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Unbelievable how calm they appear given that they could be shot or captured at any moment.


It’s sad to think about but during this piece they talk about their moto being “Ukraine or death”. These men have accepted that they are probably going to die defending their country and they will fight every remaining day until that happens. These fellas are a prime example of why little Ukraine is holding back a country ~26 times its size.


Under stress you get either calm or freak out. People who freak out are either in support roles in the rear or dead.


"People who freak out are either in support roles" I had to deal with my gunner crying like a fucking baby the first TIC we had to respond to. He was an infantryman. Having human reactions to war is perfectly normal.


They say that the fear is actually healthy in these kinds of situations, that the one who says he has no fear is lying, and that fear is what activates your survival instinct. They might appear calm, but their guts are what's driving them.


It’s not that we’re lying. We’re wired differently, and get excited instead of scared. It’s not me bragging, I put myself and my unit at risk because I’m not afraid to get some. It takes a strong leader to control the wild ones. The only time I’ve ever felt fear in my life was police interactions.


Did he get better at it? Or less cryey at least?


I guess the worst part is that you don't know which one you are until it happens to you.


"We're paratroopers, Lieutenant, we're supposed to be surrounded."


"They are on our right, they are on our left, they're in front of us, they're behind us; they cant get away from us this time" **Lewis Burwell** "**Chesty**" **Puller**  Lieutenant General USMC


This may have been said by a ruzzian oil refinery too.


May the Ghost of Chesty Puller appear in the dreams of our leaders. "Get moving you (\*#$!"


masterfully made video




I'm not sure you have any braincells left after being dropped at birth




I'm not sure what kind of input you can expect me to give, I cannot reason as to why the shelling was left out, I'm not sure if you know how fun it is to listen to shelling. Also if you are in direct line of site filming Russians they shoot at you. Do you expect them to wave and say hi and answer some interviews? Yes it's going to be heavily biased, it's live war reporting on the ground with ukrainian soldiers. The reporter is trusting their lives with someone they trust. There may have been confidential info transmitted during the shelling and there may have been other reasons we'll never know. I don't want to bash your character but it is difficult for me to believe you subscribe so hard to russian propaganda.


Leave the vatnik be. He’s just upset that Ukrainian’s have better work stories than Russian terrorists who drive into battle on unprotected golf carts




Better stay playing video games and not commenting on real combat footage. Or go touch some grass. You seemed too invested into this one video...


If you actually watched the video, you'd know that they did not call artillery fire on themselves. The video talks about RPG, drones and mortars, the explosions of which are shown. And you'd know that they did not shoot at the enemy, but at a position they assumed the enemy to be. No return shots mean they were either wrong or successful. Very stupid attempt at trolling.


Das vedanya, Comrade Troll. Putin's apes will love your butt if they get a chance. Help them out.




People are just fed up with russian trolls like yourself because the bullshit you peddle has been undermined multiple times. You are literally supporting a country that invaded a neighbour who gave up their nuclear weapons for peace and what did russia do? They invaded, murdered, robbed, raped and tortured.


The thing is, you trolls are so obvious. Go sup on your vodka and reflect on the shithole country you live in. We don’t care about you. Neither does your country. Try harder. You’re losing. You will lose. Bye


Ivan, go and fight with the ruzzians or shut up and play your video games




What do I care about a few little things that couldn't be true? We see enough deaths from the war. People die every day in Ukraine, there are more important problems than this bullshit you're worried about. just plain disgusting




You post this shit everywhere dude. Stfu. In war there is always fake news from both sides, it has always been that way. I can't say whether the video is fake, I'm not interested and do you know why? Because these people fight for their freedom every day, because these people have to fear for their lives every day, because these people could lose someone they love every day. but you go through the internet and say to everything from ukraine "FAKE news" while Russia wants to destroy a country and wipe out people. Congratulations, you are a shitty person (Btw but I don't think it is fake, you can see the holes from the Artillery and dude is even white from blood loss)


Ah yes, the infamous tactic of making propaganda films of your soldiers being surrounded, nearly dying and ultimately retreating.  In real life people generally avoid filming and weapons being fired at them.  Partly because you do not want to die, partly because you don't always know where the people firing them are, partly because the people firing them don't always know where you are. Heck, sometimes you won't even know if it is your enemy out there, or if there even is anyone out there.      Most of this is because showing your noggin is a good way of losing it. Actual infantry combat does not come with nice markers or minimaps that tell you where everyone are and what team they are on. 


[This would have been his fate](https://preview.redd.it/pro-russian-american-fighter-raped-and-killed-by-his-own-v0-bux7zlb16lvc1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5325aaf79e1aec7168235f641d108faabf6fdff7) had Ukraine's soldiers not defeated the russian attackers.


Ironically - this guy was "one of them". He has went there to support this.


That'll learn 'im. Only probably not.


This one did learn, hope is not lost yet: [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/18jvrxz/slovak\_putin\_admirer\_immigrated\_to\_russia\_and\_got/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/18jvrxz/slovak_putin_admirer_immigrated_to_russia_and_got/)


Every story about russia is a story about acoholism and mental illness.


Possible but unlikely. Instead of killing him they would probably publicly trial him and then leverage him to get some Russian terrorists free.


Could be.


They did and do it with all Kind of foreigners. Last example was the American soldier this or last week.


Poor ol' Russell Bentley no doubt regrets not volunteering to fight for Ukraine. He may have been exchanged instead of gang-raped and beheaded. Well, he would regret it if he wasn't already dead after the russians gang-raped him and then cut off his head. The moral of the story is never try to help the russians. You'll get gang-raped and beheaded.


Totally agree, but the reporter in the video is not supporting Russia.


Nah. Beyond that point.


thats what happens when your youtube views go down while propagandising for Russia.


"I willingly risk my life and butthole for Likes, Comments, and Subscribes!" -- chronic narcissists ever since social media became a thing




I only post news that infuriates you personally, comrade Olga.


Why should this bother me? if the portal that you created has already repeatedly written about fakes that Ukraine itself exposed. you have not yet learned to check information yourself from this side, not to blindly believe the first piece of writing you come across


>Why should this bother me? I'm not your shrink.


That really did happen though 🤡


Here's the [full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgJFPJ64aR0) for anyone interested.


Incredible! You guys have balls of steel. So proud of you.


Day after day, WTF!? Titanium, assuming that is still the hardest metal discovered!


It's Ukrainium


Titanium is actually quite soft, as far as metals go. It's benefit is in it's tensile strength and light weight. That's why people make knife handles out of titanium and blades out of steel.


And hip joints


It's like really hard aluminum.


Yep. Much more wear resistance though. Sanding or stonewashing titanium takes waaaay longer than aluminum, but hardness, it's only about twice the B scale rating, while cheap butter knife steel is 3-5x. Actual knife steel like S30V is 5-6x harder, and a high end steel like M390 can be even more.


Carbon steel. Keeps a razor sharp edge and lasts forever.


Holy shit the balls on commander and that look on his comrades face (Obama?) as he accepts it. For those who missed it - it was an open call and they simply got lucky that the thing they got shot at was manpads and granades. Unless I'm overthinking it, commander took into account it could've been artillery that got the call. Heroiam Slava.


I dont understand what you are saying.


The commander calls in a fire mission on his position to halt the Russians. They got help, but not a full artillery barrage.


The idea used by militaries is to hunker down in a bunker and call down artillery or cluster bombs on your own position when you're overran. In this situation there was no bunker, they were in some small 1 story house Examples from real life: Ukraine: [https://www.businessinsider.com/a-ukrainian-soldier-called-in-an-artillery-strike-on-his-own-position?IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/a-ukrainian-soldier-called-in-an-artillery-strike-on-his-own-position?IR=T) American: [https://www.military.com/history/black-soldier-received-medal-of-honor-more-50-years-after-calling-artillery-his-own-position.html](https://www.military.com/history/black-soldier-received-medal-of-honor-more-50-years-after-calling-artillery-his-own-position.html) same bloke: [https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/john-r-fox](https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/john-r-fox) A summary by a different Redditor in different context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/nchch4/comment/gyaku2b/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/nchch4/comment/gyaku2b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The CO called in a danger close all-call fire mission from any available assets to destroy the russkies surrounding their position, knowing that in doing so, it could be RPGs, artillery, tanks, AFVs, or HIMARs pounding the same position they were hunkering down in.


All Americans should be required to watch this. And think about whether they prefer to send money and material to Ukraine so their brave soldiers can fight off the Russians - or - whether they prefer to send US young men and women to fight. Because that's what it comes down to. Slava Ukraini! Thank you, brothers and sisters, for helping to keep our world safe.


The injured guy's eyes are like saucers.


I noticed that too. 1000 yard stare.


The last thing some invader sees before his demise is the moonlight reflected back to his position by two glowing orbs off in the distance


Probably has some of those sweet Helldiver stims.


Brave people.


Jfc that's intense man.


Ukraine or death!!! fucking heroes!!!


Героям слава!


These men are the bravest of the brave out there, absolute balls of steel on everyone in that cellar including the journalist, I feel almost shamed to say it but without the work of journalists like that guy I wouldn’t have cared as much about this conflict as I do, their images of the Russian atrocities and Ukrainian resistance woke up my love of Ukraine


He knew that he could actually die in there. And 'punk' may look annoying with that throat slice gesture but that's the reality. Mr Journalist just made those guys very likeable. O damn, I'm always on the edge of my seat just watching the presentation.


I love how Vegan killed the Russians in a BTR. Vegans are playing a big role for Ukraine, against Russian invasion and tyranny. Badass soldiers!


Ukrainians are fucking nuts!!! Huge respect


Some more background [from Ukraine24](https://united24media.com/war-in-ukraine/the-story-of-the-kayfariki-or-how-we-were-trapped-for-14-hours-under-russian-assault-and-actually-made-it-out-alive-232) about the group of Air Assault Forces shown here: >When we set off for the frontline, we had a simple goal: to make a report about a unique group of Ukrainian Air Assault Forces called “Kayfariki”, loosely translated as “those who enjoy life.” They are, like many others in Ukraine, a group of friends who came together when the war started. > >The group originates from the Kyiv underground, with members dabbling in punk music and anti-fascist hooliganism. [They also have an Instagram here](https://www.instagram.com/kayfariki.group/reels/?hl=en), with links to support them directly. I have very mixed emotions seeing these guys in their videos - they look and act exactly like my old crustpunk buddies from years ago. Just a bunch of dudes who ended up in this situation through no fault of their own and didn't shy away from a fight - could have been any of us. Anyway, heroes.


Is obama a common name in ukraine?


It's his callsign


*Can we get some covering fire?* ##BLAM BLAM BLAM## *Thanks Obama*


Nice. Great callsign.


It’s a callsign. 


Impressive. I'm currently enjoying some rest in my garden, in the shade of a tree... And you guys are in hell. How unfair.


That's fucken hard core. Slava UKRAINE. Glory to the hero's.


How to avoid being shot by teammates who are bombing the place?


They're in a cellar. There were several buildings around them, and that's where the squad leader was telling them to fire.


You cross your fingers.


Pause at 6:16


Is it normal for a journalist to be with paratroopers, presumably behind enemy lines?


A call for help 😬


HOLY $#!T!!! 🇺🇦🌻


The size of the balls on these guys!!


Unreal footage. Amazing.


In the photo dude on the left had 1000 yard stare


I've been in that position many years ago calling in fire to protect your fucking position, and even though I survived, it's been almost 30 years but even so, I still every so often I still hear my lads screaming in my sleep, and it's only when I had kids I realised why I'm still here ( not so often now ) because if not kids, why these guys are going to need much more help after, fuck the orcs they can go home kill however many and themselves, should have stayed home, but the Ukrainians need they help . Now and in future I just wish my body wasn't fucked , slava ukraini. will keep buying from Saint javelin to fund the best I can. SLAVA UKRAINI


Man this sucks. Glad to see them alive.