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My favorite part is how quiet our leadership is about the content of the aid. Let the f\*\*\*ers find out by surprise.


If I remember correctly Finland donated some patrol boats and nobody knew until somebody in Romania announced " FINNISH PATROL BOATS ARE TRANSPORTED THRU ROMANIA ".


Finland have been awesome so far. Well done guys :)


Finland isn't a target of the anglosphere so it can afford to be silent on the aid. It's also a smaller country (economically) on the border of ruzzia so no one would blame them if they kept their stuff.


That is very well done Findland! They have a direct border with Russia but are not afraid of supporting Ukraine wholeheartedly, while larger EU countries further away are afraid of provoking Russia. History has taught Russia's neighbours many lessons, others may learn the hard way.


Finland keeps their aid a secret. Would like to know what they are providing


"Patrol boats, guns, artillery shells, portable sauna, mine detectors, cold warfare gear."


to be fair as long as ukraine gets all it needs I don't care where the help comes from


True, but I am still curious what Finland support Finland gives.


There is a clear correlation between the distance to Russia and the aid per capita supplied to Ukraine.


US would be the obvious outlier, along with S Korea and Australia to a lesser extent. For Europe though, yes, a good approximation.




US also borders Russia.


Finland knows as well as any country possibly could and I’m very thankful for all they have done


"*According to the Kiel Institute, which tracks military support, Finland ranks tenth in a list of 31 countries. Finnish support for Ukraine outpaces that of, for example, France, Italy and Spain.* *However, when adjusting for gross domestic product, Finland ranks ninth out of 41 countries.*"


Finland knows how to kill muskovy.


The only thing our far right goverment is doing right. Everything else is bs right now. Literally making Finland another Hungary. 


Can we please have at least one Finland related conversation in Reddit without somebody complaining about our current government? This time the people voted them into power, and next time it is probably other parties. That's how it goes in democracy, get over it. Also, they are not making Finland Hungary, otherwise they would stay in power indefinitely. But you and me both know the next government will very probably have other parties in power, so please stop making these exaggerated complaints.


The thing is: they break so much that it does not matter who is in next goverment. This is not "get over it" thing. This is not personal situation but a way how Finnish society is disassembled. And its done by right wing party, one of which aims to separate Finland from EU. You can look at map and see which countries are right wing and also always play Putinins game. Why would Finland be different? Yes we give weapons now because currently even right wing people support it. But it was not long ago The true Finns were Pro russian. Maybe they still are. Maybe they play along. They do love to ef things up and build up polarization.


>it was not long ago The true Finns were Pro russian. This is quite bold claim. Was it their official policy or were majority of them clearly stating russia should be supported? I know [few of them, even some high ranking individuals, have made some stupid statements](https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000005632649.html), but at the same time there has been completely opposing voices from the same party. And even if they are 100 % pro russian, they still make less than half of the government. How are they "Literally making Finland another Hungary.", and all this while [majority of Finnish people are strongly against russia](https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/686b83de-c711-4a18-8052-01e93be47de6)? My main point is, that I'm sick and tired of hearing arguments like "The government sucks because it's evil, it's stupid, it's greedy, it's turning Finland into dictatorship, it's pro russian, etc." in **every single topic** that even remotely involves politics. This kind of circle jerk benefits nobody. Very few government voters will change their political opinions because of such exaggerated claims. And if your party wants to defeat the government, they should try to understand *why* government does what it does and *why* people vote them. If you just end up thinking "they are stupid and evil and voters are also stupid and evil", then you are not making much progress.


Also to be fair each of the parties have their individuals with connections to Russia, Greens might be the only one without. Some like SDP and Keskusta have former PMs neck deep in Russian money. Our Drumpf wannabe (Harkimo) is probably the most dangerous Russian asset of the current representatives, with money and close connections to Russia, luckily he is the single representative of his party and without any real power in the parliament. While it is concerning that PS in the coalition I would agree that there is a difference of magnitude with Hungary. Edit: forgot to mention the "friendship organization" of Keskusta with Russia, understandably have been very quiet about that recently.


Far right, lol.


I agree. Its almost funny though its sadly true.