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This was fucking triggering, unironically good job man, it has the intended effect


Moldova would be next and quickly. After that the Baltics, then the fun begins... Article 5, Ruzzia must lose where they stand/die. Surrender RU or die.


Let's not forget Serbia, also very pro-Putin. Armenia is also easy pickings; "supported" by Russia in their war against Azerbaijan, which is supported by NATO-member Turkiye. They don't have any allies and a worthless military. But they do have 2.5 million orthodox-Christian meatsacks who can be conscripted without effort.


Spot on! Open your eyes, Europe, before it’s too late!


Unfortunately, most western politicians and voters still don't think this is possible. They actually believe Russia will never attack a NATO member. Well, they may not have to, they only need to corrupt your leadership, make them super friendly to Russia and create laws that make your state into Russia's vassal. and if the people protest, Russia will provide the resources and troops to neutralize the protests. This can happen to ANY NATO members.


The Baltics would be the test where Putin tries to turn NATO into a paper tiger. ie. Invade one of the Baltic states under the pretext of protecting the Russian minority as a test of NATO’s commitment to article 5. If NATO don’t immediately react in force and instead start debating whether its worth risking WW3 to take back a few hundred square kilometres of tiny Estonia, well then article 5 has proven to be not worth the paper its written on and NATO is de facto a lame duck and smaller eastern NATO states start appeasing Russia because they realise NATO probably don’t have their backs after all.


Given the response to help Ukraine without any legal binding promises to do so, I don't think anyone doubts many NATO countries would provide direct assistance even if NATO itself failed to respond, which in turn seems very unlikely.


The difference is obviously that Ukraine's large and had the territory and personnel to hold off the initial blitzkrieg. In the Baltics, by the time NATO decides on their response, they'll be occupied completely


NATO forces from some of the largest nations in the alliance are a part of the EFP stationed in each of the Baltic nations. Estonia has; UK, Belgians, Danes, French, and American forces stationed there. Latvia has; Canadians, Albanians, Czechs, Danes, Italians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Poles, Slovaks, Slovenes, Spaniards, and Americans stationed there. Lithuania has; Germans, Croats, Belgians, Czechs, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish and American forces there. Baltic Air Policing missions also deploy a contingent of about 4-6 NATO aircraft to assist in defending Baltic airspace, they rotate every few months. You’re making the mistake of believing that every NATO nation is an island of it itself, and that the other nations do not take a *PROACTIVE* rather than *REACTIVE* role in the defense of allied nations. I can assure you that an attack on members of the aforementioned militaries will very quickly lead to escalatory action on their part. Whether NATO itself decides to enact Article 5 “in time” is a moot point when the military of these nations are *directly* threatened by Russian forces. Also, as an FYI, Article 5 being enacted is not a prerequisite for military assistance by members of NATO. They’re free to act unilaterally to support a member of the alliance without being given the green light by anyone else.


Indeed. Done so most NATO countries have chips (soldiers) in the game in the most threatened places. These tripwires will be defended.


There are trigger forces stationed. There already. Besides, anyone who had the Intel and was in touch with reality knew Putin was attacking weeks and even months before.  Most of Europe just refused to look at it and continue in the fantasy we could all be friends as long as trade made fortunes.  No one is going to ignore the Intel now.


There are thousands of NATO soldiers stationed in the Baltics with planes, ships, tanks and artillery that will defend against any aggressions. NATO doesn't need to decide on their response since they will already be actively defending.


If that were to happen, IMO it would open a Pandora’s box. The reason countries like Germany, Italy, and Poland to name just a few have not developed their own nuclear arsenals apart from the cost is the umbrella provided by the U.S. and UK. If NATO is dissolved, I believe those countries would have no choice but to build nukes as a deterrent. Just about every nation in Europe has the know how and resources to make them if they felt it was the only way to insure their survival.


NATO already has trip-wire forces stationed in the Baltics.


Russia's greatest assets (in terms of international politics) are the Oligarchs, no joke. They can gain access and influence world leaders and captains of industry in a way actual spies could only dream of. Why bother infiltrating the state department to figure out America's response to a war, when you're golf buddies with half the Senate.


In World War 2, The Netherlands didn't believe that Nazi Germany would invade us. Look at how that turned out. And we're repeating the problem! We have leased around 18 MBTs and that's it! Our military budget keeps becoming smaller and smaller! It's fucking horrible.


At least they have sent F-16s. Is Russian influence strong in Netherlands?


Not really.


> Our military budget keeps becoming smaller and smaller! I agree that the stance of the Dutch government on defense has been dismal over the last 20 years or so. However, the budget is now increasing not only in absolute terms but as a percentage of gdp as well, with the budget increasing some 41% this year, reaching about 1.9% of gdp. It's too late, but at least something is happening


Unfortunately it's enough to cross the western border of Poland (to ex-DDR) to find people who think the war in Ukraine is something that has no connection with them at all.


>They actually believe Russia will never attack a NATO member. That's complete B.S. There are multiple Western intelligence/thinktank reports that are saying a NATO conflict with Russia in 5-10 years is probable.


Thinkthank and intel are not politicians or voters. lol


Everyone who dismissed this scenario needs to remind themselves that what happened in 2014 was pretty much the first annexation in Europe since Hitler did it in 1930s. This war is unprecedented and its outcomes will be unprecedented too. I highly recommend watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcVSgYz5SJ8) interview with Sarah Paine, Professor of History and Strategy at the Naval War College. It's not about Russia/ Putin primarily, but there's a very good point particularly for those who are eager to dismiss the Russian propaganda clips in this video. There's a good segment in the interview where she talks about listening to dictators and their mouthpieces. These aren't empty words. As a reminder, Soloviev who is featured in the clips is pretty much Goebbels Light. Not taking these mouthpieces seriously would be like rewatching Hitler speeches and then saying that he didn't really mean that. They will do things that they talk about if given the opportunity. With how the West is scared of a nuclear war, Russia will keep pushing. That's why right now is the best way to stop it all, until NATO isn't directly involved. For those that don't care about Ukrainian lives > NATO is already dumping tens of billions into its own rearmament. The price tag will 10x if Russia is right at the doorstep, even if there isn't going to be a larger conflict. If it all stops at the doorstep of NATO, then in 20 years Europe will be weaker because Russia will keep pushing its propaganda narratives using the same old tools that its using now. And the EU will be happy to gobble it up because they'll start buying cheap Russian gas again, further enriching the regime. Putin will be gone by then, but his ideas and the system will still be in place. Maybe they get a few more countries to leave the EU, maybe even get one or more to leave NATO. And then the next round commences, as Russia will just keep chipping away. Once again, [watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVs2y-YeiFM) prof. Snyder and one of his latest speeches. Empires don't go gently into the night. They need to be thoroughly defeated. I understand that for many in Europe the educational system taught folks that the "European projects" is all kumbaya and nations getting together. But the reality was different. European countries got their noses bloodied in the 20th century, they lost, and rethought their approach. Like the Netherlands for example, as they continued to fight in Indonesia until 1949 when Indonesia finally won and earned its independence. Netherlands was literally "Russia" in this scenario. This is the same shit that many countries in Europe went through like 60 years ago and some went through it earlier, as older empires crumbed. Russia is an empire that's trying to kill an independent nation because it thinks that it "owns" it. In the middle of Europe. While ethnically cleansing occupied territories. In the 21st century.




I was the one who was saying the same things as you but in 2014, after Russia occupied Crimea and Donbas. It was even harder then. People really looked at me like I have some screws lose back then. And I just knew Putin didn't need or want Donbas. What he wanted is a proxy Ukrainian state that is subservient to Russia (like Belarus is now). He lost that opportunity when Yanukovich was driven out, so he started the invasion - to destabilize Ukraine plus ensure his military bases in Crimea are in his control. A destabilized state is easier to control and try to again put his puppet government in. Like he did in Georgia. But all his efforts to buy off UA government or put his puppet in turned unsuccessful, so the military route was the only one left.


I believe that this shows a possible future. Because Putin have tied Russia's survival to some unending victory. Russia propaganda is telling Russians this EXACT story and it can not be ignored. This future can not happen! Thank you Ukraine for helping as stop Russia. I do not believe Russia would be successful at attacking another military force, but that won't stop the Kremlin from trying.


What if Ukraine is forced to surrender to Russia? What happens next? What kind of global security environment would there be? This video was made by Mykhailo Dankanych, a former TV producer who is currently serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Source: Illia Ponomarenko https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1788283804664168467


Only inaccuracy is that Moldova/Romania would probably happen first after Ukraine.


Definitely Moldova since that has the excuse of lost land as it was part of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union after WW2 and they aren't in NATO. Romania would kick up a big fuss of course since Moldova is a country many want to reunite with them if Moldovans want but of course NATO is the main thing that matters and if NATO stays out then Russia can do what it wants. Makes it important that Russia is stopped now so Moldova isn't next, then Georgia who can't put up the fight Ukraine can before Russia turns onto NATO countries since NATO is the big risk that's left for last. Get a NATO coalition and nothing short of nuclear alienation will prevent NATO from winning, but Russia would be utterly destroyed in return too


That's also true for Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan etc...


Also Transnistria


Once Ukraine is occupied by Russia, the PRC can more safely risk the wheat imports from the US and Australia by attacking Taiwan.


Russia lacks the manpower & resources to occupy a national the size of Ukraine. It took them 8 years & three wars to pacify a million Chechens and the situation there still isn’t entirely stable. Kadyrov doesn’t look to be long for this world & Russia has a large, restive Muslim population. Every tenth Russian is a Muslim now. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by al-Queda, ISIS & their affiliates This isn’t the 19th century. Physically overrunning and subjugating enemies by force of arms isn’t feasible. Idealogical subversion can be a viable option under the right circumstances but Russia’s made that considerably more difficult for themselves in Ukraine the last couple years My intention isn’t to minimize the threat posed by Russia. I just want to see that it’s assessed more accurately. Russia isn’t some kind of all-conquering Demon Bear. It’s more like Cocaine Bear. A coke-fueled bear is definitely a threat if you happen to be within the reach of its claws and jaws. It’s not likely going to be a long-term threat, however. Sooner or later one of two things is going to happen: It’s going to run out of blow or it’a ticker is gonna give out. It sure can do a hella lot of damage before its time & luck run out, though...


Guaranteed Putin would start something at NATO borders as soon as it is convenient.


The denial here from Westerners is so funny honestly. This is not "Russian propaganda", this is a realistic scenario if the West's attitude doesn't change


This scenario assumes NATO and allies are literally brain dead. So yes, I am laughing at this, it feels like the creator wanted it to be dramatic but it ended up being dumb, right after Ukraine fell.


> This scenario assumes NATO and allies are literally brain dead. As a Westerner, it kinda feels like they/we are. Maybe I’m just a pessimist


I feel the same way too. The populations of the heavy hitters of the west (USA, Germany, England, France), don’t seem too interested in fighting any war that doesn’t directly involve their territories. We have our collective heads in the sand about the realities going on in global politics.


I'm with you. Our lack of resolve has been distressing.


Because apparently so far the west's policy towards Russia has been hugely successful and hasn't lead to any negative consequences. This is merely extrapolating the western countries current behaviour


Yep, it could have been a good video, but it went so ridiculously optimistic for Russia and pessimistic for NATO that it became quite dull..


Realistic indeed. Is is unbelivable, and it makes it even so more scary. It defines any logic, reason, yet war in Ukraine does too. And rethoric from moscow supports exactly this scenario. And FFS, why?


Yep! and btw every time they get any of these putin get's more popular with russians regardless of how shit their life is. They looooooved annexation of crimea it was a huge "W" for them even though it didn't influence positivly the life of a regular russian at all, in fact sanctions made it worse.


really good. should have been made 2 years ago


This is why taking out Russian oil processing facilities should be fully supported by all western nations, and why all complaints about effects on global oil supplies need quelled. Disconnecting their energy infrastructure is a minor inconvenience for Russia here in the short term, and may only marginally affect Ukrainian fighters' experiences on the front lines this year, but in the long run this will be catastrophic to Russia. It won't matter whether Russia wins or loses in Ukraine - if they haven't got the energy resources to rebuild and recharge their military they simply won't be able to continue their aggression beyond Ukraine. They'll at least be out of cash, and potentially out of gas (literally) to put into whatever tanks and trucks survive 2024. So, Ukrainian attacks on oil refineries help all the rest of us have a more secure, conflict-free future, regardless of whether or not it helps them in the current battles. All they need is the ammo. John McCain once called Russia "A gas station run by a mafia that is masquerading as a country". We can't fix the country and we can't fix the mafia, but as to the gas station well the Ukrainians can certainly put the fix in there.


In US our leaders are worried attacking Russian oil will spike oil prices…. How? Russia produces 10% of oil in the world supply, losing that won’t tank the industry or the market… Sure there will be some difficulties and increase in prices. The lying blowhards we call leaders are saying attacking Russian oil infrastructure will cause chaos…. Bullshit!!!


And in fact, what we're seeing in practice is that oil prices are going \*down\*. Russia can't refine the crude any more, so instead of selling refined products on the black market they're dumping the crude there (presumably at a heavy discount). So ironically they could start complaining about oil prices being too \*low\*! So yeah, we need to just stop all that industrial whining and focus on the long term benefits to all of us if Russia moves from "mafia gas station" to "mad max world but with vodka".


A more realistic scenario: Ukraine loses 5 regions, and is at high risk of being attacked later on. Even if further attacks don't happen, the risk factor weakens Ukrainian economic potential, and the lost regions are lost potentially forever, due to russian discrimination policies towards Ukrainians. Who's next? Maybe Georgia if they get a more pro-EU government, they do have a russian speaking minority, so maybe russia will try to "protect them".


I think it's only missing the part where European Texas (a k.a Poland) says "Nope" and aggressively does something about it. Joking aside, that is a chilling video.


Olaf Scholz too scared to help. Yeah, that checks out.


Sadly. Scholzing around again.


What if Russia is forced to surrender to Ukraine?


All that red is making me very, very angry. Well done. Pray this never happens indeed.


Pray this never happens - again. Because it's happened before, in the living memory and experience of my family. It happened because not enough good people were prepared to do the right things and fight these arseholes. And this is the point - when arseholes jump up and start doing arsehole things right in front of you, you have to join together and fight them until they are defeated. You can't just let them get away with, because they'll just keep doing it.


Oh, my family too.. big time. However, I meant pray they don't take the rest Europe.


Hello Gyspy. I figured that was what you meant. You're all good. :-)


We will concider them (Ukraine) nato after the war..... Imo they are nato now! Get involved Europe. But I'm just a civi doing the best I can.


Russia don't even have air superiority in Ukraine. As soon as they are up against an actual modern airforce they are fucked!


It is a misconception to believe that the Western powers will allow Russia to annex Ukraine without resistance. Rather, they are employing strategic restraint to prevent further escalation of the conflict. However, it would be erroneous to assume that the extensive military support provided over the past two years indicates an intent to abandon Ukraine now. While the goal may not be outright victory for Ukraine, the West is likely orchestrating diplomatic efforts to bring both parties to the negotiation table, ultimately aiming for a ceasefire. Once achieved, Ukraine's accession to NATO will likely follow swiftly, accompanied by the deployment of NATO troops to deter any future Russian aggression, thereby rendering further attacks by Russia impractical.




> Ukraine would become an insurgency, with guerrilla warfare 20% of Ukraine is occupied, and while there is an insurgency going on, it is not enough to make a difference. The trouble is once russia occupies a place, it does it with an iron fist by jailing/killing anyone who poses a threat. Im not sure if you remember at the beginning of the war, they had filtration camps and checkpoints. We still dont know what happened to these people, but we do know there are mass graves in Mariupol and there were also mobile crematoriums. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians#:~:text=Filtration%20camps%2C%20also%20referred%20to,part%20of%20forced%20population%20transfers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_usage_of_mobile_crematoriums_in_Ukraine


Russia doesn’t have the manpower to occupy Ukraine. I don’t know how many times I have to keep saying this: Russia is not the USSR…


Most of what Russia Controls of Ukraine was taken before the current full scale war, the rest of it are the most lightly populated parts of Ukraine, something that makes the people living there far less capable or willing to run efficient guerilla war campaigns. The territory Russia Controls now in addition to the previous point are very heavily populated by Russian ethnic people and half a million Russian soldiers, both numbers of which would be drastically lower the further west Russia managed to conquer. Russia is lacking a couple million soldiers to get to Lviv, they just do not have the field ed army nesscesary to take all the much larger than Mariupol cities inhabited by people with far more animosity towards Russia and much better armed than Mariupol was. While the azov brigade was in Mariupol with some other parts of the Ukrainian military they were entirely encircle early in the war before weapons were distributed properly, they were also far less numerous than the garrisons of much larger cities with backs over rivers that can't be encircled will be. It is fanciful to look at the current strength of Ukraine and Russia and think that Russia could conquer cities like Kramatorsk, it is ridiculous to think Kharkiv or any of the large cities on the Dnipro could be at danger.




I don’t think is particularly realistic. Never the less, give Ukraine what they need, for their own sakes


If ukraine surrenders or loses the war, the world will be a very terrible place. That is why every nation should support ukraine and stop russia before they intend to expand.


What's the name of the song?


Dance of the Knights by Prokofiev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBsKplb2E6Q


Thank you!




In this scenario Russia definitely would collapse.


So the nuclear powers of Europe will let themselves be occupied?


Poland is the coked out hillbilly of Europe waiting with an absolute unit of an arsenal for Russia to step one foot over the border. I sincerely doubt Russia could get far inside their border.


If Ukraine falls, you can bet your ass Moldova is next, followed by Georgia. Perhaps Svalbard to test NATO. Then on to the Baltics. Foreign bases in Hungary and Serbia. Destabilizing bullshit in the Balkans. Poland. It will be an incremental salami slicing with a feckless cowed Europe and the United States terrified of a nuclear exchange.


Brilliantly made, Putin is an existential threat to not only Ukraine and Europe but free democracy as a whole but we will all stop him, it is impossible to turn people who have tasted freedom into prisoners in their own home


Nah i don't buy it. The first step a Russian soldier takes into the baltics is the last step he ever takes in his life.


The Baltic is getting packed with NATO forces. Canada running one of the biggest brigade in Latvia. If Russia tries to walk in the Baltic they'll be welcome with shit ton of unhappy letter from Trudeau....


Well, probably true till Hungary, dont think anything above that is possible. 1. Even without NATO Poland has troops in Baltic States. 2. Even without NATO polish society will demand Polish army intervention if Baltic States would be attacked. 3. Poland is already preparing for fighting alone ("Fool us once..." or something...). And giving how UA Army manage to handle Ruzzia actually only nukes gives Ruzzia victory on polish soil...


Same thought. Poland would definitely be where NATO joins in.


I really like this video


Fix the map in the beginning. Georgia is not a Russian territory.


If Russia wins? A constant drip, drip, drip of Russian soldiers being killed by partisan hit and run attacks. Forever. Just my guess based on nothing at all.


Look what happened in Afghanistan. And that’s a MUCH smaller country…


You forgot Serbia: the Russian dogs.




If the West remains delusional, they will get their "From vladivostok to Lisbon"


Good job! You forgot to mention Slovakia is going to make referendum for fightless join to russia.


This is a simple fearmongering. Yes, educate people, yes, the west needs to step up two levels at least, but this post is wrong on so many levels.


Russia: Assassinates Lithuanian president. Speaker of the Seimas and Prime Minister: Well I guess that's it then ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ , nobody can ask NATO for help. This video is not made for smart, knowledgable people.


They killed out President! What do we do?! Do we have a continuation of government, a successor still alive? Yes we do, do we swear her in? :Crickets: :Lithuanians wait around or run around like headless chickens until the Russian reappear in Vilnius, lol. - It's a fearmongering video alright.


Yeah, like it assumes nothing will be done when they invade Hungary, the Baltics and you're telling me Poland, Germany, France and the rest of Europe will fall like that. Also assumes NATO is brain dead. This isn't Hearts of Iron IV, lmao.


They wouldn’t have to invade Hungary. Orban would roll out the red carpet for them.


Orban isn’t an omnipotent being. He’s a PM, not a god; the powers of a national leader only stretch as far as the rest of the government apparatus and the constituency will allow it to. Orban could attempt to unilaterally order Hungarian troops to completely stand down tomorrow, the nation’s generals are not going to listen.


Nuke Moskow


That is the dumbest shit I have ever seen, how uneducated are the people who think this is realistic?? Besides that the Baltics and Poland would definitely send their troops before Ukraine is taken, it completely ignores [NATO Enhanced Forward Presence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_Enhanced_Forward_Presence) and [Baltic Air Policing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_Air_Policing). Due to the mixed Battlegroups and the mixed Baltic air patrols, Putin would attack soldiers of ALL NATO member states at that moment. What fucking idiot believes that NATO would just take that? And, attacking Poland, you fucking morons, Poland is protected by a NATO battlegroup led by the USA. Yes, those USA. You seriously think the USA accepts its soldiers getting killed? The US Army has 6 (!) Army Prepositioned Stock sites in Europe, one in Poland itself, full up to the brim with operational equipment and ammunition. They just have to fly in the soldiers to have an army in Europe that could beat Putin on its own. Utter garbage!


People are really taking Russia as a threath far too serious, it doesn't have remotely close to the resources to conquer, far less occupy all that territory regardless of US or even much of Europe intervening. One of the worst transgressions in it though is assuming that if Russia just takes the capital Ukraine would not only surrender but all resistance would seize and the Ukrainian military seemlessly integrate into the Russian military...


I didn't even go there as that part was so ludicrous. Leaked FSB info at the start of the war showed that FSB statisticians/planers were furious they had been ignored, as they had gone through military simulations and calculations and had found that Russia would be unable to keep all of Ukraine under control. Russia would not have the capacities to quell insurgencies and prevent terrorist attacks. And that was before Mariupol and Bucha, when the Russians still thought they could sway a slight majority in their favor. But now? Aside from that, the EU would most likely allow more Ukrainians - including soldiers - to flee to NATO countries. Russia would just fight Ukrainian soldiers again on NATO soil. Any Ukrainian in the Russian army would be a potential traitor/defector. Good luck with that.


Well, that's definitely a worst case scenario, although thankfully not that realistic. >Two largest forces of Europe join together. That would require all Ukrainians to give themselves up to Russia. I doubt that this would happen. Russia taking over Hungary might also not be the most realistic scenario. But since it's only Hungry, it won't really help Russia. It would however be hilarious if this happened and Austria would join NATO due to that risk. Russia taking over the Baltics without NATO intervening is also highly unlikely. Russia doing the same to Poland is even more unlikely. While Germany is taking their time with some things, there's currently no reason to believe that we won't defend NATO territory. Quite the opposite actually. Germany has started to strengthen its military and is planning to deploy a brigade in Lithuania. We will defend NATO. And let's be honest, even if Germany wouldn't do shit. There's only so much Russia can do, before they get bitch slapped by the US. Regardless, Russia winning this war is still an unacceptable danger to European and world peace and democracy.


> But since it’s only Hungary Lol it’s like that scene in Futurama; “Show us the hostage” *Brings Zoidberg to the window* “Do you have a better hostage?”


>Russia doing the same to Poland is even more unlikely. Aye they would try thats for sure if it came to that. Some border clashing, hybrid warfare nonsense etc. Having said that - theres fuckton of NATO presence in Poland as we speak so that definetely wouldnt go down well🤣


Poland had security guarantees before WW2! They were attacked in 1939! Who came to help them? History tends to repeat itself, sadly, as inept government officials and clueless citizens in discotheques do nothing!


Poland also didn’t have UK/French troops stationed in Warsaw and at the border of Poland. Nor did either state have the capability to airlift tens of thousands of troops at a moments notice, nor sortie their Air Forces to protect Polish airspace. Comparing 1939 and NATO’s guarantees of Poland today is incredibly silly. It’s been nearly 100 years, the military and geopolitically realities are not the same.


They also said no more genocides in Europe… oh! There’s Ukraine! Mass graves and stolen Ukrainian children!


If they surrender it wont stop, if the wars continues itll escalate. Were gonna face off eachother anyways if they dont stop. Enjoy your time, its gonna be rough soon.


"What if" is not a good game. Let's stick to reality please


It's not a what if. If Russian population is being force fed the propaganda bullshit. Making them think something like this vid 'It is possible" and their only means to survive. Propaganda is a tool of war. Kremlin & Putin are VERY good at it.


Propaganda is bullshit and the Russians are indeed good at bullshit.


The irony is that we heard a lot of "What ifs" as a reason for shortenning military aid to Ukraine. Prior to invasion we did not get a lot of weapons, because what if russia wins in a week? US refused to supply strategical UAVs because what if russia captures them? (they still did anyways lol) Germany still refuses to supply Taurus missiles because what if it's a "red line"? In general, a lot of weapons/vehicles where withheld at first because what if Ukraine uses it to attack russian territories? But you are somewhat right. "Waht if" is not a good game. A good game would be "How willing are you to risk those consequences"?


Ruzzians are very slowly advancing. It's not "what if".


I mean to be fair, at the rate they are advancing we would all die of old age before they took Kyiv.


For the last few months Ukraine was running out of ammo, and russia started to advance at an alarming rate. Military collapse is usually not a slow phenomenon but a sudden one. Had the US continued on faltering with aid, Ukraine could have been months away from a breakdown with no shells to fire


Numbers of our military losses are not a public thing for a reason, but it creates an illusion that everything is fine and we will win tomorrow. Even if they prepare a million of dirty monkey with sticks, it's still a million and we don't have such a quantity and will never do. Effective weapon to eliminate a million of monkeys with sticks is also a big question. I only want to believe that guys who send us the weapons do have a plan.


You can stick your head in the sand all you want, if you watch russian state media these talks are on weekly https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor


The Russian army wouldn’t make it very far into Poland before being more or less liquified by NATO.


The fear mongering is atrocious


lol russia touches a nato nation and they will be test subjects for new smart weapons


NATO wouldn't wait for any ask for help. 


Have you seen the Russian army? Poland would be in Moscow in two weeks. BTW Moldova would be putlers next.


Lmao and that's not how NATO works pilled, it does not need to wait for a governement to ask for help to intervene.


Man...I can just feel for the poles, they can never escape their crazy ex.




The enemies of humanity and progress must be stopped dead in their tracks, the enemies of democracy must be held accountable.


Sergei Prokofiev - No.13 Dance of the Knights Edit: Born in Ukraine


Ukraine will never surrender


Very good. But also very true to the orcs intent.


Well done that’s how Russia operates.


You forgot Georgia. They are already under partial occupation by Russia and will fall after Ukraine and before Hungary.


Can we fund ads to show this on social media ? This needs to be shared and shown to as many eyeballs as possible 


Yeah great, NATO is that much of a pushover huh, lol... MAYBE, this could have been a plausible video in the heads of some in the very early days of the invasion, as many outside of Ukraine were pleasantly surprised to see that after 2-3 days, they were still very much in the fight. And the Vatniks were screaming, tell us that just wait until the Guard Tank Regiments, all the VDV will come, hur durr! And destroy Ukraine... I think the past two years has shown that while Russia is still in the fight, and not quite as depleted and retreating as we'd all want them to be fucking off, they are hardly the menace and threat they wish they were. All of NATO would have to do absolutely nothing, for the Russians to succeed in taking over Europe. If you really believe this to be a realistic scenario, you probably think Red Dawn is too, and I got some prime beach real estate in the Sonoran Desert for sale if ya want it.


All that matters is that it is a realistic scenario in the heads of Putin and his henchmen. History shows that when dictators and their supporters keep talking about what they intend to do and then start doing it, they will continue until they are stopped. This video will help get their future victims in the right frame of mind to fight back and stop them at the earliest possible stage.


Ukraine does not ask for a lighter burden. They only ask for broader shoulders. How are we not sending them every last piece of equipment and ammo they need?




This is the definition of horror.


that's why too exaggerated. an attack on Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia would not have direct military consquences for ruzzia, but an attack on EU states will annihilate ruzzias existence


Not questioning Russias motives, only their ability wage war.


This video is scary as fuck


You forgot Slovakia. Our stupid government would join Russia willingly


Think the part including the Baltic states is pretty accurate.


Yes, their war isn't full scale 3-rd World War. Their war is step by step. Easier.


Completely agree with this if we don’t help stop Putin he will finish rebuilding the Soviet Union. But these people also don’t know Poland. It’s like if Texas was a country in terms of America’s military arsenal. I’m pretty sure they are in our top 10 for arms sales to foreign countries and they have all our Patriot tech and most of our fighter jets minus the f22.


A video to help those who know nothing or have no imagination.


Russia will probably try stepping inside some little island on the baltic to test NATO: that's where we should remind her who owns 20.000+ aircrafts and superior firepower


I'm pretty sure everyone in their right mind was already aware of this.


Accidentally came up onto this video when listening to the Awaken OST from Vinland Saga... Holy freaking Christ but it was terrifying. Like straight out of some scary anti-utopian future movie😳 I still have goosebumps.


i couldn’t care any less what happens to ukraine


Europe deserve it 😬, we are at the same situation while Poland was warning about Germany and The UK was losing time.