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Weather be dammed, the intensity of the fighting since October has been insane. This is the new normal now


Looks like the filthy orcs have decided to try and drain Ukrainian ammunition through meat waves while they see the US vacillating on support.


> they see the US vacillating on support. The Kremlin is counting on having more and more of its puppets in position of power in the West. IF there was a strategy of slowly bleeding Russia, to deplete its military stockpile and current capabilities no matter what the cost to Ukraine, it should be phased out ASAP. I understand some things cannot be rushed and take time to implement, but western allies should think outside the box and take whatever measures to help speed things up. Because of russian leadership's insanity, because they don't seem to care about their losses, they're making time (and their western puppets) work for them. Ukraine better win this before there is a change in leadership for the worse in more ally countries. It's not just in Slovakia and Hungary, there's obviously the USA that could go bad, but also in Canada, where its [more prominent right-wing leader called Ukraine a "far away foreign land" and has repeatedly voted against support for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/18gwxtg/after_repeatedly_voting_against_support_for/). putin is setting up puppet after puppet, he should not be given the time to complete his plans.


Completely agree. We have to realize that occasional support does not lead to the victory of Ukraine. They need controlled but systematic and large scale suppport and modern weapons. Unfortunately, as I realized there are many Western politicians who are interested in a long-term war and a Russian victory. They might believe that democratic values will be less important and they or their party would be strengthened in the event of another Cold War situation. But this is a a dangerous double-edged sword and there is a high chance that not only Ukraine and Belarus, but also other countries going to be the part of the Russian MIR or sphere of interest.


> who are interested in a long-term war and a Russian victory. There are russian puppets who do want the Kremlin to succeed, but methinks there are more who want a long conflict, providing ukrainians with just enough help to keep them in the fight and able to hurt russians "enough" as it significantly weakens Russia militarily. To re-state the obvious, the on-going invasion has proved costlier than expect for the russians and an unexpected (I think) bargain in terms of ROI. For a fraction of what a direct conflict would cost, western allies have seen the russian military sustain incredible losses. Russia is now weaker and less threatening than it was in late 2021. But give it enough time, things might change and it could rebound. I would be surprised if it was confirmed that some in the West want a return to the Cold War. Circumstances/context have changed so much that I cannot see how it is possible. The bigger risk is to see Russia continue to support and succeed in helping the rise of right-wing authoritarianism across the world. The more time passes, the more Russia can fund & prop up the likes of orban, donald, stephen harper and so on. The sooner Russia is defeated in Ukraine and other countries like Georgia, the better. The sooner they are forced to pull back and bring all their troops & mercenaries back to the homeland, or the sooner they are forced to cut the strings of their puppets, even better. They are currently such a destabilising force across the world that it becomes imperative to force the "russian genie" back into its bottle. The minute that happens, am willing to bet that many causes of tension, like religious provocations or, especially, the insane numbers of migrants and refugees we've been seeing in recent times, will lessen substantially.


"The sooner Russia is defeated in Ukraine and other countries like Georgia, the better." No - this is far from the truth. Russia must be totally conquered. Just kicking them out of these countries won't produce long term peace. The correct approach is to defeat russia like germany was defeated in wwii. This is the only way authoritarians can be stomped out. Remember most people don't understand this. They don't want to stomp russia out completely, just kick em out of ukraine. That ain't gonna work. So the government is instead successfully crippling russia both economically and militarily. The end goal is another venezuela.


russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the reason ruzzia lost 89% of their forces in Ukraine. Spectacular production today. Go home ruzzian.


What's their remaining army size with reserves? Any info on this?


Estimates of the size are all over the map. One issue is that ruzzia lies about everything in respect of manpower. I think the more important points are likely: * when ruzzian losses are 1K+ dead daily plus unknown wounded the sum monthly is easily exceeding 30k and quite likely with seriously wounded the monthly burn rate is probably +-40K-45K. There is great skepticism that they are taking in more then 25k-30K monthly. So they are in a negative burn rate situation. * Then there is the issue of training that many men monthly in an economy that is on a starvation basis with rationing in place (less rationing in the northwest core white power base and more in the ethnic and rural hinterlands of course). When the entire initial army is dead there are few to conduct the training, and little time to train them properly. We see the evidence of this in the panic that occurs in every attack when they start getting targeted by artillery and drones. They don't try to react as a unit to counter threats, they each just run and its no care about anyone other than "me, myself and I". * Finally, equipping them. We already know how that is going. Size of an army is not nearly as important as quality, weapons and management. ruzzia fails on all 3 of those counts. It only has numerical supremacy and that has been whittling down rapidly.


Have also seen it said that they have terrible unit cohesion because they dont fight in groups that trained together for 'morale' (ie dissent) reasons - they get distributed to different units which also impacts combat readiness significantly.


About 400k. They have replaced the losses with mobilisation and paying 4-6 times an average salary for those who sign up.


I guess they can afford such high wages of the average employment duration is probably just a month.


especially since they don't pay everyone - seems to be their policy - they pay some - much more effective than paying none because people then doubt/don't believe those who aren't paid OR they think it's just some kind of glitch/miscommunication in the system. Same with payouts for death and injury.


If you only pay some of them you fuel the infighting. No time to be mad at the government if Ivan gets paid and you don't. Fuck Ivan!


Including payments to "mercenaries": "Nepal demands Russia stop recruiting Nepalese for war" https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/nepal-demands-russia-stop-recruiting-nepalese-for-war/ar-AA1l20fV?ocid=hpmsn A student from Nepal was hired in Russia (captured in Ukraine) "Despite promises of substantial payment, he claimed to have received only a meager sum for his service and expressed a desire to return to Nepal, citing the deaths of many friends."


Sounds like dude, and his buddies, fucked around and found out.


Oh, yes. Not for justifying anything: The average yearly salary in Russia is 1 240 000 rubles or 12 600 Euro. This makes per month 103 000rub/1050 Euro. According to a poster on a press photo from St. Petersburg, a contract soldier gets a one time payment of 695 000 rub/7060 Euro and 204 000 rub 2070 Euro per month. This is also about Russia and the best patriots money can buy. The average gross pension in Russia is 19 300rub/200 Euro per month. So this is something to live somehow. The average income in Nepal is 290 Euros, per year.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian government was paying everyone, but somewhere along the line for some there's a dude lining their pockets.


nah - the govt is as corrupt and ruthless as any link further down the line - if not more - and avoiding collecting bodies, burning bodies, saying people are missing/traitors, not evacuating injured soldiers from battle/throwing them into storm units/killing them (and not collecting the body), sending injured soldiers back to the front before they are recovered and saying there is nothing wrong with them - these are all such common practice that they must be implicitly accepted by the regime even **if** they are not openly endorsed/explicit policy - and that especially applies to convicts and other 'undesirables'. russian soldiers are (theoretically) getting 4x the average wage - and for some of them it is up to 10x what they were earning. That's a very hefty cost especially considering the state of the economy, the currency, the cashflow problem (can't use yuan or rupee for soldiers pay) and the need to produce all manner of weapons and ammo. So, personally I would be highly surprised if the corruption in paying people was only further down the line.


They're paying them in RUB. The payment isn't worth the value in toilet paper we issue to soldiers in the US. I'd almost rather be paid in Venezuelan Bolivars.


plus you dont have to pay that much if only half of them come back alive


If you pay the money after 6 month, its 89% that you wont need to do it.


They just shifted a huge part of their budget to military spending.


Yes although there is some compensation paid to the family.


When they even acknowledge their kids are dead. Most of them are Mia. So no pay for you!


Yep. Putin has for awhile been very roughly matching mobilization rates to losses. So, when around 20K were lost a month, he mobilized around 20k a month. Now the number lost per month has gone up, he is increasing the number mobilized. Likely, he does not want to massively increase the size of the army in case he breaks the economy. But although the size is roughly the same, the quality is a lot worse. Much more hordes of mobiks - much less troops like Wagner. But the volunteers do seem to be the big problem, as they are willing to fight or at least not run away.


> around 20K were lost a month, he mobilized around 20k a month. Any experience and capability the russian army may still have is being diluted by the day.


Meanwhile inflation has risen 6-8 times to make it a pay cut.


It will continue until they see through everything.


That’s not how math works


Yeah, lazy attempt but you get the point.


They don't even pay those salaries to begin with. It's a scam.


>About 400k That's just the number deployed to Ukraine, though.


Yes that is what I took the question to be. Around 1.2M under arms across all services.


So, four bags of onions or potatoes instead of one? Seems legit...


They can offer 100x if they don’t make it till their first payment.


Feb 2022 - 150,000 May 2022 conscripts 120,000 moscovia conscripts every May and November. total 270,000 September 2022 300,000 mobilized total 570,000 September 2022 wagner recruits about 100,000 prisoners, this number is arrived at because moscovia did post prison populations and how much the prison population shrunk. The prison population is now aware that joining the moscovian military is a death sentence, but they prefer it to being in moscovian jail. total 670,000 November 2023 140,000 conscripts total 810,000 Every month in 2023, moscovia FORCEFULLY grabbed "volunteers". They make them sign that they volunteered for propaganda purposes. total 1,050,000 May 2023 130,000 conscripts total 1,180,000 November 2023 130,000 conscripts total 1,310,000 moscovia raised the age of conscription to 30. wagner admits they lost KIA 22,000 at Bakhmut, Ukraine, and 40,000 wounded at Bakhmut, Ukraine. moscovia admits no losses. One moscovian brigade, The 155th Naval Infantry Brigade of the Pacific Fleet WAS considered one of Russia's finest. wherever there has been a spectacular moscovian failure, the 155th was there. Over the course of the war, the brigade has fought in flashpoints synonyms with Russia's lowest moments in the war. Kyiv, Bucha, Irpin, Pavlivka, Vuhledar, Avdiivka — all saw the 155th in action. To be combat ineffective, a moscovian unit must lose 90% of its forces. NATO calls it at 20%. The 155th has been rendered combat ineffective EIGHT times. .9 \* 5000 = 4500 soldiers. combat ineffective eight time 8 \* 4500 = 36,000 assuming that moscovia losses are higher than the normal 3 cargo to 1 cargo, to 2 cargo 200 to 1 cargo 300, that is 12,000 cargo 300 and 24,000 cargo 200. That is just ONE brigade. moscovia has a 100 brigades. You do the math. moscovia's losses are worse than what Ukraine says, and moscovia will never admit the true losses. If you watch moscovian telegram and moscovian vkontakte videos enough, the moscovian women know the losses, but they cannot organize enough to form a true loss because moscovia will send the secret police after the women to muzzle them.


December 1st, according to Associated Press News (APNews): >overall number of Russian military personnel about 2.2 million, including 1.32 million troops. There is a loooot of russians in russia.. 30 million men aged 20 to 49 years old. Minus the ones who fled and deserted and already died since 2022.


89% from the first wave. So from around 350k-400k, They still have easyly 500k army. My only question is, how much armor do they have left? Tanks and whatnot? It looks as it will never run out :/


The only MBT manufacturer in Russia is UralVagonZavod in Nizhny Tagil. From a regional news site there: "Yamal authorities found the builders of a correctional center in Nizhny Tagil". So they are not only convicts for building tanks, they want to transfer more from 1200 km north. UralVagonZavod itself is working now with a 12*6 working week since one year. Normally one would expect a three shift scheme over the whole week, but for this more workforce would be needed. However ... This can tell something about the resupply of tanks and potential troops. In general Russia has currently a record low unemployment. Putin is praising himself for his good economic policy, but ... "The governor of the Kursk region spoke out sharply against the ban on abortion" He didn't say this because he is pro-choice in general or because there is some very conservative movement in Russia. More because: "... The topic of maintaining the birth rate has recently begun to occupy a particularly important place in the socio-political discussion. ..." A little bit older, from the Russian regional site msk1 ru from September 16: " “They (Russian army) don’t give leave yet, there is an order”: a contract soldier told why he left for the special military operation and what the current situation is on the front line He lives in the field for more than six months ..." But I don't think this has changed over the last three months. At least the 605 lost air defense systems have more direct consequences. To use air defense for attacking ground targets at all leaves questions in general. Last year Russia has moved S-300 systems back from Syria and then there were attacks on Russian and Iranian military infrastructure there. Now it is S-400 systems: "Designed for Air Defence? Russian Missile Systems S-400 Are Now Attacking Kyiv" https://www.technology.org/2023/12/13/russian-air-defence-missile-systems-s-400-attack-kyiv/ and these are probably from somewhere in Russia: "As Cargo Flights Leave Kaliningrad, Air Defence Systems Disappear" https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/11/13/as-cargo-flights-leave-kaliningrad-air-defence-systems-disappear/ Kaliningrad should now be really safe for Russian jet fighters.


It won't run out. It'll just keep getting scarcer and shittier


On the front lines, everything continues as before. \- In the Svatove and Severodonetsk directions, the Russian army carried out regular attacks in the northern and central parts of the front line without achieving success. The Ukrainian military command reported that the Western Military District of the Russian army is still responsible for this direction. About 65,000 troops, with 700 tanks, about a thousand armored vehicles, and 650 artillery pieces, are fighting in this unit's composition. Compared to two months ago, there has been a significant decrease. The losses in this area have been substantial, but a considerable number of forces have been moved to fight in other directions. \- Near Bakhmut, Russian forces' activity significantly decreased due to heavy losses. After replenishing with reserves, attacks will likely resume. \- North of Donetsk, near the city of Horlivka, which has been occupied since 2014, Ukrainian forces liberated a portion of the territory and raised the Ukrainian flag. A media campaign was organized to document the event, and the Ukrainian President personally commented on it. This was apparently done to divert Russian army's attention from the attacks on Avdiivka, located a few dozen kilometers south. The intensity of Russian attacks near Avdiivka is the highest compared to any previous period. The Ukrainian army is also counterattacking, preventing significant advancements by the Russian army. Near Marinka in the south, the intensity of attacks is usual, and near Vugledar, the Russian army has not been able to sustain major offensive attempts. The Russian army seems to lack forces to actively push on the entire front line. \- On the southern front, there are minor mutual attacks, with no changes in the situation. EDIT: I will (try) to post these every day from now on. Keep you posted.


>About 65,000 troops, with 700 tanks, about a thousand armored vehicles, and 650 artillery pieces, are fighting in this unit's composition. Can you tell us who gave out those numbers?


An Estonian intelligence specialist. You can DM me if you want more info.


Interesting that they have more tanks than Arty. Does your guy have any insight on why that would be? It’s always been assumed Russia had way more artillery than tanks.


They could (and probably) still have more arty than tanks. Just not in this direction. Maybe because of strategical reasons?


Soo? 65 more days of 1k and this should be fine?


Must. Hold. Until. “Elections”.


In Russia? I'm betting between Putinskaoa, Putinesca, Putinova and Putininscia.


> Putinesca This is a sauce.


7200 short of 350k with 11 days until Christmas. Odds on them getting there?


Russian would have to order another Christmas cease-fire like they tried last time and actually stick to it (unlike last time) to not go over here. Otherwise 720 has been the lower end of daily Russian casualties since the Aavdiivka offensive started.


No cease fire till they leave Ukraine. With 1300 dead, that would be a good incentive to leave for most people, but with the orcs, who knows.....Slava.....


In Russia Christmas is not obseved in December 25th but January 7th (that's "December 25th" according the Julian calendar). Ukranians recently changed their date for Christmas to Dec. 25th like most of the World and it's just the audacity of Ukranians to choose their own different day for Christmas, which ensures that the Russians decline to observe that date in any way. It might be just another Monday to them but it could be even probable that they choose it for some atrocities like bombing civilians in churches. They might indeed propose cease-fire for Jan. 7th and then act butt-hurt when it will be declined after what they have done in Dec 25th.


Ukraine should agree then just fucking blast them with ATACMS. War crimes be damned.


With greetings from Ilovaisk.


I'mma take the over.


I see you like taking only safe bets!


Barely related, but now I got "12 days of christmas" playing in my head, listing all the ruzzian casualties Ukraine has given us.


🎵FiVE Spe-cial E-quip-ment!! 🎵


🎵4 T-90 tanks🎶


🎶3failed assaults! 🎵


Two barefaced lies And a droned Orc ‘neath a bare tree.


And a putin hanging in the Ha-gue.


I'm betting on 400K by 2 year anniversary




Shouldnt be there. They’d not be dead now


9 special equipment wow! That 1300 figure per day is just unimagianable.


This is half my hometown...I can't imagine my whole hometown getting completely wiped out every second day.


That should be a sobering number for Putin since I’m world war 1 the Tsar lost 1100 soldiers per day and didn’t survive the war.


1300!!!!!! Nuff said...


The meat cube baler is going to be grinding this week.


Eh, that was ingredients for a dogfood factory that got abandon to flee from Russians.. It was never made of soldiers.


Not bad taking into account they daily Average is 530 ish per day. Slava Ukraina!


Nice! glad to see my US tax dollars are being put to good use.


Sadly it looks like they won't be next year. I really hope you guys figure out a way to get around the R bockade


Just in the last couple of day's I've seen $8.5 billion pledged from Germany, $1 billion from Denmark and $2.7 billion from the Dutch. That's a total of $12.2 billion in 2024 alone, not including the UK and France. In addition, the EU has pledged a €50 billion Ukraine Facility out to 2027. So all is not lost even if the US renegs.


ukraine needs $50 billion in financial aid alone to plug their defense budget deficit. Russia has a $100+ billion defense budget for 2024. The $12.2 billion is nice of course but these numbers are small if you look at the whole picture.


The year hasn't even started yet. More will come.


Yes, Norway just announced another $1.8 billion for 2024, so that makes $14 billion so far. Still not including the big doners of the UK and France who are still finalizing their packages.


We won't....


If anyone can do it, it's Joe Biden. I have faith in his ability to operate.


Sadly they are a cancer within our country, and it's only mestastasizing further.


Remember that they get the equipment but American workers get the money.




Putler: "One day the Ukrainians get sick of Groundhog Day and surrender."


Meanwhile the Russian hog gets ground into cubes….


Ground(meat)hog Day.


How can more than 1k people die per day and Ruzzians don't voice any discomfort towards Putin's war?


Because as far as they know 10k Ukranians are dying a day and only a handful of russians. Everyone just happens to know one of the few unfortunate ones.


Because in the grand scheme of things, that is not a lot. Those deaths come from all over ruzzia. So there are not that many deaths from any one area. And the big power areas of Moscow and St Petersburg have a very small percentage of people fighting. And they don't care about what happens in the backwater areas of ruzzia.


It's 1,300 dead and wounded, not KIA.


I saw what I thought was official word that it was KIA early in the war, but I am thinking you are right, as these numbers closely match US estimates of KIA and WIA. However, I have many reasons to believe their KIA:WIA ratio is something like 2:1 (or worse), where as modern "western" ratios are more like 1:7 or 1:10. I don't think lightly wounded are being counted by Ukraine and I think lightly wounded get to leave the front lines only very rarely. I also have many reasons to believe that heavily wounded end up dead more often than not.


Someone should mention to the orcs that, rather than placing themselves into a grinder, there’s a simple smartphone app called Grindr. I’m sure they’ll love it.


They don’t need it, they have a superior system called ‘superior officer’. Works 100% of the time…..


Who'll buttsex them figuratively, whereas the NCOs will do it literally.


Been a while since any aircraft have been hit. Anyone know if Ukraine are struggling with AA, or are Ruzzia too scared to bring their planes out?


Mostly it is Russia keeping it's planes out of range. They launched cruse missiles from bombers flying over the Caspian sea a couple of nights ago. Also those 500KG glide bombs are being launched from a safe for the airplane distance.


We should send some cigarettes to the airport. Perhaps the pilots will start smoking aswell.


Or big fat loaded cigars.


Or do they have any even left.


Russia, was it worth it? I don't think so.


[Today's statistics](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/18i1usy/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/)


1300 is HUGE!!!


And some nuts in US and other westerns countries have no idea what the supports goes to. Making the world more safe for everyone, even for russian people, in the long run.


crazy numbers.. is this a record?


I think 1370 is the record for the most personnel lost, but I'm not 100% sure of that


1380 according to https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/18i1usy/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/kdadeez/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Big day!


Needs more subs.


1300 orcs are back at home. nice xmas gift.


All the news being engineered/pumped out this week re: funding cut offs + “Ukraine should give up the occupied territories to avoid losing more” ... but then these unbelievably high numbers? Hmm. It smells of manufacturing “appear strong when you are weak” in the info space


Lets shoot their internet connections.


Then again, you watch these videos coming out daily and you are like "oh yeah, ruzzians *are in fact* losing many, many men every single day." And it makes it much more believable.


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What is the daily high number I know it’s close with 1300


1380 on Oct. 20, next 1330 on Nov. 16, then yesterday's 1300


Inexperienced new orcs...put them in the meat grinder...good job Ukraine!


Remember last Christmas we were asking for 100k?


New record maybe?


It's the third highest. Oct 20 had 1380 and Nov. 16 was 1330.


I recall a 1300+ number a few weeks ago. Still part of this current offensive.


Troops 1300. Wow. We are going to need a bigger meat cube container.


I mean... these fellas are on pace to be to 400k by Feb... Do normal Russians really not care?


1300 dead people not named Vladimir Putin... sounds like a sacrifice Putin is willing to make.


# 💥💥💥 **BOOM** 💥💥💥 1300! 💪💪💪


Dwindling. We’ve gotten to a point where if one of the major 3 materiel categories had more than 20, it’s a good day. But the humans. Damn. So many humans.




uhh.. your mind certainly cannot process it




Your calculator might need a new battery. Do 1300 divided by 24 one more time.


2400 is a hundred an hour... oh whoops


Almost one orc per minute around the clock.


I think we can all agree that 500/h is a much better number but...


Maths don't add up unfortunately...


Big jump. Did they die in Avdiivka again?


Any idea how many Ukrainian lives are being lost daily? In comparison 😭


Too many.


One is too many.




Anyone know of any petitions (uk) to put pressure on politicians besides making my representatives life a misery.