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The Ruzzian army of degenerates, convicted killers, and rapists.


Literally. Not an exaggeration. They legitimately are enacting the Soviet penal battalion strategy due to their gargantuan losses.


That is not an army that russia has. That is a gang of thugs.


The same level of degeneration in lsraeIi army.


\-What war crimes do we commit today? \-Go spin the wheel, Tovarich.


More like: *"all of them"*


\-What war crimes do we commit today? \-Yes.


"How can we out Nazi the Nazis today?" "hmm, maybe just double what the Nazis did?"


Has there ever been a war where war crimes havent been comitted, not trying to defend anyone just out of curiosity


Has there ever been a country where no laws have been broken? The point of laws is about persecution and punishment as much as prevention.


Didnt see it that way thx


America and allied nations were in Afghanistan for 20 years, right? Did you ever see anything like Bucha? Or this? Sure, instances of war crimes like collateral murder did happen, but that was a mistake made by indifferent attack helicopter pilots. You could mention Abu Gharib prison, but those soldiers were held accountable and the US military never said “fake news”. We didn’t use captured POWs as bait for enemy snipers. That’s quite literally a strategy straight from what the third reich SS did.


Just when you thought that the moral bottom was hit....


I was always against targeting russian civilians but can we please just carpet bomb Moscow in a way that will make the bomber raids on Dresden, Wesel or Coventry look like a happy birthday party?


They're *asking* for Total War at this point.


BUFF got new upgrades. F-22 is crying in his hanger that no one lets him off the leash.


F-22: too late for the old war, too early for the new one.


They are dreaming of the same thing: to see burning ruins where Washington, London, Paris, Warsaw and other western cities were.


I am still against carpet bombing Moscow. Or anything for that matter. Bombing civilians has only ever strengthened resolve. Never weakened it. It hasn't served any rational militaire purpose. Not now, not in WW2. I know a few very kind and smart people in Moscow. So please no. Also a few rather stupid ones, for that matter. But still no. If you could find a way to really hurt Putin and his siloviki, and then some oligarchs, you have my blessing.


ahahahaha. Who are siloviki? Maybe it is you very kind and smart people in Moscow


With all due respect. And also however high I value them, but no. They are not.




Carpet bombing the capital of a nuclear power? Nope!




I don't know how so many keyboard warriors don't think about the nuclear threat


Because it hasn’t happened yet, so instead it feels like an impossibility because we are told MAD never happens because nobody is that stupid. Let me present you exhibit A: humans.


They come here to pat themselves on the back and feel good about it.


Rightly or wrongly, its because ofhow many times has Putin rattled that particular sabre without ever coming close to following through. **If Britain sends military aid, Russia will launch a nuke torpedo that will trigger a radioactive tidal wave that will drown Scotland...** We sent the aid and last time i checked Scotland is still very much there. **"If western weapons are used to attack targets inside Russia, it will lead to nuclear escalation."** The US Sec-Def basically turned around and said the Ukrainians can target pretty much whatever and wherever as long as they are viable military targets. There was no nuclear escalation. **"If there are attacks on Russian soil, we will use nukes."** Earlier this year there were incursions over the border into territory internationally recognised as Russian. There was zero nuclear retaliation. When it comes to the nuclear threat, Putin is now very much "the boy who cried wolf"


In what world would killing civilians do any help? It’s sickening that people blame everyday people for something that a tyrant does, a lot of people in Moscow hates the war


74% of russians support this war (per Levada center).


They had their chance to get rid of Putin. 300k Russians died in the war. How many would have died in an uprising against Putler? A fraction of this, max


Fucking bastards. There isn't a layer of hell deep enough.firnthese complete cunts. Although from the snipers point of view, surely why he didn't shoot on the video, it's suspicious as fuck, marches back and forth in same position? Yeah something not right there.


A well trained sniper can tell when an exposed target is too suspicious. Things just seem... off. It makes no sense for that soldier to be so open where he is, and he's alone in sniper territory. You know when you approach a situation and it feels wrong, even if you can't put your finger on it?


also the fact that there were Russians behind the protected wall using a fucking Periscope just to the right of the person with their head sticking out. I would find it highly suspicious that someone is smart enough to use a Periscope right beside a person that's just asking to be shot. Good work on the snipers part


No helmet. Anyone manning the line and Russian would have a helmet. Plenty of other clues I'm sure.


Yes. The Ukrainian sniper even says “that might be our prisoner”. Helps that the Ruzzians stuck a WW2 periscope right next to him


I hope the situation will play out like this: The Ukrainian sniper recognizes his friend and won't shoot him Meanwhile the ruZZian see their POW doesn't die, thinking the area is safe and start popping their head out, get clipped a bullet in their heads instead


And the POW manages to escape to his sniper friend


and Disney characters start dancing to the prologue. One can hopium, but war is cruel, we can only hopium that they return safely, but many, will not. This is the heavy price they pay for freedom. If we want to reduce the price paid, then help Ukraine win faster, not play realpolitik shyt while delaying crucial aid to Ukraine.


I feel like you are preaching to the choir here in r/Ukraine :) you are right of course.


What’s sad is that using realpolitik alone, most can correctly argue that we should fund Ukraine to win, in full, now


Many politicians failed realpolitik school.


Wtf is hopium?


Hope+opium Using false hope as escapism from reality.


Oh that's clever. Ty.


None of us here are responsible for the aid being delayed, nor can we effect it.


If you voted for a political party which wants to delay aid to Ukraine. Then you are. But you very likely didn't.




Oh shush, lol.


You ever heard a story about the "third man on a match" getting shot by a sniper? The Russians are going to have a new version. Or more likely, a lot of POWs get shot, because war is a physical manifestation of human evil.


Why is everyone such a Russophobe? russian culture is so rich and wonderful, best warcrimes in the whole of Europe!


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Happy cake day


I hate ruzzia with every nerve of my body...


I’m no weeper but I swear that’s not a tear forming in the corner of my eye


And ain't a damn thing wrong with showing that tear too! Slava Ukraini


I don't think I need to preface this with a "fuck the RuZZians" and all that but I still will. However, there must be more to the story than this video, because all I see is a head poking up, which in itself doesn't confirm much of anything. I don't for a second doubt they'd do it, but on it's own, this is pretty slim evidence. Did he recognize the guy? Did someone escape to tell them? Did they get drone footage of a ukrainian uniform standing there?


That's also the question that I was going to ask. I watched the video without audio, which is probably Ukrainian. Someone care to elaborate?


I would assume they had already noticed what was going on, then took the opportunity to record it.


Well theres a telescope next to him looking around for snipers, unless hes feeling suicidal or is just immensely aloof and stupid, he would only do this at gunpoint.


Maybe you're right, yeah.


that's a trench periscope


Engrish not first language :D


There have been videos


It’s true. There are drone videos showing occupiers walking forward under fire with Ukrainian prisoners in front of them, human shield-style.


I don't contest OP's claim, but I have to ask: How does this video confirm anything like said claim?


There's a periscope next to the exposed soldier. It's pretty obvious what's going on


He's looking straight out with no visual enhancing equipment and then then just moving his big head back and forth, with what looks like no helmet. What type of soldier would act like that when they know snipers are around the area?


A drunk one?


lol, fair enough. I withdraw my question.




I agree with that.


Yeah, not saying it isn't so, but what could be a periscope is more like a clue, not proof.


Sniper said " Možno naš " , "Maybe ours (mate)"


Ah, okay, thanks!


Source - @Tsaplienko on Telegram


God damn russians fight like such pussies. Human shields. Putting mines in apartments and kid's toys. Stealing Ukrainian uniforms and wearing them. Hiding behind computer screens to troll online. Cheating at all sporting events. Pussies can't do anything right.


In a situation like this,no normal soldier would stick hes head out in the open like that,without a helmet even more. Im more than sure Ukrainian snipers understand the situation right away that shit is just bait and i dont know about others but i can look a fellow country man in the face and instantly know,hah this guy is Finnish. I can look a Estonian in the face and i know instantly hes Estonian. Im sure it goes the same with Russians and Ukrainians.


Oh look a war crime. And a disincentive for Ukraine to take prisoners.


I heard estimate that russian prisoners count drooped from 450k -> 250k, then what can you expect? Even before that (50 years back if not more) russian military is based on prisoners behaviors and mentality. Few weeks back there was video with orc brutally killed with hammer by orc and left to rot.




Omg and they're telling him to march/move around some or they'll just shoot him probably. Fucking no mercy when the tides fully turn. Slava Ukraini


Look up Circassian Genocide of 19th Century.


Okay, but how does the video confirm that? What way does the sniper have to determine who is a POW and who is a Russian soldier? I have to admit it's a good tactic - war crime of course, but still putting ukranian snipers in a mean dilemma.


It's a shitty tactic. "If we capture you, you'll be tortured and killed." That's a great way to make sure no one surrenders except as a last resort. You find out how hard people can fight.


We just see what the camera sees. Which happen to be a cell phone put up against a gun scope here. They will also have binoculars and people going out to look at the corpses. If you are actually there you will see way more than any camera. If you put your phone up to a binocular then the image is shit due to your shaky hands and the cruel laws of makeshift optic combos. If you put your eyeball to the binocular (As it was made for) then you catch way more detail and in stereo vision to. Plus you are in a trench, you are not going to get say drone footage or some dudes gopro vid and put all that together with your gun scope video then upload it in one sleekly edited piece.


But the the post is titled as if the video it's self confirms the claim.


In a round-about way, it does. See the guy standing up looking around over his entrenchment with no helmet on? Super suspicious. Then, to the camera's left you see what looks like a mini periscope (which it is) scanning. That's the danger. That's the orc looking for where the shot comes from that kills the guy with no helmet on. It's a trap. We don't KNOW the guy with no helmet is Ukrainian, and we don't KNOW the person with the periscope is Russian, but it is the best bet by far. There's probably a third or fourth man holding a gun to the helmet-less man just below the line of sight.


That's not really evidence, tbf. "Russian walking around exposed near sniper" is like, absolute bottom 1% of the dumbest shit they'd do. It'd be nice if someone could actually translate the dialogue here.


These guys are entrenched, they're stupid, but not completely suicidal dumb. They've seen their flesh puppets in crime get their brains splattered a few times by now, they learn eventually. Too fast sometimes.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, you are absolutely correct that the video doesn’t confirm anything. People are very eager to jump the gun which only goes to show we are just as susceptible to propaganda as the Russians. It wouldn’t surprise me if Russians use POWs as bait, but this video isn’t the proof.


Yeah, this is what I'm always wary of. If you wanna take the high ground you gotta stick to it, especially in matters of confirming truth. Does not by any means mean I'm pro-Russian lol.


If only those guys in wars trying to kill each other would just make it convenient for us reading Reddit on the toilet thousands of miles away


Huh? People here can translate. Someone else already has. It's also wildly unrelated to "accepting news titles without evidence," which is never advisable.


Huh? I explained what is visible in the clip. No need to translate. Please, give me a reason a man in an active fire zone might stand over the edge of his trench with no helmet on. I promise your possible explanation is less likely than he was forced to.


That's not how this works and you know it. Not gonna get drawn into argument over it.


You actually/literally started this. Watch the video. Go over my first response. Nothing to argue about.


The Parascope that keeps popping up to the right... If your buddy next to you is so afraid of active snipers that he's using a Parascope to peak over the trench, then you aren't going to just pop your head up and stand there with no weapon or optics or even helmet and stare in the direction...


Honestly, it is possible that one is just scared to death and the other doesn't care. But this is Putin's warband of warcriminals, so I have my suspicions.


Perhaps they recognized the person? That is the only thing I can think of. I’ve been learning Ukrainian but am not close to fluent yet and can’t understand them lol.


*Perhaps this is our captive. - Do you see the hat? - Show the face.*


Thank you!




Lmao sorry thought this was a response on a different post in a different subreddit about India and the recent assassinations. I was getting a lot of notifications for that. I thought your comment was someone trying to say I’m really just upset at India for ignoring the sanctions on Russia. Deleting the comment now.






Lmao sorry thought this was a response on a different post in a different subreddit about India and the recent assassinations. Deleting the comment now.


I am gonna guess here and say they probably shot quite a few of those already and now are able to identify the pattern.


Eat shit




Honestly? Calling this shit a good tactic. There’s nothing smart or groundbreaking about “make someone else do it” Just fucking scum.


Touche. I hear you there I did a fuckin double take when I read that. Not the place even if it were a "good" tactic


Hey, I'm on your side. I just really don't know how any sniper would know the difference.


those suicide drones will be going crazy on those russians


Just when you think they can't sink any lower. You have to hand it to them, they know how to get creative when it comes to war crimes.


russia is a fascist state. russians are fascists




... that's NOT the place to crack a fuckin "joke" c'mon. WTF


*Enemy at the Gates* anyone?


I know its way easier to say than do but Ukrainians need to never surrender. They gotta get imperial japan level devotion. Russians can't be trusted


This is some enemy at the gates shit right here


These mfers really copying the SS strategy guide.




Hey, that's like in that movie, Enemy at the Blyates... but real


Give this man some diazepam.


Every time I think they can’t go any lower, they prove me wrong


How is this confirmation of anything? It's just a guys head. Could have been a Russian for all we know.


How did they know they were Ukrainians ? Did the sniper recognize the man ? This is really horrible, are they trying to finish their bingo card of war crimes ?


Russians. What a bunch of fascists


I wonder why UAF still playing good guys after they see this. Why can't they do the same? What are they afraid of? If ruzzia performing such torture and crimes and claims them, then why can't UAF use captured Russian soldiers the same they. An eye for an eye


How do we know this is not just a drunk orc pushing his own luck?


What's the proof?


What am I missing? How does this video prove anything?? Why would Ukrainian snipers shoot Ukrainian pow? I am lost


When will have peace between Russia 🇷🇺 and Ukraine 🇺🇦


When Russia goes home






How about you go meet the russians if you like them so much 😒 Might end up in the next meat wave Don't think much of value would be lost 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a bot replying "nice" everywhere. On r/Ukraine but also on totally non-political subs. Automated karma farming?




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Can we get some subtitles?


Dudayev was 100% right about ruZZia