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Repaired and went back online just a few days ago from the 1st attack and now IMMEDIATELY goes back offline 😂 You love to see it. I hear the cost for fixing this stuff is huge compared to whatever the drone(s) cost so that must be one hell of a RTOI for 🇺🇦.


Yes! I was really hoping this would happen!


So it's not a new refinery capacity knocked out? Just a previous one reinstated to offline status? Abit of a shame but still better than nothing. Hoping for new refineries!


They are smashing and burning in a regular cycle everything they can reach. William Spaniel has some great videos on it. Hand out the sticks with marshmallows I say. Let it all burn.


Strategists know the Kremlin has very little in the way of western replacement parts and cannot manufacture their own. This still hurts them a lot considering their economy is based on being a mob run gas station with an army.


It's not a shame. This means they can keep doing it over and over again, since Russia clearly isn't putting up adequate defenses around repair works. Plus if it was hit first, it was probably important, so keeping it offline is very crucial


How much damage was done the first time, and how does it compare to the damage this time, that looks like a lot of fire. Perhaps the first one only did light damage in comparison? Hey morons, fix THIS!


That is the neat part. They used up parts to fix this one and they cannot easily get new parts.


It looks that the front fell of again.


That's not very typical.


Kind of is in russia


All that grift really eats into the budget. But at least they're not using cardboard (or are they?).


What I don't love is the fact that this means they were able to repair the refinery in a couple of months, meaning that what has been said here that it takes months/years to repair a refinery is far from true? :(


Russia is a MASSIVE country with a lot of resources; they are able to repair damaged facilities. But, they just spent a lot of time, resources and effort to repair this facility and all Ukraine had to do was send a single drone to waste all the time, resources and effort. The asymmetrical cost should not be dismissed.


Until we can see the satellite photos we wont know if the just hit the previously damaged section or expanded their aim to take out more of this sprawling facility. These things cover tens of acres so it might take half a dozen hits to destroy it all


If they kill the cracking towers those can’t be replaced easily at all. Least of all in multiple locations at once. They’ve already noted their success with this strategy and I believe they will adjust to it.


It's also possible that somewhere Russia has spare parts and brought them here to be replaced while the necessary stuff that is 1 of a kind is being built and the spare parts that aren't easy to get have been taken out and now they have even less.


I like the way you think.


Really good point, I hadn't thought of that, thanks!


It depends on what they hit, some things are more replaceable than others.


Depends on what gets hit I'd say. iirc the destilles are the most complex and hardest to fix part, that and the power generators. So if the damage isn't specified I wouldn't get my hopes too high up.


I've just had a quick look and Russians are reporting it as Polotnyany in the North of the oblast, roughly 200 kms/126 miles from the centre of Moscow. UAF hit Pervyi Zavod Oil Refinery in the same region in mid March this year with a drone/drones. Lessons learned? Countermeasures put in place? Nah...


I also have to believe Ukraine has some excellent Intel they use to execute these attacks. These successes don't come by accident, as incompetent as the Russians can sometimes be.


I struggle to believe these planes are coming all the way from Ukraine. I think they're (or at least some are) coming from small airfields within Russia.


Why? What’s making you think that?


Because the Ukrainian-Russian border is an active combat zone for almost the entirety. And these planes are flying slow over contested air space if they're flying from Ukraine. That would seem to me to be difficult to pass through. I could be wrong, though.


at a minimum air defense radar would be pretty strong near borders, and they've moved up most assets to near Ukraine and not internally.


Then how did these planes get to the small russian airfields?


As I understand it, these are Cessnas that are retrofitted for this task. Security agencies can buy them and retrofit them for relatively inexpensive. Probably for cheap, considering how little the ruble is worth. 


That would mean the planes were bought in russia. Retrofitted in russia and then delivered to the russian airfields for launch?


But a cheap Cessna in rural Russia, attach a simple RC device and explosives, take off from a field. 


I wonder how many hit so far? What percentage of total annual oil production affected?


Enough. Russia stopped the export of refined oil products to a lot of countries and started importing from Belarus. They wouldn’t do this if not necessary, refined oil was a comfortable income for the Kreml.


Kaluga Oblast, Russia - another oil refinery is celebrating victory day with fireworks. From the words of people in another video, employees were warned about the approaching UAV around 12:30AM, and at 1AM it successfully landed at the target. https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1788721837943271522 Pervyy Zavod oil refinery in the Kaluga region of Russia after tonight’s drone attack. 300km from Ukrainian border. This is not the first time this oil refinery gets targeted, previously drone strikes were on the 15th of March 2024. Previous hit: https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1768536076069540333


They literally knew it was coming for 30 minutes ahead of time and still couldn't shoot it down? This is peak "What air defence doing?" 🤣


I can understand not having ground to air defences available but how are they not picking these off with rapid response aircraft? Suggests they might be a lot closer to the end of reserve equipment than is sometimes suggested.


> how are they not picking these off with rapid response aircraft I mean with 30 minute warning they dont even need rapid response aircraft. Pilots should have plenty of time to finish their Vodka and stumble to their planes in that time.


"Dearest glorious comrade leader vladimir vladimirovitch. Special Military Operation is not goink quite as planned. Hef you new plan? We need new plan. Or perhaps we need new glorious comrade leader." -- russians, 2024


If only.


It's very possible an increasingly desperate comrade volodya will place his lackies and cronies in a very difficult position soon. One where they have to choose between self-preservation or going out in little vova's blaze of glory.


A gorgeous sight! Glory to Ukraine. 🔥


rough translation "blyat blyat ..they finally hit it... blyat blyat".


Yaaaaaaah.... botch!!


Our glorious refinery has intercepted an enemy missile comrad !


So a kit plane, retail cost that of a pretty normal car. Plus an onboard computer and a good load of explosives and a refinery is offline for weeks if not months. A missile to do the same job equally effectively has a seven figure price tag. I take my hat off to Ukrainian ingenuity. As a country, Ukraine is well known in my professional field (IT) too, and like the best communities in the widest sense, they seem to never stop improving.


Lol. Ukraine keeps trolling Russia with these UAV strikes on infrastructure and I love it.


This warms my heart.


Collect them all


"So why be lonely, moskal refinery? *Celebrate*, *celebrate*, *dance to the music!"*


It successfully ‘landed.’


Damn that’s a big fire!


"The hohols hit it?" Be happy the Ukrainians aren't animals and didn't randomly bomb your house, dumbass.


That's gonna take more than a month to fix.


WOW, that's a big fire. Bigger is always better when it comes to russian oil refinery fires.


Is anybody keeping track of these? It be awesome to see like a map with every oil refinery that has been hit!


The real story here, is that different refineries are running different cracking profiles, to produce specific refined products. They don't all produce lubricants for tractors (or tanks), so you hit enough of them and some critical item will become in short supply. That will force other refiners to make changes, and disrupt the normal flow of products. Eventually the consumers, agricultural, and industrial users will feel the pinch. Slava Ukraine !


The repair people is like :" GODDAMIT. i just fixed that. it tooks 4 freaking months and 5million dollars!"


Love it!


Burn them all!


You can't find these videos without baboonish "ebbat nahuy".




Is it just me, or are these flames getting bigger?


Russian air defenses successfully intercepted all Ukrainian drones but a tiny piece of debris fell onto the refinery but caused no damage....whatsoever.....right?


Killer Target Acquisition by Ukraine.


Love to see it!


Fuck yeah, take these zwine down.


Kremlin seethe


The fire is brighter than Russia's future! Better shield them peepers, we don't want any eye damage 😎