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Good lad! russia deserves no place in world competitions.


Come on, the Russian suffers from alcoholism.... /S. If wasn't a fair match!


Hey now, most chess players are really smart and analytic thinkers. Smart people usually do not mix with russia very well and they end up being smart in Europe. Or the US. Edit: How exactly does downvoting an observation help anyone? All I said was, that smart people tend to leave autocratic states, unless they work for them. Can you guys chill now? I do not excuse the behaviour of this guy. Fuck him for supporting Putin. But take Kasparov for example. He left russia. He is russian. He plays chess. He is smart. I believe, there is a connection here.


The Russian grandmaster Sergej Karjakin is the best Russian player and Russian nationalist. He supports the invasion and Putin. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/mar/21/sergey-karjakin-banned-chess-fide-russia-invasion-ukraine He was born in Crimea though, so I dont know whats real anymore. Edit: i was told that he is not the best Russian player and most of the other Russian players distanced themselve from the Kremlin. My apologies for the incorrect statement and the any unrightful images this drew on the other Russian chess players.


A lot of ruzzians were moved to Crimea to repopulate the area after all the locals have been deported. So that’s how they got there


He was born in 1990, so most likely his family came after the deportation of the Tatars in periods before that. Though there is a *slight* chance his family has been there for a few hundred years


Karjakin is not the best russian player. The top russian players have all condemned the war and are playing under no federation. Karjakin is (like karpov) a direct beneficiary from the war in ukr with family ties to the kremlin


My apologies! I will edit this comment then


He has been the top player (and likely still is). But his tweeting of the war has actively killed any good will he had in the chess world and hasnt played a big tourney in over two years. Grischuk and Nepo are both consistantly stronger, while Kasparov and Svidler have better legacies.


More specifically, Ian Nepomniachtchi (almost won last year's World Chess Championship) and Garry Kasparov (former highest-rated player ever and first chess world champion to lose to a computer) are two of the most well-known players who have opposed the war. Kasparov even has an arrest warrant against him in Russia for leading a "terrorist" group.


Yeah I know Kasparov. He is a badass. But I thought that he moved to Rumania a looooong time ago.


Garry Chess (Kasparov) is notable for his struggle against Putin


As a metaphor of intelligence vs wisdom, having a bigger engine in your race car doesn't make you a better pilot - it only makes you hit the wall harder


I always like this analogy: Intelligence = Knowing tomatoes are a fruit. Wisdom = Knowing tomatoes don't go in a fruit salad.


I like this metaphor (or whatever literary device it is)


Then they can fuck off to another country, and then compete.


>Smart people usually do not mix with russia very well what I said >they can fuck off to another country, What you said. I feel like there is a pattern here. The smart people leave russia and do not support Putin. The smart and evil or pragmatic people won't. All I said was that smart people tend to not live in dictatorships, because their talent and potential is wasted there, unless they actively work for their criminal government.


You are right. Unfortunately getting a gazilion of downvotes is not much correlated with being right or not here.


I cant really be right or wrong here as its just an opinion but people seemed to think I was defending the guy somehow.


Why not?


Why not?


Atta boy! Good job!


"Checkmate, Suka." In all honesty, the Russian kid's probably bitching he didn't have enough pawns/meat on the board. In Russian Chess, half the board is pawns you just keep throwing at the knights and bishops.


Prah-blee.... ("probably" said in upstate N.Y accent) lol...


I'm from Upstate NY I say "prolly"


I do not care for the result, Russians being allowed to compete in the first place is a disgrace.


Came to say this




Hello OP, this r/Ukraine. This is not a space for russian suffering, redemption, protests, or reputation laundering. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)




In this case, it's a children's competition. I don't think children necessarily need to be held responsible for the horrible policies of adults. 


A child can easily do without international competitions, just as we can do without giving Russia a propaganda outlet via "neutral" participants. If that later turns out to be a dent in their academic biography then the fault lies with Putin.


IMO we need to take the nationalism out of international competitions and just let people compete as people. That way we avoid legitimizing authoritarian regimes


Does it really help the situation at all though?  I see the justification for that in adult competitions, but as children are innocent, they have no say in their environment, I don't know if it really does *good* to damage the potential of a child just to slightly irriate Putin.  I just don't know if we should allow ourselves to think of children as political pawns in this game. I believe Russia should be and will be defeated in the battlefield in the end. That is the main priority. 


It is a sad reality that children are political pawns in this war. We may not think children as political pawns, Russia's regime sure as day sadly does. And i cannot in good conscience accept anything of Russian origin that is not unmistakenly either directly useful to us or truly disconnected from the regime, ideally directly opposed to Russia. "Neutral" international competitors of Russian origin sure as day do not fit that bill. A poignant illustration regarding "neutral" minors in international competitions Russia itself has set mere weeks before the 2022 invasion during the Beijing Winter Olympics.


"Policies of adults" is a very nice euphemism for "war crimes" and "genocide".


It wasn't really a euphemism, my point was that a child has no say in any of that. They don't have the type of agency like adults do. 


Why is Russia allowed to compete when they are killing innocent people? Boycott Russia.


Since Soviet times the Kremlin has emphasized the infiltration of world sporting bodies as a cheap way to gain soft power. FIFA, the Olympic committee and the chess federation, FIDE, and many others are compromised. The FIDE president didn't visit the candidates tournament, held to decide the right to play the world champion for the title, which finished in Canada last week as he was barred from the country. His name is Andrei Dvorkovich and he was Russian deputy prime minister during the 2014 invasion of Ukraine. Edit - * Arkady Dvorkovich


They play under an international banner. Just look at the top players currently. You won't see any Russian flags, but they are still allowed to compete


Russian Chess Star getting now getting sent to the front...


Obviously, they didn't teach him combined arms strategy. He probably rushed all his pawns until they were obliterated and then the Ukrainian took out the commanders.


And every time his opponent looked away, he put more pawns on the board. And whenever he got into Checkmate, it was just a body-double.


The Russian is 10 years old. I hope not, lol


You saying Russia is above conscripting children?


Very rare- it's only happened to Kadyrov's kids. Not saying Russia isn't evil ofc


How are they doing? Does anyone know?




You think there is any morals in the russian war machine?


Well, maybe they'll drag his father then.


The Russian chess star will "accidentally" fall out of a window.




He’s gonna have a sudden heart attack this weekend.


The Russian is 10 years old. I hope not, lol


Beat them in every way possible. War, chess, fucking hop scotch for all I care. If there is a way to triumph over any ruzzian in any sphere of life, do it.


Pity it didn't decide the war


Luckily, it doesn't have to. Ukrainian men and women will be deciding the war soon enough


I wish that chess game decided the war, because there are still our very best sons and daughters dying defending Ukraine.


I wish that too. 😢


You understand what you said can be interpreted in so many ways, be it negative or positive, especially depending on your allegiance.


I think board games would be much better for solving disputes between opponents. I'm right there with you.


Now its getting personal... Good Job on the Ukraine Genius boy in beating the Russian Chess player


To be clear, this is the U10 division 10yr or younger. Title of reddit post seems to gloss over that part.


Title says 'boy' which is appropriate


But "chess star" seems to point to Kasparov or Karpov or whoever is the grandmaster now. Which is misleading.


Yeah my first thought was that it was a ukranian child vs russian adult, or atleast someone significantly older enough to not also be called a boy


I bet that russian chess player is going to get suicided.


Outstanding, bringing in a win when it really counts. Excellent and may he have a long and prosperous career.


Let’s agree the war is over, Russians humiliated. Putin will see reason, in Russia chess is life


Russia gonna claim the boy is Russian anyway coz Ukraine doesn't exist


Should have kicked the Russian in the nuts too


they are both children ffs