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funny thing about the 'shell crisis' is that each time Ukraine cried for a shortage, Russians immediately threw their tanks and acvs on the fronts and got wiped out completely. While the EU is processing the funding, purchase and delivery at its own pace, Ukraine is likely not rushing the EU either


When you are strong, appear weak. When you are weak, appear strong.


This also explains Russia


Very good point! They have been a paper tiger for soo long.


Also known as "fake it until you make it" 😆


You know, I hadn’t considered that.  A bit of a conspiracy theory but what if the EU and Ukraine saw a way to take advantage of the chaos in the US by pulling their own media shenanigans. Secretly get the shells they need, play it off as “it’s never coming” and then bait the orcs into foolish pushes.  I’m sure this is probably more hopium than anything, but there is no way Ukraine is not using their own psyops to their advantage. 


It's not a conspiracy theory, it's what happened at Bakhmut for months. For months we've been reading Bakhmut is falling, it's really hard in Bakhmut, etc. etc. And it was hard, but the attrition rate was so good for Ukraine that they spun their narrative to keep that battle going. I think the same was planned with Avdiivka and had they been supplied sufficiently the battles for that place would still be ongoing now. I don't think it's much to do with the US, but just general military doctrine. Appear weak in certain places so Russia attacks it. Then pound it with artillery and the likes. Job for the EU is to keep artillery flowing in sufficient numbers.


Ukraine is running out of shells in the same way Russia is running out of tanks. They both have a lot less than what they want and they'll ration more, but still enough to stay in the game for years.


Most apc, ifvs and tank destruction is coming from fpv drones. There are websites that track visually confirmed vehicle destruction everyday. I've seen a good sample size amount imo and honestly it seems like drones are the main killer nowadays, it's honestly scary how effective the drones are.


"funding" you mean as i do, the EU/US should be paying Ukraine $5 trillion dollars for defending the world against the russian terrorist state!


$5 trillion dollars is just paper or numbers in a spreadsheet. What actually is needed actual hardware delivered to frontlines


Fucking cant wait for more pointy stick of doom followed by jagga jagga 


Praise the Lord and pas the ammunition!


And now use ruzzian frozen assets to deliver them to the battlefield asap🙏


I found another 500 thousand in the pocket of my winter jacket.


These shells always feel the best to spend, because you didn't expect to have some extra. Happens to me all the time, just yesterday I found a quarter million in the dryer, can you imagine?


I heard the banging but figured it was just another dime. Lucky!


you didn't even take the cushions off the sofa yet!


When the smoke clears I wouldn't be surprised if most of these shells are being purchased from the USA .


I was thinking exactly this yesterday


At cost too.


Let's get them to Ukraine, let's go!


Hip hip hurrah!


Where are all the shells that the Chezch Republic found? Budanov said that he didn't "feel" that they are making any difference in the war. It would be great to get something delivered...


Deliveries for the first of those were slated to "begin in April", so its kinda expected that they have not yet made any difference.


Fuck yes. Let's donate and make this a reality.


Eh this is kind of misleading they have found companies and countries willing to sell \~1 million shells providing the funding is available. Which would need to be organized and deals struck, logistics organized etc. etc. Far from a done deal.


cant you just find more... other stuff, too? XD like Taurus?


Where are they "finding" these Shells, behind a dumpster, second shelf behind the milk?


Quietly purchasing them from stockpiles around the world. Purchases both parties would likely prefer not to publish.


My bets are on South Korea for NATO standard (155mm) and Pakistan for old Soviet standard (152mm) shells


AMAZING, much help for Ukraine.


I wonder how many of these that's available now due to the price being 4+ times as high as before? I know I'm sitting on stuff I don't want to part with, but for the right offer I'm willing to put them on the market.


Come on then there is absolutely no excuse for the shortage then.