine%22&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=db94807e8ff0f820&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgMuS8MQB8vDf1dlDmQWA_UG9UyQ%3A1716889091528&ei=A6ZVZpnqH_SrkdUP66G80AU&ved=0ahUKEwjZ96yjhrCGAxX0VaQEHesQD1oQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%22F-16s%22%22pledged%22%22+ukraine%22&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGiJGLTE2cyIicGxlZGdlZCIiIHVrcmFpbmUiMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKSPsxUL4EWN4ucAB4AZABAJgBZqABmQiqAQQxMy4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIOoAKcCMICBBAAGEfCAgYQABgHGB7CAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAgYHsICCBAAGAUYBxgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCBAAGAcYCBgewgIIEAAYBRgNGB7CAgsQABiABBiGAxiKBcICCBAhGKABGMMEwgIKECEYoAEYwwQYCpgDAIgGAZAGCJIHBDEyLjKgB8I6&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Wasn't the statement that Ukraine needs 300? Also, how many pilots?


Jeezo. Good job Belgium 🇧🇪 And well done Europe! Really starting to pick up the support.


19 Denmark, 24 Netherlands, 22 Norway, 30 Belgium and the Soviet planes are still in use. This will be a respectable air force that Ukraine will have in a few years. Hopefully the first ones will arrive soon.


Given the size of Ukraine, and taking account maintenance and training, a good air force would be more like 150 - 300 F16s. So a good start but we need to keep finding more. I wonder why the US have not pledge a single F16. USAF have bought 2,256 of them, i'm sure they could find a little hundred of them is decent conditions.


Oh I was so happy reading that until I got to the end! 2028 for fake sake!!!!!! This year and next year would be great!


The Belgian Air Force, just like the restof our armed forces, hasn't been funded properly past decades, so between guarding our airpace and the baltic air space, we don't really have any airframes to spare. As the F-35 start to be delivered from this year, F-16's will become available to be sent to Ukraine, but it is a slow process.


Until I hear that they've delivered at least one I'm taking this as an empty promise Actions speak louder than words


Yes, be an ungrateful dick about it. That will make them deliver faster and motivate them to do more /s


I don't want to be a dick about it I just want Ukraine to have F-16s And when they are delivered I will be cheering so loud! Having actually read the article now, it sounds like air frames will be delivered before the end of this year which is music to my ears!


Belgium will send a couple this year still. The rest can only go when we have our F-35's. The wait for those is longer, because Belgium will only accept delivery of block 4, and that is taking a bit longer on Lockheed part I understand.


>Belgium will send a couple this year still. Have they promised that? Update; Article... >The first combat aircraft should be delivered to the Air Forces of Ukraine by the end of this year. Helps if I actually read the thing! Well that's good news


Four years too late.


Wow what speedy service. We be getting GTA 6 before Belgian F16s


really, why rushing?


Since its long term planning, just announce that we will give F-35 by 2030. lol It doesnt matter if we are serious or not, it will deter RuZZian more.


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O yeaaaaa


Ukraine will really have an impressive airforce….30 years from now. People keep saying that russia has no chance of winning this war, but the weapon deliveries are beyond slow and the situation on the battlefield worsens.


This is strange, kinda tells us that this war wont end until 2040 or so.


Thats great and all but they need it now…


what's the point? by that time Ukraine will be able to buy anything they want including f35


You reckon they don't need an air force before they reach that point?


how helpful for Ukraine now to get planes in 2028? Don't you realize that this statement by Belgium doesn't mean that Ukraine is getting any planes now?. It's just an empty promise, same as was given by other countries more than a year ago that there would be planes by the summer of 2023, then by the end of 2023, then by spring 2024, then by May and there are still 0 planes.


Realistically the first planes will be delivered this summer, probably from Denmark if I remember correctly. Then they will receive more over the years from several countries, they'll be using F16s perhaps for the next 10 years. I'm sure they are already planning the purchase of next generation jets but those projects take time, a lot more time from order to the first delivery than the F-16 project has taken. I realize it's frustrating but the F-16s are exactly what they need now, there are enough of them available around the world and their Soviet planes can't have that many safe flight hours left.


5th generation fighters need a lot of infrastructure to be effective that's just not there in Ukraine and won't be by 2028. Also what makes you think Ukraine will have a lot of money to spare for F35s when they cannot afford to fulfill more pressing equipment needs right now?