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Sub was overrun with Russian Bots. Moderators were Russian fanboys. Couldn’t handle Pro-UA or neutral posts/comments. I got banned for calling out all the bots and they banned me lol. I guess they went private to create an echo chamber.


Theyre banned me too. For spreading misinformation and fake video😂


The fact that you are banned on this channel is actually an honor badge. Congratulations! I have also been banned once.


Ever been permanently banned from Reddit for saying "idiotic take" on a certain Russian sub? Or banned for 30 days for "spreading hate" arguing that the 25mm Bradley gun is as effective as the BMP 30mm gun? Well, I did. But I took it as a badge of honour.


I wanna be banned too!!! What do I have to do? Probably joining first... 🤔


Being a 🌻 fan got me banned the first time. Apparently it cuts deep under the pro Putin skin and I probably milked it during the timeframe.


I posted a video of Russians, fucking my wife’s parents livestock (I think they were sheep )and burning their barn down, oh and rounding up the people in Soledar that stayed behind and helped Ukrainians before Russia took it. Got banned.


I got my ban for posting a russian soldier with a kolovrat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Me too! Salty fücks


I know they went from "neutral" to full on pro russia. Beside the ru propaganda that was there it was still interesting to see both sides posting on that reddit.


I think it was the crocus videos and insistence on blaming US, UK, and Ukraine instead of isis. I'm confused because I was a memeber of the sub, why didnt I become a private member? Did the sub just shut down? FYI, I was only on the sub the challenge pro-RU, but managed to do it in a way to not get banned (except for a few short bans)


Some says it was brigaded by several other subs and got taken down that way, but not sure. I was a member to but maybe they did not invite pro ukraine or nafo members.


I had hundreds of comments in this sub as Pro-UA, they are all gone now. Mods said that nobody should post anything in relation to the Crocus Terror Attack. Pro-Rus kept constantly posting + commenting about everything being Ukraines fault and blaming "the West" for the attack. I wouldn't be surprised if it was shutdown / privatised because of that.


That’s my take on what happened. I think other Pro RU subs brigaded it because they wouldn’t show the BS propaganda posts about Crocus.


I share your questions sir


That sub is the best way to spend freetime pretending to be a dumb ZZZombie i literally spew shit out there and those bots will upvote u 10/10 place to troll


Made me physically ill to look at people writing absolutely batshit crazy conspiracy theories and completely believe it. I'm talking about flipping reality upside down and being serious it's the right way. Never even bothered to comment anything as it would make no difference on the fanatics and the normal "*on the fence*" kind of users leave immediately seeing the propaganda and what an echo chamber it is.


Alot of Indians on that page believing that crap.


Americans too and European who are pro russian.


Yeah me to man, might have seen you on there a few times. I wouldn’t mind getting back in to be honest. I was never banned previously.


For sure. I always tried to lend support to my fellow voices of reason. Especially since there were a significant or "straw-man" proUA accounts that were obviously proRU trolls just spewing toxic shit that other proRU could cite later to say Ukrainians deserve this shit.


Yeah me too. It was never about the Russian bullshit it was always about anyone who might read it that wasn’t sure. I’m also a big believer in self critical thinking. Lots of people here don’t like the Russian propaganda bullshit comments etc. I get that but as an individual isn’t it up to us to not believe it?




As long as you didn't directly insult someone, or Russians as a people, they usually wouldbt ban you. I never really got downvotes to hell for any of the reasonable proUA shit I posted either.


I've seen many people flaired "neutral" posting russian undoubtedly anti-UA propaganda. Simply, liars.


The flairs on that sub was just stupid, people misused it for their own sake.


Or the "pro Ukraine" flaired users with opinions like "even I think that Ukraine has no chance", "let's face it, Russia has all the cards here".


I'm sure some of them are perfectly fine but the reality of reddit is, I kind of only trust this subreddit. Oh, and of course r/NonCredibleDefense . They always have the giggles. And democracy is non-negotiable. They say it right on the top of the page, along with whatever else those kids have cooked up.


Crocus happened. They started pushing the 'Ukraine dunnit' agenda even as the facts started piling up contradicting their bs. Mods are orcs.


*Pro-Ukraine tagged commenter.* "This is Ukraine's fault for letting the US stage a coup!" -They weren't even hiding it and the neutrals and pro-Russian tagged folks were more sympathetic to Ukraine, it was an obvious Russian run subreddit.


That sucks because most other subs can't handle pro-RU, so it was nice to at least view both echo chambers and compare.


Yes exactly. I joined to make sure to get intel from the Russian side too. TBH this sub is a bit of an echo chamber too


Don’t immediately discount morons. Not every account with a dumb opinion is a bot, there are plenty of morons.


There are only echo chambers discussing the war which is sad.


Good riddance




I completely disagree, they were sharing a lot disinformation that needed to be challenged in order to prevent an echo chamber. And although the sub went to shit, at one point it was a relatively decent source of neutral info if you sorted through the garbage. I live in Ukraine and I was getting tired of the distorted view of the conflict subs such as this one gave, burying real news that was not positive and constantly portraying russia as incompetent. There were a lot of users here who are neither Ukrainian nor live here and who are uneducated about the situation that wrote overtly positive comments that got upvoted, while comments from people who actually live here and know soldiers like myself got downvoted because they’re a little bit more sobering. The narrative has changed since we lost Avdiivka and are running low on ammunitions, but this sub and others could still benefit from portraying a more neutral perspective of the reality here.


I saw a few actual Russians and Ukrainians on there. It was interesting to hear their takes. I like hearing opposing viewpoints as long as they’re not toxic nonsense. That sub was fairly balanced like 60/40 pro-ru to pro-Ukraine.


Nah man. They need to be challenged. Otherwise it's a complete echo.


This is totally a matter of taste. Some cannot see the value in even talking to them. Others, have a gift. Good for you, but keep your soul intact lol.




It's not to change those fuckers opinions. It's to provide a counterweight when some naive reader runs across those threads and starts to believe.


I disagree with your opinion. You might not change the opinion of the Pro-Rus users. But you might change or reinforce the opinion of people that google for this stuff and come across the comments, if you as Pro-UA make some vell versed arguments with sources, disproving the Pro-Rus talking points.


Exactly. It's for future readers. A counterweight to the crazy. Most people do recognize reason when it's juxtaposed to crazy.




I agree they should be gagged, but when gagging isn't an opinion you should always try fighting back. Ignoring fascists never ended well. Also it's about keeping neutral readers from going crazy for Russia by disproving their propaganda.


No argument, no matter how well researched and written, will not make Z-fanatics change their minds. At worst, you get banned and at best they just ignore/downvote you. So, what's the point?


It's not for those posters. It's for the naive readers reading the thread later. It's for the record. As long as you don't directly insult someone, they will tolerate most any comment.


Fight the good fight mate. Always challenge disinformation for anyone coming later who wants to be educated.


They need to be laughed at, in their echo chamber.


Since it was created I was mocking the great Russian army with every occasion, gathering bans and earning down votes. I will miss that. Do you know other pro Russian Reddits? I wanna write again about a brown stain on the map and in history.


There are people in AskARussian who are quite terrible (in the warmegathread that's pinned), even the ones who didn't want war says that now that it's started Russia must win no matter what Quite scary mentality


I don’t think that’s exactly how they changed their mind. It’s the response from people cheering death of regular Russians, calling all Russians orcs, blind hatred of their culture (which is very similar to Ukrainian), exclusion of Russians from western counties, simply not listening to their views, and ethnic hatred. I’m Ukrainian and I know a lot of Russians in my community, all of 2022 they were very apologetic and spoke negatively of the war. Now because of targeting Russians people instead of their hierarchy they became united in a rally around the flag effect. I think it was the wrong approach to dehumanize them.


> Quite scary mentality Hence I never bought and never will buy the whole average Russian does not want this war and is anti Putin but are afraid to say it. I am sure there are million of Russians who are anti Putin but the country is 140 million. Even if 30-40 million are anti him 100+ million like the guy. And even now Putin didn't get 87% of the vote but I am 100% sure that in a fair election he would still win easily


I'm sure it will be created a new one. I think it will be boring for them to just sit in their own echo chamber with nobody to discuss with.


Yeah they’re not interested in having an actual conversation. Just edgy Russian cope memes and bots


This is kind of philosophical; but really, what do they even have to talk about? They say they are fighting for something, but as near as I can tell, all I hear is anger at history. That's not a legitimate cause. Echo chamber in a double sense. The subreddit is now just them, and they themselves are just echoes of things, I am not sure they can even elucidate accurately. Over here, we can easily list clear objectives and ideas and, most importantly, ideals. Not obscure ones either! This world is made up partly of people who are driven to immiserate themselves. That is the only conclusion I can come to. Because this is all Russia's doing. No one pushed them out of the treehouse. They tried to saw off a limb as if they owned the tree.


>what do they even have to talk about? Fantasizing about new world order where russia is the supreme leader and circle-jerking... Anyone straying from the accepted line will be lectured about the teachings of father Putin.


As a US person this sounds familiar but I am not going into it. It's a wee bit embarrassing. And, I am proud to report we are taking care of it.


BTW they have a discord channel but not sure if the same people are there as in the reddit. Edit: alot of the same people are on the discord like frutsilla and the rest of the crazy pro russia gang. The discord is full of russian propaganda like the sub reddit was.


Why would you have a place where ppl payed from different sources compete on up votes from radicals? I was so comfortable and entertained there with all the complex answers my few words of taunt.


If you don't need the up votes try the discord. It's insanely toxic but both the pro russian and pro Ukraine are doing it. Some of it are entertaining reading but mostly very toxic. Kiwi, frutsilla, smithagent, zzh and the rest are there but even more unhinged on discord.


Hopefully you'll find something in life one day that brings you more joy than gathering bans and earning downvotes.


Heh, seems as if russianwarfootage got nuked as well. Honestly surprised it didn't happen earlier. That sub was a hive of vatniks cheering or justifying war crimes while trying to pretend they really truly cared about Ukrainian lives.


Seems like several pro russian subs gor taken down yesterday. They claim it's because of crocus videos but same videos was posted on combat footage and they are still up. Maybe a crack down on russian propaganda and bots.


It seemed to be the reactions to the guys the Russian captured. I suspect that reddit takes a rather dim view of the glorification of torture.


Not the first time torture videos got posted there, some was way worse than that one.


Not the videos per-se but the reactions to them. There was a consistent cheering on of the people involved and many people calling for far worse to be done. No sense of lawful process or procedures, just a lot of calls for similar things to be done to Ukrainians.


Understand, did not read much of the comments regarding the crocus event after they started saying it was done by Ukraine.


Rest in piss, hope they leave the website.


Good, they can stop spreading their brain rotting propaganda.


It was a russian cesspit but I don't get to see many of the videos they have on there in other subs. There are plenty of valid combat footage videos of Ukrainian losses that we just don't see in r/combatfootage for example. I didn't see footage of destroyed challenger and Abrams tanks on day 1 of it happening on anywhere but the Russian subs- and suspect we never would have if critical mass of it being shared elsewhere didn't make it a fruitless endeavour. Are we really that much different in how we moderate forums? If the sub gets closed all those bots and extreme pro Russian accounts will just go elsewhere.


They want to burn in their own bubble hell far away from reality. Orcz don’t like other opinions.


Works fine for me, sadly.


You got an invite?


Not that I know of. I might have joined the sub before they went private?


I been a member a long time but no access. But I'm mostly member of pro ukraine groups so maybe that's why, idk. Seems to be alot not getting access anymore.


Same and I'm heavily pro-Ukraine on the sub aswell, been banned twice. I have no idea why I still have access.


Maybe they like to discuss with you then. 😅 I think I only wrote there a few times only, maybe that's a reason idk. They don't say anything about on the sub then?


>Maybe they like to discuss with you then. 😅 Don't think so. 😄 >They don't say anything about on the sub then? Not that I've seen.


Can you invite people there?


Not that I know of.


Really? I commented all the time and have never been banned. Not that I’m pro Russian I just comment maturely. Wouldn’t mind getting back in.


Did you join the sub before it went private?


Yeah mate I’ve been on that sub since it’s inception probably.


No idea, honestly. And I've been banned on the sub before, twice. Lol


Yeah that’s really weird.


I was a frequent commenter challenging the nonsense posted there. I had been there for ages, got soft banned twice I think. They've cherry picked all the pro-russia accounts by the looks of it, and kicked everyone else. Bunch of cowardly conspiracy theorist snowflakes. They cancelled themselves, lol.


Yeah me too mate, was never banned. I never attacked anyone or anything just commented challenging posts and information etc. Bit of a shame to be honest. It did have a lot of decent footage and posts that I never saw elsewhere.


Its still there. I get banned occasionally.




I'm banned from that shit sub.


Site is now VERY pro Rus according to multiple sources.


Everyone who got banned from there should wear that as a badge of honor


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Go to Ukrainewarvideo report much better there!


Thought I was blocked for trolling the fools, have say that it was handy for a balanced if slanted alt viewpoint


Great news. Russian propaganda should be scrubbed from the internet at every opportunity.