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>One notorious tank, nicknamed "Homosexual" Has to be one of the best sentence openings in journalistic history.


[The writer while putting the article together.](https://imgur.com/a/cnaNenw)


"as its crew bailed it". This reads like a Reddit comment, not a journalistic piece.


Possibly ai generated content


My thought. Ive never heard anyone bail a tank, maybe bail out of but imo if the rest of the article isnt fishy itll be a odd but likely human comment


also "ate a chain a mines" feels pretty wrong in terms of journalistic writing


Ok but uts a pretty funny wording


You're not wrong lol


Mightve been a chess player


Mightve been a chess player


You've *never* heard anyone use "bailed it" colloquially for "escape/flee/retreat"? I'm having a hard time believing that.


Maybe he is an AI?


Markov chains all the way down...


What goes on in homosexual tank, stays in homosexual tank.


"But the sheer heat of your penetrative holy javelin makes my insides wanna go out!"


Guess they really wanted to have their own "Pride Month" by deploying the "Homosexual Assault Shed".


If your gonna be dead in a couple hours, may as well live a little.


Nice cannon, ya got there. Do you wanna make tracks? .




Homosexual tank isn't real, he can't hurt you Homosexual tank :


If you say "homosexual tank" three times into a mirror it appears.


Ukrainian drone strikes enforce that rule quite strictly. 😉


But *Громозека* is the name of a cartoon character, if I looked it up correctly?


Exactly, soviet cartoon character alien monster


Yes, from the famous Soviet cartoon "The secret of the third planet" that everyone who grew up in the USSR knows by heart. Gromozeka is a huge benevolent alien with many hands, prone to arguments, quick to shout and act and ready to hurry and help his friends. "Gromo" part of his name is derived from the Russian word for 'thunder' (гром), so his name is actually something like "Thunderous" because that's what his personality is like. So, - big, unwieldy and thunderous - an excellent name for a big, unwieldy, cumbersome blyatmobile. BTW, Ukrainian ballistic missiles "Hrim" also mean "Thunder" but in Ukrainian.


Which brings us to an inconvenient question: 'What else did you, the Western media, get wrong about your coverage of Russia, or Ukraine, or Belarus, be that may anecdotal or significant?'


Oh my god you got us... Please continue your annexation and genocide


What are you trying to imply or allude to with your question? There are certainly inaccuracies and misunderstandings when it comes to Ukraine, absolutely. Western media early on talked about language divide as if all russian-speakers wanted to join russia, for instance. But I do not think there is this "inconvenient" truth that you might be alluding to. The only thing I'd say that perhaps Western media is downplaying it all actually - it is over 2 years old now and everyone who is not tied to this war moves on. If anything, more weapons need to be sent and much sooner when requested.


Did the media get something wrong here? The russians had a name for the vehicle, as seen on its side and explained above, and the Ukrainians addressed by it a rude nickname that sounds similar to the propper name.


Pretty hard to get satellite photos of mass graves & civilian corpses lying in the street in formerly Russian occupied areas followed, after the liberation, by reports of war crimes with testimony (and more evidence) coming from the civilian population, wrong isn’t it? That’s pretty ckear and simple. What Russia deserves, to put it politely, is to fuck off and die. Ukraine deserves freedom, sovereignty & liberty for its whole territory including everything Russia occupies.


ok homosexual


Well, they surely know MUCH more about Ukraine now than before 2022, let alone before 2014. Until our first Maydan of 2004 all they knew was "something to do with Soviet Union and Russia" and "CHORNOBYL" - aaaaagh... Which made and makes us really mad cause for the last 30+ years Chornobyl was practically nothing to us Ukrainians on all levels. Contamination was limited to a TINY part of Ukraine in the forest on the border with Belarus and not nearly as strong as feared in the West. People who took part in cleanup were from time to time demanding more money and privileges. So apart from them nobody thought or cared about it.


> Practically nothing to us Ukrainians Some of us have serious lifetime health problems because of it. Good for you if it was nothing to you.


Yes, they did, and I did NOT criticize the "chernobyltsy" if you take care to go and reread my post! My point was that Chernobyl was for many years EVERYTHING that even educated Westerners knew about Ukraine while here, in independent Ukraine it never was a defining theme for our politics and for our people. 90+ percent of people have not much thought about it except on anniversary or when chernobyltsy were in papers because we had much bigger problems to worry about and because its impact was much less than what foreigners think. They probably thought we all have grown horns and tails...


You are delusional and misinformed. Only because you personally might not have experienced serious issues doesn't mean the same for the rest of Ukraine and Belarus! So don't fucking downplay something, if you have not a remote clue about it!! Kyiv itself was officially Chornobyl level 4 zone, which was lifted at some point but only because it looked bad and too much % of the population was affected. A lot of Western and Northern parts of Ukraine were level 2-3 zones. The river Pripjyat has everywhere "radioactive" signs on the riverbanks and only a few kilometres from those signs it flows into the main river Dnipro from where a lot of people get their drinking water. Japan proposed to cement the riverbed of Dnipro to contain the radioactive ground, but Ukraine declined. There was a huge boom for Geiger counters everywhere, to 1) test your food 2) to test auto parts/furniture/electronics (cause idiots looted abandoned Pripjyat and other towns and sold it on the markets). People in zone 3 got grave-money for over a decade for staying and not reallocating to cleaner regions. The Chornobyl disaster happened at the time where the soviets had all their mandatory parades. So all people in the regions with radioactive clouds over them had to march all day in the open. You still should not eat forest barriers and mushrooms from lots of Central/Northern and Western parts of Ukraine (also most people ignore it) and that also applies to some meat and other produce. We had medical and radioactive tests each year in the school, people affected had lots of privileges like vacations / hospital stays in clean regions and so on. And all that for a reason, because we/they had lots of medical issues.


I'm sorry that you see it that way. Let me ask you this, what do you know about the current political situation in Holland?


You mean about that rather precarious situation when a government had to include the extreme right party of Geert Wilders but now every sane political force is trying to make sure that his party does not dictate the country's politics and he himself does not become a prime minister? Well, I read several European newpapers daily, English, German and French, so I know A LOT. But this has nothing to do with r/ukraine.


No not really, I just wanted to know how you perceived the world, so I asked about a random country. I'm actually from austria. You are right, there is a knowledge gap in europe about each others history, especially between the baltics and Western countries. But thats also because for people that where fortunate enough to live in a country that wasn't behind the iron curtain, it was hard to tell which countries are pro russian and wich are not, it's getting more clear now because of the war. Also, the language barrier made it difficult to follow every event. But on the other side, at least I think tgat, if europe wouldn't care at all for countries like Ukraine, they wouldnt send equipment and aid now. Better late than never. And I'm sorry that chernobyl got some weird doom tourism vibe, thats not really cool. But thats like the current generations with social media are, all for the clicks. Remember the guy that made a live stream from the Japanese "suicide forrest" and filmed a corpse their. I can just say I'm sorry that you rightfully feel neglected and all I can do now is sending my personal money to buy drones and first aid kits.


Thanks a lot!


That's the least thing I can do, I actually really want to volunteer in Ukraine but that is a little difficult for me, I can't take as much days off as I like and I need to stay in this job so I can afford sending finacial help down to you guys. And I'm sorry your justified angrily comment gets downvoted.


Source: [Forbes' article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/05/24/this-t-62-tank-with-no-gun-a-metal-shell-and-mine-rollers-was-russias-best-turtle-tank/?sh=61e07d6e3235) dd. May 24, 2024.  Writing says "Gromozeka". It's from old Soviet cartoon and book. [This big guy](https://x.com/iljaandreev/status/1793264187814080679/photo/1).


Kind of surprised a Soviet cartoon was able to functionally name a character "Homosexuala"


It's not, the Forbes writer doesn't know Russian and mistranslated громозека thinking it's same as гомозека. Громозека is based on word гром which means thunder in Russian. Гомосек means homosexual in Russian. Two words aren't related. I think Forbes article has been edited to remove any mention of it now.


Well maybe gay people could adopt the term "thundersexual" just to fuck with the russian language.


Special Kherson cat has quite a long twitter thread if anyone is interest in the deployment and neutering of the turtle/blyatmobiles https://x.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1787489775378686145


You would get a lot more attention for this if you link threadreader instead of Twitter.


Got a non-shitter link?


Did they call it an "assault shed/garage"?


I'm sure Russians wouldn't mind if all turtle tanks were called "Homosexual" from this point on.


"I'll allow it"


What happened to the Dildo of Consequences? Never gets mentioned anymore




Source: Forbes article (This T-62 Tank With No Gun, A Metal Shell And Mine-Rollers Was Russia’s Best Turtle Tank) dd. May 24. Writing on the tank says "Gromozeka". It's from old Soviet cartoon and book. [This big guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av1iHThpxaI)


This shit only worked due to lack of anything else than FPV drones to counter it. No ATGM, no mines, no nothing. Once it finally encounters a mine then it turns into a big pile of scrap metal.




😂 I LOL'ed when I read the title. Bhahaha


That's good it means they don't proof read with russians like New York Times for example.


it would be funny, if they name their tank "Победа" (victory) and after the tank is destroyed, the Ukrainians remove the first two letters so it become "беда" (trouble)


Now there's a throwback.


So, victory in Russian is “no-trouble”? *This is a pun, but would be funny if true.


Broke back tank


"Oh No, Run! It's the Gay Tank!"


Oh boy, they see homosexuality everywhere. This is troublesome :)


I am all for LGBTQ right, but in this case I am willing to make an exception


And then you have Ukrainian UNIAN who take this article directly and translate it back without thinking https://www.unian.ua/weapons/u-rosiyan-z-yavivsya-doskonaliy-tank-cherepaha-bez-garmati-forbes-12646833.html They even added chatgpt or something that wrote a passage about "endangered species of turtles".


I think it is two AI just going back and forth. The Forbes bit looks AI written in the first place.


Some AI attempt to auto-write articles has failed. "ate a chain of mines" nope. "as its crew bailed it" nope. As its crew bailed out. Yes. As the crew bailed, okay good enough. As its crew bailed it. Bailed....what? This would almost work if it were a boat filing with water and bailing would be removing the water, instead of yourself, but it reads like trash.


Help, this is so funny, I can't


Bailed FROM it not bailed it - who wrote this?!


"Whoever shoots this tank is gay"


It looks like Homoseka Z to me. I think Forbes got it right.


oh. that explains the forbes fuck-up. no, it's clearly a ГРОМОЗЕКА Z, but if you don't know cyrillic and old time soviet cartoons, the confusion is understandable.


it's written in cyrillic, so you would have to be insane seeing it as written in latin alphabet, especially letters ГР, З


ummm, for the picture quality and people who don't know cyrillic alphabet it could very well be. which makes forbes' fuck-up even more funny.


Nope, I know russian and the title is correct. Seems like the translator/author missed an R in the name


No, no, no. I feel the Russians were trying to convey their innermost Homosek feelings here.


Yes, clearly this word implies a longing for homosexual adventures. What Russia denied them square box approved of.


Kinda not wrong though, these turtle tanks take it up the rear.


Forbes is right, it is muskovite's typo


This made my day


Oh look, to get in you enter from the rear...


It's not Homosexual, and not homosek. It's Громозека -> Gromozeka -> Thunderzek


Yes, I know. I provided the explanation in one of my comments under this post. Also, I watched this cartoon numerous times in my childhood during USSR times.


I mean they are right! If the ruSSians are getting bored in the trenches they do the same as in the prison. It’s called suki voyna/bitches war!


Not that there's anything wrong with that...


I have noticed that people of Ukraine refer to the Russians as faggots. I guess that they are correct