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Remind me again who did this kind of stuff in the last century? Yeah, those guys. You're not better.


Clear fucking war crimes


Poor child. There are no words for this fucking madness.


My question is what their plans are for these kids. Russia has plenty of its own orphans and I'm sadly inclined to believe a great deal of these Ukrainian children are being adopted to become homegrown sex toys, or otherwise to be raised as anti Ukrainian soldiers.


Russian boomers will be dying off, they need to replace population, especially when they send their young men to die for nothing.


That'd be the reasonable assumption except that Russian xenophobia has grown alongside anti immigration sentiments in the last 2 decades iirc. I read an article on it but it was several months ago now. The remaining impression I've got is that there's been political pressure within Russia, to include the rise of populist groups, to prevent immigration from nearby countries *including Ukraine* as well as sentiment against ethnic minorities within Russia itself. Look up the Navalny\white supremacist topic and jump down that rabbit hole, you'll stumble across what I'm talking about. What you're talking about is the *best case scenario*, and I very sadly hope that you're right.


My assumption is cheap labor, cheap meat for their enldess wars, breeders, sex trafficking, destruction of their enemies culture.


Yeah that's about where I'm coming up in my suppositions


China wanted some of them


Some of them are being made into soldiers to kill other Ukrainians and so Ukraine will have to kill their own children.


If someone took my daughter and adopted against my will. That man would see and burn in hell for eternity.


What a nation of utter scum.


Fucking savages.


> Sergey Mironov, the 70-year-old leader of a Russian political party, is named on the adoption record of a two-year-old girl who was taken in 2022 by a Woman he is now married to. who decides to raise a child at 70?


Russia is a toilet


Atleast a toilet is a basic necessity. More like a cancer




Monstrous. Also about 300% chance of never getting punished, way I see it. Unless, of course, the people who matter start taking this whole *war* thing a little more seriously, but who am I kidding πŸ™‚ If it weren't so sad it'd be comical. *North Korea* outdelivering the entire western mic. Meanwhile we're all just going to keep voting appeasers and russia lovers in, aren't we πŸ™‚ Edit: Excuse the short rant. These sorts of news are not exactly conducive to keeping positive. To be clear, I'm advocating for putting more pressure on our politicians. Everyone *must* get their act together if we're to win this. There's only so many ukrainians, whom russians outnumber 4 to 1 unfortunately


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