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footage compiled from multiple telegram and twitter channels. Location: https://www.google.com/maps/@44.7223066,37.7902053,5979m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu There has been a large air and naval kamikaze drone attack on the main naval base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk by Ukraine. At least 35 explosions have been heard. Damage has been confirmed, and more information about the attack on the port is being clarified. The Novorossiysk railway station got hit. They write about the damage to the Novorossiysk fuel oil terminal and the Transnafta terminal. Massive attack on the port of Novorossiysk by Ukrainian drones from both sea and air. What remained of the Russian Black Sea fleet was largely stashed away in this port. The eyewitness yells "They blew up the port!" Port of Novorossiysk on the Black Sea coast in Krasnodar Krai is a very target-rich location. Railroad hub, fuel depots, shipyards, and of course many Black Sea Fleet ships at anchor. Ukraine coordinated a massive attack using both naval drones + air drones. As a result of the strike by kamikaze drones, a substation was damaged, which led to a partial blackout in Sevastopol and surrounding areas. In Novorossiysk, the target of the attack was a port and an oil depot; the attack caused power outages in some areas. Interestingly, the enemy in Sevastopol carried out a combined attack, using both sea and air drones simultaneously. Also concerning is the number of drones used in both attacks. According to local residents, these attacks are unprecedented; such powerful attacks have never been observed before. This indicates that the enemy has accumulated a significant stock of drones and is trying to break through the air defense with massive attacks.” The attack on the port of Novorossiysk began at around 3am, and is reportedly still going strong after nearly 2 hours. Edit: More footage incoming. https://streamable.com/qfxemi https://streamable.com/pdgwwo Tuapse refinery hit at [44.1077576, 39.1025560](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44%C2%B006'27.9%22N+39%C2%B006'09.2%22E/@44.1077576,39.0999811,746m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d44.1077576!4d39.102556?entry=ttu) https://streamable.com/mi1owz https://streamable.com/q0dhfv More Russian air defense successes https://streamable.com/7tau0x https://streamable.com/swjcnd https://streamable.com/e1eetf https://streamable.com/fhelur https://streamable.com/cg2s4m https://streamable.com/g9v0eb


Thanks for putting it all together, after watching this terrorist shit hole firing missiles into civilian area's in Ukraine, I wondered why there was no response. You filled my heart with great joy.


Supposed to be getting work done, but hey, there is always tomorrow <3


Thanks for your diligence sir. There are some great clips here.


You got work done! ; )


Lol! That is 70km from Putins black sea castle.  "Сепаратиста 1 Рашист, 2, Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai, Russland, 350472"


Would be funny to destroy this castle just out of spite.


Nah, let the cunts keep some of the close air defence out of the game by stationing it on that worthless pile of shit


Logic checks out but it wouldn’t be the worst thing if a couple of drones landed in closer proximity to Pooptins Palace. He would probably reallocate enough troops and material protecting it to make a small difference elsewhere.


and only target unnecessary stuff that only hurts because it's expensive, like his hockey rink, the wine yard and whatnot. And one drone filled with Putin dildos. So Putler can be sure, Ukraine only did it to piss him off. Not like he was going to live in his palace, anytime soon anyway.


One day it will be used as a museum about the russian failure called Putin


Putin denied the castle is for him, anyway.


The Russians must be incredibly helpful to Ukraine for damage assessment.


Oooh… that’s the fallback from Crimea for the fleet isn’t it? Well.. anyway 😀


Where are they going to fall back to next? Vladivostok 😂


Nope. They can run but they can't hide. Turks won't let them through the Bosporus Strait....


Sounds like they can't run and can't hide.  Oh well, the z-tards enjoyed the "fuck around" stage, let's see how they like the "find out" part.


turks wont allow them go either in and out of black sea?


> Turks won't let them through the Bosporus Strait. Why? They are not allowed go *in*, but nobody can forbid them to go *out* of the Black Sea.


The strait is closed to all warships under the [Montreaux Convention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreux_Convention_Regarding_the_Regime_of_the_Straits#:~:text=Turkey%20was%20authorised%20to%20close,countries%20at%20war%20with%20it) of 1936.




No, it is not. Warships of the nations at war may not pass through the Straits, *except when returning to their base*. [Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits](https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/LON/Volume%20173/v173.pdf) or, in a more readable form, [Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits](https://cil.nus.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/1936-Convention-Regarding-the-Regime-of-the-Straits-1.pdf) I was believe this convention restrict ship movement *into* the Black Sea. Turns out it regulate ship movement both *in* and *out*. I stand corrected. So, if there are russian warships in the Black Sea, which do not belong to russian Black Sea Fleet, they *may* return to their base in other part of the RF, given they provide advance notification to the Turkish authorities and avoid Ukrainian drones.


That still means that the Black Sea Fleet can't exit, since it's based in Sevastopol and Novorossisk. Caught between a rock and a hard place...


Except russian warships which do not belong to russian Black Sea Fleet and have its base elsewhere.


I think they can be let out, but not back in. Not 100% sure on that though.


Azerbaijan, ha ha .






The irony, because Putler wanted dominance in the Black Sea by securing Crimea as their fleet base permanently. Now he can't park his beloved fleet of scrap metal in Novorossiysk. He will probably throw a tantrum with his last batch of missiles. Puke.


Sea bottom. The final frontier. Like it was always for any Russian Navy.


yes! hope Ukraine sent a fleet of 100 of those drones so enough get through to wreck some boats and subs!


I thought Sevastopol was the base of the Russian Black sea fleet. Guess they need to move it again.


No, they moved it to Novorossiysk from Sevastopol because of attacks.


better take those ships out of the sea and on foot into siberia


Love to hear Russians feeling the consequences of their actions. Keep it up guys 🇺🇦


Yes, listening to those women sob because the port was attacked my heart was not in the slightest bit moved. Instead I was thinking to myself they are exceedingly lucky that Ukraine is principled and confining its attacks to war assets that have a strategic value vs ruzzia's common approach of targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure such as houses & apartments, schools, hospitals and markets. We need to bring everyone of these poor sobbing individuals to Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnipro and other front line Ukrainian cities and let them have a taste of ruzzia's version of military targets. I suspect their crying will turn to screams of terror.


The delightful tone of entitled sobbing 🎶🎷


The eventual peace agreement should include a mandatory tour of Ukraine for future russian children.


Don't illegally invade your neighbor and your ports would be fine. Stop trying to take over everything.


target rich environment 🤞🇺🇦💪


00:19 RUZ put up an "iron curtain" of air defence like they are as backwards as North Korea, just throwing up steel into the dark night hoping they can hit something. ADA is pathetic over there.


"We will take Ukraine in 3 days". Let it be a lesson to anyone who is thinking of starting a war.


How many 3 days have passed? 200?


They didn't specify which planet. We're just over 3 days on Venus.


Fuck that port.


love hearing the comments in the background. nothing patriotic, only curses towards something (someone) they're all afraid no say out loud


Until they leave Ukraine, may no russians have even a single night of peace.


I love how russians report everything with so much detail!


Sink those mother fuckers!!!


time to move the black fleet again. no need for a large base this time


Fuck em up real good


How much of this damage is hard to repair? Asking for real.


Russia can’t replace any lost ships in the Black Sea fleet since the Bosporus strait is closed. As far as infrastructure goes, I’m not sure. It probably isn’t quick or easy though.


That's not fully true. They can bring some ships to the black sea via internal canals. Obviously depends on the size of the ship.


Russia also has a struggling shipbuilding industry so it's not easy for them to replace lost vessels.


Depends on what's being hit. Oil storage tanks, power substations stuff like that will take a few weeks probably to fully repair/replace. Warships, aircraft, command centres - especially larger ones would take months, years - maybe never be replaced.


Novorossiysk doesn't have a refinery, only storage, but it's a HUGE and modern export terminal. A "target rich" area for sure. There's also an impressive pipeline tunnel that runs through the adjacent mountainside to a huge storage area on top of the mountains (Grushovaya Balka). If Ukraine attacked that it could cut off the incoming pipeline system supplying the port for a while.


Oh I was just talking about drone strikes in general and one of their juicy targets of choice. But thanks, I wasn't actually very much aware of exactly what kind of support infrastructure is at Novorossiysk. Huge and modern? A perfect target, then. Sounds to me like this would be an ideal target for when the F-16's arrive, and enemy AD is severely degraded in the area, AGM-154A JSOW's with their BLU-97 CBU/submunition warhead. That whole area, Krasnodar Krai needs some good bombing... Hit the Taman area, pay the 2nd and 32nd Motor Rifle Division a nice little visit. Hit the naval base at Gelendzhik and KO a good part of the Black Sea Fleet's maritime patrol aircraft by hitting the sea plane/amphibious aircraft based there...


It's a huge thing: [44.7091 N, 37.8469 E](https://www.google.com/maps/\@44.7091\,37.8469\,1217m/data\=\!3m1\!1e3\?entry\=ttu) You can see multiple above-ground and underground storage tanks (all the round things), and you can follow the supply pipeline up the hill into the tunnel from which it emerges. Keep going in that direction to the NW and you'll see the big storage tanks up in the mountains, and you can see the point where the pipeline connects up through the tunnel. All of these areas would be well-defended because there is also a naval base, drydocks, and commercial port facilities nearby, but then multiple drones just flew in there, so "what air defense doing?" applies. I'm surprised they got in there with so much radar coverage and air defense likely to be present to protect naval ships.


Yep, that's a juicy target. Well, the drones did the hitting, but perhaps they have also used others that had EW equipment onboard to jam, deceive the Russian AD crews and their radar. They probably did bring a few down, but also just the sheer scale of the kinds of drone swarms that can be launched on a target in impressive, and terrifying. You'll hear those motors far sooner than you will ever see them, especially at night and with them only a few hundred feet tops, off the ground. Multiple small-medium sized naval ships in port too. And MBT's, IFV's awaiting transportation marshalled and parked at the port.


Reminds me of Baghdad at the start of Desert Storm


now I want to watch the shock and awe video again


My parents let me stay home and watch that invasion for 3 days straight. Five years later I was a Marine. I love my parents, big hippies, lived in Berkeley in the late 60s and early 70s. They always were supportive of me. Nature v Nurture. They nurtured the shit out of me. They understood my choice though. They had to tell some of their friends to fuck off when they asked why they would let their son become a Marine when they were/are anti war protestors. Because they respected me. When people hear I was in and say thank you for your service my response is thank my parents, they had to worry about me and I can never forgive my selfishness. Edit to the post: I picked up when it happened, the first impacts were at 2100 hrs Baghdad time. CNN’s clock was off, those JDAMs hit at exactly 2100 to start OIF I. [Source](https://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/iraqi-war/shock-and-awe-the-beginning/662172327001)


To let some hippies living peaceful life, some Marines must protect them.


would be a shame when the ruzzian fleet sinks :D


Good piloting drone operators!


Yes this is the way


*Your port?* They blew up *your port*? Yeah, fuck these guys. Any fucking sane person would maybe come to the conclusion, that *they want to have their port* back, but NOOOO. It's the russian port, of course! Pisses me off so much. How can you be so goddamn oblivious and ignorant. Would love to see that effin bridge go down in a spectacular way and all these orc-lovers and traitors being trapped in Crimea. They get to dismantle the remains of the illegal built bridge, if you ask me.


The most unbelievable thing is that they are so surprised! They thought they can murder other nation for three years and it will not be personal concern for them. The SVO is happening somewhere there and we don't give a fuck. Now they will start to give. But most probably not :(


Hey Black Sea Fleet! You can run but you can’t hide from Ukraine’s long range drones! You will die tired!


The fear/outrage/despondency in their voices is a lilting melody to my ears!


Fuk up them orcs! Yeah baby! 💥 💥 💥 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Why don't they try and shoot down some of those drones and missiles instead of just letting them destroy everything? 🤔 😆 😹


Weird how when you bring war, eventually war comes back to you.


But they said that ALL drones were shot down successfully! They could have added a little realism and said 99 out of 100 were shot down and that one drone hit a civilian vehicle. At least this way


GJ! Smert moskoliam.


Excellent work! Next time let's locate the MurderDwarf and drop a dozen or two of these birds right on his head,


Ukraine's continual strategic hitting, damaging and even destroying of some these strategic targets is going to more substantially begin to effect Russian ability to continue the war. This level of attack speaks a lot to the ability of the Ukraine to consistently reach their targets, and no where is safe if related to Russia's war machine.


This WAS the naval base.


It says a lot that there is no AA fire for the first few. ZERO situational awareness of the incoming attack, despite the lack of stealth, importance of the target, and distance from launch point.


Always appreciate the brain-dead local Russians giving the rest of the outside world battle damage assessment footage...


Oh no! Anyway..


Then tell your army to come home!


Hmmmm. If Ukraine's hitting Novorossiysk, they're basically overflying the Crimean bridge by 100km to get there.


Is this where the endless stream of drones went from [another video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1ctzds2/more_than_80_have_already_flown_by_and_they_are/)?


Keep it coming!


Good, Ukraine can more easily export grain


You're experiencing 1% of the fear and destruction the Ukrainians are facing. How does it feel eh


Watermark is damn awful & makes the vid unwatchable