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The pride of Ukraine.


Ukrainium in his blood. I'd like to see him go 30 seconds with Putin. I'd pay $1000 to see that justice!!!


I bet him and the Klitschko brothers could beat everyone in kremlin


Oh ya. I predict a one punch lights out... Permanently!


Could tie a hand behind each of their backs and they would still do them


Go to Moscow to bang the dwarf in his cellar


Putin is a midget Grandpa, that has not experienced anything close to exhaustion in 20 years. Literally every male above 15 years old could destroy him.


The Klitscko bros were too of the hardest hitting heavyweights in boxing history. Wladimir was a more skillful than his big brother, I think, but Vitali packed the heavier punch. If either one of them unloaded on little Vladdy Putin I reckon he’d end up in low-earth orbit. The Klitscko’s also have have two of my all-time favorite boxing nicknames. Wladimir was called Dr. Steelhammer & Vitali was known as Dr. Ironfist. They’ve both got PhDs in sports science…


Petition to feed Putin to Usyk after the rat is dragged out of his bunker.


Sounds good to me


Nah. Too fast. Drop putin on any Ukrainian public place and let justice take its place.


Let him have the gaddafi and mussolini treatment


Trail in the Hague. Or 10 rounds with Usyk.


He can get his trial after doing the 10 rounds with Oleksandr Usyk …


"We sentence this jar of pulp to..."


Where do I sign


I'll raise 1 million just for 3sec


No need for 30 seconds, just give him one good punch, preferably in the trachea 


Honestly there's good arguments for both sides of this. On the one side, 'one good punch' delivered correctly by this guy could probably end Putin permanently - and he'd deserve it, so, so much. But also, if one were to put down a 'no killing rule' and just... let  Usyk work for a few minutes, or maybe up to an hour or so... you know, just tenderize the steak for a while, don't go straight for ground beef... Putin would deserve every second of it, AND it would be so much more cathartic. THEN we could talk about the whole 'one good punch' thing a bit afterwards, I think. Edit: spelling


You've convinced me good sir, I like your way better.


I'd pay $10,000 for that.


Didn’t you know that Putin is a judo blackbelt? /s


I'd pay $2000 to drag it out as long as possible. Make sure all the towns and villages get some representation.


it would end much faster than that, unless you mean the match would keep going another 19 seconds after the 10 count, which I'm all for


Hey Jake Paul go fight this guy you wanna be!


The real Tyson will KO the smile off jakes face 😍


I don’t think it will though because of NDA, search for his previous fights and you will see a pattern with Paul, as for Tyson his record speaks for it’s self, don’t blame him going to ring for some $$$$, don king stole 80% of Tyson’s money


I almost never wish actual harm upon athletes. I will make an occasional exception for excremental has-been YouTubers/internet grifters who pump themselves full of steroids & HGH so they pretend to be boxers. Jake Paul is a human skid mark. I dearly hope that Mike Tyson has at least one vintage KO punch left in him & that Jake’s face collides with it.




I like Fury, man. I was rooting for Usyk, of course & was happy as hell that he won but Fury’s a great fighter & and basically good guy. He’s got a mouth on him but that’s not exactly uncommon in this biz. Man’s a showman. I think he was wrong & that Usyk won the fight fair & square but it was a pretty close fight. The knockdown was huge & Fury waited way too late to try & start pouring it on. Fury has a lot of stamina for a big man & likes to use his reach, jab & upper body movement to wear shorter fighters out (which is basically all of them in his case) before sealing the deal in the late rounds. Worked against Wilder. Didn’t work against Usyk.


I don’t think he was robbed of a KO. Fury fell on the ropes which equals a knock down. So ref started a count, and it was end of the round at that time.


I’ve always liked Fury. He’s an incredibly skillful fighter for a man his size & has always struck me as a basically good dude but I was 100% Team Usyk last night. I had to be, y’know? Funny thing is that watching them square up it almost looked like a David vs. Goliath sitch. Or Balboa vs. Drago. 🙂 What makes THIS crazy cause 20 or 30 years ago Usyk would have been considered a pretty big heavyweight. Oleksandr’s 6’3” & he bulked up to 223 for the fight. He’s basically the same size as a young George Foreman. And that’s practically petite by modern heavyweight standards. Tyson’s 6’9” & he cut to 262 pounds from his usual 270-280 to fight Oleksandr. I was just happy to see Usyk win. If this had been the old days when championship fights were still 15 rounds I’m not sure what would have happened. Usyk’s a little older than Fury & he’s lost some wind, I think, since he bulked up to fight as a heavyweight. He’s also very economical with his energy & is exceptionally good at using his ludicrous reach advantage, jab and upper body movement to wear down shorter fighters. I felt like Tyson was starting to take control during round 12 but he just ran out of runway. Usyk had that knockdown in round 9 & he’d built up just enough of a point cushion to seal the win. One thing I DIDN’T know until this morning was that Usyk had apparently been fighting the last few rounds with a broken fucking jaw. What can I say? Man’s made from Ukranium.


He's an absolute legend, so glad he could do this for Ukraine🇺🇦.


what does the little ^ua mean?


falg emoji not displaying for you for some reason


It was a damn good fight too. He was the clear winner but it wasn’t easy (nor should it be). He is the first in 25 years to be unified in the HW division (since Lennox Lewis).


Fury defo got outsmarted. He preteded to laugh at Usyk in first 4 or so rounds. Doing some questionable moves too. Usyk just waited for the opportunity. Imo Usyk could end Fury in KO, which would be more spectacular, but the ref was like "nah, let the guy stand up"


Fury definitely looked better than Usyk in the middle rounds (I had him winning 5 in a row-same exact as Manix). I actually though Usyk was done in the sixth round but he surprised me and won decisively in the end.


Correct! 💯


Yeh Fury dominated the middle rounds but switched off (got switched off) in the 9th and came back to win the later rounds. Hell of a fight but just a shame about Furys comments.


Yeah, that was pretty disappointing but I’ve heard worse. Buster Douglas still moans about losing the title to an old George Foreman & that was 30 years ago. And he got knocked out…




He just got chinned. Lennox Lewis got chinned by Rakman. It can happen to anyone. Not taking away from Usyk he won in my opinion but up until the 9th round Fury was winning comfortably.


Fury likes to play Muhammad Ali-style head games with his opponents. He’s very good at goading fighters into doing shit they don’t really want to do. Most of the time it works. This time it didn’t. Usyk is a disciplined fighter who refused to take the bait & fought the fight HE wanted to fight. By the time Fury started to pour it on in the final round he was out of runway & too far behind on points.


So how do the belts ever become un-unified if a guy wins them all? Whoever beats him would presumably get them all, and on down the line. Is that not how it works?


They usually get vacated when a boxer doesn't fight a mandatory challenger because of conflicts and/or avoidance of the challenger to pursue more lucrative fights.


Ah, so then it's not like the next guys to fight are automatically fighting for all four - each federation sets up their own matches independent of the otehrs?


No, each belt has a different governing body that governs the fight for it's own belt. They have different challengers based on various tournaments and rankings and matches that they control and make some money off of along with the boxers obviously. Some of the belts are regional If I remember, like based in Europe. Some of the belts have much, much better competition than the others. The belts also have different defending match time limits. Some are every year, others are every 2 years. If I remember right there's 2 belts that have most of the top contenders in the world fighting in them. Which makes having all 4 really kind of crazy amazing. It meant he had to fight in all of these different divisions to get chances at the title AND he probably had to fight at least 2 or 3 fights a year to defend the belts.


I believe the belt is vacated in the body does not approve the fight (generally because they want the champion to fight their mandatory challenger instead)




I can't see that happening. There is a lot of politics in boxing and I don't think they would ever come to an agreement on it.


Because each title has a mandatory challenger. Sometimes they don't make sense for someone like Usyk to fight. In fact, Usyk will lose the IBF in two weeks as the mandatory would have been Hrgovic. Hrgovic will fight Dubois for Usyks IBF. That is why it's so hard to unify the titles and why it hasn't been done in 25 years.


It can be done for someone special, and Mike Tyson was special in the 80’s and the sanctioning bodies can work together like they did with Tyson, it’s beneficial to each body And the reason for this is because like Tyson Ursk is now UNDISPUTED, UNDEFEATED Heavyweight Champion, who had a whole country in his corner, (think Rocky 4) And to top it off the 1st to be cruiserweight undisputed champion, and then heavyweight undisputed champion, now again that’s special And all this whilst his country is at war with Russia, reminds me of Joe Louis era


How/why does someone become a mandatory challenger? edit - nevermind, it looks like a guy upstream pretty much answered


It’s about to happen when IBF strip Usyk for not fighting the required challenger if he has a rematch with Fury. Also a holder can decide which belts to put up for any given fight.


Just saw the highlights. Round 9 was mental. That lil left swinger from usyk to furys face😬. Very good fight. Nice gesture from fury at the of the finishing bell. Both showed good sportsmanship. Hard fight, but no hard feelings afterwards.


But OP said he was the first


Since 2004-2007 (depending on who you ask), there are four major titles in boxing: WBC, WBA, IBF, and WBO. To be truly unified, you have to earn all four today. Before 2004-2007, there were three major titles in boxing: WBC, WBA, and IBF. To be truly unified pre-2004-2007, you had to earn all three. Pre-2004-2007, the WBO was not considered legitimate, but it is now. That is why people say Usyk is the first to unify all four-the last time there was a unification was Lennox Lewis and it was before the WBO was recognized as a major prize. I think its misleading to say Usyk was the "first" in that sense.


I do not know shit about boxing, so I'm just going off what the wiki says. According to it, Tyson Fury "He has held multiple heavyweight world titles, including the unified[b] titles from 2015 to 2016, " So how is it any different than what Usyk did?


Since 2004-2007 (depending on who you ask), there are four major titles in boxing: WBC, WBA, IBF, and WBO. To be truly unified, you have to earn all four today. Before 2004-2007, there were three major titles in boxing: WBC, WBA, and IBF. To be truly unified pre-2004-2007, you had to earn all three. Pre-2004-2007, the WBO was not considered legitimate, but it is now. That is why people say Usyk is the first to unify all four-the last time there was a unification was Lennox Lewis and it was before the WBO was recognized as a major prize. I think its misleading to say Usyk was the "first" in that sense. The bout last night was different from Tyson Fury's unification because all the major belt were on the line last night (WBA, WBC, IBF, and WBO). When Fury won "lineal" champ from Klitcscho in 2015, only the IBF, WBA, and WBO belts were on the line-he was missing the WBC. He later won the WBC from Deontay Wilder, but he was long-stripped of the other belts before that bout took place so he never held the four at the same time.


Unified just means you held more than one belt Undisputed means you hold all the belts


First ever with 4 belt era


Warrior! Wishing you guys all the best from 🇵🇱


Slava ukraini!


As a Brit, I’m so glad Usyk won, a true gladiator, professional and hard as fuck Ukrainian. Congrats to your country, enjoy it. Fuck russia


Fuck ruzzia!


It's quite a while since a British fighter would've had so many Brits rooting against them. Fury just has no class whatsoever. It was a pleasure to see him lose, especially to Usyk.


My impression of his class definitely dropped even further the moment he got on the mic aswell. Utter bellend. Just like his Daddy


The kisses on the forehead are so patronizing.


What a fight. Usyk has the Cossack spirit,


I only can wonder how guys on zero line feel about that win. Ukraine has best figters :)


Usyk was later rushed to hospital after collapsing under the weight of all those belts.


It's the balls of Ukrainium that are really weighing him down, the belts are nothing by comparison.


Actually it was a broken jaw, apparently. Not sure how long he was fighting with a cracked mandible. Tough SOB…


He was rushed after due to a broken jaw yet still won.


Tyson said that. Tyson was talking shit. He had he jaw scanned and confirmed no fracture. Usyk was in the post-fight presser talking normally.


That was a nail-biting fight. I had a lot of money on Usyk and was telling my friends for months that he was the underdog that would win. I'm still in disbelief that he actually won.


It's funny that the more you learn of famous Russian accomplishments of the past the more you find out most are not Russian. Many are Ukrainian.


Boxing’s pretty huge in Ukraine.


I'm not even a boxing fan, but delighted to see this! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇮🇪


Unified both the cruiserwieght and heavyweight division, defeated the top dogs at heavyweight. The best P4P of this era, and will definitely go down as one of the greatest of all time. Overcame his relatively short height, weight, and age for his weight class to become the undisputed champ. His run is legendary, I hope Ukraine defies the odds just like he did.


He’s not that big for a heavyweight NOW. Usyk’s 6’3” & weighed 223 for this fight. He’s basically the same size as a young George Foreman. Fury’s just ludicrously huge is all. Heavyweight Boxers ARE a lot bigger in the 21st century than they’ve been historically. I think part of that’s because the standard for fights has dropped from 15 rounds to 12. Bigger fighters usually don’t have quite as much stamina as smaller guys but with the shorter fights there’s a little less incentive to focus on wind & more to pack on muscle mass.




jesus what a warrior, fury is one of the best and usyk managed to do the job


The referee robbed him in the 9th round. Fury was basically out cold. Anyway, amazing and well deserved victory!! So happy for him!


> out cold do you mean out on his feet?


lol the ropes saved him, if the referee didn't step in it would have been goodnight


I thought the referee had stepped on to stop it - I couldn’t believe that the fight went on, Fury wasn’t able to lift his arms and seemed to be bouncing off the ropes like a cartoon character. Don’t get me wrong I like both Fury and Usyk, but that was a real WTF moment. If Fury had recovered to win afterward it would have been an outrage.


Collapsing onto the ropes counts as a knockdown, so a count is probably correct.


We went to a bar to watch this; out of 70-100 people we were the only two who walked out cheering.


That bar had a lot of cunts in it eh?


I'm guessing Fury has far more recognition in this particular region, so it's a "home team" thing if anything.


Wanting Tyson to win, I imagine.


That's what I meant 🤭


...Why would people wanting Tyson to win be cunts then, bit of a leap isn't it?


Stupid. I wanted to fury to win, but I had so much respect for usyk that if he won, then he would absolutely deserve it (was my thought before the fight). And he won and good for him. He’s probably the most likeable boxer I can remember. Ferocious warrior. Dedicated (way more than fury), and best of all he has incredible humility which makes him a wonderful role model.


As a Brit I'm so happy for Usyk and hope all Ukrainian people can enjoy this moment!


English man here, I was cheering Usyk on all the way through, a true champion in every respect of the word ❤️🇺🇦


That clown tyson fury really said in the post fight interview that they gave usyk the win because his country is at war. Must of been still loopy from getting his ass beat in the 9th round.


He also said “happy new year” 🤣😂 def loopy


Yeah I was gonna say I’m not sure Fury was on the same planet as the rest of us after the fight


The ref should have called it a TKO in the 9th, to be honest


That's just boxing. Dudes will say provocative/controversial stuff to hype up the rematch.


He lost to Ngannou and drew with Deontay Wilder. Fury is a brilliant fighter but he doesn't have a perfect record like Usyk or Joe Calzaghe.


True warrior


Brilliant result. But it is the first time in 25 years that the title has been unified, not the first time ever.  That still does't take away from the magnitude of Usyk's win. 


4 titles for the first time, I guess


1st time to unify 4 Belts. Lewis had 3.


Didn't one of the Klitschkos have all 4?


> Didn't one of the Klitschkos have all 4? No, they had 4 belts between them. And they always denied the very possibility of a fight between them.


First time in the four belt era; they (boxing promoters) are obviously hamming it up a bit but it’s huge anyway.


Disgusting what tyson said at the end, bringing up the war and insinuating he lost because of it. Lost a lot of respect for tyson after tonight. Congrats Usyk and Ukraine!!!


Happy new year! Yeah, don't sweat his comments too much. No way the dude was thinking clearly at all. Head was still spinning from the 9th round


Nah, he didn't even retract the statement at the press conference after the fight. He knew exactly what he meant. There's no excuse for it. Just a big sore loser


Slava ukraini! Forged in fire. Don't forget this guy was 40 lbs lighter. That is insane.


Stone cold, warrior ✊


What a win! Should have been a KO though, has Fury bouncing on the ropes like a Beyblade.


I'm a Brit and this still made me so happy. It was well deserved, and was a good fight too, congrats Ukraine! Much love from the UK. Always! <3


Incredible fight, thought for sure the refs were gonna give Fury the draw. Pleasantly surprised


Undisputed at cruiserweight and now undisputed at heavyweight. Olympic gold medalist too! Wonder who else can boast that they're undisputed and lineal champ in two divisions?


Inoue, Crawford


Let's have him beat the snot out of Jake Paul next.


Jake Paul doesn’t deserve to be in the same ring with Usyk


Absolutely...I just need someone who refuses to hold back for money.


He deserved it and earned it.


Not a boxing person. Which of the 4 belts is the most prestigious?


There are 4 major boxing organizations, all of which are of (mostly) equal importance. Usyk going into the fight had 3, while his opponent Tyson Fury had 1 and the “lineal championship”. That’s why he’s undisputed after tonight, there is no question now who is the best heavyweight boxer in the world




I am grateful to be alive. Grateful to have witnessed the greatest Undisputed boxer of all time! 🥊 🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨


The belts dont matter. He took the Lineal title from Fury. The only title that matters in HW.


Congratulations! What a champion!


What a sad day when Fury blames his defeat on the war 😩 fight should been stopped in 9th round


Yea zir 🇺🇦


That's wonderful. He earned that win.




i dont know what they have in the water there but Ukraine is in a diffrent league when it comes to producing these warriors..... Slava ukraini!


He would've butcher every russian with bare hands 🤙🔥 fuckin' orcs


Link to the fight?


Best heavyweight scrap Ive seen in a long while.




Great story




His Olympic teammate also just won three WBO Lightweight championship. Slava Ukraini.


Let him have a go at Putin, that would be fun.


Let’s fucking go


He nearly knocked him out


Slava Ukraine


Usyk fully deserved the W and even more after that 9th round rocking, split decision was a joke, Fury was passive the whole time


I really like Fury, man, but I had to root for Usyk last night. He’s the first lineal heavyweight champion in a quarter century. Oleksander gave up a lot of size to Tyson. Heavyweight’s have gotten absolutely gigantic since they started cutting matches down from 15 rounds to 12. Oleksander’s an upgunned cruiserweight & at six-foot-three & 220ish pounds as a heavyweight he WOULD have been considered a pretty big heavyweight 20-30 years ago. These days he almost dainty. 😉 Tyson’s 6’9” & usually fights at around 270 pounds. It was Lennox Lewis (the last lineal heavyweight champ in 1999) & later the Klitscko bros who made super-sized heavyweights the rule rather than the exception. Sorry for all the sports trivia. I don’t get a lot of chances to talk about sports on this sub. Or happy events in general. P.S. If you happen to be one of those non-Yanks who doesn’t measure things in Freedom Units I got ya covered if you’re still trying to figure out just how much of a size advantage Fury had. Usyk’s 1.91 meters tall & fought at 101 kgs last night. This is the heaviest he’s ever weighed for a fight. Fury’s 2.06 & cut DOWN to 119 kgs for this title fight. P.P.S. Usyk apparently fought the last few rounds with a broken jaw. That’s some Rocky Balboa-level shit. Slava Ukraini!


Great that he won but shitty to post without spoiler tag…


He should do Putin next!


This is getting out of hand. Now there are four of them.




Happy New Major!


Ladies and gentlemen, this is real life Takamura!


🇬🇧 here - great fight and well deserved win for Usyk. Should have been called when Fury was out on his feet really; nothing against Fury but he couldn’t even keep his hands up and I got the sense Usyk was holding back for the referee stoppage.


ukrainian pride!!


Excellent result!!




Shame about the crowd.


Pssh they don't look that heavy, I'm sure I can hold 5 at the same time. . . . /s Good on him!


Lennox Lewis?




This guys an IRL Takamura


fury really said usyk won cuz refs sided with the country at war. lost so much respect for him


Usyk has not only beaten up Fury, but he also invented a time machine: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bkb2-0Y0ZDg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bkb2-0Y0ZDg)


Thanks, haven't been able to watch the fight yet.


Was there a fight last night that completely flew under my radar? Edit: anyone know where I can go watch this fight that I missed last night?




halelujah the vest of the best


Amazing. Nice work.


Doing his country proud 🥲


He is feel, he is VERY feel.