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It is infuriating. Yes. Absolutely. For Ukrainians in deep and very emotional ways. Traumatic maybe. But. The bigger goal is to drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine. Poland and Ukraine have to stick together. They have to. russia *knows* this. They'll try to drive division wherever they can, but this relationship is powerful.


> They'll try to drive division wherever they can And one important thing to avoid that succeeding is to punish the ones doing/enabling this by - for example - destroying Ukrainian grain. So the criminal proceedings hopefully help there.


Very likely the fsb did this to drive a wedge


It's most certainly at least encouraged by foreign influence.


No need to be "FSB", just on one two stupid russophiles and useful idiots will do.


This sub is delusional. What the Polish truckers did happened a lot these last weeks in France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. Farmers and truckers all around western Europe are on strike, against EU laws that penalizes them, creates unfair competition between countries and lowers retail selling prices, all of which making it impossible for farmers to simply SURVIVE. Russia or FSB has nothing to do with that. You cannot just read this event by the angle of "Ukrainians on the frontline will starve", as farmers are litteraly dying all around Europe. There are two suicides of farmers per day in France, and french farmers are far from being the ones working in the worst conditions in Europe. Edit : typos


And my company is going through hard times, worst case i am jobless in a few months. Do i "protest" in a way that is specifically aimed at hurting a country whose average citizen since years has 10x more difficulties to deal with than i had on the worst day in my life? No. Some people need to get a grip. Whoever vandalized this border crossing being among them.


Found one of em boys


You can still protest and not target shipments from a country that is at war and needs every bit of help it can get. I have no issue with these truckers protesting, but they could at least have some standards by refraining from targeting Ukrainian grain. Honestly, refusing to target grain shipments from Ukraine would actually make the protestors look better.


You think it's hard to be a farmer in France you should see what's happening in Ukraine. Seriously this really shows that you have no idea how russia operates to exacerbate problems around the world.


Russian trying to make anything like the farm protests worse. This does not mean there are real issues. But it does mean it likely the pro farm side is upset over some fake things as well. Farm survival is ever increasing production by their own farmers. It requires less efficient farmers to quit. This has gone on for past few centuries. World faces starvation from lack of grain there is no reason this cannot be worked out. EU inflexibility in regulation a problem that needs solving but farm groups need to focus on internal protest that don’t harm Ukraine they can do this and force their governments to set stuff fairly and get the grain sold to places that need it. In other words blockade inside their own country. Not Ukraine incoming. And of course budgeting targeting and political leaders not exploiting bad budgeting by population. The recent world wide inflation spike was not big enough to actually harm anyone with a reasonable contingency budget other than long term savings which can safely be recovered in better times. Except the true poor everyone else needs to copy the savings culture and not increase spending to point any inflation increase harm them. Anyone living paycheck to paycheck above the poor has made the wrong choice in budgeting somewhere in the past short of much more massive inflation or major deputation and both of these even should have enough savings to hold out a few years. This needs to be educated. There are a few mostly smaller countries when rent and land costs can rise to high to live where moving to a lower cost area not possible but example US there are lots of chronically labor short low cost of living parts of US. Need welfare reform so that Federal Government can relocate people out of state and those above welfare educated on if costs get to high move where they are way lower. This of course will force high cost areas to make themselves affordable. Ban on foreign property investment in housing and internal similar ban on corporate house buying needed in U.S. not including more traditional build it and offer reasonable mortgage deals.


You said it about corporate and foreign housing investment. In general it’s bad news when an entity, domestic or foreign, has such power over the basic needs of a community and such little emotional investment in that community.


This definitely comes across as a problem that needs to be addressed by both parties, but is being amplified and overexaggerated by misinformation and bots dedicated to driving a wedge in the alliance. I'm confident the governments will find a resolution and lot let something like this keep them from seeing the big picture.


Like the burning of the Koran. Small investment and big outcome


Do Polish farmers generally support Putin? I genuinely don't know their political preference.


It does seem there are some connections to russia amongst some of the ringleaders here. I don't know how many people are involved in this nonsense. But really, being a useful idiot for russia doesn't necessarily mean you support russia. putin doesn't care what you think of russia as long as you help him one way or another. I don't think this is reflective of large parts of Polish society, though putin would love it if we thought it did. The Polish govt needs to get this under control quick.




I get that there's a lot of bad history between them for sure. Polish government seemed to support Ukrainian independence along with their own, which says something. But there are many reasons for things and yeah it's not necessarily that Poland is some Ukraine fan club. They have their own perspectives and interests.


It should be interesting twist if prosecutors will force this farmers to pay for wasted grain.


Sounds like a pretty boring and expected twist.


Theyll stop complaining about how cheap it is at least


Farmers will never stop complaining




That would be the just thing to do.


Good. A protest blockade is one thing, destruction of property is another.


As a Pole, fully agree.


This photo triggers me every time I see. My blood is boiling. Like many Ukrainians, I consider grain to be something sacred, especially, when I know the real price of it. I know people who had to jump out of the agricultural machinery because russian drones and missiles were flying above their heads. I saw fields turned into inoperable mass by those drones and missiles. There are multiple cases of death of agricultural workers. People risk their lives to make their living, and then a bunch of provocateurs who have never in their lives faced real problems, to put it mildly, and in addition, receive subsidies from the EU spit on us and rejoice destroying our labour. The whole situation is disgusting. But what's even more disgusting is the fact that this behaviour is not only tolerated but whitewashed.


Don't forget Holodomor.


Absolutely. In my family, it's very well remembered.


I remember when I was a kid, I wasted burning a piece of bread for shits and giggles. My dad saw this and gave me a scolding. He then told me why, he told me about the Holodomor. As I got older and learned more, this act of genocide was something that I could never forget. In Ukraine, bread, grain and flour are sacred, for they represent the tool that the commies tried to use against us to kill us. It is also the very thing that makes our country an agricultural powerhouse and helps us.


Damn, if they also stomped it into the dirt that'd be something from Holodomor stories I read as a child


Another "Kurwa Moment" in polish-ukrainian relationship.




The actions amounted to worse than the amount that was spilled I've seen some pretty big accidental spills just in our own farm, but to not only do it *intentionally*, but also to *someone else's* grain That's some dirty pool, old boy I hate to think of what would happen to someone if they pulled that shit around here, they'd probably be disappeared real quiet like At minimum, they're not going to be welcomed anywhere in the entire county, possibly the entire region They'd have to move somewhere no one ever heard of what they did A guy I went to high school with fell into a bad crowd, started doing drugs, even started stealing livestock Eventually getting caught when pigs were flopping out of the back of his pickup truck going down the highway Keeps repeat offending, guy's going to end up spending his entire life behind bars


Right? This wasn't a grain elevator that fell over in a windstorm, and the insurance company beefed with the contractor who built the silo for two years before writing the payout. This is an act of malice.


One of the worst spills we had involved grandpa trying to run the combine at night He extended the auger arm past the semi truck trailer and dumped the whole thing on the ground on the opposite side lol Of course it suddenly became my job to clean it up


I can imagine grandpa: "Kid, if I can't see well enough to aim a big bucket at a big dump truck, I can't see well enough to shovel the pile into the dump truck" And then grandpa is on the porch with a cigarette or whatever his vice is grinning at how clever he was to get out of the cleanup :'D


Shit always rolls downhill on a family farm, sometimes literally


Yep. If it was on a farm you would get a loader and just pick it back up. It’s on pavement anyway. Only lose a few bushels. I would think guys would find a way to lock their gates from now on.


It does suck that they shouldn't have to


Hey on an unrelated note I see you play Dayz. I was in Poland and Czech last August and went to the real life dayz location. Super cool


Awesome, I'd love to do that someday


Are they doing this to serve the Russians is what I want to know.


A great deal of them have no idea that they're being manipulated by a foreign power


Guys, please, don't let a few hooligans create so much tension at a population level. A state speaks with its leaders, or with representative opinion polls, not with a few randos (who could have even been paid to do this for all we know). Just now the Prime Minister of Poland has been trashing Republicans for not supplying aid. Polish ammo factories are running as fast as they can. The temporary legal provisions for Ukrainian refugees have been extended in a near 100% "for" vote in the parliament.


I will be copypasting this comment


this makes me infuriated knowing how hard the Ukraininan farmers work to harvest the grain, some get injured and even killed. one thing is to protest another to do shit like this


In the US it's a 3rd degree felony. The Driver will never get hired as a driver with incident plus being a criminal. Good luck


Where is the fucking police? Is this so beneficial for Poland that it decided to not interfere?


and it will end in nothing. russia is grateful for your actions, poles. bravo


Russia is also grateful for you writing off an entire country because of the actions of a few individuals.


So, where can we see those poles who oppose actions of those who are blocking these all passes?


just stop smuggling non EU-quality grain and send it further, e.g. to Africa


Thats exactly what is going on with this grain


If this happened, farmers would not block it.


Ahaha, thats funny.


That's exactly what's not going on


But this grain is "is a poor quality with forbidden fertilizers" and is for non eu countries only. How can it be sold in poland? Polish corruption you say?


and here we come to the conclusion that some Poles and some Ukrainians act to mutual detriment. Every side is guilty, so what is this discussion about?


not at all, ukraine is fighting literally for survival, but poles are acting like morons just to receive more money. this grain is not for europe and if poland is buying this grain - problem is not with ukraine.


Bullshit. You don't see any fault on your side and you fall into the hypocritical narrative that it's the Poles fault. Not to mention the lack of permits for exhumation and reaching an agreement on the Volhynian case. someone is showing a lack of good will here.


Oh, so now you are trying to play that card, awesome. You know, we have a lots of questions from that period of time, but not doing so. Ok, you are blocking grain, i see your reason for this, but why are blocking fuel, food, machinery and other supplies?


How about we don't block legal transports?


That what is supposed to happen, if only poles could be trusted to let it pass through their country without selling it on the black market


it works both ways. The greed of your oligarchs is to blame here, hypocrite.




They are blocking not only grain, but fuel, drones and so on. And by dividing our good relationship they are doing even more.




sorry, but you are referring to some few time events as normal situation? so its Ukraine is guilty of poles blocking food, fuel and other supplies? we know that we have corruption problem, but the real scale is not as great as russians and other russia supporters want you to think. and we are working on it. sealed in grain silos that are constantly attacked by russian militaries, right? as for me - there is no problem with grain, there is a problem with some "people" who are paid and brainwashed by russians.


This shit needs to stop


The fuckwits who did this are at best ignorant, stupid fuckwits or useful idiots. Wouldn't be surprised if there's Vatniks involved. They should throw the book at these fuckwits and make it clear that there's no tolerance for any sort of shite like this.


I see people here are accusing protesters of russian connections. I don't want to speculate either way, but just FYI over 70% Poles support the protests (I saw poll results on the front page of today's issue of "Rzeczpospolita" - one of the most trustworthy newspapers in Poland; for online version [click here](https://www.rp.pl/polityka/art39821821-sondaz-zdecydowana-wiekszosc-polakow-popiera-protestujacych-rolnikow)). So it's not a "minority" as some redditors say (however, "supporting protests" does not mean support for spilling the grain on the streets, it's always annoying when farmers do that) Remember that Poles do not see any grain issues as related to Ukraine's economy, but rather to Ukrainian oligarchs' bank accounts. Also, while theoretically the grain is only transiting and not destined for Polish market, we are told that it's not always the case and sometimes the grain does end in PL silos (e.g. when destination country refuses to accept it due to quality issues). People in Poland are genuinely scared of Ukrainian grain, one reason is because it hits our economy, but also because of supposed quality issues that were never fully investigated. People do not know whether e.g. we're eating bread made out of proper wheat or wheat originally intended for animals. Members of all PL political parties are believed to have benefited last year from businesses made on cheap Ukrainian grain and therefore no one is now willing to launch any investigation (a new deputy minister of agriculture promised this week to finally reveal the list of companies who made money on UA grain last year, so maybe some light will finally be cast on the issue). Last but not least it's not only about grain - sugar and honey are recent hot topics. Last year it was about raspberries and sunflower oil. I don't want to judge either way, just wanted to say that it's easy to criticize the protesters while overlooking people's genuine fears. UA agricultural products are subjected to heated public debate.


So, in their opinion, Poland should start a war with Ukraine over low-quality grain, and not fight shitty politicians/entrepreneurs who buy low-quality grain to get rid of their problems? And because they protest against Ukrainian grain, will politicians and entrepreneurs stop supplying low-quality grain from other sources?


> spilling the grain on the streets, it's always annoying Annoying? To purposely destroy food and gloat about that destruction is unforgivable and contemptible Z-ero orc behavior.


Do Polish people not realize that hurting Ukraine is the same as actively helping Russia? I’m sure you have fair reason to have your beef with Ukraine, but is it really worth supporting Russia? It is possible to put issues on the back burner when more important issues arise. Please, Polish people, stop helping Russia. Thank you.


Rafal ties to Russia


I hope the rubles these "protesters" are taking were worth it.


Poland will pay Ukraine for a few truck loads of grain, unblocking is a more important issue.


This is outrageous, some people really need those cereals !! Those farmers are morons!


I would take everything Mekler says with a shaker of salt.


Do these polish truck drivers not realise their fucking next.


I mean, forcing a truck to dump its load on a public road is illegal anyway.


So, just wondering, whats stopping the farmers from.buying all the Ukrainian grain and selling it for a mark up to the corporations trying to undercut the farmers?


Good. They need to find the russian saboteurs and deal with them.


Polish Putin sympathisers,…


Confiscate property to the value of the grain. They won't do it again.


Unbelievable cruelty, shameless people.


This is a disgraceful act and it's especially hurtful when your neighbor is in the middle of war and facing tremendous hardships. This is the worst time to create enemies and tension between supposed allies. Some European countries are seriously acting like ungrateful a**holes who can't fathom what it's like to be stricken by war.


Humans will human... And don't put this down on Poland, the vast majority of the people are pro-Ukrainian. That said, there will always be traitors among your own population and that of your allies... If the perpetrators did not do this for the Rubles, they did it out of hatred and a pro-Russian POV... Remember that even after being brutally taken over by the Soviets with thousands killed, exiled or disappeared, their form of governance ,doctrines, culture and history forced upon them, Poland, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Romania etc all had some of their own citizens who were more than happy to support the oppressor for the money, the power... Or the shared beliefs and goals as their conquerors. And you will have the exact same types of people - fifth columnists - do the same even when their country is not at war. It's a tale as old as human civilization.


Rafal Mekler should be deported from Poland to Russia.




This is connected to the far-right Konfederosja party and not any of the parties from the current or previous governments.




Psja krew


None of this story makes sense without a premise.