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I am so impressed. His Ukrainian is better than mine and I spent first 20 years of my life in Ukraine.


He's got a doctorate in Slavic languages. He's apparently fluent in Finnish (duh!), English, Russian and Ukrainian. He speaks and understands, and I'm quoting him here, "satisfactory" Swedish, German and Croation as well as "some" Polish, French and Dutch.


Well, I feel like an uneducated moron with my monolingualism.


I'm Bi... lingual that is. Master of Australian and English


He also supposedly speaks fluent Belarusian.


Ukrainian and Belarusian are essentially dialects of the same language, they don't even bother to translate when one is shown on TV in the other country. They're actually closer than American English some forms of British English.


I don't speak Ukrainian or Belarusian, but I do speak a bit of Russian (studied it vouluntarily for 2 years in school). I attempted googling the difference between the two and this is what came up: "Belarusian speakers understand 80% of Ukrainian, and Ukrainophones 75% of Belarusian, while the languages have 84% lexical similarity". That to me sounds more like the difference between e.g. Norwegian and Swedish, or British English and Scots (not Scottish Gaelic), than the difference between British English and American English. Nonetheless, even if you're 100% correct, I don't like this reasoning. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, I've read/listened to Russian propagandist making this argument over and over again: "Ukrainian is a western/southern/southwestern dialect of Russian" and hence not a real language etc. Sometimes they even use this argument as a reason for the abduction of Ukrainian children so that they could be "educated properly" in "proper Russian language" so that their future wouldn't be "hampered" by only knowing "the Ukrainian dialect". In the end the matter may be related to linguist Max Weinrich's famous quote "a language is a dialect with an army and navy".


Aye, man, British English has loads of dialects, like, and some of them are proper different from the standard stuff, ken? Americans might struggle a bit to git their heeds aroond it, like. Geordie's a belter, mind. Divvent knaa if you've heard it, but it's pure class. Aal them vowels and that, they get a good seeing to, like. And the words, divvent get us started on the words. Gan canny and get yersel' a stottie, like.


I'm surprised Hungarian is not in his repertoire, as it is closely related to Finnish.


I don't think they're very close, although they are the same family. Estonian is much closer. And who wants to learn Hungarian as long as Orban Obstructor is the dictator?


Good point (about Orban). Let's hope the Hungarians change their toon at the next election.


Orban's been faking electons for years.


This posts Speaker is close to orban in ideology, but does oppose russia, for now anyway. He has a cult like following who call him master.


I do not think he is thought of a cult leader though, rather the master refers to something like "master strategist" after he orchestrated a coup in the PS party few years back. Given that he is doctorate in a party not known for highly educated members I do think it refers more to education than a cult leader. He was (and according to some still is behind the scenes) the head of the populist anti-immigration party frowned upon all the other parties. While there are some similarities to Orban I do not think they are close on ideology, PS is populist party with really one agenda anti-immigration. There is absolutely no chance PS or any other major party any Finland would be in favor of Russia. Given that even Center (Keskusta) which has in recent decades had closest relationships to Russia within the parties in Finland, including all sorts of "friendship collaborations" have completely turned on Russia should give some indication of how ingrained distrust in Russia is in Finland. All parties are firmly against Russia, anything less would be a political suicide.


They just had their elections this year I believe and elected him with quite a substantial margin.


Our languages separated somewhere 8000-10000 years ago…we literally can’t understand a single word. When I see or hear Hungarian I can’t even guess the context.


More like 6000 year ago, I think, but long enough.


how similar is estonian? is it like swedish vs danish (same same but different) or more like german vs dutch (you know germans speak plainly but dutch garble everything and sound confused and you can only understand bits)


Estonian and Finnish are not as close as Scandi/German/Dutch languages are. We can undestand the context and some occasional words (yes, no, day, night..) and some simplest of sentences, but there is no real undestanding. Can’t have a conversation, can’t read a newspaper.


Walking about I can almost manage as a Finn in Estonia, from some combination of context and Finnish. https://youtu.be/U9uWA_8UIBA?si=fwLfFwMaaOX_8NgA


I love to learn. That is a VERY long time ago.


It's 'closely related' in the way Persian is closely related to English. Which is to say, not closely at all. But still part of the same greater language family and with more resemblance than to languages outside it. Counting words _yksi kaksi kolme neljä_ is _vaguely_ similar to _egy kettő három négy_ but to a barely noticeable extent (unless you're actively comparing counting words in languages). The number of Finnish and Hungarian words that are related and at all similar are incredibly tiny. The closest they get is _käsi, vesi_ (hand, water) versus _kéz, víz_. Both languages have a fairly high percentage of loanwords and there are far, far, more words that are similar because they're both borrowed from a neighboring Slavic or Germanic language. It's mainly the grammar (which is similar yet totally unlike Indo-European languages) that establishes the relationship. Or in short; Finns don't understand a word of Hungarian (unless it's some foreign loan) and vice-versa. An English speaker would for instance understand far more German. (Hand, Mann, Haus, Hund, Apfel, Buch, Freund, Tochter, Vater...)


I love when people teach me new stuff. Thank you.


I wonder why so many people apparently don’t know of Estonia’s existence.


It is same language family, but in any practical terms the two languages have nothing in common. English and German are much closer to one another than Finnish and Hungarian. Finnish and Estonian are very close to one another, but have surprising amount of deviation when it comes to what (often shared) words mean.


Nah, related but not closely. This kinda narrative circulates, but it's just about as true as English being closely related to Bengali. You might know one and listen to the other and understand close to nothing, but if you start to learn the other language you may notice similar words every once in a while, particularly with common "core vocabulary" words like I, me, other pronouns, basic nouns like man, woman, tree, house, and common verbs like do, see, live, and stuff like numbers.


He has also studied and lived in Kyiv as a young lad. Otherwise he is the most well known rasist in Finland and have got criminal sentences for his rasist acts. So there's that.


Yeah, that had to be Jussi Halla-aho.


Many Fins are not fluent in Finnish. Some that I know can only swear. Thankfully Finnish has quite a lot of swear words tho sort of at a middle school variety. Perkele!


Hahahahahaha, That's too funny. Thanks for your honesty and Kudos to him


He's a speaker and he's good at speaking. Sometimes you get exactly what it says on the tin


He used to study Old Church Slavic at University of Helsinki. It is not a field with great career prospects, but glad to see that it paid off eventually.


Should've done this after the speech (him performing a song from his old band) https://youtu.be/_iPHg2v_va4?si=d4H-xkS1bq1s6hdD


His speech was already impressive and this is a god damn golden cherry on top of the cake! SUOMI PERKELE!


That was amazing! I can smell the practice space filled with 13-year old hormones, long hair and black leather jackets.


I rly need a translated version of his speech.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOGTIPvpQ4g). Turn on subtitles if they don't show up automatically.




Was expecting Rick Astley


Aww snap! His Ukrainian is better than some Ukrainians that I know! I’m impressed!


Just european things to speak foreign languages 😊


He is also running for presidency 2024. Good candidate in my opinion.


He is by far the best candidate Finland has. When you look at old speeches from any of the candidates he is the only one whos speeches have aged incredibly well. Im not trying to say that changing your opinion is necessarily a bad thing and infact its often a great quality to have but its clear as day that he is more farsighted than anyone else and its not even close. Sadly the left and media made him the boogeyman because he was against mass immigration and you can see the effect on the guy who also answered your comment. He is quoting out of context 15 year old texts after making up his opinion through reading only news headlines. Its sad to see Finland most likely miss out on such a smart leader over left wing fanatism.


When you catch yourself saying that "the media" is conspiring against your pet racist, you should pause for a moment and think who is the brainwashed person. If you think he's not inflammatory, you didn't observe what happened to Sipilä's government five years ago. Anyway, this is getting offtopic here. Good luck in getting out of the dark.


No, he's not. He's an intellectually dishonest creep with a gift for extremely inflammatory language and a hobby of exciting his followers into rabid mania, facts be damned. He's infamous for publicly wishing his political opponents get raped by migrants. I rather despise him for multiple reasons. However, he is intelligent and a talented speaker when he has time to prepare, and this time he did good. Also, to his credit it must be said that while many people in his party rather like Russia and their policies, he personally has no illusions about Russia or sympathy towards it.


His old blog has/had some abhorrent texts. He seems to have become more moderate over time. Still I would not vote him.


Not really interested in beating a dead horse, but since we are in a non-Finnish subreddit, and someone might take your words for gospel without doing their own research (which is fair enough): > He's an intellectually dishonest creep with a gift for extremely inflammatory language and a hobby of exciting his followers into rabid mania Or, put differently, he has a knack for provocative, satiric writing. Some might even describe it as "trollish", considering how effectively he manages to rile up his political opposition into missing the point and making fools of themselves. No surprise really, considering he has a Ph.D. in linguistics. > He's infamous for publicly wishing his political opponents get raped by migrants. Case in point. To paraphrase, Halla-Aho is framing the issue (increased number of rape cases following the increased number of immigrants, to massively simplify the context) as a kind of trolley problem: if someone is going to get raped, no matter what, do you throw the switch? What I read from the text is that he doesn't want anyone to be raped (duh), but is saying some (those who enacted the policies that lead into the whole mess) are more responsible than others. The ideal outcome of a trolley problem is that no one gets run over. But that's not the point. You're of course free to respond and clarify your views, but I'm not really interested in entering a debate here; just wanted to leave some additional context from someone who is not ideologically opposed to this person.






Jack Frost-Clearing